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r •Jn I I SHARREL E. FORD zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA T >• okyo, Ja pa n 1 "9„ SHARREL E. FORD To k y o , Ja pa n >> ONML rumpYXWVUTSRQPON PREFACE The wo rk n o wbefo re the rea der will in crea sin glyco mmen ditself to him a s he diligen tly rea ds, run s referen ces, re-rea ds, a n d p ra y erfullystudies the co n ten ts. Tha t is to sa y ,this is n o sha llo w o r p erfun cto ryha n dlin go f a theme so o ften trea ted a s a mere sa tisfier o f curio sity . In ONMLKJIHGFE th e L a st T ru m p is a p ra y erfula n d so ul-sea rchin gstudy o f the en d-time, o n ewhich truly ho n o rsthe Co min gKin g a n dreco gn izesthe co mp lete a utho rityo f the Bible. My o wn so ul ha s been thrilled, cha llen ged,a n dma de to tremble a t this study . Tra ditio nis given a min imum o f co n sidera tio n Fo . r tha t rea so nthis wo rk will be disco un tedby ma n y ,tho ugh this is to be regretted, fo r it will cha llen ge the very “fo un da tio ”n so f much religio us thin k in g. My o wn hea rt ha s been o verwhelmed a s I ha ve rea d a n dre-rea d much o f this ma n uscrip t. I ha ve been ca lled to rep en­ t a n ce fo r p a sterro r; my o wn p rea chin gha s been a ffected. The ca reless o r light rea der ma n yn ever fin ish this bo o k the : p rejudiced den o min a tio n a o list r tra ditio n a lized ma n ma y so o nclo se his min d, his hea rt, a n d then the bo o k ,in fa vo ro f his tra ditio n s. This wo rd o f ca utio n is a cha llen ge fo r such to rea d o n , turn in gto the ma n yreferen cescited, rea din gea ch in co n text,da rin gto la y his p rejudices a n d p reco n ceivedidea s do wn lo n g en o ughto co n sider the a utho r'sviewp o in t,then o n lyp ick in gup wha t o n eca n ho n estly reta in a fter such study . Geo . N. H. Peters, in his mo n umen ta lwo rk , T h e T h e o c ra tic K in g d o m , with seer-lik e wisdo m, sa y s in his In tro ductio n “: It ha s, ho wever, been the fa te o f so me a utho rsto be so fa r in a dva n ceo f their co n temp o ra ries tha t, a p p recia ted o n lyby the few discern in go r ca n did, it ha s required time, or the necessity of the Church, or the endorsements of a line of students to give importance and weight to their statements While the deepest thinkers freely admit that n e w a n d valu­ able contributions to theology are reasonably to be anticipated, that such are ab­ solutely required at the present juncture (1883), and that such can only be found in i he rich resources of the Word, yet it is remarkable that a contribution thus given will, especially in the hands of those whose minds are controlled by human traditions and by an exalting of Church authority above that of the Scriptures, be rejected and anathematized on the ground of its being in opposition to their preconceived and favorite formula of doctrine.” 1 count Bro. Sharrel Ford my warm personal friend and brother in Christ While I have been his teacher in the classroom he has become my teacher in many ways. His zeal for the Truth of the Bible is only matched by his love for the souls of men. He is presently spending himself in the interest of the multitudes in Japan who do not know our Wonderful Saviour. To know the man would help much in appreciation of this work, for it would point up a fact often over­ looked by theologians: that scholarship alone is not the prime requisite for know­ ing God's will. The Spirit-breathed ideas of the Book, being matched with Spirit-taught words, are only spiritually discerned. This book will commend itself to the humble, Truth-hungry student, not by its literary style or flowing language, but by its simple earnestness, its deep perception of little understood prophetic Truth, and its keen appreciation of “that blessed hope” You arc now challenged to pull off your spectacles of tradition and read with an eye single to Him — that “one-eyed” faith vision. EDWARD BYRD Pueblo , Co lo ra do (1) CONTENTSYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH I’a g i : Ch a pt e r ... 5 I “IN THE LAST TRUMP" Daniel's Seventy Weeks The Last Trump The Seventh Trumpet 15 II. THE DAY O F THE L O R D “As the Lightning Cometh" Salvation in the Great Tribulation Thief Coming and Glory Coming Same ... 21 III. GREEK WORDS TO BE STUDIED CAREFULLY APOKALUPTO EPIPHAINO PHAINO PAROUSIA 27 IV. IS THE COMING OF CHRIST IMMINENT? “All These Things Are the Beginning of Sorrows" “Tell Us, When Shall These Things Be?" 38 V. THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB “The Lord God Omnipotent Reigncth" Breaking Up Camp The Heavens Standing Open 44 VI. THE WRATH OF GOD WRATH Vials of Wrath Palestine a Paradise During the Wrath The Glorified Army in Battle Array The Antichrist Seeks to Roh Paradise Daniel's Description of the Wrath of God Duration of God's Wrath 58 V II. SEALS A Throne is set in Heaven The Book of Seven Seals Redemption The Breaking of the Seals 71 VIII TRUMPETS Wicked Spirits in Heavenly Places The Sounding of the Trumpets Vials SO — , IX. SEALS. TRUMPETS. AND VIALS 84 X . A TIME-PLACEMENT OF CHAPTERS IN THE REVELATION 92 XI. SOME THINGS FROM DANIEL “In the Days of These Kings" “And Judgment Was Given to the Saints He Cast Down the Stars The Last Week “Till the Indignation Be Accompli hed" “The End of These Wonders Possible Durations of End-Time Periods 105 PROPHETIC F U L F I L L M E N T I N O U R DAY X II. “Now Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree “This Generation" Why Did They Do It? Prophecies Yet to Be Fulfilled 109 CHARTS INTRODUCTION This is the first of a number of books which shall be published in the near future, the Lord willing. The second book will deal with matters related to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, and will be ready for pub' lication soon. The following volumes will be a natural outgrowth of the first two; relating both to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Second Coming of Christ, dealing particularly with things related to the rapture, the resurrection and the judgment seat of Christ. The present volume is devoted completely to the TIME of the Second Coming of Christ, and other related time elements Most gratefully I acknowledge that I am indebted, beyond my ability to express adequately, to my beloved teacher of the Word, Brother Edward Byrd, for his even increasing encouragements, and very numerous criticisms of the most constructive nature. Mention could be made of numerous others who have made valuable contributions to the compilation of the following material, and though I will not mention them here, I do pray that the gracious Master will abundantly reward them for their kindnesses I wish to encourage the reader to prepare himself for an honest and careful examination of material much different from that commonly accepted among the more fundamental Bible Students It is never wise to be hasty in setting forth a conviction that so widely differs from what the most sound expositors of the Word have for many years held as truth. Therefore it is most necessary that I should have spent many mid-night hours, even till the cock's crow is heard, in prayer and meditation upon these most solemn matters before anticipating the publication of the same. Even then it is reckoned among the wise that one should “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5). It is quite comforting, therefore, to have “the feb lowship of kindred minds;” yet, still greater comfort comes from the assurance that this “fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above." It is most assuredly my desire that he who has “the words of eternal life,” to whom alone we must go, should in all things, even in these things, have the pre-eminence, both now and forever. I must solemnly caution each reader that a casual or hurried reading of parts, or of all of this work will not be conducive to intelligent, constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is always in order, and I heartily invite the earnest searcher of the Word to offer such criticism liberally. There are some few particulars of which I am not so firmly convinced. These I have labeled as my opinions. I offer no apologies for that which I am convinced is according to truth, though I frankly acknowledge my great lack of efficiency in setting forth the same. I would like to have set in print many more quotations of scriptures to accompany the individual discussions, vet because of the need of conserving space, I have given large numbers of references with the hope that the reader will find time and opportunity to examine each reference to confirm the position set forth. YXWVU It is very possible that the reader may find himself momentarily lost con­ certain statements in the earlier chapters. This is because it is impossible to set forth a d o z e n important proofs in one statement, or even in one paragraph To most students of the Word, many of these thoughts will be relatively new: therefore, as in all matters, patience is most commendable. There will, of course, be numerous questions that will arise, particularly in the first few chapters, but if patience is to have fruit in her children, the reader will find that most of c e r n in g G) these questions will be adequately answered in the furtherance of the matter. This work is set forth especially for the consideration of those who hold that the return of our Lord is premillennial. I have not argued the premillen' nial position. There is sufficient material from a great variety of writers to establish the position, which, I believe, is in greatest harmony with the inspired Word. Among the many prcmillcnnial writers one finds many variations of thought relative to whether the return of the Lord is pre', mid', or post'tribula' tion. This work will deal with these things particularly. The majority of the prcmillennial brethren hold that there will be two phases of the Second Advent of Christ. My endeavor in this work is to establish beyond doubt that there will be only one phase; the one usually termed, “the revelation,” or “the glory coming.” The design of this volume is not for the pleasure of reading. It is my hope and confidence that these thoughts will be carefully examined, therefore I have tried to design it especially for study. The purpose of this is that it may add clarity and force of thought; and also provide easier understanding for the be' ginning students of the Word. The joy and comfort received during the many hours of meditation upon the Word in the preparation of this volume have abounded far beyond adequate expression. That which is according to truth should always give increasing joy, even though it cuts against the grain of our carnal nature. It is therefore my fervent prayer that you who examine the following pages shall be found fruitful in the same joys of the Holy Spirit who is ever desirous to illumine the minds of all who will receive His instructions. S. ONMLKJ E. FO RD Tokyo, Japan (4) CHAPTER I "In the Last Trump" We cannot know the hour nor the day of our Lord's return, yet the scriptures are plain that the wise shall understand (Dan. 12:10), and that we who belong to the day of the Lord should not let that day overtake us as a thief (I Thess. 5:1-6) There are many things which we ca ONMLKJIHGFED n know and I take great delight in examining these matters. DANIEL'S SEVENTY WEEKS To introduce this discussion of end-time events I wish to make reference to Daniel 9:24-27. Because of the bulk of material that is to follow in this work, it is necessary to be brief on this passage; nevertheless, because of the great significance of these seventy weeks of God's dealings with Israel, I will endeavor to give enough discussion to acquaint the younger student of the Word with the passage. At the time Daniel received this revelation, the nation of Israel was in Baby­ lonian captivity. The Jews were carried into this captivity in 586 B.C and ac­ cording to Jeremiah they were to remain there under divine judgment for seventy years. Daniel was studying these prophecies of Jeremiah when the Lord gave him understanding that the time of their completion was at hand. Being a man of frequent and fervent prayers, Daniel set his heart upon the Lord, confessing the sins of Israel, glorifying God for His righteous judgment upon them, and pleading for the deliverance and restoration of the nation. It then pleased the Lord to reveal to Daniel many other things concerning Israel in future years. The angel Gabriel was sent to give the revelation to Daniel. In Dan. 9:24 Gabriel says, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." The word "week" is used here in the same way that it is used in Gen. 29:27; “Fulfill her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven o th e r yea rs. Gabriel did not mean seventy weeks of days, but seventy weeks of years. There could be no possible way to reconcile this passage to history if we should think of these seventy weeks as referring to days. Within these seventv weeks (490 years) there were six things which were to be fulfilled concerning Israel: (1) to finish the transgression; (2) to make an end of sins: (3) to make reconciliation for iniquity. (4) to bring in everlasting righteousness. (5) to seal up the vision and prophecy. (6) and to anoint the most Holy. A close examination of these will reveal that their fulfillment has not taken place yet, and cannot take place before the Lord returns The transgressions, sins, and iniquities of Israel have not been completed yet, and will not until Israel says, "Blessed is he that comcth in the name of the Lord” (Matt. 23:39). The bringing in of everlasting righteousness upon Israel, etc . will not take place until the transgression of that nation is finished, which will be at the time of the Lord's return. From verse 25 through verse 27 we learn that the seventy weeks were di­ vided into three periods: seven weeks, sixty-two weeks, and one week Daniel had just understood that Israel's Babylonian captivity was at its end, and he is here told that the seventy weeks (490 years) would begin at the moment a command was given for Jerusalem to be rebuilt, and at the end of sixty-nine (5) weeks (483 years) the Messiah would he cut off. There were 483 years from the time Nchemiah was commissioned to rebuild Jerusalem in 445-6 B.C until the time of Christ's personal ministry (probably the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem as given in Matthew 21 and Mark 11) These sixty-nine weeks, however, were divided into two parts. The first division was seven weeks (49 years), which began with the command to rebuild Jerusalem and ended upon the completion of the work of rebuilding the city. The second period of sixty-two weeks (434 years) proceeded from the time Jerusalem was rebuilt to the time of the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. It is quite clear that the crucifixion of Christ was not the time the second period of sixty-two weeks ended because verse 26 says, “ONMLKJIHG a fte r three-score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off." The death of Christ therefore must come “ a fte r'' the first sixty-nine weeks. These first two periods of sixty-nine weeks were to end upon the coming of the “Messiah the prince," which best fits the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, concerning which Matthew says: “And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest" (Matt. 21:9). Christ did not offer Himself to Israel as their Prince at the time of His baptism, therefore the time of His baptism does not appear to be the correct time. The same is true with the time of Christ's birth. Verse 26 tells us that after the cutting off of the Messiah (crucifixion of Christ) the city of Jerusalem would again be destroyed. This was fulfilled by the Romans in A.D. 70. It must be observed that both the crucifixion of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem came b e tw e e n the sixty-ninth week and the seventieth week. This was the order of the prophecy, and it was the order of the fulfillment. Verse 27 speaks of the confirmation of a covenant with many for “one week” which is the last of the seventy weeks, From this verse I would like to give the following observations. (1) . It must be noted that there is the confirming of a covenant that will over-­ complete this last week of years. Any explanation of this week must not over look this fact. (2) . The one who confirms this covenant is very evidently the “prince that shall come," mentioned in verse 26. This prince is the Antichrist, and is the prince of the Romans. Since the Messiah was cut off at the end of the sixty­ ninth week, it is therefore most illogical to think that he is the one who confirms the covenant for the seventieth week. The one who confirms the covenant for the last of the seventy weeks is also the one who causes the overspreading of abominations. It is also upon him that that which is determined (the wrath of the Almighty) will be poured out at the consumation of the abominations It will not do to say that this person is Christ. (3) . The covenant evidently gives permission for the Jews to promote their worship in their temple which is to be rebuilt. The Romans destroyed the temple in A.D. 70, but it will be rebuilt. This is necessary by the fact that the sacrifice and oblation will he stopped in the midst of the week. Further prwf can be seen by studying Rev. 11:1-2 and II Thess. 2:4 (4) . In the midst of the week the Roman prince, the Antichrist, will cause the daily worship in the temple to cease. This is when the great tribulation be gins, in which many Jews and many of the saints will be slaughtered for a period of forty-two months (3% years). (5) . This Roman prince, the Antichrist, will also place the abomination that makes desolate in the midst of the week. The word “abomination" means (6) something that is hateful, detestable, disgusting, etc. The word “desolate” means something that is empty, laid waste, deserted, etc. The whole expression speaks of something being placed in the temple so contrary' to the ordinances of God that it will render the worship of this temple without effect. (6). At the appointed time, that which is “determined shall be poured upon --O- the one who the desolate” (dcsolator). At the appointed time God will judge these things into the New Testament and causes the desolation. Let us follow f build upon them further. Turning to Matt. 24:15'22 we find the words of our Lord concerning these same matters. Jesus says, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of deso­ lation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place .... Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains .... For ONMLKJIHGF th e n shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened,, there should be no flesh saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” There is a lot of unnecessary' confusion as to the period of time Jesus had in mind in these verses. It is said that in these verses Jesus had reference to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. This cannot be so, and I will give a number of observations showing why it is not so; and also showing that both Jesus and Daniel prophesied of a time still future to us. (1) . The abomination of desolation is the one mentioned by' Daniel which takes place in the midst of the last, or seventieth week. The destruction of Jerusalem came after the completion of the sixty-ninth week, but before the bebeginning of the seventieth week (Dan. 9:26-27), therefore the seventieth week must come after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. (2) . The one who seeks to apply these words of Jesus (Matt. 24:15-22) to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 must find a confirmation of a covenant with many for one week of years just three and one half years before the event of A.D. 70. He must also show the accomplishment of the six things mentioned in Dan. 9:24 just three and one half years after A.D. 70. Of course, this can­ not be done. (3) . It is in the midst of the seventieth week that the great tribulation be­ gins. Please make careful note of this fact. At the moment the abomination of desolation is placed the Jews are to flee into the mountains, for “then shall be great tribulation” — not before, not after, but “THEN.” The great tribu­ lation docs not include the first part of the week There is not one scripture which speaks of the great tribulation before the approximate middle of the week (4) . The tribulation mentioned in Matt. 24:21-22 must be the same as the one mentioned in Dan. 12:1. This is made necessary' by the language of both passages. (A) The tribulation in Matt 24 is the greatest of any before it, or after it (B) The tribulation in Dan. 12 takes place at the time of the resurrec­ tion and rewarding of God's people; and it is said to be the greatest of any trib­ ulation up to that time. A correct analysis here will demand that both tribula­ tions are the same, and that they arc just prior to the Lord's return (5) . It is clear from Dan. 12:6-7 that the tribulation mentioned in Dan12:!, which is the one of which Jesus spoke, is only three and one half years in duration. In Dan. 12:6 the question was asked, “How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?” 1 further ask, What wonders are they that are under consideration? The answer given in verse 7 is that the “wonders” deal with the scattering of the holy people (Israel). Since chapters 10, 11 and 12 of Daniel arc one continuous chain of thoughts (given by the mouth of Gabriel evidently), it is necessary for us to understand that 11:31-45 and 12:1, 6-7, 11 (7) all deal with the same period of time. This matter will be more fully developed in a later chapter devoted to the prophecies of Daniel. (6) Matt. 24:29'31 shows that the return of Christ will be “immediately after the tribulation of those days." This statement is made in relation to the great tribulation mentioned in Matt. 24:21-22. Other scriptures such as Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:5'7. etc., will greatly aid in determining the length of this period ol tribulation upon Israel and many saints. A summary of these observations reveals that the great tribulation will be­ gin at the moment the Antichrist places the abomination of desolation in the Jew­ ish temple. The great tribulation, as it affects the saints and the Jews, will last only three and one half years, and will end at the time the Lord comes in glory. All this makes it necessary that the last of Daniel’s seventy weeks will transpire lust prior to the Lord's return to the earth. THE LAST TRUMP Having laid a foundation, let us get into the discussion proper. The expression “in the last trump" (Greek text) comes from I Cor. 15:51-52. “Be­ hold, I shew you a YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA m y s t e r y ; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the tw in k lin g of an eye, ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA a t th e la st tru m p ; fo r the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." The subject under consideration is the resurrection and rapture of the saints. The reference to the last tru m p gives significance to the time of the resurrection and rapture. Please observe that it does not say the first, second or middle trump, but the L A S T trump. Thayer's lexicon says that this is the “extreme last;” “the trumpet after which no other will sound.” If we undertake to place the rapture of the saints (living or dead) before the last trumpet sounds, we shall certainly do damage to a correct interpretation of scripture. The Holy Spirit through Paul refers to this last trumpet in such a way that it becomes very apparent that we should quickly know which trumpet is under consideration. It is of necessity that there be the sounding of other trumpets since this is the “last” one. There must be a succession of trumpet soundings of which this one is the last. There is only one place in the Bible that we find such a succession in connection with the Lord's coming, and that is in the book of Revelation, chapters 8 through 11. This is the only succession of trumpet sound­ ings in the New Testament This fact alone makes it necessary to u n d e r s ta n d that the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19) is the one Paul has reference to in I Cor. 15:51-52. For the purpose of emphasis I will give the following signifi­ cant thoughts: (1) . The subject under consideration is the resurrection and rapture (2) . The resurrection and rapture is called a mystery. This is the mystery of God which the prophets have proclaimed from the earliest ages (Rev. l<L5-7). (3) . This mystery is to be finished upon the sounding of the L A S T trump. No honest means of interpretation can possibly deny this bold fact. (4) . It is absolutely necessary that there be the sounding of O T H E R trum­ pets in order for this one to be the “last” one. This fact cannot be overlooked, and any discussion of t h e time o f the L o r d 'i r e t u r n is e x c e p tio n a lly icc.i\- a n d terrib ly la ckin g if this fact is not taken into serious and careful c o n s id e r a tio n (5) . The language of this passage demands that there be a S U C C E S S IO N o f trumpet soundings of which this one is the last. Any discussion on the time of the Lord's return M U S T point out such a succession, and also show the re­ lationship of the preceding trumpets to this L A S T o n e . What Paul says in I Thcss. 