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Research Directions: Biotechnology Design www.cambridge.org/btd Question Cite this article: Belling A-SE, Brandić Lipińska M, van Ellen L, Nerlich P, Rothschild L, and Maurer C (2023). Bio-futures for transplanetary habitats. Research Directions: Biotechnology Design. 1, e8, 1–2. https:// doi.org/10.1017/btd.2023.2 Received: 16 March 2023 Accepted: 17 March 2023 Author for correspondence: Monika Brandić Lipińska, E-mail: mhlipinska@gmail.com Bio-futures for transplanetary habitats Anne-Sofie Emilie Belling1,2,3, Monika Brandić Lipińska1,2,3 , Layla van Ellen1,2,3, Paula Nerlich1,2,3, Lynn Rothschild4 and Chris Maurer5 1 Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment, Newcastle, United Kingdom; 2School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom; 3Bio-Futures for Transplanetary Habitats, Newcastle, United Kingdom; 4NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA, USA and 5Redhouse Studio, Ohio City Firehouse, Cleveland, OH, USA Context How can biotechnologies and biomaterials shape and sustain habitats in extreme and space environments? Biotechnologies and biomaterials have been considered essential to the design of habitats in extreme environments such as outer space. Recent advancements in biotechnological research present novel ways in which materials, artefacts and architectural systems can be designed and developed to support life in extreme environments in space and on Earth. Different bioaspects are also researched to address the increasingly extreme environments on Earth due to climate change. Some of these innovations include the use of microbial ecologies and mycelium-based materials to grow radiation-resistant, self-healing and adaptable space architecture. Designing for extreme environments is a complex activity and benefits from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research approach. We invite a diverse range of research contributions that explore, critically evaluate, and shape potential biotechnological futures in extreme and space environments. This includes innovative biomaterials and biodesign ranging from artefacts to habitats and systems that shape and sustain interactions between biological systems to enable advancement of space exploration. Contributions We invite contributions in the following areas: Results • Innovative material-driven methods for the design of and for habitats in extreme environments using biological systems. • Use of biotechnology and biomaterial to ensure and support safety, sustainability, habitability, reliability and crew efficiency, productivity and comfort in extreme environments. • Frameworks, tools and evaluation methods to develop new (or improve current) biological systems for space habitats (both qualitative and quantitative data). • Research artefacts that advance the state of the art in bioHCI within the context of habitats in extreme environments, e.g. new technologies, types of input and biosocial interactions or new designs. • Experiments’ data on the use of biotechnologies and biomaterials to contribute to efficient, effective and responsible design and construction of habitats in extreme environments. © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited. Analysis • Frameworks for transdisciplinary research practice bridging the disciplines (i.e material sciences, synthetic biology, ecology, systems engineering, architecture and biodesign) to establish the foundations for future research through a system’s thinking approach. • Design frameworks using holistic systems thinking to map ecosystems or novel simulation tools to calculate flows of materials, energy, water and organisms over the lifetime of a habitat. • Reviews of state of the art materials, technologies, architectural designs and case studies for habitats and systems using biotechnologies and biomaterials. Impact • Papers, curated media, ontologies, research artefacts and speculative imaginaries which critically engage and reflect on the use of biotechnology and biomaterials for space habitats. • Curated reviews of latest research, events (incl. symposia) and discussions on the topic. https://doi.org/10.1017/btd.2023.2 Published online by Cambridge University Press 2 Additional material and early outputs We welcome a broad range of contributions including speculative designs and scenarios, results of materialisation and structural studies and developments of ontologies and frameworks. As the question content develops we expect this engagement to comment on the existing archive of published material. How to contribute to this question If you believe you can contribute to answering this Question with your research outputs find out how to submit in the Instructions for authors (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/researchdirections-biotechnology-design/information/author-instructions/ https://doi.org/10.1017/btd.2023.2 Published online by Cambridge University Press Anne-Sofie Emilie Belling et al. preparing-your-materials). This journal publishes Results, Analyses, Impact papers and additional content such as preprints and “grey literature”. Questions will be closed when the editors agree that enough content has been published to answer the Question so before submitting, check if this is still an active Question. If it is closed, another relevant Question may be currently open, so do review all the open Questions in your field. For any further queries, check the information pages (https://www.cambridge.org/core/ journals/research-directions-biotechnology-design/information/ about-this-journal) or contact this email (biotechnologydesign@ cambridge.org). Competing interests. The author declares none.