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Andrea Pia

Dr ANDREA E. PIA London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom a.e.pia@lse.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7955 7614 https://lse.academia.edu/AndreaPia APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor London School of Economics and Political Science Anthropology Department September 2018 - Present. Fellow in the Anthropology of China London School of Economics and Political Science Anthropology Department September 2015 - September 2018. Graduate Teaching Assistant London School of Economics and Political Science Anthropology Department January 2014 – July 2014; July 2015 – August 2015; September 2014 – July 2015. EDUCATION London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK PhD in Anthropology (July 2015), based on 16 months of fieldwork in Yunnan Province, China and MSc in Law, Anthropology & Society (October 2010) Thesis Title: "The Vanishing Margin: an ethnography of state water provisions in the environmentally degraded Chinese countryside". Awarded with no corrections. Supervisors: Charles Stafford, Stephan Feuchtwang. Examiners: Laura Bear, Francesca Bray. Università Ca'Foscari, Venice, Italy MA in Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnolinguistics (April 2009), based on 6 months of fieldwork in Mentougou District, Beijing Municipality and BA in East Asian Languages and Cultures (October 2005). Beijing Waiguoyu Daxue 北京外国语大学, Beijing, PRC Advanced Chinese Language Program (January-June 2005). Yunnan Daxue 云南大学, Kunming, PRC Advanced Chinese Language Program (June-September 2006) Zhongyang Nongye Daxue 中央农业大学, Beijing, PRC Chinese Scholarship Council supported Advanced General Student at the College of Humanities and Development (September 2011 – September 2012). LANGUAGES Italian: native. English: speaking fluent, reading fluent, writing fluent. Chinese: speaking fluent, reading fluent, writing good. French: speaking basic, reading good, writing basic. Thai/Lao: beginner (SOAS language Programme Level 1). Japanese: beginner (BA minor). Classical Chinese: reading good (BA major). GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS Internal 2023 Eden Catalyst Fund for the production of the LSE Moodle webpage The Ethnographic Playbook. With Mathijs Pelkmans (£8507). 2022-2025 RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) grant in support of the publication of Global China Pulse and Made in China Journal. With Ivan Franceschini (£15000). 2022 RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) grant in support of the international workshop Anthropology and Degrowth: deepening the dialogue. With Gabriela Cabaña (£5835.46). 2022 LSE Eden Catalyst Fund for the upgrade of the digital ethnography The Long Day of Young Peng (£5010). 2022 LSE RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) grant in support of China as Context Inter-university workshop (£6670). 2021 LSE RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) grant in support of the Global China Pulse initiative (£2000). 2021 Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre’s Seminar Series and Networking Grant for the organisation of the workshop Justice After Carbon: A collaborative investigation of civil society’s perceptions of China-led Hydropower Projects in South-East Asia (£2800). 2019 LSE RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) for the organisation of the workshop Academic Freedom, Academic Integrity and Open Access in the Social Science (£8272.10). 2017 LSE RIIF (Research infrastructure and investment funds) preliminary fieldwork grant to develop a new ethnographic research project provisionally entitled Chinese Pressure: enclosing and disclosing water across China’s southwest border (£1532.76). 2016 LSE IGNITE! Gamification Grant to develop The Long Day of Young Peng: A Digital Ethnography. With Marco De Mutiis (£6500). 2012-2013 LSE Financial Support (£2000). 2011-2012 LSE Financial Support (£7000). 2010-2011 LSE Financial Support (£7000). External 2023 The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK (ASA) in support of data collection relative to the association’s membership (£3024). 2022 King’s College London FEF (Faculty and Education Fund) for the digital preservation of The Long Day of Young Peng (£5010). 2021 UKRI Aspect Grant to produce a creative output about digitised ethnographies as part of Methods for Change research Project (£600). 2014-2015 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation PhD Thesis Writing-up Fellowship (€12000). 2013 Jack Wright Memorial Trust Travel Scholarship (£1200). 2011-2013 State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China for the translation and editorial curation of the Italian version of Zhongguo Renleixue Shi (€5000). 2011-2012 Chinese Scholarship Council one-year scholarship (¥18000). 2011 UCCL field Research Grant (£650). 2011 ToChina Summer School Scholarship (€500). AWARDS & PRIZES Internal 2022 LSE Excellence in Education, School-wide award for outstanding teaching contribution and educational leadership in the anthropology department. 2022 Inspirational Teaching Award Nominee, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2021 LSE Excellence in Education, School-wide award for outstanding teaching contribution and support to the student experience in a challenging year (£1000). 2021 Exceptional Teaching in an Unprecedented Year Award Nominee, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2020 PhD Supervisor Award Nominee, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2020 Inspirational Teaching Award Nominee, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2019 LSE Excellence in Education, School-wide award for outstanding teaching contribution and educational leadership in the anthropology department. 2018 Highly Commended in the category of Feedback and Communication, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2017 LSE Anthropology Department’s Class Teacher Award (£250). 2016 Inspirational Teaching Award Nominee, LSE Student Union Student-Led Teaching Excellence Award. 2013 LSE Rosemary and Raymond Firth Award (£3000) for the PhD Proposal: Water Users' Associations in Rural China: a legal anthropology approach. The objective of this award is to commemorate Rosemary Firth's interest in the anthropology of household management and domestic affairs. External 2023 Shortlisting of The Long Day of Young Peng for the Immersive Experiential Learning Award at the 2023 QS Reimagine Education Awards & Conference. 2023 Shortlisting of The Long Day of Young Peng to the Kairos Best Webtext Winners 2023 for the best academic webtext published in the previous calendar year. 2017 Shortlisting of The Long Day of Young Peng to the ECGBL 2017 5th International Educational Game Competition. 