4:13-18 deals with t h e same object and the (8) same trumpet sounding. Proof shall be given later that I Thess. 4:13-18 takes place at the time Christ comes in glory to purge the wicked from the earth and reign a thousand years. Understanding that the resurrection and rapture will not take place until the la ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA st trump sounds, let us consider what Jesus has to say in Matt. 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; and Luke 21:25-27. The expression “Immediately after the tribulation of th o se d a y s ” has reference to that part of the great tribulation brought on by the Antichrist, as we see more clearly from Mark 13:24; “But in th o se d a ys, a fte r that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.” As the great tribulation is related to the saints and Israel it will last 3 Vs years, but there is a very great change that takes place at the end of the reign of the Antichrist. The great tribulation will continue far beyond the end of the reign of the Antichrist, but there will be a shift of tribulation from the saints and Israel onto the Anti­ christ and his kingdom. We will see that this is absolutely necessary as we pro­ ceed. The great tribulation is made up of two periods of tribulation; one im­ mediately following the other. The first is executed by the Antichrist and his forces. The latter is executed by Christ, His army of glorified saints, and the heavenly hosts of mighty angels. There is one fact that is completely overlooked by almost every work that I have ever read on the end-time which is very necessary in order to discern the time elements of the Lord's return. That fact is that the wrath of God is not poured out during the time the Antichrist is turned loose with almost un­ limited powers. The 42 months of power of the Antichrist is most definitely to be distinguished from the period in which God pours out His wrath upon the Antichrist and the nations. God has promised to judge the nations in great wrath since the earliest ages. The Psalms, for instance, are full of these pro­ nouncements. II Thess. 2:4-12 teaches that the Antichrist will be turned loose with overwhelming powers to deceive the world for a short period. It will not harmonize to say that God is pouring out the vials (Rev 16) and other judg­ ments at this same time When God begins such great wrath as described under the seven vials, the Antichrist will be hindered more than ever. God not only turns the Antichrist loose with exceedingly great powers during this short period, but also sends “strong delusion” upon the unbelieving world that they might believe the lie of the Antichrist This fact most forceably militates against any wrath of God being released during the short period after the Holy Spirit is moved out of the way of the Antichrist. It is when Christ comes in glory, as described in II Thess. 1-7-9 and many other passages that shall be used later, that the wrath of God is turned loose. By observing Matt. 24:15, 21 carefully we sec that “the-tribulation-thegreat” (literal translation) begins at the same time the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place (in the midst of Daniel's last week). “The-tribulationthe great” must include the period of God's wrath because God's wrath is far greater than the wrath of the Antichrist. The coming of Christ in glory (Matt 24:30) begins the wrath of God (compare also II Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-19; etc ) It will be well for us to make note of the fact that the Anti­ christ is not cast into the lake of fire immediately upon the coming of Christ in glory. Christ is pleased for His glorified army to wear out the Antichrist and his forces for some 44'4 months (this period of God's wrath, and its duration, will be discussed in a following chapter). The great tribulation begins near the middle of Daniel's last week and con­ tinues for some 7 years 2'4 months. The coming of Christ in glory is at the (9) end of the 42 months of Antichrist’s power, and is shortly before the end of Daniel s last week which will be shortly before the middle of the tribulation proper. There are a number of things that will take place immediately after the tribulation of those days” (the Antichrist’s part), the last one of which Jesus mentioned in this passage (Matt. 24:29-31), is that He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet to gather God’s elect from every direction. Please notice that here is a trumpet sounding a fte r that part of the great tribulation of which the Antichrist is the master. T h e trumpet to w h ich P a u l h a s reference in I Cor. 15:52 is th e sa m e as th is o n e, o r else P a u l's tru m p et fo llo w s th is o n e fo r h is is th e L A S T T R U M P . ’ ’ Please meditate on this for a few moments It has been said that Jesus had reference to the regathering of Israel in this passage, but such cannot be true because Israel had been regathered before the covenant for “one week” began. It is with Israel that the Anti­ christ makes the covenant for one week (Dan. 9:27). When that covenant is broken in the midst of the week, Israel is to flee into the wilderness (Matt. 24:15-20; Rev. 12:6, 14-17), The Antichrist will be in full power for 3% years (II Thess. 2; Rev. 13:5). Israel will be hiding in the wilderness for the same 3years (Rev. 12:14-17). At the end of these 3% years Christ will come in glory. It is true that Israel will come out of the wilderness at the time Christ comes in glory, but the “elect” spoken of in Matt. 24:31 and Mark 13:27 come fro m th e u tte rm o st p a rt o f h ea ven a n d ea rth , not just merely out of the wilder­ ness, or even out of all nations. When Christ comes in glory at the end of the un-restrained 3% years’ reign of the Antichrist, the resurrection and rapture of the saints will take place. The only way that we can say that this is a re­ gathering of Israel is by including the engrafted seed of Abraham, who are not Jews by nature, but became Jews by a faith like Abraham had. By comparing Matt. 24:29-31 with Rev. 6:12-17 one will notice a very strik­ ing similarity. (1). Both passages say that the sun will be blacked out. (2). Both passages say that the moon will be blacked out. (3) Both passages say that the stars will fall from heaven. (4) Rev. 6:14 says the heavens will depart as a scroll when it is rolled together which would cause the powers of heaven (demon powers) to be shaken as mentioned in Matt. 24:29. (5) Matt 24:30 says the tribes of the earth mourn which is the very thing that happens in Rev. 6:15-16. (6). Matt. 24:30 says the Son of man shall come with power and great glory which is exactly what is meant by the words, “the great day of his (thcir--Greek) wrath is come” (Rev. 6:17). The two passages must deal with the same time element. Compare also with II Thess. 1:7-9; Jude 14-15; etc. THE SEVENTH TRUMPET Let us further compare the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19) with the scrip tures already considered. Please let me make this emphatic. I Cor. 15:51-52: Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 6:12-17; and Rev. 11:15-19 should be carefully compared and studied in the light of each other. Many other passages will beautifully weave themselves into the setting of these if studied with a ready mind The ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA first thing mentioned under this trumpet is that Christ begins to reign (Rev. 11:15, 17). It is not after this time, nor before this time, but here, that Christ begins to reign. When Christ comes in glory He begins to reign. We can e a sily see that the events described in Matt. 24:29-31 are also descriptive of the time that Christ begins to reign The Antichrist has been in power for 4 2 months, but his power is broken by the appearance of Chri-t in glory This - im. comparison follows in Rev. 6:12-17. The Antichrist has been in power for the short length of time allotted to him by God, which is described in the first six (10) seals. His power is ended by the rolling up of the heavens, which is the time Christ begins to reign. The ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA seco nd thing mentioned is that the nations became angry (Rev. 11:18). This compares with the statement, “then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn" (Matt. 24:30); and the cry for the mountains and rocks to fall on them (Rev. 6:1546). It is when the Son of man appears “in a cloud with power and great glory," and the heavenly bodies are blackened and scattered, that there will be “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roar­ ing; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Luke 21: 25-27). The th ird thing mentioned under trumpet seven is, “and thy wrath is come, which is almost word for word with Rev. 6:17, and also harmonizes well with Matt. 24:30. One will have no trouble seeing that these scriptures deal with the same event. It is necessary for us to clearly understand that the reign of Christ and the wrath of God begin at the same time. Study this passage closely and fol low the comparisons that have been given. The seven vials are filled with the wrath of God and are poured out a fte r Christ begins to reign. It is here that Psalm 2:1-6 and other passages find their fulfillment. The fo u rth thing mentioned under the seventh trumpet is, “and th e tim e o f th e d ea d , that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great” (Rev. 11:18). I ask this question, Who are the dead ones of whom he speaks? They are not the unsaved dead because their time is not until the end of the Millennium (Rev. 20). Certainly it is of the saved dead that he speaks. Why should the saints be referred to as “dead" if they had been raised prior to this time? If they had been raised already they would be classified as living, not dead. This is the time of the resurrection. Paul said, “Behold I shew you a mystery” (I Cor. 15:51). The angel said, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh a n g el, when he shall begin to sound, th e m y ste ry o f G o d should be fin ish ed " (Rev. 10:7). Where in the seventh trumpet do we find the completion of this mystery7 other than in the statement, “the time of the dead?" Without a doubt the seventh trumpet is the last trump. F ifth , you will notice further that under the seventh trumpet comes the judgment scat of Christ—“and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great. (Rev. 11:18). The reader may study Matt. 16:27; Mark 8:38: Luke 9:26; and the many other scriptures that will be used shortly for further proof that Christ will reward the saints after He comes in glory. S ix th , verse 19 says, “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament; and there were lightnings and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." Under the sixth seal we sec that the whole heavens will be rolled back as a scroll. This will make it possible for the earth to view the temple of God which will be opened in heaven. Surely we can see the harmony between I Cor 15:51-52; Matt. 24: 29-31; Rev. 6:12-17; and Rev. 11:15-19. This should very clearly establish the time of the resurrection and rapture at the seventh, or, last trump. For greater emphasis the following brief summary is given. The four most significant developments under this seventh trumpet are: (1) Christ begins to reign. (2). The wrath of God begins. (3). The resurrection and rapture take place at this time. (4). The time of the rewarding of all the saints follows the (H) soun mg of this seventh trumpet. All four of these developments take place (or egin to take place) at the same time — when the seventh trumpet sounds. P en trumPet. fundings are the succession of trumpet soundings to which au 1a re erence in I Cor. 15:51'52. There is no possible way of gainsaying these conspicuously clear facts. The resurrection and rapture will not take place n J rk • 42 ®ont*ls °f the reign of the Antichrist are over. The wrath of God n nst will not take place until the same 42 months of the reign of the Anti' rnml rewar<hng of the saints will not take place until Christ i • 65 ln. ory ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ~ F°r the Son of man shall come in the g lo ry o f his Father with 16-9??C S’“i? he shall reward every man according to his works” (Matt. .i ’ « ' ‘ - or whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall tne don of man be ashamed, WHE^[ he shall come in his own glory, and in his and CFS’ I ° an£els” (Luke 9:26). When Christ comes in “power nF u 0Fyi “e “Sather together his elect” “from the uttermost part or tne earth to the uttermost part of heaven” (Matt. 24:2941; Mark 13:24'27). (12) CHAPTER H The Day of the Lord The "day of the Lord" is a very important factor in determining the time element of the Lord's second coming. The student of the Word should give very careful attention to the study of this day. Indifference toward the true significance of the frequent references to this day will not encourage an honor­ able division of the Word of Truth This day is called “the day," "the last day," “the day of Christ,” “the day of judgment,” “the day of the Lord,” “the day of God,” etc., but it always refers to the same period of time. Sometimes it is the beginning of this day that is especially significant, at other times it is the end of this day to which attention is especially directed. It is of no little significance that God worked six days and rested the seventh (Gen. 1 &? 2; Heb. 4). God does not do things without having a purpose or design to them. The work of creation was not so great that God was unable to perform it within one day, or even one second, had He so desired. Why then, did He bless and sanctify the seventh day? Surely he rested that day, but God does not become tired that He should need to rest. Why did God ordain that Israel work six days and rest the seventh? The Bible teaches that the Law was typical; a shadow of good things to come (Heb. 10). Israel was to work six days and rest the seventh. There is definitely a far reaching application to these days That application is simply this: The six days of work represent the six thousand years of bondage to which God has subjected man and all the earth. The seventh day on which God rested teaches us that the earth and those united with the Son will rest a thousand years upon this earth. After the one thousand years are ended, the earth with all its works, the elements, and the heavens will be melted with fervent heat, and then will come the new heaven and new earth. This seventh thousand years is the day of the LONMLKJIHGFEDC o rd . It is His day; the day when He will shine forth as the lily of the valley; the bright and morning star: the one who is altogether lovely. The day of the Lord is the day when the Lord will truly be Lord over all the earth. The time interval from the first advent of our Lord to the end of the Millen­ nium is called the “last days,” or, “latter days.” Look at Acts 2:16-17, for in­ stance, where the apostle Peter is speaking of the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the lust d a ys, saith God. I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall sec visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Look also at Heb. 1:1-2: “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these la st d a ys spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Other scriptures in the New Testament such as II Pct. 3:3 and II Tim 3:1 are very clear on the matter. In the Old Testament one should study such passages as Gen. 4YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED 9 : 1 ; Num 24:14: Deut. 4:30; 31:29: Isa. 2:2; Ezek. 38:8. 16; Dan. 2:28; 1 0 :1 4 ; and many others. Since the last three millenniums (5th, 6th and 7th) are referred to as the “last days," or, “latter days.” it is only natural that the last millennium (the 7th) s h o u ld b e r e fe r r e d to a s t h e “ la s t d a y . ” Do w e find such references in the in­ spired Word? We certainly do and with special significance. Look at John 6:39. 40, 44 and 54 where we read words which came from the Lord's own lips. “And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up a t th e la st d a y . And this is the (13) will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up ONMLKJIHGFED a t th e last d a y .... No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up a t th e la st d a y .... Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up a t th e la st d a y." Let us also look further at John 11:24. “Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection a t th e la st d a y . ” I read after one writer who spoke of Martha as a poor unlearned woman because she did not know that the resurrection would take place b efo re the last day. As I read such careless statements I was made to wonder if this writer would also call Jesus unlearned and ignorant of the time of the resurrection. How careless can we become? Not only do we find the reference to the “last day” in its proper order, but Jesus Himself says that the last day is the time of the resurrection. The Greek says, “in the last day,” not merely “at” the last day, which some might interpret to mean just shortly before that day. Inspiration says that the resurrection of the just is “IN the LAST day.” Now, look also at John 12:48 where we find the Lord putting the judgment also “in the last day.” One will observe that the references to this “last day” include the time from the first resurrection to the time of the second resurrection. This day is clearly the last millennium before the new heaven and new earth mentioned in Rev. 21. Why should these references to this “last day” be so specific? If it is possible to add still greater emphasis, then it might be seen by the usage of both classifications (last days, and, the last day) within the same discussion. This is done twice by the apostle Peter — once in Acts 2:16-20, and once in II Pet. 3:3-12. The day of the Lord is a day of judgment. “Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). Compare also, Rom. 2:5; II Pet. 3:7; Jude 6: etc. This day begins with judgment (I Thess. 5:2-3; Luke 21:34-36; etc.). It will also end in judgment (Matt. 11:22, 24: II Pet. 3: Rev. 20:11-15; etc.). For the faithful servants of the Lord it will be a day o f rest, jo y , boldness, etc. (Eph. 4:30; II Tim. 4:8; I John 4:17; II Cor. 1:14; Heb. 3 and 4; etc ). Some writers have tried to make a difference between the “day of the Lord,” “the day of Christ” and “the day of God;” but to take a Bible and a good con­ cordance and study the references made to each of these will surely reveal that they are the same day. The attitude of the child of God is to be precisely the same toward both the “day of Christ” and “the day of the Lord” — an attitude of expectancy (I Cor. 1:8; 3:13; 5:5; II Cor. 1:14; Phil. 1:6, 10; I Thess. 5:2*8; etc.). That the “day of God” is the same as the other two. please examine Rev 16:14; 6:17; Rom. 2:16; etc. A close examination of I Cor. 1:7-8 will reveal that the “revelation” of Christ, “the day of the Lord,” “the day of the Lord Jesus.” and “the day of the Lord Jesus Christ” will all begin at the same time. It is wise to examine all these scriptures before passing any judgment II Pet. 3:10 says, “But th e d a y o f th e L o rd will come as a thief in the night: in th e w h ich the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that arc therein shall be burned up.” Without a doubt, the day of the Lord is the thousand years in which Christ and His saints will reign on the earth This day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and will end with the dissolving of the present earth and heavens. Some seek to apply this verse to the shaking of the earth at the beginning of the Millennium, but I cannot follow that application though a good argument is made. (14) Now, I believe that we are better prepared to examine some other significant passages in the proper manner. Let us look at II Thess. 2:1-8. ~In verse I Paul states his primary object of discussion, viz., the coming of our Lord, and our gathering together to Him. In verse 2 he teaches that the coming of the Lord and our gathering together to Him will be simultaneous with the coming of ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA th e d a y o f C h rist (the Greek text says, “the day of the Lord"). Verse 3 says plainly that two things must take place before the day of Christ comes. The first of these is a great falling away. The secon d is the revelation of the man of sin. Paul does not have reference to the time the Antichrist makes the coven' ant with the Jews, but rather to the time he breaks it. The Antichrist will be revealed by his wicked deeds and blasphemous assertions when he stands in the temple of God claiming that he is God. By no honest means of interpretation can we gather from this passage that there will be a gathering together of the saints to the Lord before the man of sin is revealed — not even before the day of the Lord dawns. It was my belief in the earlier days of my ministry that verse 7 had refer­ ence to the rapture of the saints, but this cannot be The statement, “only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way," has reference to the Holy Spirit in the capacity of His indwelling the churches, without a doubt. But you will observe that He is not taken out of the world, but only out of the way, or path, of the Antichrist. The Holy Spirit's restraint upon the Anti­ christ must be lifted before the YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI A n t ic h r is t can come to full power. You will also observe that the Holy Spirit must be taken out of the way (middle, path) b efo re the man of sin is revealed. The saints are not gathered to the Lord until a fte r the man of sin is revealed. If we say that the expression, “taken out of the way,” means “taken out of the world,” then we would have the churches of the Lord here on the earth for a short length of time without the indwelling Spirit. Such will not happen. We must understand that the Holy Spirit is not taken out of the world, but merely moved out of the path of the Antichrist The Holy Spirit will still indwell the true churches here on earth during the three and one half years that the Antichrist is in full power. I Thess 4:13-18 is always applied to a supposedly secret coming of our Lord for His saints some three and one half or seven years before His coming in g lo r y . We must understand that chapter divisions in the Bible arc a work of man apart from inspiration Chapter 5 deals with the same subject as that of chapter 4 Chapter 4 tells u-hat will happen. Chapter 5 tells primarily w hen it w ill happen. Please mark the words carefully “But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the d a y o f th e L o rd so comcth as a thief in the night ” Paul used the conjunc­ tion to link 1 Thess. 