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2022, Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education
13 pages
1 file
A review of, Maxwell, N. 2021. The World in Crisis—And What to Do About It: A Revolution for Thought and Action. Singapore, MY: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Global Discourse, 2022
Journal of Futures Studies, 2011
The world has been in a state of economic uncertainty since the 2008 financial crisis. Despite efforts by governments worldwide to stabilise the system and return to business as usual, the future remains uncertain. Times of crisis are opportunities to introspect and to question deeply the foundations of society, culture and education. In this paper it is argued that we can no longer found futures and develop educational curricula centred upon immediate economic considerations. This paper begins with an ethnographic perspective, then introduces the concepts of Deep Futures and "money and machines" futures. The discussion centres upon their possible relevance to the current world economic situation. It is argued that the foundations of the current dilemma are, in their essence, psycho-spiritual.
At the end of 2019 the world was shocked by a severe pandemic that disrupted people's everyday life. Far from being just a health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has severe impacts on societies and economies, and it exacerbates existing human inequalities (UNSDG, 2020, p.3). It is forcing individuals and governments to reset priorities and to rethink how the new normal should look like. This critical moment in the history of humankind is characterized by the coexistence of multiple interconnected crises: a health crisis is complicated by an economic, a social, and last but not least, the environmental and climate ones. Scientifically, each crisis has its own unique specificities, but at the same time these crises are linked to each other by common factors. Some of them also originate from the same causes and provoke similar effects, having strong socio-economic repercussions on societal structures. While a dominant sentiment caused by the pandemic is the one of uncertaintly, we ar...
The Pedagogy of Economic, Political and Social Crises, 2018
The Chinese ideogram for crisis combines two characters: danger and opportunity. This indicates the duality of crisis and suggests several important issues for current and future analyses of crisis, crisis construals, and crisis lessons. First, the ideogram signifies that crises have both objective and subjective aspects corresponding to danger and opportunity respectively. Building on Régis Debray, we can say that, objectively, crises occur when a set of social relations (including their ties to the natural world) cannot be reproduced (cannot "go on") in the old way. Subjectively, crises tend to disrupt (even "shock") accepted views of the world and create uncertainty on how to "go on" within it. For they threaten established views, practices, institutions, and social relations calling into question theoretical and policy paradigms as well as everyday personal and organizational routines. Second, in this sense, crises do not have predetermined outcomes: how they are resolved, if at all, depends on the actions taken in response to them. They are potentially path-shaping moments with performative effects that are mediated through the shifting balance of forces competing to influence crisis construal, crisis-management, crisis outcomes, and possible lessons to be drawn from crisis. Third, without the objective moment, we have, at worst, deliberately exaggerated or even manufactured "crises", at best, unwarranted panic based on mis-perception or mis-recognition of real world events and processes. 1 Sometimes, crises may be manufactured or, at least exaggerated, for strategic or tactical purposes not directly related to immediate events or processes. Agents may, for "political" motives, broadly interpreted, conjure crises from nowhere or exaggerate the breadth, depth, and threat of an actual crisis (Mirowski, 2013). After all, "one should never let a serious crisis go to waste" (cf. Rahm Emanuel's comment, made on the Bloomberg television channel in November 2008 in his capacity as transition manager for President-elect Barack Obama). 2 A rigorous analysis of crises, crisis construals, and crisis-management must be able to distinguish these alternatives or it could fall into a simplistic form of constructivism. Fourth, without the subjective moment, while disinterested observers may perceive a crisis developing either in real time or after the "event", the crisis will have insufficient resonance for relevant participants to spur them into efforts to take decisive action. Yet the notion of critical moment and turning point is a key feature of crises as conventionally understood. Fifth, from this perspective, then, crises are 2 complex, objectively overdetermined moments of subjective indeterminacy, where decisive action can make a major difference to the future (Debray, 1973, p. 113; see also pp. 99-100, 104-105). However, cautioning against too easy an adoption of this kind of perspective, Janet Roitman (2014, p. 41) notes that, while positing a given situation as a crisis makes certain questions possible, it also forecloses other kinds of question and lines of investigation. In other words, an over-reliance by participants or observers on interpreting specific symptoms as evidence of a continuing crisis or yet another crisis can create a blind spot that sidelines alternative descriptions, diagnoses, prognoses, and potential courses of action. Taking crisis for granted as a starting point means that the nature of crisis as an explanandum is left unexamined and therefore directs attention to the search for the best explanation (or, at least, some explanation). So, rather than asking whether X (an event or process) does or does not constitute a crisis, its unquestioned, unreflective treatment as a crisis, of whatever kind, short-circuits analysis of the crisis and, hence, decision-making about suitable responses. Although Roitman directs her criticism against historical narratives shaped by the interpretive couplet of crisis-critique