2014 Association of Political and Legal Anthropology Best Graduate Student Paper ($350) for the article “We Follow Reason not the Law”. Disavowing the law in rural China. OTHER PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES PgCertHE Full Level (awarded July 2017). PgCertHE Associate Level (awarded July 2015). ToChina Summer School Certificate (awarded with Distinction June 2011). LSE French Language Program Level A2 (awarded June 2010). Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Level 6 汉语水平考试六级 (awarded June 2009). The Academy of Chinese Studies in Beijing, Chinese Language Certificate: Advanced Level (awarded January 2008). PUBLICATIONS Books In Press Pia, Andrea E. 2024. Cutting the Mass Line: Water, Politics, and Climate in Southwest China, Johns Hopkins University Press. Translation Hu Hongbao et al. 2014. Storia della Antropologia Cinese (The History of Chinese Anthropology) [Zhongguo Renleixue Shi], Pia A. E. (Ed.), [translators: Pia A.E., Previato T., Punzi V., Zoccatelli G.], SEID Edizioni, Firenze. Chapters in Book Pia, Andrea E., Barron Amy and Laura Pottinger 2021. Digitised Ethnography, in Barron, A., Browne, A.L., Ehgartner, U., Hall, S.M., Pottinger, L. and Ritson, J. (eds.) Methods for Change: Impactful social science methodologies for 21st century problems. Manchester: Aspect and The University of Manchester. Pia, Andrea E. 2018. Memory Leaks: Local Histories of Cooperation as a Solution to Water-Related Cooperation Problems, in Stafford, C., Judd, E. and Eona Bell (eds.), Cooperation in Chinese Communities: Morality and Practice, pp. 101-20, Bloomsbury Publishing: London. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Fighting for One's Life: The Making and Unmaking of Public Goods in the Yunnanese Countryside, in Brandtstädter, S. and Steinmüller, H. (eds.), Popular Politics and the Quest for Justice in Contemporary China, pp. 107-123. Routledge: London. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. Dieci anni, nove siccità. La costruzione sociale del rischio in un villaggio rurale cinese, in Ligi, G. (ed.), Percezioni di Rischio: Pratiche Sociali e Disastri Ambientali in Prospettiva Antropologica, pp. 75-106, CLEUP: Padova. Pia, Andrea E. 2014. “L'acqua è la Linfa Vitale del Popolo”: associazionismo “dal basso” e gestione delle risorse idriche nella Cina rurale, in Ferro Nicoletta (ed.), Sostenibilità con Caratteristiche Cinesi: Evoluzione e Sfide del Percorso Cinese Verso un Modello Economico Sostenibile, Edizioni l’Asino d’Oro: Roma. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Published Pia, Andrea E. 2023. ‘Bull in a China Shop’: Per un approccio multispecie alla frantumazione del sapere socio-scientifico sulla Cina e una sua rimcomposizione. OrizzonteCina 14(1): 57-70. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Ghosts in the Shell: The Promises of Water Users’ Associations and the Double Life of Ostrom’s Design Principles in Rural China. Journal of Political Ecology 30(1): 62–83. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Commento a ‘Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica, e il colonialismo’ di Antonino Colajanni. ANUAC 11(2): 76-77. Pia, Andrea E., Harriet Evans 2021. Beijing from Below: A Conversation with Harriet Evans. Made in China Journal 6(1): 167-176. Pia, Andrea E. et al. 2020. ‘Un Atto D’Amore’: Manifesto Open Access per la libertà, l’integrità e la creatività nelle scienze umane e nelle scienze sociali interpretative. Anuac 9 (2): 7-16. Pia, Andrea E. 2020. ‘Jurisprudential Massage’: legal fictions, sectarian citizenship and the epistemics of dissent in post-socialist China. Cultural Anthropology 35(4): 487-515. Pia, Andrea E., Benadusi Mara, Frédéric Keck 2020. Asian Reservoirs: A Conversation with Frédéric Keck, Made in China Journal 5 (2): 202-207. Pia, Andrea E. 2020. Di che Cosa Parliamo Quando Parliamo di Beni Comuni? Ripopolare l’immaginario politico-ecologico attraverso l’esperienza Cinese, Sulla Via del Catai 19: 121-38. Pia, Andrea E. 2019. We Want Everything! A commentary to Pun Ngai’s The New Chinese Working Class in Struggle, Dialectical Anthropology 44(4): 331-335. Pia, Andrea E., 2019. On Digital Ethnography: Anthropology, Politics and Pedagogy (Part II). ALLEGRA Lab. Pia, Andrea E., 2019. On Digital Ethnography: Anthropology, Politics and Pedagogy (Part I). ALLEGRA Lab. Pia, Andrea E., 2018. Resigned Activism: A Conversation with Anna-Lora-Wainwright. Made in China Journal 3(3): 101-105. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. A Water Commons in China?, Made in China: A Quarterly on Chinese Labour, Civil Society, and Rights 2 (2): 30-33. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Introducing the Chinese Commons, Made in China: A Quarterly on Chinese Labour, Civil Society, and Rights 2 (2): 28-29. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Back on the Water Margin: The Ethical Fixes of Sustainable Water Provisions in Rural China, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 23 (1): 120–136. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. “We Follow Reason not the Law”. Disavowing the law in rural China, PoLar: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 39(2): 276-293. [Winner of the 2014 APLA Graduate Students Prize Paper]. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. Disavowing the Law and Engaging Politics in Rural China, Anthropology News 56 (4): 42-3. Pia, Andrea E. 2012. On a Ridge Between Fields: unpacking property in land in Qing China, La Ricerca Folklorica 64: 141-156. Pia, Andrea E. 2012. Ritorno al villaggio: società rurale, teoria politica e il dibattito sulla “modernità” in Cina, Inchiesta 177: 78-82. Pia, Andrea E. 2011. The Puzzle of Minorities: Between Human Rights and State Control, Justitia Omnibus 1: 41-50. In Preparation Pia, Andrea E. (expected submission August 2024). Corallers of Crises: Horror, Hatred, and the political ontology of climate inaction. Current Anthropology. Recent Blog Posts Andrea E. Pia 2023. Chinese Water Worlds: Hydropower, green authoritarianism, and the energy transition in SEA. Energy Anthropology Network. Gabriela Cabaña, Lucia Muñoz-Sueiro, Lorenzo Velotti, Andrea E. Pia. 2023. Anthropology and Degrowth: where to next? Undisciplined Environment. Andrea E. Pia, Cla Ruzol 2023. Justice After Carbon: Is there a place for justice in China-led hydropower transition? LSE Southeast Asia Blog. Edited Volumes and Special Issues Pia, Andrea E. 2022 (ed.) Prometheus in China. Made in China Journal 7 (2). ANU Press. Pia, Andrea E. 2019 (ed.) Writing Hypertext: Anthropology, Pedagogy, Politics. ALLEGRA Lab. Pia, Andrea E. 2017 (ed.) In Search of the Chinese Commons. Made in China Journal 2 (2). ANU Press. Pia, Andrea E. 2016 (ed.) Living Fictions. ALLEGRA Lab. Book Reviews & Conversations Pia Andrea E., Picerni Federico, Margaret Hillenbrand 2023. On the Edge: A Conversation with Margaret Hillenbrand. Made in China Journal. Pia Andrea E., Harriett Evans. 