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Chapter 1 Introduction.

University of Duhok (UOD) College of Engineering by Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani Jaafar.brifkani@uod.ac 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 1 Presenter Biography Dr. Brifkani is a Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Duhok, specializing in Geotechnical Engineering (Tunnels Structure). His activity: Research published in international conferences and journals : 20 Number of Textbook: 7 Languages: Kurdish, Arabic, English and Czech You can find him at this links by writing his name as Jaafar Mohammed or Ing. Jaafar Mohammed. Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani Lecturer University of Duhok Jaafar.brifkani@.uod.ac https://uod.ac/ac/c/coe/departments/ce/members/jaafar-abdullah-mohammed/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jaafar-abdullah-mohammed-1857373a/ https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9999-2414 https://publons.com/researcher/2268936/dr-jaafar-a-mohammed/ http://web.uod.ac/ac/c/coe/centers/research-center/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=24oVLqsAAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jaafar_Mohammed3 https://oud.academia.edu/DrJaafarMohammed https://slideplayer.com/slide/13259594/ Academic Qualifications ➢ PhD Degree in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, class 2020 ➢ Master Degree in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, class 2009 ➢ B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, class 2007 ➢ B.Sc.in in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Duhok University, Kurdistan Region Iraq class, 2000. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 2 Student's Obligation Class attendance and/or online learning Commitment 1. Quizzes 2. Homework 3. Assignments 4. Attending 5. Mid-Term exam. 6. Final Exam. 9/17/2023 Assessment 15 % 5% 5% 5% 20 % 50 % Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 3 Objectives 1. Learn the basic scientific concepts and principles of site investigation and foundation engineering. 2. To design and analysis different types of shallow and deep foundations. Further they will be expose to understanding of earth pressure for stability of retaining structures along with various techniques for stability of slopes. 3. Bearing Capacity: Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity equation, factors affecting bearing capacity. Settlements for clays and sands and allowable settlements. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 4 Course Outcomes When you complete this course you will be able to: 1. Understanding the importance of soil investigation for civil engineering construction. 2. Student will be able to choose type of foundations; perform calculations of bearing capacity using different theories; perform calculation of settlement below foundations. 3. Student will be able to perform design of all types of foundation. 4. Student will be capable of analyzing the mechanics of load transfer in piles; calculation of pile load carrying capacity; able to design pile groups. 5. Design and analyze problems related to lateral earth pressure. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 5 Specifications/ Specific reference 1. AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). 2. FHWA ( Federal Highway Administration ). 3. LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design), 4. ASD (Allowable Stress Design), 5. LFD (Load Factor Design), 6. American Concrete Institute (ACI). 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 6 References 1. 2. BRAJA M. DAS, 2011. Principles of Foundation Engineering, SI Seventh Edition. Donald P. Coduto, William A. Kitch and Man-chu Ronald Yeung, 2016. Foundation Design Principles and Practices, Third Edition. 3. Joseph E. Bowles, 1997. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, Fifth Edition. 4. CGS. 2006. Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, 4th edition, Canadian Geotechnical Society. 5. Bengt H. Fellenius, 2023. Basics of Foundation Design Electronic Edition. 6. Ascalew Abebe & Ian GN Smith. Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide. 7. Principles of Foundation Engineering 9th Ed. Das and Nagarathnam, 2019 Cengage Learning, ISBN: 978-337-70502-8. 8. Patrick J. Hannigan, Frank Rausche, Garland E. Likins, Brent R. Robinson and Matthew L. Becker, EI., 2016.Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 12 – Volume I, Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations. Publication No. FHWA-NHI-16-009, FHWA GEC 012 – Volume I. 9. Tharwat M. Baban, 2016. Shallow Foundations Discussions and Problem Solving. ISBN: 9781119056119. 10. Leonardo Zeevaert, 1983. FOUNDATION ENGINEERING FOR DIFFICULT SUBSOIL CONDITIONS, Second Edition. 11. P.C. VARGHESE, 2012. Foundation Engineering, ISBN-978-81-203-2652-1, 12. Ahmed S. Al-Agha, 2015. Basics of Foundation Engineering with Solved Problems. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 7 The Five “W’s” • Who? • What? • Where? • When? • Why? 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 8 Introduction Foundation engineering is a branch of geotechnical engineering which applies soil mechanics, structural engineering, and project serviceability requirements for design and construction of foundations for building, offshore, and other inland structures. The main targets in the design and construction of any engineering projects are Cost, time and quality. Foundation is an important part of any building, dam, bridge, tower, etc. The design of foundations requires: the load that will be transmitted from super-structure to the foundation, information of the geotechnical and geological conditions in order to understand the type of soil that is presented under the foundation e.g. soil nature, soil layers and groundwater depth, the behavior and stress of soil. Additionally, the standards of the building codes are of importance. Foundations are designed based on Service Load Design (SLD) or Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) using the procedures outlined in the AASHTO references. On the other hand, American Concrete Institute (ACI). 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 9 Introduction: cont. Most problems that appear in foundation during implementation and after construction are related to design details, investigation report, soil and concrete problems and water level. The process of design and construction of foundation include: calculate the total loads from the superstructure, the geotechnical assessment including field investigations and laboratory tests to aid soil classification and to evaluate the engineering properties for the subsurface soil, etc. The main problems of Iraqi soil are high gypsum content, salinity and shallow water table depth. Foundation engineering deals with the major two types of problems: Evaluation of the ability of soil or bearing capacity of soil. Decision of the suitable type of footing, size of footing and at what depth it should be placed. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 1 0 Introduction: cont. One of the most important functions of the foundations is to bear all the loads coming down from the structure (support a compressive vertical load), as well as its resistance to the stresses caused by the ground. Therefore, it is important to realize that foundations that are loaded beyond their structural capacity will fail. Foundations must be designed so that the structure is not exposed to the risk of failure in shearing and excessive leveling. Foundations are classified as shallow, deep, or hybrid. The most economical foundation type depends on types of subsurface soils and groundwater conditions, design loads, design precision, serviceability requirements, and construction stages. Shallow foundations consist of spread footings or mats. Deep foundations include driven piles, micro-piles, and drilled shafts. Hybrid foundations are a combination of shallow and deep foundations. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 1 1 Foundation Plan The foundation plan is a plan view drawing, in section, showing the location and size of footings, piers, columns, foundation walls, and supporting beams. A foundation plan is a sketch of the baseline of the full structure. It represents the view of the structure that looks as if it was planned on a horizontal plane. It is used to show the design and how constructors anticipate building it. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 12 Problems Related to Foundation Design 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bearing capacity failure of foundation (e.g. Shear strength of soil). Excessive total or differential settlements of foundation. Instability of foundation, Embankment and Slopes. Damage to surrounding structures due to excavation and dewatering. Collapse of excavation as a result of excessive water. Factors affecting depth of Foundation 1- Environmental effects. Should be deep enough to exclude the possibility of erosion and undermining of the soil by water or wind, and to minimize the possibility of damage by construction operations. 2- Types of soil and depth of layers in case of layered soil. 3- Load applied from structure to the foundation. 4- Physical properties of soil and Ground Water Table condition. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 13 Site Exploration Overview 1. Review of Background Information. 2. Field Reconnaissance. 3. Field Exploration (Drilling, Sampling, In-situ Testing). 4. Laboratory Testing. 5. Geotechnical Analysis. 6. Final Report of Exploration. The purpose of the field exploration is to obtain the following : 1. Knowledge of the general topography of the site (soil and rock strata and groundwater conditions) as it affects foundation design and construction. 2. Results of laboratory tests on soil and rock samples appropriate to the specialist foundation design or construction problems. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 14 Generalized Design Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9/17/2023 Characterize soil (site investigation) Calculate loads (contact pressure and check stability) Determine footing location and depth Evaluate soil bearing capacity Determine footing size and shape Estimate settlements Design and analysis footing structure Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 15 Types of Foundation Foundations may be grouped into two categories: 1. Shallow foundations 2. Deep foundations Shallow Foundations: These types of foundations are so called because they are placed at a shallow depth (relative to their dimensions) beneath the soil surface. Their depth may range from the top of soil surface to about 3 times the breadth (about 6 meters. On the other hands, when the founding depth (𝐷𝑓 ) is less than the width of the footing and less than 3m.). They include spread footings as circular or square or rectangular in plan which support columns, and strip footings which support walls and other similar structures. In addition to, combined and mat foundations and soil retaining structures . 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 16 Types of Foundation: Con. Deep Foundations: The most common of these types of foundations are piles and drilled shafts. They are called deep because they are embedded very deep (relative to their dimensions) into the soil. Their depths may run over several tens of meters. They are usually used when the top soil layers have low bearing capacities (the soil located immediately below the structure is weak, therefore the load of the structure must be transmitted to a greater depth). Deep foundations are founded too deeply below the finished ground surface for their base bearing capacity to be affected by surface conditions. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 17 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation Strip foundation Strip foundations (or strip footings) are a type of shallow foundation that are used to provide a continuous and level strip of support to a linear structure, such as a wall or closely-spaced rows of columns built centrally above them. Often termed a continuous footing this foundation has a length significantly greater than its width. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 18 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation: cont. Pad footing Pad foundations, also known as isolated footings, are structural elements that distribute the load from a column or wall to the underlying soil. These foundations are typically used when the loads from the structure are relatively light or when the soil bearing capacity is adequate to support individual footings. Unlike continuous footings that support multiple columns, pad footings are isolated and support individual load-bearing elements. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 19 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation: cont. Raft foundation A raft foundation is also called a mat foundation and can supporting a high rise block by reinforced concrete . The principal aim of a raft foundation is to spread the load of the building across the entire available surface area under the building. This reduces the stress on the ground below, providing a solid foundation that can accommodate ground movement whilst still maintaining structural integrity. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 20 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation: cont. The shallow foundation has a width B and a length L. The depth of embedment below the ground surface is equal to Df. This depth must be adequate to avoid: 1. Lateral expulsion of soil beneath the foundation. 2. Seasonal volume changes such as freezing or the zone of active organic materials. 