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Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 15 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: RIGOBERT MAVUMA Section 1: Rights and responsibilities at work This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer Learning objective Place in Assessment 1.1 Identify the main points of contracts of employment Question 1 Page 1 1.2 Identify the main points of legislation affecting employers and employees Question 2 Page 2 1.3 Identify where to find information on employment rights and responsibilities both internally and externally Question 3 Page 3 1.4 Describe how representative bodies can support the employee Question 4 Page 3 1.5 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment Question 5 Page 3 1.6 Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment Question 6 Page 3 1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free to obscure any confidential information). [1.1] The names of both parties (employer and employee) Start date Job title and description Salary. Attached above to support my answer. Doc.1 Mavuma contract of work (Doc1, 2 &3) 2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business environment. [1.2] Health and safety Pay and pension Data protection 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. [1.2] Pay Pension Employment and responsibilities. 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information. [1.3] There are two ranges where information on employment right and responsibilities can be found, internal and external. Internal: Line manager, Personal specialist External: Libraries Legal professionals 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. [1.4] Representative bodies can be Trade unions or Non-Trade unions representatives where employees can expect receiving help and support in the workplace. Trade unions are organisations of workers, which the main purpose is to protect the rights of their memberships and assisting them in many kind of matters relating to their work. They aim as well to maintain or improve the conditions of their memberships. The Non-trade unions have restricted role compare to trade unions. Their role is based on consultation. 5. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. [1.5] If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. The employer has the obligation to assure a safe work environment without any kind of discrimination for all his employees. And all employees have the obligation to know the policy of their work place relating to equality and diversity. Employees: All employees have the right to work in environment that is free from any insult They have the right to work in an environment that promote respect and dignity. Employers: It’s against the law to discriminate against any person because of their age, gender, and religion. Employers should ensure that all line managers encourage diversity and equality in their teams. 6. Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment. Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. [1.6] By promoting equality and diversity and making sure theses procedures are followed in a business environment, employers gain with high employees morale, developing good reputation. They can be able to measure effectiveness of their employees by their contributions. When Equality measures are followed in a business environment, it’s protected employees who are disabled but still able to do their jobs. And diversity measures in a business environment allow workers of various races, genders, and ethnicities to get a job. Section 2: All about health, safety and security This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Understand the purpose of health, safety and security procedures in a business environment Learning objective Place in Assessment 2.1 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security in a business environment Question 1 Page 4 2.2 Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment Question 2 Page 4 2.3 Identify ways of maintaining a safe and secure environment in a business environment Question 3 Page 5 1a. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health and safety. [2.1] All employers and employees have a legal duty to ensure that their workplaces are safe and secure. Employers have to make sure that health and safety procedures are known and followed by their employees. 1b. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for security. [2.1] If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Employers and employees have the obligation to maintain security in their working environment by doing so, they preventing their workplace from unauthorised entering by anyone who is not involve with their work, they preventing also any unauthorised entry by thefts. Employers have the responsibility to use security measures to protect their staffs from any assault, to protect their computing systems from any attacks and protect as well their data. Attached above to support my answer. Doc.2 Health and safety 2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. [2.2] Anything can happen in a workplace at anytime, employers have therefore the responsibilities to make sure health, safety and security procedures are followed by all their employees at all time. If theses procedures are not followed, accidents can happen and will be persecute if a claim is made. And for the person injured, he will stop work and spend sometime in hospital and may lose his job if he is very badly injured. By following health, safety and security procedures, all theses can be avoided. E.g. workers of construction industry, which is a very hazardous place to work, must at all time follow safety and security procedures (for example; wearing work equipment). And this is for their own benefit and for their employer as well. So, the main purpose of following safety and security procedures in a business environment is to ensure for everyone a safe, healthy and secure workplace. 3. Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business environment. [2.3] Personal conduct: Everyone in a business environment can help to maintain safety and security in their workplace. Employees (or employers) may maintain a secured and safe business environment by remaining alert, being not under alcohol or drugs influence. By following security procedures when needed, such as wearing safety equipment, ect. Awareness and observation Being alert by noticing any potential hazards, what is happing around and any unexpected changes. Personal action Take any practical actions needed to maintain his own wellbeing and for everyone. Section 3: Communicating effectively with others This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3: Understand how to communicate effectively with others Learning objective Place in Assessment 3.1 Describe different methods of communication Question 1 Page 6 3.2 Explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communicating with others Question 2 Page 6 3.3 Describe ways of actively listening Question 3 Page 7 1. Describe three different methods of communication. You should include two verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication. [3.1] Face-to-face meetings: is one of the methods of communication in a business environment, it may be a: One to one discussions, To discus about misconduct for example, a manager will have to organise a one to one discussion with the employee involved. Meetings, Meetings are one of the ways to communicate in a business environment. A weekly meeting can be organised for example, in a business, to inform everyone about performance or issues that need be deal with. Other person-to-person communication: this method consists of communicating by: Gestures. Gesture can be used to communicate as well others ways of communications Just by nodding head someone can accept or refuse a task or proposition. Facial expression. This can happen when e.g. employee said his happy about the task he has been assigned whiles his face is unhappy. Written communications: this way is different from previous as it is not verbal, but it’s consists of writing. E.g.: Letters: Is one the way either employees or employers can communicate in between them. To inform his staff for a pay rise, the manager can send them letters for example. Email, Actually email is largely used for communicating in business environment. Employees send email to their employer (manager) to inform or to ask for holiday, sickness, etc. 2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others. [3.2] An employee attend late at work An employee is slow on his task. The appropriate method of communication for theses two examples should be face-to-face meeting as their manager would have to discuss with them and find out why they attended late or why they were slow for their tasks. When receiving new equipment (machines, new software). The manager should have to train his staff; he will have to plan a meeting and train staff on that new equipment. 3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. [3.3] Active listening is when someone is fully concentrating on what is listening, is giving all his attention to the speaker. He uses verbal and non-verbal message to convince the speaker that is listening and understanding him. By nodding head, smiling, maintaining eye contact or saying yes, the person who’s listening proves is actively listening. During a training, staff can just nod is head to let know that he‘s understanding what they’re telling him. On a meeting, keeping eye contact to the speaker proves you have all attention to what they’re saying. Section 4: Working with others This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Understand how to work with and support colleagues Learning objective Place in Assessment 4.1 Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for own work with others Question 1 Page 8 4.2 Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and adapting to change Question 2 Page 8 4.3 Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration Question 3 Page 8 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work. Give at least two reasons. [4.1] Business environment should provide work standards and make sure all workers know what is required for them. Work standards helps employees to know what they should be doing for their works and what they’re expected from them. As a cleaning operative in my case for example, I have to know exactly what the work standards requires from me and make sure to agree work standard. When cleaning a surface, our work standard require from me to put yellow sign; this is simply to inform everyone about potential hazard and avoid any work accident that can lead to serious problem if it happened. The person injured may put a claim that will cost to my company and I can be in a serious problem (may even end up loosing my job) if I didn’t display a sign. Standard work in this case, I can say it protect me from unexpected problem and help me to be efficient. 2. Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work. [4.2] As the organisation has to grow and to survive, new challenges come and employees must be able to adapt themselves to those changes. New team leader or manager can come to the team, new computer system or software can be introduced at any time in the organisation, it is obvious for employee to face theses new challenges deal with them if they are willing to be valuable for the organisation and also willing to keep their jobs. 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. [4.3] There are many benefices of treating others with honesty and consideration. By being honest with employees, they will be more motivated and willing to work hard and perform themselves. They will be available to propose their ideas if needed and suggest improvements. If employees are considerate, they are open to express their opinions. Section 5: Planning your own work This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 5: Know how to plan own work and be accountable to others Learning objective Place in Assessment 5.1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when completing tasks Question 1 Page 10 5.2 Identify ways of planning own work Question 2 Page 10 5.3 Compare ways of keeping other people informed about progress Question 3 Page 10 1. Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when completing tasks in a business environment. [5.1] As an employee meeting work standard and deadlines when completing tasks in the organisation is very important. When work standards are set in the business environment, everyone knows exactly what to do for their work and what is expected from them. If an employee at all time meet work standard and deadlines when completing is task, he gives a positive feedback of his own performance to his line manager or team leader, also gives good image of the business to different customers. As a cleaning operative for example, one of my tasks is to clean Coffee Shop before 7.30am. If at deadline the cleaning is not completed this may cause others problems such us, customers unhappy because of unclean environment, or delay in opening hour, an accident can also happen because of wet floor or hazardous equipment. This means extra costs will be spent because deadline was not respected. It is very important for employee to understand that meeting work standard and deadlines on their work, makes an important contribution to the efficient functioning of a business. 