2021. Beijing from Below: A Conversation with Harriet Evans. Made in China Journal 6(1): 167-76. Pia Andrea E. , Mara Benadusi, Frédéric Keck 2020. Asian Reservoirs: A Conversation with Frédéric Keck. Made in China Journal 5(2): 202-7. Pia Andrea E., Anna Lora-Wainwright 2018. Resigned Activism: A Conversation with Anna-Lora-Wainwright. Made in China Journal 3(3): 101-5. Pia, Andrea E. 2018 [2016]. A Review of Rojas, A. and R. Litzinger (eds.) 2016 ‘Ghost Protocol: Development and Displacement in Global China’. China Review International 23 (3): 293-97. Pia, Andrea E., Tommaso Previato 2012. A Review of Hu H., Wang J. and H. Zhang 2008 ‘Zhongguo Renleixueshi’ [The History of Chinese Anthropology]. Qing-Ming Studies 2012 (1): 274-77. Reports Theobald Benjamin, Pia Andrea E. 2023. Restructuring the ASA: Findings on the Condition of UK Anthropology 2023. Available on the ASA website at: https://www.theasa.org/downloads/Condtion%20of%20UK%20anthropology%202023.pdf CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS & LABs Pia, Andrea E. 2023. ‘Dripping Water Penetrates the Stone’: for an immanent politics of rage and its semiotic-material entanglements. Paper presentation at the Quarto Convegno Nazionale SIAC, 21-23th September, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. “Per farla finita con l’eco-ansia”: Orrore, rassegnazione, e rabbia nella crisi climatica. Paper presentation at the Quarto Convegno Nazionale SIAC, 21-23th September, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Justice after Carbon: Chinese Hydropower, green authoritarianism, and the sustainability transition in SEA. Paper presentation at the EAN/FAN Workshop: Renewable Energies and Post-Carbon Futures; 15-17th June, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. ‘Dripping Water Penetrates the Stone’: for an immanent politics of rage and its semiotic-material entanglements. Paper presentation at the Fluid Alterity: Writing from the Water’s Edge Workshop, 12-13th May, Queen’s Mary, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Justice at the end of Carbon? Chinese Sustainability and its discontents. Paper presentation at the ‘Grassroots Political Responses to Agrarian Conflicts and Environmental Degradation in the Southeast Asian Anthropocene’ conference, St Catharine's College, 18-20th April, Cambridge, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Developing Digitised Ethnographies: Peng 2.0. Online presentation at the RAI Film Festival Conference, 6-10th March. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. The Case for Digitised Ethnographies: The Long Day of Young Peng. Online presentation at the RAI Film Festival Conference, 6-10 March. Pia, Andrea E., Zerilli, Filippo 2022. Towards a New Editorial Sovereignty? Community Food Certification as a model for Non-commercial OA Academic Journals. Poster Presentation at the OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, 20th-22nd September. Pia, Andrea E. 2022 [originally scheduled for 2020]. Participant in the roundtable Borderlands Redux: Knowledge production, new forms of public engagement, and the re-scaling of border spaces in Asia organised by Alessandro Rippa and Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi, 7th Asian Borderlands conference, 25th-27th June, Seoul, Korea [online]. Pia, Andrea E. 2021. The Long Day of Young Peng: Complicating Ethnography through Hypertext. Multimedia Encounters: Experimental Approaches to Ethnographic Research, Multimedia Anthropology Lab, UCL, 12th-15th January, London. Pia, Andrea E. 2020. “Il loro futuro non è il mio”. Per una esplorazione della percezione pubblica sulla migrazione attraverso strumenti etnografici collaborativi e “digitali”. Interactive Workshop for the 8th SIAA meeting, 3rd-6th December, Parma, Italy [online]. Pia, Andrea E. 2019. The Parody of the Commons: divestment, scheduling, and sanctions as temporal technologies of sustainability in China. Paper presented at the 118th American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 20th-24th November, Vancouver, Canada. Pia, Andrea E. 2018. Ghosts in the Shell: The Promises of Water Users’ Associations and the Afterlife of Ostrom’s Theory of Cooperation in Rural China. POLLEN: Political Ecology Network 2018 Biennial Conference, Oslo Metropolitan University, 20th-22nd June 2018, Oslo, Norway. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. “Choose-Your-Own-Ethnography”: making teaching strange and China familiar through educational videogames. Teaching Anthropology Conference, Oxford Brookes University, 7th of December, Oxford, UK. Pia, Andrea E., De Mutiis, Marco 2017. The Long Day of Young Peng: An Interactive Digital Ethnography. Pecha Kucha Presentation at the European Conference on Games-Based Learning, The F.H. Joanneum University of Applied Science, 5th October, Graz, Austria. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. The Long Day of Young Peng: An Interactive Digital Ethnography, with Marco De Mutiis. Interactive presentation at the 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium. Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty, The University of Manchester, 29th August-1st September, Manchester, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Memory Leaking: the dis-organizing properties of Chinese hydraulic structures. The 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium. Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty, The University of Manchester, 29th August-1st September, Manchester, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Fighting for One’s Life: Living through resource precarity in rural Yunnan. Workshop presentation at the Labour and Rights in an Era of Global Precarity: Views from China, Made in China Summer School 2017, Venice International University, 17th–21st July, Venice, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Invisibility by Design: Water Users’ Association and the Afterlife of Ostrom’s Theory of Cooperation in Rural China. Paper presented at the XVI Biennial IASC-Conference: Practicing the Commons: Self-Governance, Cooperation, and Institutional Change. Utrecht University, 10th-14th July, Utrecht, The Netherland. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. The Long Day of Young Peng: An Interactive Digital Ethnography, with Marco De Mutiis. Interactive presentation at ETHNOARTS – Ethnographic Explorations of the Arts and Education Ethnography and Education Journal Meeting, University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 21st-23rd June, Porto, Portugal. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. Destitute Despotism: the reconfiguration of the Chinese hydraulic edifice in the age of sustainability. Paper presented at the EASA Biennial Conference 2016, Department of Human Science for Education “Riccardo Massa” and Department of Sociology and Social Research at The University of Milano-Bicocca, 20th-23rd July, Milan, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. Some Yunnanese Directions in Water Management: oral history, infrastructures and the socialist blueprints for water-rich Chinese futures. Paper presented at the ASA 2016 Conference: Footprints and futures: the time of anthropology, Durham University, 4th-7th July, Durham, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. The politics of legal fixes: what’s to be learned from China’s attempt to silence dissent through law? Contribution to “Legal anthropology in Europe at a Crossroad”, EASA law network workshop, University of Edinburgh, 22nd January, Edinburgh, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. What Rights Can’t Do: principled resistance in rural Yunnan. Contribution to the “Contentious Politics" workshop, Government Department, LSE, 26th November, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. For the Common Good: Water Users' Associations, Collective Action and the problem of “success” for Non-State Water Provisions. Paper presented at the IASC Biennial Conference, 25th-29th May, Edmonton, Alberta CA. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. The Problem of Cooperation in Water Management: some Chinese directions. Contribution to the “Cooperation in China” workshop, Anthropology Department, LSE, 18th May, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2014. Association for Political and Legal Anthropology Students Prize Finalist and Mentors. 113th American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 3rd-7th December, Washington, USA. Pia, Andrea E. 2014. “We follow reasons, not the law”: Disavowing the Law in Rural China. Paper presented at the New European Research on Contemporary China Conference 2014, The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, 2nd-4th July, Beijing, PRC. Pia, Andrea E. 2014. “Water is the Lifeline of the People”: the care of water infrastructures in rural China. Paper presented at the Anthropology in London Day 2014, University College London, Department of Anthropology, 24th June, London UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2014. Mencius said: “The tendency of man's nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downwards”: A solidarity network in water-stressed rural China. Paper presented at the ASA 2014 Decennial: Anthropology and Enlightenment, The Surgeons' Hall, Nicolson Street, 19th-22nd June, Edinburgh, Scotland. Pia, Andrea E. 2013. Acqua bene comune: cooperazione internazionale e associazionismo “dal basso” nella gestione delle risorse idriche nella Cina rurale. Paper presented at the first meeting of the Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata, Università del Salento, 13th-15th December, Lecce, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2013. Water Management and Conflict in the Chinese Countryside: an ethnography of a looming crisis. Paper presented at the 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 5th-10th August, Manchester University, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2012. Politics, Participation and Water Use in Yunnan Province, China. Paper presented at the 111th American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 14th-18th November, San Francisco, USA. Pia, Andrea E. 2012. Nongming Yongshuihu Xiehui dao Zhongguo. Renleixue de zhuanti taolun. Contribution to the College of Human Development weekly seminar, 10th October, Zhongyang Nongye Daxue, Beijing, PRC. Pia, Andrea E. 2011. Water Users' Associations in Rural China: a legal anthropology approach. Paper presented at the 4th Postgraduate Anthropology Student Forum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 9th-10th December, Hong Kong. PANEL/WORKSHOP ORGANIZER 2023. Ecological Transition, Green Capitalism, Degrowth Communism: Building Social Power for Climate Justice, with Emanuele Leonardi and Alice del Gobbo. World Congress for Climate Justice, 12th-15th October, Milan, Italy. 2023. Anthropology and Degrowth: deepening the dialogue, with Gabriela Cabaña, Lorenzo Velotti and Lucía Muñoz Sueiro. A two-day workshop hosted by LSE Anthropology, 5th-6th June, London, UK. 2023. Prometheus in China: a conversation around the latest issue of Made in China Journal, with Ivan Franceschini and Giulia dal Maso. The New Institute Centre of Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Venice Ca’Foscari University, 6th March, Venice, Italy. 2022. China as Context, with Wu Di and Ed Pulford. A two-day workshop hosted by LSE Anthropology and the Manchester China Institute, 16th–17th June, Manchester and London, UK. 2021 [postponed to 2022]. Justice After Carbon: A collaborative investigation of civil society’s perceptions of China-led Hydropower Projects in South-East Asia. An online workshop and follow-up oral history interviews hosted by the LSE South East Asia Centre as part of SEAC Water Series. 2019. Academic Freedom, Academic Integrity, and Open Access in the Social Sciences. One Day Workshop hosted by the LSE Anthropology Department and Made in China Journal, 9th of September, London, UK. 2018. From managed change to utopian disjuncture: Socio-environmental transitions in a fluctuating world, with Agustin Diz, 2018 ASA Biennial Conference, Oxford University, 8th-21st September, Oxford, UK. 2018. Should I stay, or should I go? Teaching about Migration Choices with Digital Ethnographies, with Marco De Mutiis, Jakob Krause-Jensen and ALLEGRA Laboratory. Collaborative Lab at the 2018 EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm University, 14th-17th August, Stockholm, Sweden. 2017. The Chinese Commons, with Tim McLellan, Carlo Ferri, Edwin Schmitt and Brendan Galipeau. Roundtable at the Labour and Rights in an Era of Global Precarity: Views from China, Made in China Summer School 2017, Venice International University, 17th–21st July, Venice, Italy. 2016. Fragmented Authoritarianism 3.0: Political Encounters, Engagement and Activism in the Ethnography of Contemporary China, with Giulia Zoccatelli. European Association of Chinese Studies 21st Biennial Conference, 23rd-28th August, St Petersburg, Russia. 2016. The Futures of Public Goods: Ethnographies of Welfare Provisions under Austerity, with Giulia Zoccatelli. European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference: Anthropological legacies and human futures, 20th-23rd July2016, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 2016. Uneven terrains of the present: Towards a differential anthropology of action in time, with Fuad Musallam. Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference: Footprints and futures: the time of anthropology, 4th-7th July 2016, University of Durham, Durham UK. 2016. Amidst weathering forces: Climate change and the political ecology of infrastructures, with Kat Cagat. RAI and the British Museum, Anthropology, Weather & Climate Change, 27th-28th May, Clore Centre, British Museum, London, UK. INVITED LECTURES, TALKS & ROUNDTABLES Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Deconstructed – Southwest China (and how it fell out of academic fashion), The Contemporary China Centre at the University of Westminster, 5th of December. With Guangpei Ran and Jenny Chio. Available online at Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Dialogue on Stevan Harrell’s “An Ecological History of Modern China”, Sci-Tech Asia Book Forum, 20th October. With Mette Hansen, Francesca Bray and Stevan Harrell. Available online at https://youtu.be/eMpkYv-Wjiw. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Digitised Ethnography: The Long Day of Young Peng. Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, 17th May, Anthropology department, University College London, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Justice after carbon: environmental justice in the wake of global Chinese hydropower. ToChina Spring Seminar, 29th March, University of Turin, Turin, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Digitised Ethnography: Interactive Practices in Anthropology. PhD seminar series in Studi Umanistici Transculturali, 2nd March, University di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2023. Recintatori della Crisi: competenza, etica, ed ontologia politica nella (e della) inazione climatica. Seminar given at the Anthropology Weekly Seminar (Lab-DEA), 27th February, Venice Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Publication Roundtable, British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, 24th of June. China Centre, Oxford University, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Video Interview with Catherine Duxbury and Chris Blunt about Climate Change and Environmental Justice for the LSE100 UG course. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Cutting the Massline: Moving Water and the Political in Rural China, 4th April, Social Anthropology Department Seminar, University of Stockholm, Sweden. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Ghosts in the Shell: The Promises of Water Users’ Associations and the Double Life of Elinor Ostrom’s Theory of Cooperation in Rural China, 15th March, Anthropology Department Seminar, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. LSE Anthropology & Law Student Association: A conversation with Matthew Erie, 9th March, online. Pia, Andrea E. 2022. Freedom of Movement? An Introduction to the Anthropology of Law. Pathway to Law, a widening participation initiative for prospective applicants from underserved communities in the Greater London Area, 9th March, LSE Law Department, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2021. Cambiamento Climatico con Caratteristiche Cinesi. Interview for the China-focused show Il Cielo Sopra Pechino, Radio Beckwith Evangelica, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2021. Freedom of Movement? An Introduction to the Anthropology of Law. Pathway to Law, a widening participation initiative for prospective applicants from underserved communities in the Greater London Area, 9th March, LSE Law Department, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2020 [moved online]. La scienza per Tutti: Open Access e Sostenibilità. Notte Europea dei Ricercatori (SHARPER – Sharing Researchers’ Passion for Evolving Responsibilities), 27th November, Università di Cagliari, Italia. Pia, Andrea E. 2020 [postponed to 2021] delegate to the Alternative China-EU Summit, 29th August, Leipzig, Germany. Pia, Andrea E. 2020 [moved online] The Question of the Commons. Lecture given to the De-growth in Action: Organising for Transformation, UK Summer School, 27th August, Leeds, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2020. Freedom of Movement? An Introduction to the Anthropology of Law. Pathway to Law, a widening participation initiative for perspective applicants from underserved communities in the Greater London Area, 4th March, LSE Law Department, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2019. Cutting the Mass Line: Moving Water and the Political in Southwest China. Lecture given at the Water and Society Lab, Leiden University, 24th May, Leiden, The Netherlands. Pia, Andrea E. 2019. Chair and Discussant on William Callahan’s Panel Borders and Walls at the 2019 LSE Festival, 2nd March, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2019. Ghosts in the Shell: The Promises of Water Users’ Associations and the Afterlife of Ostrom’s Theory of Cooperation in Rural China. Presentation given at the LSE International Development Department Research Seminar, London School of Economics, 13th February, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2018. Introducing Interactive Digital Ethnographies: The Long Day of Young Peng. Teaching and learning anthropology and ethnography in Eastern and South-eastern Europe: making sense of cultural difference in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, University of Macedonia, 12th-13th May, Thessaloniki, Greece. Pia, Andrea E. 2018. Introducing Interactive Digital Ethnographies: The Long Day of Young Peng. LSE Education Symposium, London School of Economics, 9th May, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Fighting for One’s Life: Precarious Access to Essential Resources in Rural China. Paper presented at the Labour and Rights in an Era of Global Precarity: Views from China, Made in China Summer School 2017. Sponsored by the Australian Centre of China in the World, Lund University, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venice International University and the EU Horizon 2020 Programme. San Servolo, 17th-21st July, Venice, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Back on the Water Margin: The Ethical Fixes of Sustainable Water Provisions in Rural China. Paper Presented at the Sussex University, Anthropology Department’s weekly research seminar. Anthropology Department, 21st March, Brighton, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. Back on the Water Margin: The Ethical Fixes of Sustainable Water Provisions in Rural China. Talk prepared for the Weekly Research Seminar on Anthropological Theory, Anthropology Department, London School of Economics, 30th September, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2016. Back on the Water Margin: The Ethical Fixes of Sustainable Water Provisions in Rural China. Lecture given at the China Health, Environment and Welfare's Conference "Visibile and Invisible Challanges: Transformations in Contemporary China", The Univeristy of Oxford, 20th May, Oxford, UK. 2016. Chair on the panel “Transformation 4: Urban Challenges” at the 2016 China’s Health, Environment and Welfare Conference (CHEW), University of Oxford, 21st May, Oxford, UK. 2016. Discussant on Loretta Iengtak Lou’s panel “Is sustainable living" possible? People, society, and nature in Chinese societies”, RAI and the British Museum, Anthropology, Weather & Climate Change, 27th-28th May, Clore Centre, British Museum, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. “Guardando dal buco della serratura”: La Cina vista dai suoi Antropologi. Seminar given at the Anthropology Weekly Seminar (Lab-DEA), 4th May Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. What's the matter with Water? Lecture given at the Open Book Class Project, the London School of Economics and Political Science, 4th March, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2013. Doing Justice in Rural China. Lecture given for the Political and Legal Anthropology course, the London School of Economics and Political Science, 13th March, London, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2013. “Gestivo l'acqua in questo villaggio da 25 anni, gratis, bene. Poi è arrivato il governo...”