4:13-18 with the day of the Lord which is the one thousand years in which Christ shall reign on the earth Christ shall descend “from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch­ angel, and with the trump of God" at the same time the day of the Lord begins The day of the Lord will not begin until after the man of sin has been revealed in the m id s t o f t h e w e e k . The man o f s in is n o t revealed until after the Holy Spirit is moved out of the way (path). Let me remind the reader that the L o r d will judge us according to our willingness to receive the Holy Spirit's i n ­ s tr u c tio n s . I f we divide the Word of Truth correctly, it is because the Spirit has instructed us thus. If we divide it incorrectly, it is because we have refused the in s tr u c t io n s of the S p ir it . We cannot have contradictory divisions of the Word and both or all of them be correct. Therefore, let us not try to divide (15) the Word of Truth in I Thess. 4:13-17 without going into chapter 5 as the Spirit intended for us to do. While we are examining these matters in I Thess. 5, let us look further at the day of the Lord. Study carefully verses 1 through 8. True church saints are spoken of as belonging to the day of the Lord (verses 5 and 8). The day of the Lord is spoken of as the daytime, while the present age is spoken of as nighttime. The present age is a time of darkness. The day of the Lord, to which we belong, is a time of light — the light of God's righteousness will shine throughout the whole earth. Could it be more clear that the day of the Lord is the Millennium, which will begin with the Second Advent of Christ? But some may ask, “If Christ comes all the way to the earth at this time, then why are the saints caught up to meet Him in the air?” My answer is that just as a child runs out with joyful shouts to meet its father as he returns from a trip, or from work, so will we rapturously ascend to meet our loving Master as He returns from His present heavenly dwelling. Yet possibly it can be better understood by the fact that ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA if most of the saints do not rise into the air and circle the earth, they will have to proceed through the earth to meet the Lord above Mt. Zion. This passage in I Thess. 4:13-18 surely says that we will meet the Lord in the air, but it does not say that we will be with Him in the air forever. The passage says nothing about the saints remaining in the air with the Lord for any period of time, not even an hour. They only meet the Lord there. Chapter 5 verse 3 speaks of the sudden destruction (wrath of God) that shall come upon this present world when the day of the Lord begins. This surely harmonizes with the foregoing comments concerning the beginning of the wrath of God at the same time Christ comes in glory. The world is shouting peace and safety under the mastership of Antichrist; Satan is mocking at the truth of God though he knows he has but a short time; then sudden destruction shoots forth from the presence of the Almighty as boiling lava from a smoking, heaving volcano, to envelop the whole earth. A thorough study of I Thess. 4:13-18 and 5:1-10 with the other scriptures already mentioned will reveal that the thief coming of the Lord fo r His saints, and the glory coming w ith His saints both happen in one event Remember that I Cor. 15 and I Thess. 4 and 5 deal with the same subject and the same time element: the la st trump. “AS THE LIGHTNING COMETH” In Matt. 24:25-28 Jesus continues to speak of the time immediately after the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place. He says that in those days there will be many who will stand up and say that Christ has made some secret appearance here, or there, or some other place. Jesus said for us not to believe such proclamations because, “as the lightning cometh out of the cast, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" Jesus went on down through verse 31 speaking of the same subject, declaring that it would be “immediately after the tribulation of those days.” The language of Matt. 24 is quite consistent. In verse 3 the disciples asked Jesus when would be the sign of His coming (body presence). The next time He refers to His coming (same Greek word) is in verse 27 concerning the lightning. With all Jesus said about the false claims that Christ is here, or there, in this chapter, we can be assured that He definitely meant for His dis­ ciples to understand clearly the unmistakable proof of His pre ence Verse 28 is of no little significance. It is directly connected with the (16) lightning coming of Christ that Jesus said, “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” What is it about a carcass that will attract the “eagles” for many miles around? One of those hungry birds will never miss finding the desired carcass. What an excellent illustration Jesus used here! The eagles do not have to tell each other that the carcass is in the desert, or in the secret chamber, or here, or there, for they all quickly find the desired object. Jesus says, in substance, that we have no need to be distracted by the wild cries of Satan's eagles that Christ is here, or there, for every one of the Lord's hungry eagles will quickly recognize their desired Master, and will hurriedly gather themselves around about Him. How very beautiful is the understanding! Look further at the harmony between Christ, Paul and John, the three who had so much to say about the coming Antichrist. Here in Matt. 24 Jesus speaks to the disciples of a great many things which must take place before His return to establish the kingdom and reign for a thousand years. Repeatedly He tells them of things that must come to pass, and then tells them that the “end is not yet.” They would be hated and put to death among all nations, but such things were to be only the “beginning of sorrows.” Finally Christ speaks to them of the coming Antichrist who would work great wonders and cause terrible destruction throughout the earth. No doubt the disciples were listening with burning hearts, desiring most of all to know when the end of these things would be when the saints would be gathered together to the Lord. Jesus re­ peatedly says that this thing is not the end, nor is that thing the end; and when He finally comes to the desired time, He says that it would be as manifest as the presence of lightning, and that at that time the saints will be gathered to­ gether to the Lord. The desired time comes after the reign of the Antichrist. Turning back to II Thess. 2, we find that Paul also said that our gather­ ing together to the Lord would come only after the reign of the Antichrist. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John says the same things. The coming of the Lord is not until the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet which are the same in time development. I ask the question, Can we produce even one scripture that will definitely teach that there is a rapture even of the faithful before the tribulation begins? I have analyzed e v e r y scripture connected with the coming of the Lord that I could find and I am convinced more than ever that there shall not be a raptu r e of any kind until the reign of the Antichrist is broken by the appearing of our Lord in glory. SALVATION IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION Daniel 7:22, 25 says that the saints shall he given into the hands of the man of sin and he shall wear YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG t h e m out for three and one half years. Rev. 1 3 : 7 says that power will be given to the first Beast (the Antichrist) to make war with the saints and to o v e r c o m e them. Rev. 6:9-11 speaks of the souls of many saints under the altar in heaven who had been slain during the tribulation be­ cause of the testimony which they held. Rev. 7:9-17 tells us of a very great multitude which no man could number, who had come up out of the great tr ib ­ u la tio n , and had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. In Luke 17:22 we read, “And he said unto his disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire t o sec one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it." There have been times like this for God's people in the past, and I am fully persuaded that there will be many more days of the same in the future. Certainly the saints of the Lord (faithful as well as unfaithful) (17) are going right on through the reign of the Antichrist until the day of the ’U- Antichrist A Lord shall dawn. The shall do his best to wipe out the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ from the earth while he is in power, and millions of saints will be slain during his reign of terror. Many (like the souls under the altar) will cry out for the coming of the day of the Lord and will be told to wait wait fnr for 1a “ “IlVf-lr. little eol-Ar. season."” see that there will be a great multitude In the above paragraph one will ....... of saints in every nation after the tribulation has begun. . has already y been It shown by an abundance of scriptures that the rapture does not take place until tko a the reign of the Antichrist is enc]eci by the out-burst of God's wrath. Yet, I want to consider another scripture that shall throw a great amount of light upon the matter. Let us examine II Thess. 2:9'12 with the thought of whether or not there will be many people saved after the Antichrist begins his reign of terror. Paul says that the man of sin will come with ALL power, signs, lying wonders, and with ALL deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; BECAUSE THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED. Verse 11 and 12 says, “For THIS CAUSE (because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved) God shall send them strong ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA d elu sio n , that they should believe a (the) lie. That they ALL might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." This passage most clearly teaches that everyone who has not been saved at the time the Antichrist is revealed will be doomed. Attention is called to Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, which seem to teach that some will be saved. First I might mention that it seems that Peter made the verse applicable to the Jews to whom he was speaking; whosoever of them that would believe would be saved. On the other hand as we study the passages it seems most likely to fit the exact time of the Lord’s coming in glory. To study Luke 13:35 in this connection will aid in the interpretation. Jesus said that Israel would not see Him until they cried, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." The force of the statement is that when they make such a cry they shall see the Lord. No doubt Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21 refer to the time Israel will call upon the Lord for salvation. Compare also Matt. 23:39; Rev. 1:7; Rom. 11:15; etc. We do not want to array one scripture against another, therefore it re­ mains that (as II Thess. 2:9-12 teaches) very few, if any (outside of Israel), will be saved after the Antichrist comes into full power in the midst of the week To study Rev. 13:3-4, 15-17 in connection with II Thess. 2:9-12 will add even greater force to the fact that very few will be saved within the limits of the great tribulation. It remains then, that the great number we find in the tribu' lation arc there because there was no coming of the Lord (and no rapture) prior to that time. The statement has been made to me, "You’re not going to put me through the tribulation." To this I say first that I will have nothing to do with putting anyone through the tribulation, whether I interpret the scriptures correctly or not. In the second place such an attitude could become Pharisaical if we arc not very careful. Surely we do not think that we arc too good to suffer as many of the saints of old have done. From the language Paul u cd in Phil. 3:10 and II Tim. 4:6-8 it seems that he had a desire to die the death of a martyr for Christ’s sake. Heb. 11:35 says certain saints were plea <d to be tortured for the cause of the Lord. The Bible abundantly teacher that those who arc con secrated to the service of God will greatly rejoice in persecution- and suffer­ ings for Christ's sake. Millions of saints down through the agc> have cheer (18) fully given their lives in martyrdom as a testimony of their faith in the coming of the Lord of glory. I heard one peacher preach that many of God's people had a potato vine for a backbone. I heard another preacher refer to many Baptists as having a spaghetti backbone. Those may seem to be hard terms, but I will frankly con­ fess that I am pretty much of a coward when it comes to the thought of really suffering for the cause of Christ. How shameful it is that men will twist the teachings of God's Word in order to case their flinching consciences concerning the element of suffering that goes with the reproach of the cross of Christ! But the Word says that with much tribulation we will be accounted worthy of the kingdom (Acts 14:22; II Thess. 1:1-7; etc). May God give us the courage to say from the heart, “If God is pleased to get greater glory out of me by a martyr's death, than by a faithful life, then let me die that blessed death." May our desire be that, whether by living or by dying, the Lord will receive the greatest amount of glory out of our testimony. THIEF COMING AND GLORY COMING ARE SAME The reader should be thoroughly convinced by now that the thief coming and the glory coming are the same; nevertheless, I will present a few more thoughts to show how far the Lord intended for us to go with the thief element. Let us first recall that both Paul and Peter said that “the day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night (I Thess. 5:2-3; II Pct. 3:10). The day of the Lord is the thousand years that Christ shall reign over the earth. Both Paul and Peter spoke of this day in connection with the judgment and wrath of God that would be poured forth upon the earth, which is also the way in which Jesus spoke of that day in Luke 21:34-36. How can we compare the coming of that day to the coming of a thief? We can make the comparison only in the suddenness and unexpectedness of the approach. We can carry it no further because the scriptures carry it no further. The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, but when it arrives every living creature will know it. The flood of Noah's day caught that present world as a thief m the night (Matt. 24:36-43). Those people could have known about the approach of the flood through the preaching of Noah, but they refused to heed his warnings as truth Though the flood came as a thief in the night, there is one thing for certain, when it did come, they all knew it. Please take note of the fact that those times when the Lord's coming is compared with that of a thief, it is in connection with the day of the Lord and the judgment of God upon the earth by the flood in the days of Noah. The day of the Lord will come as a thief, yet it will be public to all the earth. The flood came as a thief, yet it was public to all the world. The Lord will certainly come as a thief, yet it will be public to all the world. In Matt. 24:23-27 Jesus told His disciples not to get excited if. at the time the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place and the tribulation begins, a great many voices begin also to proclaim that Christ has made a secret com­ ing somewhere. Because, “as the lightning cometh out of the cast and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." We can just as easily say that lightning comes as a thief in the night It comes very suddenly and unexpectedly. The next time there is a storm when the lightning is flashing, just try to set the exact time of the flash and sec where you get You know it will flash just any time, but you cannot tell the exact time. Jesus said His coming would be as a thief in the night, yet Paul said that that day should not overtake us as a thief. When we stand on the porch, or (19) at the window, looking at the rolling, black clouds in the sky, and hear the thunder rumbling all around us, we always await the flash of lightning across the heavens. Even so, those who are watching and praying (Luke 21:34-36), who are wise (Dan. 12:10), who are awake spiritually (I Thess. 5:4-8); as they hear the rumbling of the forces of Satan on every side during the reign of the Antichrist, when Satan's lightning is striking the death blow to multi­ tudes of the saints, they will know that the day their Lord will light up the heavens and the earth with His glorious presence is very close. These wise ones will be waiting very eagerly in great anticipation of that most blessed hour. (20) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY CHAPTER III Greek Words to Be Studied Carefully In this chapter I will consider some Greek words that refer to the coming of our Lord. These words are very forceful with reference to the time element of the Coming, and are all applicable to the Glory Coming and Revelation of the Lord. Before I became convinced that there will be only one phase of the Second Advent, I searched the scriptures from the view-point of these Greek words many times without satisfaction. I felt that surely if there were two phases of the Second Advent it would be revealed. It is certainly true that these words are very revealing, but of one coming and not two. APOKALUPTO “APOKALUPTO" is a combination of two words “Apo" which primarily means, from. It also means, to loose: liberate; ransom; remove: etc. “Kalupto" means, to hide; conceal; cover; throw a veil over; etc. The two words together mean, to uncover, reveal: disclose; distinctly declare; to be discovered in true character: to lay open what has been veiled or covered up. This word is used in II Thess 2:3, 6, and 8 having reference to the revela­ tion of the man of sin in his true character. The true character of the man of sin will be veiled over (covered up) at the time he makes the covenant with the Jews. It is when he breaks the covenant, causes the Jewish sacrifices to stop, and stands himself in the temple claiming that he is God that he is unveiled in true character. The word is also used many times of Christ Rev 1:1, “The revelation of Jesus Christ." Again in I Pet. 1:7. “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that pensheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at (in) the aONMLKJIHGFE p p e a rin g (re v e la tio n ) o f Jesus Christ." Peter is consoling those who arc persecuted and tried by encour­ aging them to look toward the revelation of Jesus Christ at which time they w ill be rewarded. Mark that they arc not told to look toward some secret, pre­ r e v e la t io n coming of Christ. Many teach that the resurrection, rapture, re­ warding of the saints, and the marriage of the Lamb will take place before the revelation of Christ. If such were true, the saints would have been encouraged to look eagerly toward that time and not to the revelation The Greek word translated “appearing" is actually “revelation." It has already been proven that the judgment scat of Christ is a fte r He comes in glorv (Matt. 16:27; Mark 8:38. and Luke 9:26); and after He begins to reign (Rev 11:15-19) I Pct. 1:13 speaks with the same voice as verse 7. “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be b r o u g h t unto you at the r e v e la t io n of J e s u s Christ " The saints arc told to maintain a posture of eager expectation of the revelation of Christ, not some appearing prior tQ that time This looking for the revelation of Christ is for the benefit of all the saved (faithful especially). I call attention to this because some will be in c lin e d to t h in k that maybe the faithful would be taken out before this time. T h e r e will be an exceedingly great distinction made between the faithful and the unfaithful rightly enough, but that distinction will not be made until the revelation of Christ in glory. of Christ’s sufferings. I P e t 4 : 1 3 t e lls us to rejoice wb.cn iwe arc partakers ' “that in the revelation of his glory” we* may be glad also with exceeding joy. (21) YXWV Here Peter again looks forward to the revelation of Jesus Christ for the reward­ ing day. The sufferings resulting from the bitter trials of the faith of many have many times been almost unbearable, yet, because they esteemed "the re­ proach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt,” they shall receive that cherished reward in the revelation of the glory of Christ. I Cor. 1:7 says, “So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the com­ ing (revelation) of our Lord Jesus Christ. With reference to the words "wait­ ing for,” A. T. Robertson says, “This double compound is late and rare out­ side of Paul (I Cor. 1:7; Gal. 5:5; Rom. 8:19, 23, 25; Phil 3:20), I Pct. 3:20; Heb. 9:28. It is an eager expectancy of the second coming of Christ here termed revelation like the eagerness in PROSDECHOMENOI in Titus 2:13 for the same event. As if that attitude of expectation were the highest posture that can be attained here by the Christian (F. W. Robertson)." You will observe that the church at Corinth was not admonished to wait for a secret coming, but “the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ The day of the Lord (revelation of the Lord) should not overtake us as a thief (I Thcss. 