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God wanted me to share this new year gift with all my friends at the beginning of year 2014 which I did. If you read it, I am sure it will bless you even now.

MY PRICELESS NEW YEAR GIFT TO YOU!!! Happy New Year!!! This is my New Year Gift to you!!! I believe this simple note is the BIGGEST GIFT I can ever give you this year!!! I can pray for you everyday and give you in cash and in kind this year!!! BUT THIS IS PRICELESS! You may not do any other thing for me this year, But give me just your time to read this up!!! Please I beg you in the name of “the best” you prayed for this year: TAKE THIS FROM ME AND READ IT ALL!!! My friend, if the purpose of a thing is misunderstood, abuse is surely as inevitable as if it is not known at all. Many have never well answered the Big Question: WHY DID GOD MAKE MAN IN THE FIRST PLACE? First of all, if you are one of those who disbelieve God as the Creator, you simply need to OPEN YOUR EYES. The Big Bang is men’s folly! Look at your design! It is not a product of some blasts; you are a special craft in God’s hand! Like every manufacturer, He carefully put together your “engines” and enclosed them with skin to reveal the required beauty. He then gave you his kind of spirit which powered you and made you different and over all other creation! No product of chance can do that! Wake Up! God is the Almighty Creator! Now, for us who know we are made by God, we must note that God has ONE MAJOR PURPOSE for making man which He has not parted with. SIN, DEATH AND SATAN became FORMIDABLE DISTRACTIONS that came along the line to deviate man from God’s original purpose for him! Nevertheless, the Purpose of God for making man still stands. Many have been caught up and carried away with dealing with these distractions and become sidetracked from this Purpose. This message is thus a clarion call! God has been too much disappointed by men He loves, who care about themselves, and never consider that God Himself had a main purpose for creating them! “God keeps blessing me and protecting me” we say. “I am prospering, enjoying, and doing His work, so what else? God must be happy with me”. THAT IS HOW WE THINK! But my friend, these are no sign that we are fulfilling His main purpose! While seeking God’s face, God laid it strongly upon my heart to call as many as will hear Him to return in this New Year! Friends, we must return to the Father! WE MUST RETURN! Please! We must return! Return to His real purpose! Leave the distraction stage! And come fully into the Will of the Father! In this New Year! We must make up our minds to live that perfect life God had purposed us to live even before the foundation of the world was laid. Now Read carefully: The Bible contains hidden mysteries about God which I cannot fully explain in this note. So there may be things I will explain but not in details, but I appeal that you follow me and your life will not remain the same. You can forward your questions later. God had something Big on His mind before He made man; Adam did not even fulfil it before he fell. Satan, Sin, and death walked in and hindered him. Now, WHY DID GOD REALLY MAKE MAN? WHAT WAS ON HIS MIND? What did He expect and what did He want? My friend, the Bible holds the answers to them all! Let us begin! Revelation 4:11: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, AND FOR THY PLEASURE they are and were created. You see, God created ALL THINGS for His pleasure. God created all things because He wants them all to please Him! We must thus understand that God made the earth and the skies and all in it for man and not man for the earth. Man was never an afterthought. God had man on His mind before He created the universe and laid the earth’s foundation. So if God created all things for His pleasure and created many of these for man, it implies that God’s primary purpose for creating man is to achieve a certain type of pleasure which only man can give. We are in progress! Don’t Just say “Yeah, that is it, what else!” My friend, there is more! What pleases God is what we do not know! This is deep! No one knows it all, but this message will get us started. We will henceforth no matter who we are or where we are, start having a good reason to live (enjoy or suffer) and a BETTER REASON TO DIE! Let’s go on! Adam was on His way to this Life (the Tree of Life) when Satan hijacked him and recommended Knowledge (The tree of Knowledge) to him. ADAM HIMSELF HAD NOT ENTERED FULLY INTO THIS LIFE THAT PLEASES GOD, though He had begun. Friend, when there were no sinners to preach to; no discipleship to do; no family to care for; no enemy