that is allegedly characteristic of modernity since the eighteenth century (cf. Koselleck, 1988; Festl, Grosser, and Thomä, 2018), her arguments are also very apt for the inflation of crisis diagnoses and discourses in recent decades as mentioned in Chapter 1. Indeed, the more that crisis discourse expands, the greater the risk that crisis becomes an empty concept. This is especially true where crisis is employed counter-intuitively, as is often the case nowadays, to describe an enduring condition rather than, as implied in its original meaning, to identify a moment for decisive action that might restore the status quo ante or lead to more or less radical social transformation. This risk can be remedied on condition that the durability of crises is related to contingent conditions that block a resolution that might otherwise occur. This is compatible with the general principles of critical realism and is analysed by Gramsci, for example, in terms of a "catastrophic equilibrium of forces" (1971: 219-23, 300; cf. Gramsci 1975: Q13, §27; Q14, §23; Q22, §10; for a discussion in relation to the crisis in Europe, see Keucheyan and Durand, 2015). These contingencies are illustrated in Chapter 4, where Andrew Gamble refers to the impasse of the British state or economy, which he regards as structural and deep-seated, leading to inertia, deadlocks or catastrophic equilibria. Likewise, Will Hout notes the permanent crisis in development assistance and explains this in terms of a failure to look beyond symptoms to deeper causes of poverty, inequality, and unsustainable
International Politics and Society Journal, 2021
To tackle today's crises, we need transformative realism Neither gradualism nor moral activism will solve today's major crises-from Covid-19 to climate breakdown. Instead, we need a broad social coalition
Global Discourse, 2022
We now live in perpetual crisis: ‘an age of crisis’, ‘times of crisis’, ‘chronic crisis’ and so on. These expressions seem to merely describe a state of affairs, but they are foundational claims. The concept of crisis qualifies a world: it determines what gets to count as an event and what gets inscribed as history in the ongoing stream of competing phenomena. Crisis is a naturalising category that subsumes specificity. It has colonised the life-worlds of communities across the globe and become foundational to knowledge production despite its Christian-European genealogy. Analyses that attempt to gain insights by elucidating discourses of crisis, or how people use the term ‘crisis’, and the experience of crisis, or how people narrate crisis, disregard the constitutive questions that make crisis a primary means of qualifying the observable world. Asking those constitutive questions has political import because they raise the long-standing problem of representation – of the Other, of ...
Development, 2009
Cecilia Alemany argues that this is the worst crisis in our contemporary historical period, which requires imagination, political will, a new multilateralism, and new social contracts. She argues that it is crucial to build a more inclusive and democratic multilateralism as an ethical responsibility.
iCEST2019, June 27 – 39, 2019, Ohrid, Mecedonia, 2019
Width &todulation {P11 hIi nnd Pulse-Frequency llodulation (FFhti confrnllerl buck converter is proposed in thi* papern designed for rvearahle electrcflic devices. The input voltage is equai to 3.6V and the al'erflge value of the output vtltage is regulated to be !.7\'. I-he maximum efficiency ry of the buck converter is 81"43%. when the load eurrent luoa is equal to 68mA" lYhen lLood is smaller than 8m,4, 11r* g;fisisncl' of the PF&l contrr:lled buck ccnverter is around 7Y' irigher e om;iared to the efficiency ol the PW&1 controlle d buck converter. Keyvortls-Buck convcrters, Fulse-lVidth h{odulatian (PWft), Pulse-Frequency ltodulation iPFld), lntegrated circuits. {ladence. I.Ixrnoni,cloN Today. the number of' r.r,earable electrcnic devices incorporated intire lnternet olThings (ioT) s.lstems is gronrng' fast.
Molecules, 2016
The need for developing real disease-modifying drugs against neurodegenerative syndromes, particularly Alzheimer's disease (AD), shifted research towards reliable drug discovery strategies to unveil clinical candidates with higher therapeutic efficacy than single-targeting drugs. By following the multi-target approach, we designed and synthesized a novel class of dual acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitors through the decoration of the 2H-chromen-2-one skeleton. Compounds bearing a propargylamine moiety at position 3 displayed the highest in vitro inhibitory activities against MAO-B. Within this series, derivative 3h emerged as the most interesting hit compound, being a moderate AChE inhibitor (IC 50 = 8.99 µM) and a potent and selective MAO-B inhibitor (IC 50 = 2.8 nM). Preliminary studies in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell lines demonstrated its low cytotoxicity and disclosed a promising neuroprotective effect at low doses (0.1 µM) under oxidative stress conditions promoted by two mitochondrial toxins (oligomycin-A and rotenone). In a Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)II-MDR1 cell-based transport study, Compound 3h was able to permeate the BBB-mimicking monolayer and did not result in a glycoprotein-p (P-gp) substrate, showing an efflux ratio = 0.96, close to that of diazepam.
rapport nr.: Externredovisning 10-11-106, 2011
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 2010
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2007
Renewable Energy, 2006
Indagationes Mathematicae-new Series, 2006
Automated Software Engineering, 1996
Test Bank for Physics 10th Edition by Cutnell, 2019
Genetic Epidemiology, 1999
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2002
Advances in Historical Studies
Student Activity History of WOmen and War, 2025
Opinión pública sobre las transferencias monetarias en América Latina, 2023
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2019
M. Pia Garavaglia- G. Razzano, Lo Stato deve garantire le cure per affrontare ogni sofferenza, su Avvenire, 7 marzo, p. 9, 2025
Journal of virological methods, 2015
Economist & Jurist, 2024