5:4). Observe the reference to the "day of the Lord Jesus Christ" in verse 8. These two verses teach us that the revelation of Christ, the day of the Lord," and “the day of Christ,” all occur at the same time; and it is that time that the saints are to be eagerly expecting. The same Greek word is used in Luke 17:30. It is at the revelation of the Son of man that God's people are going to rYXWVUTSR e a liz e that they have either saved their lives or lost their lives; when one is taken and the other left. It is with a view to the revelation of the Son of man that we need-to remember Lot's wife whose affections were back in Sodom; making sure that our affections are set on things above and not on the “stuff" in the house, to the extent that our leap will be toward the Lord and not toward the "stuff (jewels, clothing, bank account, etc.) The resurrection, the rapture, and the judgment seat of Christ, all take place at the revelation of Christ. We fmd some very revealing and comforting teachings from the words of Paul in II Thcss. I. As a servant of the Lord whose sufferings mounted exceedingly, he was well able to comfort others who were joyfully, but some­ times faintingly, bearing the reproach of Christ. Concerning such tribulations, he said, “Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer; Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to you who are troubled rest ONMLKJIHGFED w ith u s, w h e n th e L o rd Jesu s shall b e revea led fro m h eaven with his mighty angels. In flaming fire t a k in g ven­ geance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; When h e shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that b e lie v e (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day." The words “when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, arc ac­ t u a lly , "in the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven." It is at the time of the revelation of Christ that God will " recompense t r ib u la t io n to t h o s e w h o trouble the saints.” It is at this same revelation of Christ that the troubled saints are going to rest. There are at least eight things of special note in th e s e verses which 1 will give as follows: (1). These saints were undergoing severe "per and tribulations" (verses 4-5). The tribulations of these saints, and the relationship of such tribulations to the return of the Lord, provided one of the occasions for the writing of the second epistle to the Thessalonian.' (22) (2) . It is God's righteous judgment that the saints should undergo such sufferings in order to be "counted worthy of the kingdom of God” (verse 5). This harmonizes well with Acts 14:22. (3) . It is also God's righteous judgment to “recompense tribulation” to those who troubled the saints (verse 6), which will take place at the time of the revelation of Christ as the seventh verse shows. (4) . The saints will rest "when the Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels” (verse 7). The apostle gives no encourage' ment to the saints to look for some earlier coming of the Lord than the revela' tion. The passage is most clear that in ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA th e re v e la tio n o f Christ the saints will “rest” and receive their reward from their sufferings. This makes it necessary to understand that there will be no rest for the troubled saints on earth until the revelation of Christ. This further necessitates that the resurrection and rapture be at the time of the revelation. Of course, the saints are at rest in heaven at the present time, therefore, it is necessary for us to understand that this rest entertains the resurrection, rapture and glorification of the saints. At the present time the nations have the upper hand and are troubling the saints, but in the revelation of Christ the saints will be set at rest from the per' secutions of the nations, and the time of trouble for the nations will have come. (5) . The revelation of Christ is unquestionably world'wide. All who have not obeyed the gospel will receive this revelation of wrath. This is therefore the time when Christ begins to reign over the earth for one thousand years. (6) . The wrath of God and Christ upon those who have troubled the saints will come at the time of the revelation of Christ from heaven (verses 7-9). It is necessary to associate this fact with all the scriptures dealing with the wrath of God. The vials of wrath (Rev. 15 and 16) must follow the revelation of Christ. This “recompense” of tribulation upon those who have troubled the saints comes at the time of the revelation of Christ, not before that time. How beautiful is this harmony of the Word! (7) . All those who have not obeyed the gospel will be punished with everlasting destruction at this time (verses 7-8). This means that there will not be one lost person left upon the earth to proceed through the Millennium. There will be lost people on the earth soon after this time, but they will be bom to saved people who enter the Millennium in physical bodies. Other scriptures, such as Isa. 13:9; Matt. 13:41-45; Matt. 25:31-46; Jude 14-15; etc., may be studied for additional proof that all lost people will be removed from the earth at the beginning of the Millennium. (8) . Christ will be glorified in the saints also at the time of the revelation of Christ from heaven (verse 10). The word “when” of verse 10, translated from the Greek word "HOTAN,” is very specific, and is joined also to the revelation of Christ in verse 7. Thus the saints were again encouraged to look for the revelation of Christ, and not toward some coming prior to that time. Now let us carry the discussion into II Thess. 2:1-3 for a moment. It is clear from verse 2 that these saints were somewhat troubled relative to the approach of the “day of Christ” (Lord — Greek). These first two verses of chapter 2 also make it clear that the time when the saints are gathered together to the Lord is at the time that the day of Christ begins. We have just seen from I Cor. 1:7-8 that the "revelation of Christ,” “the day of the Lord,” “the day of the Lord Jesus,” and “the day of the Lord Jesus Christ,” all take place at the same time It is quite needful that the student of the Word study care­ f u lly these two chapters in the light of such thoughts. The spirits of the dead saints come with the Lord from heaven (I Thess. 4), while the bodies of the same saints leave the graves and ascend to meet the (23) YXWVU Lord in the air tto ’be re-united2 with ' the ’ spirits , (I Thcss. 4). TL_ The L.... living __L saints also from around the globe will circle the earth to meet the Lord high above Jerusalem Shortly alter this the whole company descends to Jerusalem where they are soon met by the remnant of Israel who have been kept in hiding by Cod through the reign of the Antichrist. EPIPHAINO “EPIPHAINO” is also a composite word. “Epi” means, upon; over; above, before; etc. “Phaino” means, to bring forth into the light; to cause to shine; to show; be bright or resplendent; etc. The two words together mean to shine upon; to shed light upon; to make clearly manifest; etc. It may add to our understanding if we think of this word as shining a spotlight upon some­ thing. When a light is turned on, our attention is not only called to the light but also to other things around about us which the light manifests. When a spotlight is turned on, our attention is especially called to whatever object it shines upon. When Christ shines upon something it means that He will mani­ fest the true character, quality, etc., of that thing. Thus, this word signifies the judgment of whatever is shined upon. The word is used in II Thcss. 2:8; “and shall destroy with the brightness (shining upon) of his coming.” Christ will destroy the Antichrist by putting him in the spotlight. When Christ shines upon the Antichrist He will mani­ fest to all, the true character, quality, power, weakness, and complete destruc­ tion of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be revealed to the saints and the Jews when he breaks the covenant in the midst of the week, but Christ will do a double, first-class job of revealing him to all the world when He comes in glory Christ will not only bring out the true character of the Antichrist, but will manifest his doom also The Antichrist will be revealed in the midst of the week as the destroying one, but the shining upon of Christ shall reveal him as the one being destroyed. Paul used this word “shining upon” again in I Tim. 4:14 by charging Timothy to keep a specified “commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing (shining upon) of our Lord Jesus Christ." Paul did not speak of a secret coming, but of the shining upon of our Lord Jesus Christ The word “Epiphaino” speaks of judgment, and such can be seen from each of these references. The reason Paul used the word here is because Christ will determine whether or not Timothy has followed the charge Paul was giving in this verse Again in II Tim. 4:1 Paul says, “I charge thee therefore before C d and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing (shining upon) and his kingdom.” Here Paul charges Timothy with ref. ren to three things: (1) The fact that Christ shall judge the living and the dead (2). The fact that Christ shall shine upon him: (.'). And the fact that th kingdom of Christ shall come. All three of these shall take place at the «umc time. The forward YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF lo o k is not t o w a r d t c o m in g , but t o t h e g lo r io u s s h in ing upon of Christ. Paul says in II Tim. 4:8 that t h e r e is a c r o w n o f r ig h te o u s n e s s la id u p fo r all who love the appearing (shining upon) of Christ. The word “shining upon” is used here because the clement o f r e w a r d w h ic h r e q u ir e s j u d g m e n t is sig nificant. By this spotlight appearance, Christ w ill d e te r m in e w h e t h e r or n C we have fought a good fight, finished our course, and kept the faith; and He shall reward us accordingly. The tim e ■ ■ w ith t h e '’shining upon" and the “rcv.-l.iti n" w it h t h e im e f o r c e a n d it is necessary for us to understand that t h e d e a l u it h the ia m e t im e element. (24) In Titus 2:13 we arc also admonished to be “looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing (shining upon) of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” The word is also used in Acts 2:20; “that great and notable (shining upon) day of the Lord.” PHAINOYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ “PHAINO" (meaning given in Epiphaino). The word is sometimes used referring to the brightness of the sun, moon, stars and other lights (Rev. 1:16, 8:12; 18:23; 21:23; etc.). One can gett a blessing out of reading II Sam. 23:4 and Ps. 89:36'37 with this thought iin 'mind. Jesus said that as the lightning' comes out of the east, and “shines” even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matt. 24:27) This sets a good precedent in the usage of this word in relation to the Lord's coming. The context demands that this is the only coming of the Lord. Our Lord said for us never to heed the false claims of false prophets that He has made, or will make, a secret appearance somewhere, for His coming will be clearly manifested to all with no possibility for anyone being in doubt when it happens Col. 3:4 says, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear (shine) then shall ye also appear (shine) with him in glory." This again refers to the glory coming of Christ. Observe that the saints will shine WITH Christ in glory. What is the extent of this shining? It is to the whole earth. This is what is meant in Jude 14-15 and the many related passages. I Pet. 5:4 says, “And when the chief shepherd shall appear (shine) ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” Peter again puts the judgment seat of Christ at the glory coming. When Christ shines in glory the saints will be received up into His presence and then they will shine with Him in the presence of all the earth. Observe also I John 2:28, “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear (shine), *, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” I1 John 3:2 follows the same thought; “Beloved, now are « we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear (shine) what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear (shine), we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” Both P. ... of these last scriptures encourage us to look for the glory coming Lord, w of our L. .J The force of the language is that we shall not ygo up until the glory coming. The glory’ coming is both for the saints and with. the J.c saints. These two verses, as well as I Pct 5:4. deal with the receiving of rewards and therefore must be associated with the “shining upon” and the revelation.” Kith of which speak of the same time element. P A R O U S IA “PAROUSIA” is also composite word. “Para” means, beside; from beside; near; at; by; etc. “Eimi” means, to be; to exist; e:tc The two words together mean, to be beside; to be present; body presence;, etc. It carries the force of a lingering presence over a period of time; a short period, or maybe a longer perid. II The— 2 :S says that the Antichrist will be destroyed by the shining upon of the body presence ot our Lord At one time I believed that Christ would destroy the Antichrist immediately at His coming, but such is not true. Christ begins to shine upon the Antichrist at the same time He begins to reign, and v ia ls , t h e n c a s ts h im into t h e lake ot tire at the consummation of the battle of Armageddon which is under the seventh (25) vial. This phase of the body presence of our Lord embraces the entire period of God's wrath particularly (1 335 days, Dan. 12:12); and, of course, from that time on throughout the Millennium. The word “Paraousia" is used four times in Matt. 24, and is quite reveal­ ing when studied in the light of the whole chapter as well as the individual contexts. It is used first in verse 3 when the disciples asked, “and what shall be the sign of thy coming?” (body presence). The next time the word is used is in verse 27 where Jesus compared Hi^ body presence to the lightning We should quickly catch the connection of the “body presence” with the “shining” of the Lord. The body presence of the Lord is compared to the clearly mani­ fested presence of lightning. The third and fourth times this word is used in Matt. 24 are in verses 37 and 39 in connection with the wrath of God which came upon the whole earth during the days of Noah. The flood did not come secretly some 3% or 7 years before it was made public to all the world. As the flood was observed and experienced by all the earth, so will the body presence of the Lord be observed and experienced by all the earth. This word (Parousia) is used four times in I Thessalonians where it is also quite revealing when associated with other clear facts relative to the Coming. It is first used in 2:19 concerning the crown which the faithful witnesses of the Lord will receive at the coming of the Lord. Here the body presence is associated with the rewarding of the saints which, as we have already seen, takes place “in the revelation of Christ.” “the day of the Lord Jesus Christ,” “the shining upon,” “the shining,” “the last (seventh) trump,” etc. The other three places the word is*used in I Thessalonians arc in 2:13; 4:15; and 5:23. The same truths are forcefully conspicuous in all four of these passages. The saints will be sanctified wholly (body, soul, and spirit) and presented “LJnblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming (Parousia) of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This also speaks of the judgment seat of Christ and rewards which take place at the same time that the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord (Rev. 11:15-19), at which time the saints will rest with Christ as He (with and through them, and the angels) rewards tribulation to the inhabitants of the earth (II Thess. 1). Since the “parousia” is the time of the receiving of rewards, then we must associate it with the “shining upon.” the “shining,” and the “revelation;” and the result is that we have the same time element in each. We find the word “parousia” used three times in II Thess. 2. It is used once of the Antichrist in verse 9, and used twice of Christ in verses 1 and 8. Paul says that the “body presence” is the time of our gathering together t • the Lord (verse irse 1), and that it is by this same “body p r e s e n c e " th a t C h r is t “shines upon" the Antichrist to destroy him. It is quite necessary to a s s o c ia te *■ TT T1___ - n ....► L .L„ “A___ 1__ I..—*-" i .-! ONMLKJI ■ the “ “’Parousia" of II Thess. 2 with the "Apokalupto" TIof Tl,„ II Thess 1 :7; and al the “Epiphaino" of II Thess. 2:8. We must associate it also with “the d a y t t ’ of Christ" of II Thess. 2:2; and with the " s h in in g " of the Lord in 1 John 2-28 I ask that James 5:7-8; II Pet. 1:16, II Pet 3:4; and I John 2:28 a ls o be studied in the light of the comments already given concerning the holy presence of the Lord. Peter used the word e s p e c ia lly m c o n n e c tio n w ith the c o m in g kingdom of Christ into which we will enter abundantly, or, " o as by fire." depending upon whether or not we have added the virtues and built with the proper materials (II Pet. 1:1-16; I Cor 3:9-15) Tin- entrance into the kingdom will not be until t h e s e v e n th t r u m j L 1 H i ( u n i doms (singular in the Creek) of this v.orkl I • Christ (Rev. 11:15-19). Christ will not judge Hi tint nor the kingdoms of this earth, until the time these kingdoms become H is kingdom. (26) YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH CHAPTER IV Is the Coming of Christ Imminent? Webster says that the word “imminent” means, “that which threatens to happen immediately.” By speaking of the imminent coming of Christ, it is meant that He is likely to come at any moment. It had always been my con­ viction until recently that Christ's coming was imminent Most of the true people of God today hold to the same convictions Yet, the evidence is exceed­ ingly abundant to the contrary. Before we begin to examine the proof passages I want to make a few com­ ments relative to the frequent command of Christ for us to be very earnestly and eagerly watching for His return. Matthew chapters 24 and 25; Mark chapter 13; and Luke chapters 12 and 21, especially encourage us to be con­ stantly on the watch for the Master's return. By no means should we lessen the force of such very important commands of the Master, but to emphasize the urgency of the same. A full explanation as to why it is most important for us to be watching for the Lord's return will not be given in this work, though such will be done in a later work, the Lord willing. It would take by far too much space to give a good explanation of such things in this work. Nevertheless, enough will be given here to set the reader's thoughts on the right line of study The one special thing that needs to be established at the present concerns the time when the Lord's disciples were to begin to keep this command to watch. Just when were they to begin watching for the Lord's return? A full understanding of this command will reveal that they were to begin watching the minute Christ gave the command, although the command was especially applicable to the time after the Lord left the earth and ascended back to heaven. We can say that it was not especially applicable until after the Holy Spirit came upon the church on the first Pentecost after the Lord's resurrection. Please let me make this emphatic. Were the saints to begin watching for the Lord's return (after the Spirit came) in the same manner that we should be watching today? Were the saints of the first century' to be looking for the Lord's return in the same manner that we are today? Surely we must acknow­ ledge that if the second coming of Christ is imminent today it was also immin­ ent in the first century. If it was not imminent in the first century, it is not imminent to us today. Did the apostle Paul, along with Peter, James and John and the other apostles, look upon the Lord's coming as imminent in their life­ time7 Will it suffice if 1 emphatically prove that the coming of the Lofd was not imminent to the apostles? Please re-read the preceeding question and ans­ wer it in your own mind before going further. Will it be acceptable if I em­ phatically prove that the Lord's coming was not imminent during the first century’? Arc you willing to let the Spirit teach yrou as you read such unans­ werable proofs? Are you willing to search for the true significance of what the Lord meant by being always in the spirit of expectancy for His glorious return? May’ the Lord reveal to you as you continue to read just how willing you really arc to reason with His blessed Holy Spirit If I do not speak accord­ ing to the written Word, it is nothing; but if I do speak according to the written Word, then the Spirit will speak also, for He always accompanies the Word. (27) “ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS” The second paragraph above brings us to the first important thought I want to present. It is certain that the disciples were to be watching from the time that the Holy Spirit came upon the church. But were they actually to be looking for the Lord to return to the earth at any moment from that date? Let us call to mind that the Lord had just given the command that a fte r th e H oly S p irit ca m e u p o n th em th ey w ere to h e H is w itn esses to th e u tte rm o st p a rt o f th e ea rth (Acts 1:8. Matt. 28:18'20; Luke 24:47 49) If these disciples under­ stood the Lord, then they knew that they (as churches) were to carry the gospel to every' nation on earth b efo re the Lord returned (Matt. 23:14) How could they expect the Lord to return before they through the Holy Spirit had ac­ complished this mission? Surely the Lord did not intend to return until the mission was fulfilled, for He said that the end would not come until such was done; and surely He meant for the churches to do this work Some will say that such would destroy the reason for watching That sounds like a man who says that the teaching of eternal security will cause people to go out and get a fill of sin after they have believed in Christ without any fear of judgment. No, the teaching of the security of the believer, if properly understood, will cause the believer to appreciate and love the Master even the more This principle is also true with the coming of the Lord, as it is with any other truth of the Word. Look more closely at Acts 1:8 for a moment “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Observe first that they were not to leave Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them. They were not to be looking for the Lord to return personally before that time. S eco n d , mark that after the Spirit came they were to carry the gospel to the “uttermost part of the earth.” We cannot possibly deny that the Lord meant for them to fulfill his commission before His return He certainly meant for them to understand that He would not return until they had reached the last end of the earth with the gospel, .'If any of t h e m lo o k e d for the L o r d s return before such a time, then they were not acting in obedience to the Lord's own instructions. T h ird , it was not until Acts 10 that the firs1 Gentiles were brought iab the church. This was nearly ten j ifter t h time of tl I • i 1 back to heaven. ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA the first missionary trip of Paul and Barnabas, who were ti sionaries to the nations, began probably about A D 45. m h u c twelve year • after the Lord's ascension Paul'■ . ■• \ I' 54. The third trip began about A D 57 or 58. The gospel spread thr<-n-'v ir the Roman empire a little fa ter YXWVUTSRQPONML t h a n t h is , o f course, but t h is will h e lp us to better see the extent of it read it ng th • i till Accord ' proof we can see that the disciples could not j -obly expect the Lord'*- return sooner than some thirty years after the L rd’^ a -n ion. F o u rth, Some very assuring words arc found in John 21:1849 where Ic'ii*. t<4J Peter that he would live to be an old man and then die “Verily, verily, I sav unto thee. When thou wa t youi thou girdest t h y s e lf , and walkedst whither thou wouldcst: but when thou sh a h b e o ld . thou shah trctch I rth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry th e e w h ith e t t h o u w o u ld e t not Thispake he, signifying by w h a t d ea th he should glorify G« I ” We learn here (28) that the apostle Peter was to d ie b efo re the Lord returned. Certainly we would not say that these disciples believed that Peter would die after the Lord returned. It is folly to say that the Lord told Peter about how he would die without Peter and the other disciples having an understanding of the same, at least after the Spirit came on Pentecost. Since they knew that Peter would d ie a fte r h e b eca m e o ld , surely they were not expecting the Lord to come as long as Peter was living. Nevertheless, they were to be watching just as much as we should be watching today. The remainder of this chapter is also quite revealing in this respect. After Jesus had told Peter how he would die, He said to Peter, “Follow me.” Peter, observing that John was also following, complained to Jesus. Then Jesus said to him, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? (John 21:19-23) From these words we draw the following conclusions: (1). The disciples did understand that Peter would die. (2). From the statement of Jesus concerning John, the disciples gathered that John would not die. From this it is inferred that they believed that all the rest of them would die. (3). John indicates that he would die the same as Peter. Let us follow this same thought with a few other passages. Look at Matt. 16:28 (compare also with Mark 9:1 and Luke 9:27). ““Ycri!'/ z unto you, Venly I say There be some standing here, which sh a ll n o t ta ste o f d ea th, till theyl see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." Here we learn that the Lord, while still with His disciples, informed them that they would ALL D IE . He said that He would show some of them the kingdom of God before they died, and the force of the statement was that they would all die. Again I say that they understood as well and maybe better than we that they would not be dying after the Lord returned, for they were to be glorified and sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel after the second coming of Christ (Matt 19:28). Thus, none of them actually expected the Lord's’ return during their lifetimes. This sets the Second Coming, at its earliest date, at the end of the first century, for the death of John was not until near the end of the first century’. One may also study Rev. 2:10 in connection with this thought. By no means can we resist the force of the lesson which Paul gave to the Thessalonian brethren. Let us once again meditate upon these very significant words. “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him. That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition:” (Il Thess. 2:1-3). Relative to these verses we may draw the following conclusions: (1) . These saints were undergoing severe tribulations and persecutions which provided one of the occasions for this epistle (chapter 1). (2) . It is most reasonable to judge that these brethren had been taught by Paul and Others concerning the great tribulation which will come upon the saints and Jews just before the Lord returns. The frequent references to the Lord's coming in the first epistle to them, especially the language of I Thess. 5: 2-3, strongly encourages this judgment. (3) . Verse 2 gives evidence that these brethren were being troubled and in some way hindered by their thinking that the Lord's coming was imminent. As a missit nary • n a foreign field, I am personally aware of the fact that some missionaries arc encouraged to be careless partially as a result of believing that (29) ONMLK the return of the Lord is imminent. This, of course, is not always the case, nor is it the chief reason for such carelessness. How grievous it is to observe what emphasis is put upon the amount of work done, rather than the quality and stability of the work. Brethren are running up and down whole continents making converts, only to turn them loose in the midst of the greatest religious confusion that has ever existed in the history of the world. The great apostle Paul was never helpful to such confusion by such careless work. His earnest desire was to present every man mature in Christ Jesus (Col. 1:28). He always remained with his converts as long as possible in order to establish them in the faith, which would serve to protect them against evil seducers who were wax­ ing worse and worse. The careless activities of many brethren today are a result of numerous things, one of which is the wrong understanding of what Jesus meant by watching for His return. (4) . Paul was urgent in his effort to convince these brethren that the Lord’s return was not imminent. He told them not to be “soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by ONMLKJIHGFEDC w o rd , nor by letter as from us . . . Let no m a n d eceive yo u b y a n y m ea n s . . ." (5) . Paul insisted that two things were absolutely necessary before the Second Advent. F irst, there must come a great falling away. This falling away was future to them, though it is a present matter with us today. Second, the man of sin (the Antichrist) must be revealed through his defiling the temple. The fact that the Antichrist must come into power before the Master returns is just as certain today as it was when Paul wrote it. We shall not be received up into the Master’s glorious presence until we have experienced the blasphemous presence of the Antichrist for 3% years — “LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU BY ANY MEANS.’’ (6) . The coming of Christ which Paul had in mind is clearly the time when these zealous brethren would be gathered together to the Lord (verse 1). This gathering together to the Lord is most assuredly the one of which Paul had taught them in .his first epistle (I Thess. 4:13-18). Turn now to Matt. 25:14-31 where the Lord speaks of giving to one man five talents, to another man two, and to another man one. He told the dis­ ciples how these servants were instructed to be about their master's business until he returned. Two of these servants were faithful to these instructions but the third one was very careless. Then in verse 19 Jesus said, “After a lo n g tim e the Lord of those servants cometh, and rcckoncth with them.” The Lord meant for the disciples to understand that there would be a “long time” between His leaving and His returning. Surely the disciples under-t »>d tYXW h is , or else it would not have been said to them, nor recorded later by them. From Matt. 24:1-2 and Luke 21:20'24 we learn that Jesus taught the apostles that because of the great s in s and unbelief of the inhabitants of J e r u ­ salem, the temple of Jerusalem would be torn down flat on the ground, with ut one stone being left upon another b efo re His return We know that the Lord meant for them to understand that all this would happen before His return It is evident that they did not understand fully at the time Hr told them, but what shall we say about the time after the Spirit came? Certainly the disciples were not to understand the Lord’s return as being imminent until after the di­ straction of Jerusalem (which came in A D. 70) Must the Lord's coming be imminent to us if it was not to the saints before Jerusalem was destroyed? Of course not. We must understand that Christ did not make prophecies that could not come to pass, and it is certain that there will Iv no destruction of Jerusalem after He comes again Please look further at Luke 21:20-24, a passage of great significance in (30) the present discussion. Jesus also informed the disciples that at the time Jenr salem would be destroyed, the Jews would “fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA in to a ll n a tio n s: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled." This extends the whole matter far beyond the destruction of Jerusalem, even hundreds of years. Let me emphasize that the disciples certainly understood that this would not be permitted after the Lord's return, for He Himself will reign from Jerusalem after that time. Did the Lord actually mean what He said? Is it possible that the Lord could make prophecies that would not come to pass? Every true servant of God must abhor even the thought of such a possibility. Then this makes it absolutely necessary for us to acknowledge that the Lord's return was not imminent during the first century, and if the disciples (even those who by inspiration recorded these things) understood the teachings of Christ, then they did not expect the Lord's return at any moment. Of course they longed for Him with great anticipation, but they most certainly knew that there were certain things that must come to pass before the Lord would return Since all the apostles definitely understood that there ' * were aatnumber ’ of / things to take place before the Lord's return, then there is not the least sin in our understand' ing that there are still certain things revealed in the scriptures which must take place before the Lord returns. Observe further from Matt. 24:7; Mark 13:8; and Luke 21:10 that Christ ight the disciples to look for wars and rumors of wars; for nation to rise taug *. — before His return. P’-----------against nation,—and kingdom against akingdom before His return. Please mark that there is a plurality of wars, and risings of nations and kingdoms kingde against nations and kingdoms. The fulfillment of this was not experienced in the first century, and thus again we are forced to understand that the apostles did not look upon the second coming of Christ as imminent. The disciples did not taste any kind of war until near A.D. 70, when the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem. Also in Matt. 24:7'8; Mark 13:7-8: and Luke 21:11 we learn that the disciples were to understand that there would be, in addition to that mentioned in the above paragraph, many famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places before the Master returned. Then the statement is added that “all these are the beginning o f so rro w s.'' This unquestionably demands that the expectancy for the Lord's coming was to be far in the future after m a n y things had come to pass. After the destruction of Jerusalem there were to be wars and rumors of wars, with nation after nation and kingdom after kingdom rising up in the places where former nations and kingdoms were. But after all this there was t o be a much longer wait because these things were merely the beginning of sorro w s Without a doubt the Holy Spirit, upon the destruction of Jerusalem and subsequent events, comforted the hearts of the churches by reminding them of the words of the Lord relative to such things, and further reminded them that the Lord said such things were merely the beginning of sorrows, thus strengthening them and preparing them for the many multitudes of sorrows and afflictions that were to come before the Master's return. I s it n o t p e r f e c tly d e a r th.1t the Lord meant for the disciples, who had so e a g e r ly a s k e d a b o u t when H i s c o m in g w o u ld b e , to understand that they were not to look for His coming as an imminent thing, but that many, many things w o u ld ta k e p la c e o v e r a p e r k d o f many y e a r s b e fo r e He returned? Anyone who can read the 24th chapter of Matthew and relative passages in the other Gospels and w h o u n d e r s ta n d t h e L o r d to mean anything other than this certainly has h is m in d d o e d t o t h e tr u e im p r e s s io n t h a t the Lord desired to leave upon the minds YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC o he d is c ip h off tthe disciples. Why should the Lord continue to mention certain GO things that would necessarily come to pass, and then make the statement that “the end is not yet," and that such things are merely the ' beginning of sorrows ' that t^he saints must suffer before the glorious coming and establishment of the kingdom? 1 he reason is that the Lord was preparing them for a long wait. He told them these things in order that they might find greater strength at the time such things befell them. The fulfilling of prophecy is a comforting thing. It is exceedingly comforting to be conscious of the fact that the Lord knew when He was on earth exactly what would befall His disciples down through the ages, and that He had already prepared their deliverance from, or their strength and comfort to endure, such things. When the infidels and modernists set themselves in array against the Word of the Almighty, what great assurance and comfort it gives us to point out to them the fulfillment of prophecies right before their eyes! The prophecies concerning the regathering of Israel into their own land arc being gloriously fulfilled at the present time Such things give us zeal, energy, and determin­ ation. They prepare us for the hardships and trials that come upon us daily. They humble us by their victory. Further study of these three chapters just mentioned reveal that Christ told the disciples they would be delivered up before kings and rulers, at which time they would be hONMLKJIHGFEDCBA a ted , a fflic te d a n d filled in all n a tio n s (Matt. 24:9; Mark 13:9; and Luke 21:12). Here again we learn that the disciples were to be put to death, not in just one nation, but in “all nations." They were to be looking for these things to happen before the Lord's return. Jesus also said that they were to expect many false Christs to arise saying, “I am Christ,” before His return (Matt. 24:4-5; Mark 13:5-6; and Luke 21:8). The apostles had trouble with antichrists (I John 2), but to my knowledge the scriptures say nothing of their having trouble with false christs. There is a slight difference between antichrists and false christs. A person may be an antichrist without claiming that he himself is Christ. A false Christ is both. Christ said that the disciples would see the time when there would be many false christs who would actually say, “I am Christ.” '1 herefore the dis­ ciples were not to expect Christ to return until they experienced the presence of many who claimed to be the Christ with whom they had walked and talked, and had handled with their hands; the One who died on the cross for their sins, was buried, but arose the third day; the One whose pierced hands and feet they had viewed with their own eyes. To my knowledge the first century disciples never had such an experience. In connection with the things already mentioned, there were i ther out standing developments which were (and still are) to occur. Jesus instructed His disciples that there would be fearful sights and great signs from heaven before His return (Luke 21:11). The saints have never witnessed anything ot this nature yet, and therefore they arc still future even to us today. As the disciples were to expect such things before the Master returned, -> we must still look for these prophecies to be fulfilled before that most blessed hour. Since this is true shall we take our fill of sin? I will be quick and frank to say that, among the many other reasons, I personally do not want to be saved “so as by fire" (I Cor. 3:13-15). It is a very w YXWVUTSRQ o n d e r f u l t h in g t > k n o w t h a t we have eternal life and will never come into j u d g m e n t w ith r e fe r e n c e to hell, yet there arc a lot of us who need to learn some more about the “terror of the Lord” relative to the judgment seat of Christ (II Cor. 5:10-11). The man who says there will be no tears for the “unfruitful" at the judgment of the eter­ nally saved certainly does encourage indulgence in 'in. The Lord further taught that there would come the time when the love of (32) God's people would wax cold and a great falling away would come before His return (Matt. 24:12; II Thess. 2). Some have desired to apply this falling away to lost people, yet the love of lost people has never been anything but cold toward the Lord. They have always hated the light (John 3:19*20). What shall we say abut the love of the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, the Romans, etc? Was the love of such people ever anything but cold? “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God" (I John 4:7). We must understand that it was concerning the love of saved people that Jesus was speaking. The reader may also look at Matt. 13:33; 25:5; Rev. 3:14*18; etc., where the same truths <are taught. A correct analysis of the parables of Matt. 13 will reveal the same: truths as are set forth in the foregoing pages. If thereader will again study carefully all the scriptures and comments concerningthe day of the Lord it should bemade clear that the disciples understood before their death that the Lord's coming would be at the end of the sixth millennium of man's history. There is a very marked and clear sig­ nificance to the terms “last days" and “last day." Observe in Acts 2:17; II Tim. YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC 3 : 1 1 ; Heb. 1:1-2: James 5:3; II Pet. 3:3, etc., that the plural is used because the time includes the fifth and sixth millenniums. Then look carefully at such passages as John 6:39, 40, 44, 52; 11:24; 12:48; and the many passages mentioning the day of the Lord, where the singular is used with meaningful purpose. Why should such pointed references be made to a “last day?” The only correct answer is that it signifies the seventh millennium. The apostle Peter makes this quite clear in two different passages. In Acts 2:17-20 we find that he made reference to both terms, and used them in such a way that we should not misunderstand The “last days" included from the time Peter spoke until the end of the seventh millennium, though specific reference is to the fifth and sixth millenniums. The great and notable “day" of the Lord is the seventh millennium. Now, follow this same procedure in II Pet. 3:3-12. It is in the “last days" that scoffers were to come, but the “day of judgment," “the day of the Lord," or “the day of God," is the last millennium, therefore it is referred to in the singular. Peter makes it even more clear by saying that a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day to the Lord. It is true that Peter said this to emphasize that it is not necessary for the Lord to get in a hurry’, for time is nothing with Him, yet if we fail to see the further significance (possibly the main significance) of Peter's mentoning the “days" and the “day" in such exactness, then we miss a very’ great and blessed truth. 1 would like here to give a quotation from a book written by J. Louis Guthrie (“THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST” — page 21), in which he quotes “from the letter of Barnabas, Chapter 13, verses 4 to 10.” “4. “Consider, my children, what that signifies, he finished them in six days. The meaning of it is this: that in six thousand years the Lord will bring all things to an end. 5. For one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, as he himself testifies, saying. Behold this day shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is, in six thousand years, shall all things be accomplished. 6. And what is that he saith, and he rested the seventh day: he meaneth this: that when his Son shall come, and abolish the season of the Wicked one. and judge the ungodly; and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then he shall gloriously rest in the seventh day. 7. He lastly adds: Thou shalt sanctify it with clean hands and a pure heart, Wherefore, we arc greatly’ deceived if we imagine any one can now sanctify that J.iv which G o d has m a d e h o ly , without h a v in g a pure heart in all things. ONMLK (33) 8. Behold therefore, he will truly sanctify it with blessed rest, when we (having received the righteous promise, when iniquity shall be no more, all things shall be renewed by the Lord) shall be able to sanctify it, being ourselves first made holy. 9. Lastly he saith unto them: Your new moons and your sabbaths I cannot bear them. Consider what he means by it: The sabbaths, says he, which ye now keep are not acceptable unto me, but those which I have made, When resting from all things I shall begin the eighth day, that is, the beginning of another world. 10. For which cause we observe the eighth day with gladness, in which Jesus rose from the dead: and having manifested himself to his disciples ascended into heaven'.” These thoughts should help us to understand that the early disciples did not look upon the Lord's coming as imminent. There are some brethren who many of these same may “raise a fuss,’’ when they read these things, yyet ONMLKJIH Me when the Lord comes brethren will teach that everything will be just fin< whether one has been earnestly watching or not. It sounds like double-talk, The word “watch” does not mean for us to gather on a hilltop smewhere and stand around with our heads in the air. To be watching for the Lord means to be about the work which He has given us to do; carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth. The same word “watch” is used of the pastor of the church in the figure of a shepherd who feeds, waters, and protects his flock (Heb. 13:17). Paul was watching when he was seeking to present his converts perfect before the Lord (Col. 1:28). We are watching for the Lord when we are praying with the lost, preaching the Word, listening to the preaching of the Word, etc. “TELL US, WHEN SHALL THESE THINGS BE?” Every student of prophecy will do well to follow very closely the harmony between Matt. 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21 (including Luke 17:26-37). A good harmony of the gospels will be very handy here. I want to give some time to such a harmony of these three inspired writings by making a number of observa­ tions which I hope will be carefully studied I am supposing that the stiffest resistance will be offered to certain parts of these chapters. As we study these observations it should become abundantly clear that these chapters are generally in a chronological order. (1) . The setting for this eschatological discourse from the Lord's own lips was the admiration of the disciples for the beauty and magnificence of the temple in Jerusalem. The Lord quickly diverted their attention to other matters by prophesying of the utter destruction of the temple, and even of the city, the in­ habitants of which, with the whole nation, would be scattered among all na­ tions until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (2) . The Lord’s prophecy concerning the temple, Jerusalem, and the nation caused the disciples to set their minds upon the time when the prophecy would be fulfilled; and especially, what the sign of the Lord's return would be, and when the end of the age would come. This inquiry of the disciples provided for the following lengthy discourse from the Lord. (3) . Jesus immediately began to tell them about the rise of many false christs who would lead many astray. He continues to mention a great many things which would take many, many years to fulfill, and then adds that “the en d is n o t y e t, ” but that such things would be merely " th e beginning" of the trials and afflictions which the saints must endure In the light of such things it was utterly impossible for tlie I :■ ' ■ ’ upon the Lord’s return as imminent (34) (4) . The Lord continues in each of these gospels by prophesying of the rise of the Antichrist and the subsequent great tribulation. Not in any one of the gospels did the Lord encourage the saints to look for His return before the placing of the abomination of desolation in the temple. This is in perfect harmony with Paul in II Thess. 