to love; no people to impact; no sin to commit or holiness to pursue, God had a plan for His pleasure far beyond these things and Adam was on his way to fulfilling it. Sin entered and became the tool that STOLE from man the possibility of ever reaching that Life; it KILLED his spiritual connection to God; and sent him to his DESTRUCTION. Jesus was then sent not only to undo what Satan has done (sin and death) but was also sent to give us that LIFE IN ABUNDANCE that Adam could not enter into. (John 10:10; 1 Cor 15:45) Keep Following! You have gone this far, you can read this up! So! God has not abandoned His first plan. The reasons why Jesus came into the world is enormous, but the summary is that He came to fulfil God’s original plan for man. DEALING WITH SIN, SATAN AND DEATH IS A MERE STEPPING STONE. Jesus first overcame them and afterwards gave us that Life on a platter of gold. But these Life and victory are in our spirit; but God wanted more. God created for us spirit, soul and body because HE WANTED MAN TO PLEASE HIM IN ALL THREE STATES not just in our spirit. This is entering His purpose. But, not just that! After God gave us this ability (Eternal life) and victory in our spirit, He also gave us an Example to follow- an Example of a Life not just pleasing to God, But WELL PLEASING to God! Mat 3:17: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved son, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED. Jesus was the Example to show us WE CAN BECAUSE HE DID. He was made JUST LIKE “WE BELIEVERS” IN ALL FORMS so He can SHOW US FULLY how to live that life that gives God great pleasure! This is not an afterthought for God; THIS IS OUR DESTINY BEFORE THE WORLD’S FOUNDATION WAS LAID, that God would raise sons who will be pleasing to Him. Carefully read these scriptures: Rom 8:29: (AMP) For those whom HE FOREKNEW [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also DESTINED FROM THE BEGINNING [FOREORDAINING THEM] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness]… Eph 1:1-3: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ… According as he hath CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame BEFORE HIM IN LOVE: Having PREDESTINATED us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself… Heb 2:17: Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be MADE LIKE UNTO HIS BRETHREN, This is why Jesus always say: follow me (John 12:26); abide in me (John15:4); learn of me (Mark 11:29); let me abide in you (John 15:7); love like me, live like me, work like me, act like me. (John 15:12) Many times we have been carried away by seeking our individual channels of purpose and area of impact that we forget this main purpose. I must say emphatically that, you are given a line of purpose so as to through it fulfil your MAIN PURPOSE for being created as a man. Anything short of this is a waste before God. You may make heaven and yet be a shameless and wasted son before God. Without saying too much more! No matter your work of life: a doctor, pastor, civil servant, footballer, politician, imprisoned, sick, bereaved, amputated, married, suffering, poor, rich, believer, unbeliever, blind, deaf, lame, leader, servant, living or dead. WE ALL HAVE ONE PURPOSE IN BETWEEN ALL THESE: IT IS TO MAKE A DELIBERATE EFFORT TO LIVE LIKE JESUS, for this is the only life that pleases God and brings GREAT PLEASURE to Him. This is the only life that fulfils purpose! My friend! Do all you can to live and love like Jesus. Don’t go into the Bible looking for more rules to follow, Jesus is the Word, Let the Holy Spirit reveal Him to you (2 Cor 3:18). If you are reading this and you have not received that life in you, you cannot even live at all. This is a new year, you can begin. Please, life is not worth living against your Maker. He can do anything with you! It is not worth it, see a Good Believer around you, they will show you how! (John 3:3-6; 1Cor 2:9-14) No one can come to God themselves except the Spirit calls them; you are reading this today because the Spirit is calling you again. You may not be this close again. Please Repent! In conclusion, do all you can this year to deliberately follow through the path of the purposeful living. Live that life that counts before God on earth so that you would not have wasted all God intends for you. And you surely know how to, it is by becoming another Jesus so that God can also say of you “This Is My Beloved Son or Daughter IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED”. You surely can do it by His Grace. Thanks and God bless!!! If this blesses you, share also with your friends in words and in deeds! Happy Best Year!!! Shalom!!!