2. Identify two different methods that you can use to plan your own work in a business environment. [5.2] Know your objectives; Identify actions / timings; identify high priority tasks As a cleaning operative if I have to clean for example staff canteen in 2 hours, my objectives will be to complete my task within 2 hours. It can only be possible if I know exactly what to do, what task is priority for me. Cleaning a canteen will required sweeping and moping or scrubbing floor. By knowing my objectives, actions and timing, I can successfully complete my task o timescales. 3. Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare their effectiveness. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? [5.3] Letter When for example, a machine breaks down, a notice (out of order) stick on the machine so that everyone can read and avoid use the broken machine. Face-to-face Working in a team, one colleague needs a short break. He will have to let his supervisor or line manager verbally about it. In verbal, the information can be restricted to certain number of people whereas written everyone in the team can access it. Section 6: Improving your performance This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 6: Understand the purpose of improving own performance in a business environment and how to do so Learning objective Place in Assessment 6.1 Explain the purpose of continuously improving own performance in a business environment Question 1 Page 12 6.2 Describe ways of improving own performance in a business environment Question 2 Page 12 6.3 Identify different types of career pathways that are available Question 3 Page 13 1. Explain the purpose of continuously improving your performance in a business environment. [6.1] By continuously improving performance in a business environment, the organisation will survive and grow. As an employee, improving my performance on my work gives me positive impact and may help for promotions opportunities. It’s also a way of keeping my jobs, if it is difficult for me to perform or to get used to the new working system I may end up loosing my job. 2. Describe at least two ways of improving your performance at work. Where relevant, illustrate your answer with specific examples from your own experience. [6.2] Applying existing knowledge to a situation. In my team, I had to cover my manager for 4 weeks, as I was his supervisor. Usually we had some papers works to send to head office. My manager always does his Timesheet on paper and faxes it to head office. But as I have some knowledge in computer (Excel), I had to mine in computer and email it strait away to head office. As a supervisor, I had to make a To Do list for my janitors shift. For their shifts, they were just waiting for a call out to respond and most of the time; they were waiting in staff canteen and chatting or stooping about. To have control of what they were doing during their shifts, I had introduce a To do list for them to complete for a day to day shift. 3. Identify at least two different types of career pathways or options that may be available to you. [6.3] What job do I want to do? Actually, I’m working as a Cleaning Operative supervisor at Tesco Store but in the future, I would like to go further from a supervisor to a cleaning manager or bit further as area manager. A manager has different tasks to do, he leads the team, make plan and most important has different rate of pay. Theses are reasons that encourage me to look forward to be a manager instead of my actual position. This course will help me a lot, as I will have to deal with my team, my head office and with our different customers. To be a manager, I will need some training on some papers work (time-shift, holiday form, new starter application form, training form, etc.); how to complete them and how to send them to head office. Section 7: Problems at work This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 7: Understand the types of problems that may occur in a business environment and how to deal with them Learning objective Place in Assessment 7.1 Identify the types of problems that may occur in a business environment Question 1 Page 14 7.2 Explain ways of dealing with problems that may occur in a business environment Question 2 Page 14 7.3 Explain how and when to refer problems to relevant colleagues Question 3 Page 14 1. Identify at least two different types of problems that can occur in a business environment. [7.1] In a business environment two types of problems may happen, minor problems and major problems. Minor problems are simple problems that can be easily solved; major problems instead need more consideration as they have serious consequences. 2. Describe at least two specific problems that can occur at work and explain how they can be dealt with. [7.2] As a supervisor in a team, one of your staffs turn up at work half and an hour late. To deal with it, you need to ask him to come for a meeting, find out why he was late at work and follow what the policies say about workers who arrive late. A co-worker is very slow and puts you behind. To deal with it, you need to report to your line manager. List at least two problems you are able to deal with yourself and two problems you would need to refer to others to deal with. Explain how and when you would refer these problems to others. [7.3] Problem you can deal with Slow response to work Problems with personal hygiene Theses two problems in team, if for example, I’m a team leader or a supervisor, I can deal with. When, in my team one staff is slow to complete his tasks, I will go to him and find out why is responding slowly. If needed, I could give him extra training or advices so that he can improve. Problem you cannot deal with Incompetence Refusal to follow instructions. Incompetence and refusal of following instructions may require more attention and decision from my line manager, if I’m a team leader or a supervisor. When a member of my team is incompetent, as a supervisor, I will report the fact to my superior and they will have to decide what to do by following policies of the firm. Once you have completed all 7 Sections of this Assessment, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your work to your tutor for marking. Business and Administration © Creating Careers Ltd 2011-2014. All rights reserved. Page 22 of 22