2, and John in the Revelation. (5) . For the benefit of those who would object on the grounds that in this case we would know the exact day of the Lord's return, I must call atten­ tion to the fact that some of the days of the reign of the Antichrist will be chopped off. For the elect's sake, those days will be shortened.” -How much they will be shortened is not for us to know. Paul says that, though that day will come upon the world as a thief, it will not catch unawares those faithful ones who are awake, for they are of the day and therefore walk in the light (I Thess. 5.L10). (6) . The reader will do well to make a close examination of Matt. 24:23'26 and Mark 13:21-23. It is impossible to understand these verses in the light of the contexts, and at the same time say that there is a secret coming of Christ prior to the time (or at the same time) the Antichrist is revealed in the midst of Daniel's seventieth week by his defiling the temple in Jerusalem Jesus did not say these things right in the middle of discussing the great tribulation without their being directly connected to the particular discussion at hand. The Holy Spirit did not have the writers to insert these verses into this position just to fill up space. It is unquestionably clear that the great tribulation begins at the time the abomination of desolation takes place. It is just as clear that at this same time a great number of false christs and false prophets will arise, “and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Christ, speaking to the same ones whom He told to watch in these chap­ ters, says, “believe it not.” Then He gives some reasons why they are not to be­ lieve such false teachings. These reasons are that His coming will be as manifest as lightning, and will be “Immediately after the tribulation of those days." The first word in Matt. 24:23, and the first two words of Mark 13:21 arc very force­ ful in both the English and the Greek. The Greek word for “then” is “TOTE.” It means, “then; at that time;” “at the time when the things under consideration were taking place.” (Thayer). Those who teach that there will be a secret ap­ pearance of Christ prior to the time (or at the same time) that the great tribula­ tion begins arc preparing the way for false christs and false prophets who will run about at that time, saying, “Behold, he is in the desert” — “behold, he is in the secret chamber” — “Lo, he is here, or there.” 7. The first mention that Christ makes of His coming (Matt. 24:27-29) in answer to the question of the disciples is very significant. Note FIRST that it is after He discusses the great tribulation. If there were a secret coming before the beginning of the great tribulation, surely Christ would have mentioned such and had it recorded in at least one of these three inspired writings. Note SEC­ ONDLY that this first mention of His coming, when His “eagles” will be gath­ ered to Him, is a very’ public one; one which will be seen as far as the cast is from the west. There is not a single passage in the sacred Book that will con­ tradict this bold fact. (8). The second mention that Christ makes of His return (Matt. 24:29-31) is in direct relation to the first one, and concerns the sending of the angels to gather the Lord's elect from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. This is a perfect harmony with what Paul says in Thess. 4: 13-18. All these passages mention the saints coming from heaven and also from earth in the same Coming. Israel is the elect nation, and it is the greatest folly not to associate the saints who arc grafted into that elect nation by faith (35) (Rom. 11) with that nation. These engrafted saints will participate in all the promised blessings upon that nation. (9) . Let us be most careful to observe that the remainder of these chapters (Matt. 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21) are in very close harmony. All three deal precisely with the same time element, All three discuss the sudden thief-like coming of the Lord. If the reader has any doubt about this, it would be best right here to settle the doubts by closely examining the chapters with this one thought in mind. Matthew has the most to say about the matter, but the time element is definitely the same. (10) . In Matthew Jesus compares His thiefdike coming to the flood in the days of Noah. At this point I want to bring Luke 17:26'37 into the harmony also. This passage in Luke 17 was not given at the same time as the ones we have been discussing, yet the subject matter is clearly the same. From these two passages I want to draw further conclusions, that is, I want to make com spicuous the comparisons which Christ Himself made in these passages. F irst, Jesu s compares the condition of the world just before His return to the condition of the world just before the flood (and also of Sodom before its destruction). This condition was, and will be, one of exceedingly great wickedness. S eco n d . Jesus compares the attitude that the world will have just before He returns to the attitude the world had just before the flood came. This attitude was (and will be) one of utter indifference toward the warnings of God through His people against the wicked condition of the world. The warn' ings were given again and again, but the people counted them as nothing. T h ird , Jesus said that the wrath of God caught the world as a thief in Noah's day, and that it would be likewise at His return. Noah preached more than a hundred years concerning the wickedness of the people and the coming world'wide judgment from God: nevertheless, the flood came as a thief upon all the world except Noah and his family who were watching, and therefore were ready. Noah believed God in the face of the greatest opposition, and kept his family and himself prepared. He was always watching and praying which provided him with strength to flee out of the presence of the wrath of God which came upon that world. Jesus warns us also to be most careful to be watching and praying (Luke 21:34'36) that we may have strength (prevail) to flee out of the presence of that wrath that is to come. This wrath will come upon the whole world as a snare (not wrath upon the lost in hell, but wrath upon the nations on earth). F o u rth, the flood came as a Ithief and caught the world unaware, vet. when it came there was not one eye: that did not observe it This is the application Jesus made to the thief coming, and we will misrepresent the words of our blessed Savior if we seek to make any other application out of it May * * such serve as a warning to any who dare continue to make any other application, lest he continue to prepare the way fo r the false christs and fair prophets who will run about saying that Christ has made a secret appearance somewhere immediately following the placing of the abomination in the Jewish temple The day that the flood came was the day the salvation of Noah and his family took effect (not salvation from hell). "I Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded: But the sa m e d a y that Lot went out of SYXWVUTSRQPONMLK o d o m it r a in e d f ir e a n d b r im s to n e f r o m heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the Jay when the Son of man i s r e v e a le d . ” ( L u k e 1 7 : 30) H o w l autiful i t h e h a r m o n y a s we see it in II Thess. 1, that on t h e lame d a y t h a t C h r i t • m e s in g lo r y , in flaming fire to take v e n g e a n c e upon t h e w o r ld , t h e t r o u b le d s a in t s w ill b e put (36) ONMLKJI at rest in their glorified bodies! How beautiful is the harmony in I Thess. 4: 13'18, and 5:140, where Paul teaches that the day the Lord gathers the saints around Himself in the air is the day that wrath from God will be loosed upon the world! They cry peace and safety, but then sudden destruction comes upon them as a thief. This sudden destruction comes with the “day of the Lord.” This harmony is also the same in Matt. 24:23-31; Rev. 6:9-17; 11:1519; etc. There are three matters of great importance that are very conspicuous in each of the references. (A). Each passage directly states, or indirectly de­ mands, the resurrection and rapture of the saints. (B) Each passage speaks of the out-pouring of God's wrath at the same time the saints arc raptured (C). The whole procedure is public and world-wide. F ifth , In Luke 17:30 Jesus says that this is the time of His revelation. As Christ speaks of His revelation, when one will be taken and another left, the question was asked as to where they should be taken. He answered, “Where­ soever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together” (Luke 17:37). We must associate this statement with the lightning in Luke 17:24 and Matt. 24:27-28. It will also be well to associate this passage (Luke 17:26-37) with the glory coming mentioned in Matt. 16:24-27; Mark 8:34-38; and Luke 9:2326, at which time the Lord will manifest whether a man has saved his life or lost his life (this is not salvation from hell). (11). We must acknowledge that it is impossible to dissociate Mark 13:3237 and Luke 21:34-36 from the rest of this harmony. The manner in which Noah and his family watched before the flood is precisely the manner in which we are to be watching today. The Lord “gave authority to his servants, and to every man a work, and commanded the porter tc watch” (Mark 13:34). The manner in which the servants are to be watching is by using the entrusted authority to accomplish the prescribed work—“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matt. 28:19-20.) But just what did Jesus mean when He spoke of watching lest coming suddenly He find us sleeping? When we learn what it means to be as salt that has lost its savor (Matt. 5:13). then we will have learned what Jesus meant by watching. When we learn what it means to become a “castaway” (I Cor. 9:27), we will then understand what Jesus meant by watching lest a sudden coming find us sleeping. Do we think that we can take a fill of sin and then return to the Lord at our own wall? Do we think that we can drink our* selves drunk on the wine-filled pleasures of Satan and then cast that mighty w r e s tle r aside at our will? (Eph. 6:12). We had better learn quickly that “it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” (Rom. 9:17). The salt that has lost its savor (Matt. 5:13; Luke 14: 25-35) will certainly lx* asleep when the Lord returns. The Greek wrestler that lo s t t h e m a tc h h a d h is e y e s g o u g e d out ( W u e s t —Eph. 6:12). There are a lot of God's people who have not yielded themselves to the Spirit of God, there­ fore have been thrown by the enemy (demon spirits), and have had their spirit­ u a l e y e s g < u g e d o u t , t h a t is. t h e y h a v e b e c o m e salt that has lost its savor (Eph 6:12. Matt. 5:13). “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken arc Jrunl.cn in t h e flight But let US, who arc of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation” (I Thess. 5:6-8). ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA YXWV (37) CHAPTER V The Marriage of the Lamb The Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage Supper have beeni among the most joyfully anticipated events for the servants of the LordJ ... in .... ;all ages. Some have not known much of this blessed occasion, while others have been privileged to understand more, yet all who have heard have2 no doubt crudely visualized in their own rminds J *the ’ - setting, ONMLKJIHGFEDCB -- -- the -------’ proceedings and climax of these events. It is necessary, to „give some treatment to the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage Supper because of their direct connection with the Lord’s return. It is not my purpose to discuss, at this time, all the things of especial in­ terest relative to this subject. Actually, the material that shall be given here is of much lesser interest and significance than some other things involved in the Marriage of the Lamb The following comments will be limited as much as possible to discussing the time elements involved. To delve into certain other delightful things directly connected to a full examination would possibly serve to lessen the emphasis upon the time elements which are my primary object at this time. It is very tempting to dip into the sweeter things, but wisdom demands that they be set aside in the present volume. May the reader please understand my position in this matter, and let it be established now that of necessity some questions will be left unsettled on other elements related to the Marriage simply be­ cause this discussion will not deal with those things. By making careful note that only that which is needful in relation to the time development is treated here, the reader will be prepared for a better reception of the following material. It is commonly believed that the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage Supper, as well as the judgment seat of Christ, will take place in the air some time before the glory coming of Christ. This would necessitate two appearings of the Lord. There have been many good sounding things written and said about two such appearings by many brethren of good and honest intentions. Neverthe­ less, as has been abundantly proven already, there will be only one phase of the Second Advent of Christ; consequently, of necessity, these other events (Marriage of the Lamb, judgment seat of Christ, etc.) must follow that Coming. Scores of scriptures have been given which clearly show that the judgment seat of Christ is after His one glory and thief Coming. These very same YXW s c r ip ­ tures will just as emphatically demand that the Marriage of the Lamb is also after that glory and thief Coming. Possibly it would add emphasis and clarity to the matter to give a brief summary of the time the saints will be rewarded in relation to the many scrip­ tu r e s dealing with the Coming May we briefly call to mind the following ob servations which have already been covered (1) . The giving o f rewards cannot come until the “last trump” has sounded because then is the time of the resurrection and rapture (I Cor 15:51-52). There can be no rewards given out until after the resurrection and rapture. This is also true with the Marriage of the Lamb (2) . The giving o f r e v ir d • m n i t > m e u n til t h e s o u n li e v e n th trumpet because the Word plainly says that such comes under that trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19). (3) . The time of rewards is not until Christ begins to reign (Rev. 1 1:1 5 - 1 9 ), which is the time the seventh t r u m p e t s o u n d s T h e k in g d o m o f t h is w o r ld be comes the kingdom of our Lord at the time the s e v e n th trumpet sounds. (4) . The giving of rewards to t h e s a in t s i- n o t until th.- w r a th o f G o d b e (3 8 ) gins (Rev. 6:9-17; Rev. 11:15-19; II Thess. 1; Matt. 24:36-41; etc.). The wrath of God comes publicly to all the world. (5) . The time of rewards is not until the “day of the Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 1:7-8), which is the time of the revelation of Christ. Concerning the time of rewards Paul says, “for the DAY will declare it” (I Cor. 3:13-15). (6) . The time of rewards is not until the “last day” has begun (John 6, 39, 40, 44, 52; 11:24; 12:48). Jesus Himself said that the resurrection will be “at (in) the last day.” There will be no rewarding the saints until after the resurrection. (7) . Rewards will be given out AFTER the GLORY coming of Christ (Matt. 16:27; Mark 8:38; and Luke 9:26). (8) . Rewarding the saints will take place after the revelation of Christ (II Thess. 1:440; I Cor. 1:7'8: I Pet. 1:7, 13; 4:12; etc ). (9) . Rewards will be received after the “shining upon” and the “shining” of the Lord (II Tim. 4:1, 8; I John 2:28; etc). (10) . The time of rewarding is in the “body presence” of the Lord (I John 2:28; Matt. 24:27; I Thess. 2:19'20; 5:23; etc). (11) . The time of rewards is not until after the forty-two months unre­ strained reign of the Antichrist has ended (Matt. 24:23-28; II Thess. 2:1-3; Rev. 11:15-19; etc.). Once again attention is called to the fact that the Marriage of the Lamb can­ not take place before the time the saints are rewarded. Rewards are very directly connected with the bride of Christ and her marriage to the Lamb. We can just as correctly say in each of the above observations, that the Marriage of the Lamb does not take place until the time mentined in each. It is imperative that such be so. “THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH” Now I would like to point out that the book of Revelation pointedly says that Christ has already begun to reign before the Marriage of the Lamb takes place. We have learned that the wrath of God begins with the coming of Christ in glory. This has been pointed out numerous times from many scriptures which state such clearly, yet for the reader’s YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ c o n v e n ie n c e , a few of them are given again — (I Thess 1:7-9; Jude 14-15: Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-19; I Thess. 5:1-3; Luke 21:34-36; Matt. 24:36-39; etc). As we look at Revelation, chapters 15 and 16, we sec that all the seven vials arc filled with the wrath of God. This means that these vials must not proceed, but follow the sixth seal (Rev. 6:12-17), and the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:1519), for it is at the time of these that the wrath of God begins. This makes it nt\ • -ary for us to understand that ALL SEVEN VIALS are poured out AFTER Christ has come in glory’ which makes beautiful harmony when studied through to its end Please study the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet with the greatest care. The next thing of which we should make careful note is found in Rev. 16: 17-21 This is the pouring out of the seventh vial; and it is at this time that great B a b y lo n c o m e s in to r e m e m b r a n c e b e f o r e God “to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath” (verse 19). “And upon her forehead was a name written. MYSTERY. B A B Y L O N THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HAR LOTS A N D A B O M I N A T I O N S O F THE EARTH” (Rev. 17:5). Mark care­ fully th a t t h e j u d g m e n t o f m y s t e r y B a b y lo n falls under the SEVENTH VIAL. Now. approaching the 19th chapter of Revelation, let us observe that the praises of ver 1 arc rendered particularly because God has just completed the •> o f d i e g r e a t ) . T h is m e a n s t h a t it is n o w (in this chap39 ter) far past the time when the kingdom of this world became the kingdom of Christ (Rev. 11:15-19), at which time Christ began to reign. These praises con­ tinue down through verse 6 where further reason is given for their joy. The further reason is because “the Lord God omnipotent rcigneth.” Under the sev­ enth trumpet we read that the “kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and his Christ” (Rev. 11:15). We also read of the ciders saying, “We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned” (11:17). Thus we find that God has given the kingdom of this world to Christ and has begun to reign through Christ. Now, in 19:7 we read, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him for the marriage of the Lamb is come . . Who is the antecedent of the word “him?” It is the “Lord God omnipotent" that “reigneth” of verse 6. Then, we must understand that C ONMLKJI h rist h a s a lrea d y b e g u n reig ning , a n d th e g rea t h a rlo t has a lrea d y b e e n ju d g e d , when the Mar­ riage takes place. This also makes it necessary for us to understand that the Marriage and much of the Marriage Feast takes place on earth in Jerusalem. As we study the customs of the Jews as recorded by different historians, especially in the light of inspired scripture, we find that they arc very inter­ esting and enlightening, particularly when compared with what the Word says about Christ and His espoused Bride in connection with the Marriage and the accompanying Feast. In Israel the selection of a bride was sometimes done 1byt the groom him' self (Jacob, Moses, Sampson, etc.), though at other times it •t was done by an appointed friend (Isaac ) or possibly by the father. The matter of betrothal was extremely solemn; almost as much as marriage itself (Matt. 1:18-20). The betrothal could be broken only by death or the discovery of fornication on the part of the bride-elect (Dcut. 22:23-24). The interval between betrothal and marriage varied; and during this time the selected bride continued to live with her family (Jacob, Judges 14 and 15). Sometimes all communications between the bride and the groom were carried on through a friend appointed for that purpose (Isaac, Jacob). When the time for the marriage arrived, the groom, accompanied by friends, and sometimes with music, would go get the bride and bring her to the place of the marriage and the feast (Matt. 25:1-13; Luke 12:36-37). It appears, from the comments of different writers, as well as th? scriptures, that the cere­ monies of the marriage itself were sometimes about the first thing taken care of with the feast following, while at other times the ceremonies climaxed the days of feasting (Gen. 29:22). The feast sometimes lasted seven days (Judge 14); varying at other times to shorter or longer periods. Although these customs were generally much the same, there appears to be no fixed procedure that was rigidly followed. It is certain that all the varied customs of the Jews relative to marriage cannot serve as parallels in the subject under discussion, yet there are some which definitely do appear to serve as such, if in YXWVUTSRQ n O other way t h a n bolic or figurative capacity. Some of these parallel may be somewhat vague, but others arc quite clear, though we possibly cannot make an extremely rigid application of any of them. What I m e a n i t h i . f o r in s ta n c e The unkm o f man and woman in matrimony is partially to th.- .-nd < f producing offspring which cannot possibly be said of Christ and H is B r id e M a n y of the relations of man and wife will certainly not be experienced by Christ and the church The language which describes Christ as a Bridegn- m and th.