3. The depth be sufficient enough that the foundation should be safe against overturning, sliding, rotational failure, and overall soil shear failure and excessive settlement. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani Tharwat M. Baban, 2016. 21 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation: cont. Theoretically, when B/L is equal to zero (that is, L = ∞ ), a plane strain case will exist in the soil mass supporting the foundation. For most practical cases when B/L (1/5 to 1/6), the plane strain theories will yield fairly good results. Strength Requirements Foundations are required to be strong enough that catastrophic failures not be allowed to take place. There are two types of strength requirements: the geotechnical and the structural strength requirements. Geotechnical strength requirements are those that directly related to the supporting soil or rock strata. In footing foundations geotechnical strength is expressed as bearing capacity considering shear in the supporting material; the failure due to shear is usually referred to as bearing capacity failure. In the design of foundations there must be a sufficient factor of safety against such failures. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani (Terzaghi) by Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss 22 Types of Foundation – Shallow Foundation: cont. Strength Requirements Geotechnical strength analysis is usually performed using working (unfactored) loads, that is using allowable stress design (ASD) methods. However, using the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) methods are not uncommon. Structural strength requirements are those that directly related to the structural foundation components. The foundation elements are designed to avoid structural failures, similar to the other structural analyses. The strength analyses are made using either LRFD or ASD methods, depending on the type of structure and its foundation, the structural material, and the governing design code. It is important to realize that foundations which are loaded beyond there structural capacity will, in principle, fail catastrophically. A bearing capacity failure beneath a spread footing foundation. The soil has failed in shear, causing the foundation to collapse. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani Tharwat M. Baban, 2016. 23 Types of Foundation – Deep Foundation Pier foundation A pier foundation is a collection of large diameter cylindrical columns to support the superstructure and transfer large superimposed loads to the hard strata below. Its purpose is to support a large load, such as that from a bridge. A pier operates in the same manner as a pile but it is essentially a short column whereas a pile is relatively longer and more slender. Pile foundation Piles are used to transfer structural loads to either the foundation soil or the bedrock underlying the site. They are usually designed to work in groups, with the column loads they support transferred into them via a capping slab. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar Abdullah Brifkani 24 Types of Foundation – Deep Foundation: cont. Deep foundation:- A foundation whose depth below the surface is greater than its least dimension. Piles and piers fall into this category. Depth/Width > 1 D/B ≥ 4 (other resources) Deep foundations distribute the load vertically rather than horizontally. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 25 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 26 Soil boring locations in La Colina Vineyard (July 2003 sampling ) 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 27 Layout of project site 9/17/2023 House planning an example Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 28 An example Apartment planning 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 29 Excavation ➢ The process of removing soil or rock from its original location in preparation for construction ➢ Depth of excavation depends on ❖ Foundation type (deep or shallow) ❖ Soil type ➢ Types of excavations ❖ Supported ❖ Unsupported 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 30 Reinforcement the foundations 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 31 Construction Site Preparation Building Foundation 9/17/2023 Construction Site Preparation Building Foundation Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 32 Construction Site Preparation Building Foundation 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 33 Types of Foundation Geometry of a typical shallow foundation Isolated spread footing Continuous strip footing Spread footing with cantilever stem-wall at bridge abutment Abutment/wing-wall footing 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 34 Types of Foundation: cont. Footing for a semi-gravity cantilever retaining wall Spill-through abutment on combination strip footing 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani Combined footing 35 Types of Foundation: cont. Shallow Foundations 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 36 Types of Foundation: cont. Combined - Strap Footing 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 37 Types of Foundation: cont. Mat/Raft Foundations 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 38 Types of Foundation: cont. Pile Foundations 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 39 Types of Foundation: cont. Pile Foundations 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 40 Types of Foundation: cont. Pile Driving 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 41 Types of Foundation: cont. Pile Foundations Sheet piles marked for driving 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 42 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Pile Foundations Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 43 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Pile Foundations Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 44 Types of Foundation: cont. http://dreamplanbuilder.com/foundation-types.html 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 45 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 46 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 47 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 48 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 49 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 50 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 51 Types of Foundation: cont. Duhok - Mazi Mall 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 52 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 53 Types of Foundation: cont. 54 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 54 Types of Foundation: cont. Some Project of Civil Engineering 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 55 Types of Foundation: cont. 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 56 Break We will continue in the next lecture 9/17/2023 Dr. Jaafar A. Brifkani 57