. Prospettiva locale sulla circolazione di una risorsa scarsa nella Cina rurale. Lecture given at the Anthropology Weekly Seminar, 9th April, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy. Pia, Andrea E. 2009. Siccità, lavoro migrante e società rurale in Cina. La mia esperienza etnografica. Lecture given at the Anthropology Weekly Seminar, 15th April, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy. VISITING FELLOWSHIPS January 2022 – April 2023. Visiting Scholar at the New Institute Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca’Foscari University of Venice. Sponsor: Prof Francesca Tarocco. January 2022 – April 2023. Visiting Scholar at the University of Bologna. Sponsor: Prof Antonio Fiori. September 2013 – December 2013. Visiting Scholar at the People's University of China, Beijing. Sponsor: Prof Zhao Xudong SERVICE & OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2023-present. Member of the Editorial Board ANUAC: Rivista della società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale. 2014-present. Academic Reviewer for PoLar: Journal of Political and Legal Anthropology; Human Ecology; Human Organization; The Journal of Peasant Studies; American Ethnologist; Cultural Anthropology; Social Analysis; Environmental Humanities; Conflict Resolution Quarterly; the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute; CAFE: Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment; Brill Chinese Studies Series. 2023. Academic Reviewer for the UKRI ESRC’s Research grant (open call) scheme. 2021-present. Member of the international network “Changing Modes of Politics in the Globalised Countryside” supported by the German Research Foundation. 2021-present. Member of the Scientific Committee of the GLOCAL, The Global Council on Anthropological Linguistics. 2020-present. Serving as the Media Officer of The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK. 2020-present Founder and Participant to the Cooperate-for-Open Initiative (C40) by Libraria. 2008-present Co-founder and Co-editor of Chinoiresie.info and of Made in China Journal, a website on contemporary China. Supported by Horizon 2020 Program of the EU managed by the Australian Centre on China in the World. 2021. Participant in the Method for Change Project funded by ASPECT (UKRI). 2020-2021. Member of the PortCityFutures Research Group (COST). 2020. Referee for the Spark funding scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation. 2020. Reviewer of book manuscripts for Brill. 2018-2020 Key Stakeholder in the UKRI review of its 2018 Open Access Policy. 2019. Delegate to the UKRI Open Access Review Researcher Workshop, Wellcome Trust, 8th July 2019. 2015-2016. Game Developer on The Long Day of Young Peng (小彭一天的旅途疲惫): an interactive digital ethnography. Available at http://thelongdayofyoungpeng.com/. 2014. Academic Reviewer for the 2011-2014 National Assessment of Research Quality undertook by the Italian Ministry of Education. 2015. Co-founder of the Società Italiana di Storia dell’Antropologia [Italian Society for the Study of the History of Anthropology]. 2014-2015. PhD Students Representative, London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Anthropology. 2015. Referee for the Academic Prize “Francesca Cappelletto”, Università di Verona, 31th July 2015, Verona, Italy. 2015. Board Member of the Graduate Student Committee for 2015 APLA Graduate Student Mentoring Workshops. 114thAmerican Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 18th-22nd November, Denver, USA. 2014. Co-writer of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology sponsored 2015 AAA graduate student workshop, 114th American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, 18th-22nd November, Denver, USA. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Courses (AN226/479) Legal Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science. Duties: Lecturer and Seminar Convenor for UG and PGT students; Exam and essay marking. (AN102) Ethnography through Mixed-Media, London School of Economics and Political Science. Lecturer and Seminar Convenor for UG students; Exam and essay marking. (AN280/480) Public Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science. Lecturer and Seminar Convenor for UG and PGT students; Exam and essay marking. (AN472) Evidence and Arguments in Anthropology and Other Social Sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science. Seminar Convenor for MPhil students; Exam and essay marking. (AN505) Advanced Professional Development in Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science. Seminar Convenor for MPhil students; Exam and essay marking. (AN447) China in Comparative Perspective, London School of Economics and Political Science (2015-2018). Duties: Lecturer and Seminar Convenor for PGT students; Academic Mentor; Dissertation supervision; Exam and essay marking. (IR115) Culture and Globalisation, London School of Economics and Political Science (Summer School). Lecturer and Seminar convenor; Exam and essay marking. (AN238) Anthropology of Human Rights, London School of Economics and Political Science. Seminar convenor; Exam and essay marking. Teaching-related Administrative Experience 2015-present. Academic Mentor to over 200 students; MSc Dissertation supervisor to over 100 students, PhD supervisor for 7 PhD candidates (Anthropology). 2018-2022. Redesigned the UG module AN102 (Anthropology, Text, Films and Games). 2019. Designed the UG and MSc module AN280/480 (Public Anthropology). 2019-2022. Director of the UG Programme Law and Anthropology. Organiser of the Law and Anthropology Bridging Seminars; Organiser of the Critical Legal Study Movie Workshop; Organizing and running Pathways to Law events, including a series of introductory lectures to legal anthropology targeting perspective students from underprivileged backgrounds. 