- church or the New Jerusalem as His Bride must be considered a fi pir itive " that such figures arc used is because t h e y b e s t (4 0 ) union which shall be realized between Christ and His Bride. God frequently accommodates us with such usages of human terms. If it is true that there was a friend who introduced the Bride to Christ (and it appears to be so), John the Baptist was certainly that person John was the one who prepared the material and introduced the same to the Lord, which the Lord received and with which He formed His church. After Christ had received the prepared material and had formed the church, we hear John saying, “He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bride­ groom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bride' groom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled” (John 3:29). Thus we find that John was the friend who served somewhat in the position of Abraham's servant who sought out the bride for Isaac. If we are right in following the parallel further, we find that the Holy Spirit is the friend or medium through whom all communications between the Bridegroom and the Bride-elect are relayed until the time that the Groom shall come for His espoused to take her to the Marriage Banquet and the Marriage. BREAKING UP CAMP Now, having laid the foundation for further discussion of the Marriage Supper and the Marriage, let us proceed to other passages dealing with such. In Luke 12:36 we find these words of Jesus to His betrothed: “And ye your­ selves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immedi­ ately.” The statement, “when he will return from the wedding,” is quite puzzling until we examine the Greek word translated “return” in the light of certain other matters. Concerning this word, Robertson says, “The verb ANALUO, v e r y common Greek verb, but only twice in N. T. (here and Phil. 1:23). The figure is breaking up a camp or loosing the mooring of a ship, to depart.” Thus the statement can be read, “when he will break up camp out of the Wedding Feast.” I say “Wedding Feast” because the Greek word often includes the feast, and such absolutely must be the case here for there could be no marriage until the Bride has been brought to take part in it (Rev 19:7-9) This passage is significant and I want to point out the following obser­ vations which arc made n e c e s s a r y by the passage in the light of the context (1) . This coming is for the Bride. The context will clearly demand that this be so. It is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom to the little flock (verse 32). If the passage is not clear in the reader's mind, he should turn and itudy it carefully, and also the harmony of the subject matter in Matt. 24 43-51 and Matt 25:1-30. (2) . Since this is the coming for the Bride, then we can say positively that the Marriage will not take place prior to this time. There will be no marriage without the Bride. (3) . Since the Marriage will not take place prior to this Coming, then d ie v r d “ G A M O N , ” t r a n s la te d “ w e d d in g , ” must in c lu d e t h e t im e of feasting. Christ breaks up camp out of the Wedding (Wedding Feast) to come for the Bride. (4) Look carefully at the expression, “P POTE ANALUSEI EK TON GA' MON” which means, “when he shall break _...c up camp out of the Wedding” (Feast) This expression is stronger than just leaving camp for a short time, We must understand that Christ has climaxed His part in the feasting which is underway in heaven at this time. He is not leaving for a short while, but (41) YXWVU has broken up camp and has headed for another location. But let us follow the matter further. A camper may have a definite plan in mind by breaking up camp out of one location and moving to another location, yet his plans may just as easily include similar activities at the second location. We can see from Rev. 19; 7'9, that the Bride will be at the Wedding and the Wedding Feast m full dress (glorified). All this demands much further explanation. Wc learn from this verse that the Wedding Feast has begun in heaven before Christ comes for His Bride, yet, as has been shown already, the Marriage itself is on the earth in Jerusalem which at first appears somewhat contradictory, though upon further investigation we find the key that unlocks the door to the beautiful harmony. Before I endeavor to give the understanding, I would like for us to anticipate the time when the feasting in heaven will begin. In Revelation chapter 12, particularly verses 7-12, we learn some import­ ant facts. We learn that Satan, at the present time, has access into the presence of God where he accuses us day and night, but that there is coming a time when he will be cast out of heaven. That time will be the same that the Antichrist causes the abomination in the midst of the week. That will also be the time that Israel flees into the wilderness for 3% years. It is my judgment that that will also be the very time the Marriage Feast begins in heaven. The excelling joys of the Wedding Feast will not begin as long as Satan is present, but when he is cast out with his angels, the occasion will be right for the feasting to begin. The casting out of Satan and his angels means that the time of the end is very near when Christ shall come for his bride, at which time the heavens will be rolled back for God from heaven and Christ from Jerusalem through the angels and the saints to pour out their wrath upon all the forces of evil. THE HEAVENS STANDING OPEN At the appointed time (3*2 years after Satan has been cast out of heaven) Christ breaks up camp out of the Wedding Feast and descends toward the earth for His Bride At very nearly the same time the sun and moon are darkened, the stars fall from heaven, and the whole heavens are rolled back so that all in­ habitants of the earth view, not only the Son descending and the saints ascending to meet Him, but also, the very throne of God with the Father sitting upon i; (Rev. 6:12-17). The heavens remain rolled back throughout the entire pen J : God’s wrath (44*2 months sec later chapter). Christ descends with H. tints to Jerusalem and possesses (through the period of God’s wrath) the land ’ tr the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” (Gen 1 18) The Wedding Feast continues, both in heaven and on earth (the part p sessed). With the heaven rolh 1 back t h e w h o le e a r t h is openly in t h e v e r y presence of God. This is the time of which Jesus spoke in John 1 51 And I saith unto him, Verily, verily. I a y u n to yotf. H e n if te i open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the S. n of Man' Concerning the word " " R of ANOIGO with double reduplication, standing open The word reminds one of what took place at the baptism of Jesus (Matt 3:16; Luke 3:21), but the immediate reference is to the opened heaven as the symbol of free intercourse between God and man (Isa 64:1), and as it was later illustrated in the death of Stephen (Acts 7:56).” Vincent says, “The pYXWVUTSR a r tic ip le signifies standing open.” God shall, in the presence of tin- whole world, vi ibly h H is p le a u r e in the Son. All shall s e e w it h t h e ir p h y s ic a l e y e t h e v e r y proof of t h e w o r d s , (4 2 ) “This is my beloved Son, in whom 1 am well pleased'* (Matt. 3:17; 17:5). The Father shall openly show who is truly God by coming visibly face to face with that one who shortly before stood himself "in the temple ot God, showing himself that he is God” (II Thess. 2:4). And with visible free intercourse be­ tween His throne in heaven and the throne of Christ in Jerusalem; and with the joyful, unhindered passage of angels between the two thrones, He will bring all to acknowledge who is truly the anointed King over all the earth. Still further, by the subordination of the powerful angels to the true heirs of salvation; and by the exceeding joyfulncss with which the mighty ones set forth with their very pleasant task, yea, and greater still, by the fact that Christ after breaking up camp out of the feasting in heaven, receives His Bride, brings her to Jerusalem, sets her down to meat as the feasting begins there also, girds Himself, and comes forth to serve her (Luke 12:37), He will publicly manifest to all who is truly His Bride in whom He finds exceedingly great pleasure. Those who joyfully bore the reproach of Christ, who endured bitter persecutions and tribulations and are arc accounted worthy of the kingdom, are at this time resting and enjoying the? Marriage Feast (II Thess. 1:3-7).ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA What a restful, joyful ' _ _ _ ^k, I C • time this will be for the saints, k... but what a 1horrifying, troublous time for the world. God shall show His delight in His holy ones, but shall sit in the heavens and laugh at those who despised His counsel and reproof (Prov. 1:24-31). This is also the time of which Jesus spoke in Matt. 8:11-12: “And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Compare also Luke 13:24-28). Some may wonder why the Marriage itself is not for quite sometime after Christ comes in glory and has reigned for a short period, for the Marriage actually does not take place for nearly 44% months after Christ has begun to reign from Jerusalem. A careful study of the judgment of the great harlot (Rev. 16:17-21) and the time Christ begins to reign (Rev 11:15-19) as both are related to Rev 19:1-9, will establish the accuracy of the above statement. The reason for this apparent delay in the Marriage is that it is the pleasure of God and Christ to bring about the public humiliation and complete de­ struction of the false bride (the Great harlot, mvstery Babylon), before the Marriage of the true Bride takes place (Rev. 19:1-9). By bringing the true Bride to Jerusalem and honoring her in even7 appropriate wav. and bv con­ tinuing the feasting in heaven with public free intercourse with the feasting in Jerusalem, the nations arc fully assured of the blaring falsehoods and utter untTUftworthiness of the false bride, and therefore, they turn upon her and rend her to pieces (Rev. 17 and 18) Then comes that most blessed union of the Bride with the Bridegroom. Questions may further arise as to the correct setting of Rev. 19:11-21 in relation to verses 1-10 of the same chapter I will give a full explanation of this later At the present I will remind the reader that manv times through' i* the 1 »k of Revelation, we arc carried through the tribulation, and then in the same chapter or in the next chapter we arc taken back to the beginning and go through the same period of time, only looking at it from a slightly different angle We arc carried through the period of God’s wrath a number of times and this (Rev. 19:11-21) is one of them. (43) CHAPTER VI The Wrath of God Immediately prior to the coming of the Lord the whole earth almost with one voice is worshipping the Antichrist as God. The Antichrist with super­ human powers has beaten the rebellious forces of the earth into submission, except for the Jews whom God has taken into a place j of hiding, and also the saints who arc being slaughtered in vast numbers,. In every nation and every city there is the shout of “peace and safety;” and there is a kind of peace throughout the earth, but it is a peace that is anti-God, and anti-Christ.But Paul says, “when they shall say. Peace and safety; then SUDDEN DESTRUC­ TION cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (I Thcss. 5:3). During the reign of Antichrist (described under seals 2-5), ithe saints will be killed in great numbers; and we hear them under the alti_ :ar — crying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:9-11). The answer comes that they are to wait “for a little season.” At the end of that “little seasoi.," season,” we hear the angel who stands upon the sea and upon the earth swearing „ “by ky him that liveth for ever and ever . . . that there would be time no l^ng 0*-” (literally longer —that there would be no longer delay). The “little season” has5 now elapsed r and it is time for the events described under the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet. Thus, the angel continues with the words, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets” (Rev. 10: 5-7). Observe that it says, “when he shall BEGIN to sound.” As the trum­ pet begins to blast, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” “the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the D)rd in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (I Thcss 4:16-17; I Cor. 15:52). As has already been proven, and as we must conclude, the latter part of I Thess. 4 and the first part of chapter 5 deal with the same time and event. Chapter 4 speaks more of ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA w h a t will happen, and chapter 5 begins by telling w h en it will happen. We must also conclude that I Thcss 4:13-18 and I Cor. 15:51-54 deal with the same event and time element. We must further ac­ knowledge that the mystery’ that is finished at the seventh trumpet is the ime mystery which Paul says will be accomplished at the last trumpet. As we learn from the seventh trumpet, and also I Thcss. 5:1-2, this mystery i> fin­ ished as the day of the Lord Jesus Christ begins. These things are a ne< < try harmony and the man who teaches otherwise will answer fo YXWVU r the same in that day of judgment. Thus the reign of the Antichrist is ended when suddenly “the Lord Him­ self shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rrc first: then we which are alive and r e m a in s h a ll b e c a u g h t u p t o g e t h e r w ith th e m in t h e c lo u d s , r meet the Lord in t h e a ir " (1 T h e 4 :1 6 * 1 7 ) I 1 remain,” are those who r e m a in t h r o u g h t h e la u g h t e r u n d e r t h e r e ig n o f the Antichrist; who arc not of the “brethren, that should be killed" (Rev 6:11). (44) WRATH Moments before the saints go streaking through the skies around the earth, and in the presence of all the earth, to meet the Lord high in the air above Jerusalem who shines with a brilliance above the brightness of the sun (Acts 26:12; Rev. 1:16), the earth begins to reel and rock with an earthquake so exceedingly great that whole mountains will be shaken to pieces and many islands of the seas moved out of their places (Rev 6:1247; Luke 21:25'28). Some islands will no doubt be completely submerged in the sea while new ones will appear. There will be great upheavals in the oceans with the waves rolling and roaring. There will undoubtedly be numerous explosions beneath and above the surface of the earth. An earthquake so huge will demolish whole cities, leav­ ing them in ruins with many hundreds of thousands killed. The skvserapers of New York and other great cities will crumble before the intensity of the quaking. Many people will be shaken out of their beds, or off their feet. Cars will be shaken off the highways and trains off their tracks. At the time the earth begins to quake the sun also suddenly blackens out and the moon likewise. Multitudes of stars begin to fall in streaking fire out of the heavens creating a display along with the results of the earthquake that will cause the greatest distress of nations, with perplexities, the world has ever im­ agined. The tribes of the earth shall mourn exceedingly with “men’s hearts fail­ ing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. " (Luke 21:25-27). How long this particular conduct of nature will last is not stated but we may judge from the language used that it will not all be over in a moment. In the midst of all this the saints are gathering around the Lord “from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heav­ en" (Mark 13:27). The spirits of the saints shall be clothed in immortality, even the shining and brilliant glory of Christ. This blessed exaltation of the saints shall be viewed by the horror-filled eyes of multiplied millions on earth who have refused to repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; and by this refusal they have hated the Savior. There in the skies Christ shall “be glorified in his saints,” and shall “be admired in all them that believe" (II Thess. 1:10). What joyful singing of YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG p r a is e s to God and Christ shall take place in the very presence of the Antichrist and all those who have proclaimed him their God. Those who have not remembered Lot's wife will not escape for they have neglect­ ed this great salvation (Heb. 1 : 1 4 ; 2:3; Luke 17:31-37). "Behold, he comcth with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him" (Rev. 1 :7) It is on this occasion that the remnant of Israel, who have been kept in hiding through the reign of Antichrist, will accept as Lord and Christ, the One who shines above the brightness of the sun. Though there are about Him a countless multitude of the Gentiles, yet they will be convinced of their error and will receive God's Chosen as the righteous One. With joy they desire Him as their King. Jesus said that the Jews would not see Him till they said "Blessed is he that ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA c o m c th in the name of the Lord" (Matt. 23:39), therefore this is the time when the Lord will plead with them face to face (Ezck. 20:35). Accompanying Christ and this vast host of elected ones; and standing ready to fully assist their every desire, arc the mighty angels of God This speaks in D O w ia e o f w e a k n e t t o n t h e p a r t o f the glorified saints, but rather, it speaks of the im m e a s u r a b le h e ig h ts t o w h ic h th e s e heirs of salvation are exalted (Heb. 1:14) Some moments after the earth begins to quake, the sun and moon are blacked out, and the stais streak through the heavens, the whole heavens themselves will (45) be rolled back like a scroll when it is rolled together and the entire earth will view the throne of God in heaven upon which the Father is sitting. A further background will no doubt be furnished by another exceedingly vast host of the angels of God. It is said that in the days after the flood (of Genesis) men had a ffeeling that the heavens were very near the earth, and that wicked men could never feel comfortable; but that Nimrod, who is today worshipped in one form or another in every nation, succeeded in pushing the heavens back away from the earth till such wicked men could feel somewhat comfortable (see the book entitled, "TWO BABYLONS,” by Hislop). Regardless of whether such is true or not, it is true that when the earth shall view the heavens standing open, as described above and in the former chapter, they will certainly feel that heaven is resting upon the earth, for the throne of God shall visibly be as but a short distance from them. If there ever was a time when fear struck men so intensely that their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets; their hearts nearly jumped out of their mouths; their blood almost melted through the pores of their skin; and their hair turned white and stood straight up on their heads, it will certainly be at this time when they view this announcement of the “fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.” All the proud and haughty ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o f the earth who have through their conduct lifted themselves up against Almighty God and His blessed Son by way of mocking, scoffing and sneering at the humble servants of God, shall at this time be brought so low as to run for the caves and holes of the earth seeking shelter from the wrath of God (Rev. 6:12'17). One of the most gruesome and weird things I have ever heard or read is found in Proverbs 1:26, where God says, “I also will LAUGH at your calamity; I will MOCK when your fear cometh.” (Compare also Psalm 2:4; 37:13; 59:8; etc). Soon after the heavens are rolled back, Christ with the saints and many an­ gels, shall descend to the Mount of Olives and Jerusalem as the Antichrist and his forces flee from the land of Palestine as quickly as possible (Acts 1:9-11; Zech, 14:3-15; Joel 2:1-11; 3:1-17; Rev. 14:1-7; Dan 11 :45; etc ). Among the many things that will be discussed relative to the wrath of God. I will especially be giving proof that Christ and the saints are in Jerusalem at this period of time. Under the direction of God, the angels from heaven are pouring out the wrath of God upon the nations, while the saints, being directed by Christ from Jerusalem, are engaged in the same business. I Cor 6 teaches that the saints will have a part in judging the world: and from Jude 14-16 we learn that part of that judgment will take place when Christ comes, for it says, “And Enoch als the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have un­ godly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinner - have spok­ e n against him.” In Dan. 7:26, we read, “But the judgment shall sit. and t h e y (the saints) shall take away his dominion (the dominion of Antichrist), to con­ sume and to destroy it unto the end.” For further proof that Christ descends immediately to the earth one needs only to remember that I s r a e l' h id in g in t h e w ild e m e • i e x a c tly t h e s a m e dura­ tion as the reign of the Antichrist the Antichrist breaks the covenant ( M a tt 2 4 I > three and one half years later when Christ comes in glory (Rev. 12) W e c a n a ls o r e m e m b e r th a t w h e n t h of this world become the kingdom of our God and Christ, and Chri t begins to reign. Christ shall be <>n earth w h e n H e r e ig n n t ii heaven I th e p a g es t 46 YXW follow, proof will be given from still other passages which absolutely demand such an interpretation. It is ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA fro m Jeru sa lem that Christ and His army pours out great wrath upon the nations. Rev. 14:1-7 pictures Christ and His army on Mount Sion (Jeru­ salem) at the time that the hour of God’s judgment b eg in s. Verses 12-13 are paranthetical and are applicable to the church age which extends through to the end of the reign of the Antichrist. These verses are particularly applicable to this latter period. Verses 14-16 naturally follow verses 12-13, and describe the harvest of God's victorious saints. The victor's crown which the “Son of man” is wearing signifies that He is reaping a harvest of victorious ones from the earth. Verses 17-20 describe a harvest of the wicked for the battle of Armaged­ don, the call for which goes out under vial 6 and the battle is consumated under vial 7. Chapter 15 backs up again to the beginning of the period of God's wrath and gives a brief preparation for the pouring out of the seven vials which cover the period. Chapter 16 gives the pouring out of the seven vials. Each of these vials greatly increases the intensity of the punishment of the Antichrist and his forces. It appears that these vial judgments are commis­ sioned by the Father from heaven as he directs the angelic forces. In Joel 2 and 3; Zech. 14:3-15; etc., Christ is seen directing His army of glorified saints in bringing vengeance upon the nations fro m Jeru sa lem . VIALS OF WRATH The first via l (Rev. 16:2, 11) brings great, grievous sores upon all the nations leaving them in a physical condition worse than the one which Job endured. The seco n d via l causes the waters of the oceans to become as the blood of a dead man which results in the death of all living creatures in the seas. A stifling, sickening, foul odor has never crossed the nostrils of man that would compare with this one. With all the oceans turned to blood and every living creature in the blood dead, and this remaining day after day, the air about the earth (with the exception of Palestine) will become so increasingly stale that it will be exceedingly unbearable. Under the th ird via l the rivers and fountains of water in all lands (except Palestine) will also be turned into blood. Men “have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.” The fo u rth via l brings such terrible heat from the sun that men are actually blistered by it As the inhabitants of the nations sit in horrid agony from great poisonous sores, the sun becomes so miserably hot that it raises blisters on top of the sores, and they thirst exceedingly for water with only blood to drink. The fifth via l fills the kingdom of Antichrist with darkness so intense that men gnaw their tongues till the blood flows and still they blaspheme God. Under the six th via! “three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the fab ’ prophet. YXWVUTSRQPONM F o r t h e y are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the k in g s o f t h e earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” We must understand that it will take more than just a few days to bring hundreds of thousands and many mil­ lions of m e n w ith all their multiplied thousands of tons of war equipment from all parts of the earth to the place called Armageddon. The ei cnth vial gives the judgment of Mystery Babylon taking in all of chapters 17 and IS of Revelation. the marriage of the Lamb in 19:6-9, and . I :l.e battle of Armageddon, 19:17-21. Verses 11-16 (47) of chapter 19 carry us back to the beginning of the wrath of God to the glory coming of Christ. By way of summary, let us make careful note of a tew very important factors. (1) . All seven vials are full of the wrath of God (Rev. 15:1; 16:1). This is the most significant thing about the vials. (2) . Since the seven vials are full of the wrath of God, we must, ON of n ecessity, acknowledge that they follow the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet, both of which state that the wrath of God and Christ begin with them (Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-19). No one can interpret the Revelation correctly if he does not have this very conspicuous element clear in his mind. (3) . We must further acknowledge that the seven vials fo llo w the coming of Christ in glory for it is at that time that the wrath of God begins (II Thess. 