2015-2018; 2022. Director of the MSc Programme China in Comparative Perspective. Contributed to the development of the syllabus of the core course AN447 with reworked lectures on The Imperial Bureaucracy, Chinese Religion, Great and Little Tradition; The Countryside, Civil Society, Property Rights, the Rule of Law; Democracy. PhD Supervisions Laura Stahl, Doing Business in Taipei’s Startup Ecosystem: Creativity, technology, and entrepreneurial subjectivity (LSE studentship). Li Dan, The Shadow Economy in an Electronics Market in Shenzhen, China: entrepreneurship, value chain and technology (SUSTech fieldwork grant). Clarissa Ruzol, Expert Knowledge in Violent Waters: an ethnography of technobureaucrats and engineers of the Kaliwa Dam in the Philippines (LSE studentship). Gabriela Cabana-Alvear, Hydropower in Chile (ANID Becas Chile Programme; RAI/Sutasoma Award). Katy Harrison, Animal Rights in China (ESRC PhD Studentship). Li Yue, Migrant workers activism in China (LSE Lee Family Scholarship) Jiang Jiarong Human-to-animal relationships in contemporary Tibet (AHRC London Arts and Humanities Partnership Research Studentship). Rhys Madden, Conservation and Recreation in Costal England (ESRC PhD Studentship). Teaching-related papers Pia, Andrea E. 2017. Evaluation of the Use of The Long Day of Young Peng, an interactive digital ethnography for AN447: China in Comparative Perspective (2016-2017). IGNITE! Gamification grant project report submitted to the Learning Technology and Innovation (LTI) and the Department of Anthropology, LSE. Available online at: http://lti.lse.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/IGNITE-AndreaPiaReport.pdf Pia, Andrea E. 2017. PgCert HE Mod.5: Course Design Proposal for the Revision of AN447 China in Comparative Perspective. Paper submitted as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Full Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. PgCert HE Mod.4: Evaluation of the Student Assessment Provisions on AN447: Issues and Recommendations. Paper submitted as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Full Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics. Pia, Andrea E., De Mutiis, M. 2016. The Long Day of Young Peng: an interactive digital ethnography for AN447. Proposal paper for the 2015-16 IGNITE! Gamification Grant, Learning, Technology and Innovation (LTI), London School of Economics. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. PgCert HE Mod.3: Surviving education, the insularisation of learning and the performance trap. Paper submitted as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Associate Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. PgCert HE Mod.2: A Critical Analysis of the QA framework for HE. Paper submitted as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Associate Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics. Pia, Andrea E. 2015. PgCert HE Mod.1: Teaching on AN238 ‘Anthropology of Human Rights’. Paper submitted as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Associate Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics. Teaching-related Presentations Pia, Andrea E. 2017. “Choose-Your-Own-Ethnography”: making teaching strange and China familiar through educational videogames. Teaching Anthropology Conference, Oxford Brookes University, 7th of December, Oxford, UK. Pia, Andrea E. 2017. China in a Comparative Perspective: Course Re-Design. Presentation given as part of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Full Level). Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), The London School of Economics, 25th May, London, UK. Multi-Media Pia, Andrea E.; De Mutiis, Marco and Tom Chamber 2017. The Long Day of Young Peng (小彭一天的旅途疲惫): an interactive digital ethnography. The Long Day of Young Peng is a nonlinear, semi-fictional interactive HTML-encoded storyline that uses original ethnographic material (fieldnotes, excerpts from interviews, pictures, videos) to chronicle one day in the life of a young Chinese migrant fictitiously named Peng. The student is put in Peng’s shoes on his journey from his native village to Beijing in search of employment. The game is based on a multiple-choice mechanic. Through interacting with other characters, the student familiarises themselves with topics in the study of contemporary Chinese society. The player makes choices throughout the game that will determine the places, people and topics Peng will eventually encounter. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2018-present. Student Engagement Officer. Duties: organising student-facing events in the department, including parties, UG “away-days” and the Summer Ethnographic Project (SEP). The SEP is a departmental initiative to finance ethnographic projects independently designed and carried out over the summer by UG students. 2018-present. LSE Moodle editor. 2018-present Member of the LSE Student-Staff Liaison Committee; 2017-present. Managing and Guest Editor of Made in China Journal and the Made in China 2017 Yearbook, ANU Press. 2019-2022 UG Admission Tutor. Overseen the UG admission cycle, organising and running offers holders’ and Open Day events at the LSE and the British Museum, and spearheading the adoption of Widening Participation Schemes for UG admission within the Department. 2019-2020. Member of the Departmental Teaching Committee. 2018-2019. Member of the Departmental Research Committee. 2018-2019. Member of the departmental group for furthering decolonisation initiatives. 2019-2020. Member of a PhD Monitoring Committee (Comité de Suivi) for the Université de Lausanne; Collaborator to the Open-book Project. 2017-2018. Co-organiser of the Made in China Summer School, Venice International University and Co- Centro Studi CISL, Florence; 2009-2014. Managing Editor of the Translation of Storia dell’Antropologia Cinese (the History of Chinese Anthropology), SEID, Florence. ONLINE COMMENTARY April 2023. Liberare la conoscenza: verso un Open Access etico. https://www.dinamopress.it/news/liberare-la-conoscenza-verso-un-open-access-etico/?fbclid=IwAR3XCd0sMZhiXgQz0cj_AjqvdpFXFLshraNBR45dP0OCGy-eK7vlkXErMYg. March 2023. Justice After Carbon: Is there a place for justice in China-led hydropower transition? https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/seac/2023/03/09/justice-after-carbon-is-there-a-place-for-justice-in-china-led-hydropower-transition/ February 2023. The Lack of Resources for Ethical Open Access Journals Hurts Academia and the Public. https://universitetslararen.se/2023/02/01/the-lack-of-resources-for-ethical-open-access-journals-hurts-academia-and-the-public/ October 2022. Food sovereignty as a model for scholar-led open-access publishing. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/10/24/food-sovereignty-as-a-model-for-scholar-led-open-access-publishing/ May 2022. After the Labour of Love: the incomplete revolution of open access and open science in the humanities and creative social sciences. https://commonplace.knowledgefutures.org/pub/lsiyku2n/release/1 March 2022. War In Ukraine: An Interview with Dr Taras Fedirko. https://www.theasa.org/publications/asaonline/articles/asaonline_0111?fbclid=IwAR3GDMgYsI6XmJISWcc8sfOpwRrD1CtRwY8ij-lOjhtG6bYkxYLDzAzidr8 April 2021. Public Anthropology: A reading List. http://www.anthrotheory.net/reading-lists/public-anthropology-pia/ January 2021. Harmony as Paternalism: Dispute Mediation in Xi Jinping’s China. https://www.thechinastory.org/harmony-as-paternalism-dispute-mediation-in-xi-jinpings-china/?fbclid=IwAR2iOP9uI2sswquF7teuMPRYSnDNoMp9XSBDYefcDVNujpyErU1-PskHIPY July 2020. Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences (https://commonplace.knowledgefutures.org/pub/y0xy565k/release/2) February 2019. Writing Hypertext (With Ellis Saxey, Greg Bruno and Marco De Mutiis). A week-long thematic thread on digital ethnography. ALLEGRA Lab (http://allegralaboratory.net/category/thematic-threads/writinghypertext/). November 2018. As ‘techno-politics’ holds sway, is a water commons possible in China? LSE Business Review (http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2018/11/22/as-techno-politics-holds-sway-is-a-water-commons-possible-in-china/?fbclid=IwAR2ZEo6Zv8Uo8tPza2dxxwrJldeQbTB5rYWj7Pt2Whd4T0SHbTav4mBqdII). October 2018. (with Anna Lora-Wainwright) Resigned Activism: A Conversation with Anna-Lora-Wainwright (Chinoiresie.info). July 2017. (with Chinoiresie.info Editors) The Chinese Panacea? A Response to the Undersecretary of Economic Development of the New Italian Government (http://www.chinoiresie.info/the-chinese-panacea-a-response-to-undersecretary-geraci/). September 2017. A Water Commons in China? (http://www.chinoiresie.info/a-water-commons-in-china/). May 2017. (with Esther Saxey) Games and Learning (http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/education/2017/05/23/games-and-learning/). February 2017. The Long Day of Young Peng. An educational Videogame for AN447, LSE Anthropology Department (http://thelongdayofyoungpeng.com/). May 2016. (with Agustin Diz, Geoffrey Hughes and Giulia Zoccatelli) Living Fictions. ALLEGRA Lab (http://allegralaboratory.net/living-fictions/). May 2016. On Chinese Pedagogical Legalism and Its Anthropological Ghost (http://allegralaboratory.net/on-chinese-pedagogical-legalism-and-its-anthropological-ghost-fictions/). May 2016. Fictional Fictions between China and Arstotzka (http://allegralaboratory.net/fictional-fictions-between-china-and-arstotzka/). December 2015. La Malattia del Cinismo e House of Cards, ovvero l’Occidente, la Cina e le loro incomprensioni [The Cynicism of 'House of Cards': the mutually unintelligible national discourses of China and the West]. A conversation with Hans Steinmüller (http://www.cinaforum.net/cina-occidente-876-intervista-antropologo-hans-steinmuller/). April 2015. Disavowing the Law and Engaging Politics in Rural China. Column for the APLA website (http://politicalandlegalanthro.org/2015/03/30/disavowing-the-law-and-engaging-politics-in-rural-china-2/). June 2012. Religiosità in Cina: più di un modo per credere [Chinese Religiosities: many paths to faith]. (http://www.cineresie.info/religiosita-in-cina-piu-di-un-modo-per-credere/). May 2012. Ricchi, poveri e scarsa affidabilità: ecco a voi il “modello Cina” [Too Rich, Too Poor, Zero Accountability: Enters the China model]. (http://www.cineresie.info/ricchi-poveri-e-scarsa-affidabilita-ecco-a-voi-il-modello-cina/). February 2012. Land Grabbing a Casa Propria: una lettura dal campo. [Domestic Land Grabbing: an ethnographic look]. (http://www.cineresie.info/land-grabbing-a-casa-propria-una-lettura-dal-campo/). January 2012. Il Capitalismo, verso l’ideale cinese ['Capitalism. Towards the Chinese Ideal': a Review]. (http://www.cineresie.info/recensione-il-capitalismo-verso-ideale-cinese/). November 2011. Una “questione morale” cinese? I rischi di dar senso al disagio [A Chinese Moral Issue: scapegoat and disquiet]. (http://www.cineresie.info/una-questione-morale-cinese-i-rischi-di-dar-senso-al-disagio/). June 2011. Appunti da “TOChina”: correnti politiche nella Cina contemporanea [ToChina Diary: the political trends of contemporary China]. (http://www.cineresie.info/appunti-da-tochina-correnti-politiche-nella-cina-contemporanea/). June 2011. “Il Partito risolverà il problema idrico”: globalizzazione, populismo e scelta collettiva [The Party will Solve the Water Problem: globalisation, populism and collective choice]. (http://www.cineresie.info/il-partito-risolvera-il-problema-idrico-cinese/). May 2011. La Cina e i limiti della modernità [China and the Limits of Modernity].(http://www.cineresie.info/la-cina-limiti-della-modernita/); November 2010. Cinesi in Italia: cittadinanza e Illegalità [Chinese Migrants in Italy: regimes of citizenship and illegality]. (http://www.nazioneindiana.com/2010/11/26/cinesi-in-italia-cittadinanza-e-illegalita/). July 2010. Il Cielo è malato: la crisi idrica nella Cina settentrionale [The Sky is Sick: Water Crisis in Northern China]. (http://www.cineresie.info/acqua-crisi-idrica-cina-settentrionale/). RESEARCH EXPERIENCE October 2023. Speaker and researcher at the World Congress for Climate Justice, Milan, Italy. November 2022 – Ongoing. Collaborative online research Justice After Carbon. January 2023 – May 2023. The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK (ASA) data gathering exercise for growing the association’s membership base. July 2022 – Fieldwork at the Climate Social Camp, Turin, Italy. December 2016 – January 2017. Preliminary fieldwork on the China/Laos border, Yunnan, PRC. September 2013 – December 2013. Three months of supplementary fieldwork in Huize County, Yunnan, PRC. January 2012 – April 2012. Analysis of village disputes' archive in Huize county, China. September 2011 - January 2013. Fifteen months of fieldwork in Huize county, Yunnan, China. September 2011 – July 2012. Advanced General Scholar at the Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing. Supervisor: Prof Zhao Xudong. June 2011 – July 2011. ToChina Summer School, University of Turin, Turin (awarded with Distinction). September 2009 – May 2010. China in Comparative Perspective as one unit of the Msc in Law & Anthropology at the LSE. June 2009. Supplementary Fieldwork in Lingshui Village for the production of The Long Day of Young Peng, an interactive docu-game on the life of rural migrants in northern China. Material collected with Marco De Mutiis for the completion of his MA thesis in Media Art, City University of Hong Kong. May 2009. Research on an Anhui migrant settlement in suburban Beijing, with Giulia Zoccatelli and Marco De Mutiis. April 2009 – August 2009. Working Experience as a Chinese-Italian translator in Shanghai. September 2008 – January 2009. Trainee at the Italian Embassy in Beijing. September 2007 – February 2008. Six months ethnographic research spent between Beijing and Lingshui Village, Mentougou District, Beijing, PRC as part of my MA dissertation in Anthropology. August 2007 – December 2007. Language course (upper-intermediate, final exam result: 90/100) at the Chinese Language School Academy, Beijing, PRC. June 2006 – August 2006. Language Summer Program at the Yunnan University, Kunming. January 2005 – June 2005. One semester exchange at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, PRC (Intermediate Chinese language course final mark: 86/100). Dr Andrea E. Pia Assistant Professor LSE ANTHROPOLOGY Email: a.e.pia@lse.ac.uk Pia, CV, December 2023 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13