1:7-9; Jude 14-15; Matt. 24:27-31; Rev. 6:12-17; 11:15-19; I Thess. 5:1-3; etc.). (4) . By no means of exposition can we conclude that the vials will be poured out over a short period of time. This factor is significant under each of the vials, but especially so under vials 6 and 7. The battle of Armageddon is called for under the sixth vial, that is, the three foul spirits arc sent out at that time to gather the nations of the earth together near Jerusalem for the battle. By no means of calculation can we judge that such extensive preparations can be made (Ezek. 38 and 39), and the transportation of such armies with their burden of equipment and supplies can be executed within a short period of a few brief months: especially when we understand that the nations will have been kept in utter confusion throughout the first five vials which began with such a terrible disruption of the entire structure of the earth at the time the Lord appeared in glory’ and the heavens were rolled back. PALESTINE A PARADISE DURING THE WRATH Zechariah 14:3-15 gives some very’ valuable information about the period of God's wrath. Verse 2 evidently deals with the great three-kingdom battle spoken of in Dan. 11:40 and Rev. 9:13-21, which takes place during the reign of the Antichrist. Verse 3 announces that Christ shall come and fight against all those nations that have arrayed themselves against Him and His people m the past. Verse 4, the same as Rev. 14:1, teaches that Christ will descend to the Mount of Olives and Jerusalem fro m w h ich He shall pour out judgment upon the wicked nations. From verse 4 to verse 1 1 the prophet speaks ■ 4 - nv immediate changes that will take place in the land of Palestine (n > J ul t all the land which God promised to the physical descendants of Abraham (I :. 15:18) The curse which God pronounced upon t h e earth in Gen will be lifted from Palestine at the time Christ p la c e s h is feet U| tl Ml Olives. The rest of the earth will not rest from the curse until tl. i ittlc 4 Armageddon is finished. Verses 12 to 15 describe the battle of Ar and the reader will observe that this battle falls into proper order 5 to the time element. This battle comes a fte r Christ has set up lbs throne in Jeni Let us carefully observe the following things salem and has begun to reign from this passage. (1). There will be an immediate change in the land of Palestine when Christ comes. (A). The M o u n t o f O liv e s sh all be divided in half, one halt toward the north, and the other half toward the south (v.i « 4 and 5) (B). “Living w aters slu ill go out from J c d en i, hYXWVUTSRQ a lf o f t h e m t iward the i t mer sea, and half of them toward the hinder > i in summer and in winter it shall be” (verse S). ((') T h e Jerusalem remaining lifted up higher than the rest ■ «! t’ • land (vvr-r 10) (48) (D). There will be n o m o re d e stru c tio n o f the land of Palestine, but Jerusalem (and all the land) shall a b id e sa fe ly (ve rse 11). (2). We have already learned that the wrath of God and Christ begins at the time Christ comes in glory, which is the exact time mentioned in this chapter. We have abundantly seen that the seven vials must be poured out a fte r Christ comes in glory, and that they must extend over a long period of time. This means that the rest of the earth outside of Palestine will be under­ going the terrific burden of God's wrath while Palestine is at perfect rest. The land of Palestine will be to the rest of the earth during the wrath of God as the land of Goshen was to Egypt during the plagues prececding Israel's deliverance under Moses. The Israelites were living in the land of Goshen, and God made a great distinction between the dwellings of Israel and those of the Egyptians. Let us look into the book of Exodus and observe the glory and pleasure of God in this matter. “And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth. And I will put a division between* my people and thy people: tomorrow shall this sign be" (Exodus 8:22-23) “And the Lord shall sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt: and there shall nothing die of all that is the children's of Israel . . . and all the cattle of Egypt died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one. And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israel­ ites dead . . (Exodus 9:4-7). “Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail." (Exodus 9:26). “And Moses stretch­ ed forth his hand toward heaven: and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.” (Exodus 10:22-23). “But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beasts that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.” (Exodus 11:7) It should not appear strange that God should perform a similar work dur­ ing this period of wrath which He has promised to the nations of all the earth for many centuries. The Lord was exalted exceedingly, and His pleasure in His chosen people manifested clearly by the distinction He made between Israel and the Egyptians. God shall do unspeakably greater things after a similar fashion during the period of His wrath upon the whole earth. THE GLORIFIED ARMY IN BATTLE ARRAY The Old Testament gives many very enlightening portions of scripture which sometimes are slightly veiled. This is especially true if we do not have the proper key to unlock such passages. Joel 2:1-11 falls under this category. The p a s s a g e speak.- of th e ' G o d 's wrath which is meted out upon the pres­ ent world dominions by Christ and His army of glorified saints F ONMLKJIHG R O M JE R U ­ SALEM . In these verses we see a description of the very great and terrible day of the Lord, and the very great and terrible army of the Lord before whom He utters His voice. The p a s s a g e is of such significance that it is needful to make the following observations. (1) The camp of this army (verse 11) must be associated with Mount Zion, the holy mountain of the Lord (verse 1). This means that the Lord's camp at this time is in Jerusalem. (2) . Wc must associate the activities of this army with the day of the Lord (verses 1, 2 and 11). Here the day of the Lord is described as terrible because YXWVU (49) of the judgments of the Lord through this great army. (3) . This is clearly the Lord's army. “And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it ” (verse 11). (4) . This army is a s u p e r - n a t u r a l army; a glorified army (A). There has never been and there never will be another army equal to it (verse 2), therefore this army must be the one mentioned in Jude 14-15. (B). The sun, moon and stars tremble, quake, and withdraw their shining at the will of this army (verse 10). (C). These warriors cannot be wounded — "and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded” (verse 8). (D). These soldiers are perfect in all their ways—“and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks” (verse 7). (E). The land will be turned into a wilder­ ness at the will of this army (verses 3-5). (5) . This army is visible yet so powerful and terrible that "Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness” (verse 6). (6) . The last words of verse 11 — “for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?” — are a perfect harmony with those in Rev. 6:17 where it is said concerning this same period of time, “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” God permits the Antichrist to overcome the saints and to wear them out for forty-two months after a most horrible fashion (Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:7), yet we can be fully assured that the time has already been fixed when the saints will have their turn, for the Word says, “But the judgment shall sit, and th ey (the saints) sha ll ta ^e a w a y h is dominion (the Antichrist's), TO C O N S U M E A ^ D T O D E S T R O Y IT W T O T H E E N D . ” (Dan. 7:26). Joel 3:1-17 gives another view of the Armageddon battle. It is the same harvest (verse 13) as described in Rev. 14:17-20. We observe in verses 16-17 that Christ ’ is in Jerusalem at the time He shall utter His voice from Jerusalem to destroy them. “The Lord also shall ro a r o u t o f Z io n , and utter his voice fro m Jeru sa lem ; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Dird will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel So shall ye know that I am the LORD your GOD d w e llin g in Z io n , m y holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.” THE ANTICHRIST SEEKS TO ROB PARADISE “Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company t«» take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and good . t< take a great spoil?” (Ezck. 38:13). Ezekiel 38 and 39 hYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ a studied far into the t h in g s which m u s t s h o r t ly c o m e t o p a I:.. • . reason to justify such interest; therefore it is needful t o s p e n d m e tim e u p o n t h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e s e c h a p te r s C h a p te r 3 7 fits c h r o n o lo g ic a lly before c h a p te r s 3 8 and 3 9 . The c o m in g o f t h e L o r d , t h e r e d ir e c t io n a n d r a p tu r e , t h e s a h m tion of the remnant of Israel with the j o in in g o f J u d a h a n d E p h r a im , and the peaceful r e * s e t t le m e n t of I s r a e l in t h e ir la n d o f p r o i the same time. (Compare also Rom 11:15, Rev 17. M a t t 3 J 9 A c ts 2 : 2 0 21; Joel 2:31'32; etc.) A s W C s h a ll ful r e - s e t tle m e n t o f I s r a e l w h i< hiONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o f Christ. (50) This battle of Gog is a specific work in the purpose of God, and the reasons why He brings it about are: First, that He Himself may be magnified and sanc­ tified in the eyes of many nations (38:16, 23; 39:7, 21-29), and also in the eyes of Israel (39:7, 21-29). ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S e co n d , that He might sanctify Israel in the eyes of the nations (39:7, 21-29). Such language as used in these two chapters, especially in the verses mentioned, strictly forbids this battle being won by the Antichrist with God getting the glory ascribed to Him in these chapters. Some writers have said that this victory is won by the Antichrist, and that God gets the glory. I do not know what could be more foreign to these chapters than such an absolutely ridiculous teaching. During the reign of the Antichrist, people are forced to give him the praise and worship that is due only to God. There is not the slightest possibility that the earth would give glory to God for a victory won by the Antichrist. The language here will in no wise permit such an interpretation. It is quite possible if wc are not careful to mistake this battle of Gog with the one in Revelation 20:7-10 which is unmistakably at the end of the Millen­ nium. These battles cannot possibly be the same for the following reasons: First, the battle in Ezek. 38 and 39 is accomplished at the time when Israel 'has just been restored to her land. Israel is sanctified and her restoration is fully established by this battle. Such things have no connection with the Gog battle at the end of the Millennium, for at that time God will have been sanctified in the midst of a regathered Israel for an expired one thousand years. Second, the activities described in 39:9-16 can find no place in connection with the last battle of Gog described in Rev. 20:7-10. What purpose could there be in spending seven months burying the dead of the battle when the second resurrection and the white throne judgment are immediately to follow? What purpose could there be in spending seven years burning and doing away with the war equip­ ment when the complete destruction of the present heavens and earth are very soon to follow To answer these two questions correctly will certainly establish this battle at the beginning of the Millennium. The following comparisons between this battle of Gog in Ezek. 38 and 39 with the Armageddon battle in Revelation are submitted for the reader's con­ sideration. (1) . The glory that God receives after (as a result of) this battle (38:16, 23; 39:7, 21-29) demands that this be the Armageddon battle. (2) . The great supper to the birds and beasts of the earth mentioned in Ezek. 39:4, 17-20 fits that of Rev 19:17-21. (3) . The “great hailstones, fire, and brimstone” of Ezek. 38:22 corres­ pond well with Rev. 16:21. (4) T h e nations named in 38:1-6 also correspond with Rev. 16:14. The natil n mentioned a r e from the three continents known to the world at that time They .ire particularly from the north; but also include the cast (Persia), the south (Ethiopia), and the west (Libya). (5) . Both of these battles are accompanied by grc.it earthquake (Ezek. 38:20; Rev. 16:20-21) Now. it the foregoing thoughts have been followed closely, wc are prepared to examine other thoughts which give us the information we need to discern the exact time of the battle in relation to other events, particularly the Lord’s return at v e r s e s 8 * 1 4 of chapter 38, from which the following four special observations arc drawn. First, at the time this battle takes place Israel has already been gathered bacij in t o her own land for some time. Thus we must understand that this battle docs not take place at the time Christ comes in glory, for Israel is not in (51) YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA her own land at that time, but is in hiding in the wilderness. We cannot say that this regathering is the one prior to the reign of the Antichrist, for after that regathering, Israel will again be rooted out of her land when the Antichrist places the abomination that makes desolate in the Jewish temple in the midst of the week, but there is no rooting them out of the land after this regathering. This battle must follow the final and permanent re-settlement of Israel in her own land which takes place at the time Christ comes in glory. Second, we observe from these verses (38:8-14) that ONMLKJ Isra el h a s a lrea d y b een "b ro u g h t back, fro m th e sw o rd ." This signifies that there is no more war for Israel, in this battle there is not one on tne Lord s side who feels the edge of the sword. But such cannot be said of Israel during the mock peace of the Antichrist, nor at any other time prior to the Lord s second coming to the earth. Thus this must be after His coming. Third, we read in these verses that Isra el h a s b een (a n d still is) p ro sp erin g very greatly, and that her la n d is v e ry fru itfu l. It has been shown already that when Christ comes the land of Palestine will be immediately restored from the curse of Gen. 3:17-20. We find that there is no rooting Israel out of this prosperity in these two chapters which means it cannot be the false prosperity of Israel under the mock peace of the Antichrist. Israel will not be prospering in her land at the time Christ comes, thus, this battle is a fte r the glory coming of Christ. F o u rth , it is repeated many times that Israel h a s b e e n R E S T O R E D T O H E R L A N D A N D IS D W E L L IN G IN P E R F E C T P E A C E A N D SAFETY (38:8-14), and there is every assurance in these two chapters that her safe dwelling will NOT be disturbed even by battle. Though Israel appears to be dwelling in her land safely during the mock peace of the Antichrist, yet she soon has to flee into the wilderness (Matt. 24:15-22; Rev. 12). They are cer­ tainly not dwelling safely in the land when Christ comes, thus, again we see beyond any possible doubt that this battle is a fte r the Lord’s complete return to earth. Not until Christ returns to the earth will Israel be permanently restored to her land. It is when Christ comes that the wrath of God begins. The seven vials are full of the wrath of God. Under the sixth vial the three unclean spirits go out to gather the nations of the earth to the battle of the great day of God Almighty; and under vial 7 the battle is consumated. The intensity of God’s wrath has turned the whole earth into a near complete chaos by the time the fifth vial is finished, that is, except for the land of Palestine. The surface of the earth throughout the nations lies lifele because dll its waters have been turned to blood. The blistering heat of the sun h.o sapped the life from every green thing. The Antichrist and his forces arc ex ceedingly hungry. They desire food but there is none to be had in all YXWV t h e la n d They are withering away because of thirst, yet they have only stale, clotted blood to drink. They turn their eyes toward Palestine, the land of p n m ix , and there they see a paradise. There the land is abundantly fruitful with harvests aplenty. There the pastures are filled with fat cattle and sheep Everything is g r e e n and b e a u tifu l T h e w e a th e r is n e ith e r h o t n o t c o ld , a n d even the n ig h t i- a s t h e d a y L iv i ■ ; fr e sh a n d the city of the King of the ages. The people are cheerful and happy, and the praises of the Almighty are upon their lips. The Antichrist, s m o ld e r in g with h u m ilia tio n , yet w it h h e a r t a f la m e with burning lusts, decides to come up and take of the fat of the pleasant land Encouraged by the False Prophet, and empowered by the Dragon, he begins to marshal a great a r m y with " h o n e s a n d h o i e m e n , a ll • i t h e m c lo th e d with all s o r ts of armour, even a great c o m p a n y with I u c k le i in d h ie ld s , all o f th e m (5 2 ) handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and his bands: and many people.” (Ezek. 38:4'6). Christ is well prepared for the occasion for He had ordered it for His own glory in ages past. He has prepared the Antichrist for this event that He might glorify the Father and that the Father might glorify Him. He per­ mits the forces of evil, championed by the Antichrist, to gather themselves in the “valley of Jehoshaphat” (Joel 3), then goes out to meet them. With violent fury He treads the great “winepress of the fierceness and wrath of AL mighty God” (Rev. 19:15). “And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs” (about two hundred miles — Rev. 14:20). “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” (Rev. 19:20-21). DANIEL'S DESCRIPTION OF THE WRATH OF GOD Let us now look into the period of God's wrath as given by Daniel (Dan. 2:44-45; 7:9-14, 22, 26-27; 8:25; 9:27; 11:45; and 12:12). In studying these verses (and the related contexts in each chapter) we find that Daniel hur­ riedly carries us from the day in which he lived up to the time when the power of the Antichrist will be broken. In chapters 2 and 7 he begins with the Babylonian empire and ends with the ushering in of the Lord’s kingdom. In chapters 8 and 11 he begins with the Medo-Persian empires and ends with the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, who was a type of the Antichrist, therefore carrying us up to the destruction of the Antichrist and the beginning of the Millennium. In chapter 9 similar procedures are followed. Chapter 12 is wholly complementary to chapter 11. In each of these chapters we find the Antichrist in power, then being destroyed by the Lord and His saints. Such is most clearly presented in 7:21-22, 25-27. We should make care­ ful notation of two specific developments in these verses that are in chronological order, which order is followed consistently throughout the book. (1) . The diverse king (the Antichrist) made “war with the saints, and prevailed against them.” T ONMLKJIHGFEDCB h e sa in ts will "be given into Ins hands until a tim e a n d tu n es a n d th e dividing o f tim e . ” This period of three and one half years, which is the same as in Rev. 13:5-7, is not the first part of the covenant for one week (7 years Dan. 9:27), for the Antichrist is not turned loose until he places the abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15-22; II Thess. 2). The scriptures arc consistent in teaching that the slaughter of the saints and the J e w s d o e s not take place until tb.c Antichrist breaks the covenant immediately a f te r t h e Holy Spirit who restrains him is moved out of the way (II Thess 2:7). It i- certain that the Antichrist could not “wear out the saints” unless they are “given into his hand" (Dan. 2:25). The scriptures are also consistent in teach­ ing that God will not judge the Antichrist until his “time and times and the dividiny of tore" are finished, which is when Christ comes in "flaming fire taking vengeance on them t h a t k n o w not God” (II Thess. 1:7-9). (2) . When tiie “time and times and the dividing of time” (3% years) •irc end all sit," and the Sdintt whom the Antichrist has been wearing out will "tal^e aivav h is d o m in io n , to consume and to destroy it (53) YXWV unto the end" (Dan. 7:26). P lea se o b serve th a t th e ju d g m e n t o f th e A n ti' ch rist and h is kin g d o m s v e ry m a rk e d ly fo llo w s h is reig n , a n d d o es n o t co m e u n til h is th ree a n d o n e h a lf yea rs ’ reig n is o ver. It will do nothing but throw confusion into the scriptures to try to make them say that God judges the Antichrist during his 42 months of power. The Word does not say that the Holy Spirit restrains the Antichrist until utter confusion is brought upon all the earth by the fierceness of God's wrath as seen in the vials. The Word rather says that God will send "strong delusion" (II Thess. 2) upon unbelieving mankind that they might believe the lie of the Antichrist. The whole earth (except the remnant of Israel) will be given over into the power of the man of sin during his three and one half years of wrath and fury. It is not until these three and one half years are finished that the restraint is put back upon him greater than ever before by the pouring out of the vials, and by the judgment of the saints who will "take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” It will please the Lord to give the lukewarm Laodicean churches over into the hands of the Antichrist that many may be "purified, and made white, and tried” (Dan. 12:10). But it will also please the Lord to turn the tide and give the saints the last laugh (Psalm 52 :6) by giving the whole earth over into their hands and they will consume and destroy until finally Christ shall cast the Antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire where they will remain eternally. THE DURATION OF GOD’S WRATH It is of great interest to all, of course, to discerni as closely as possible Such is I shall undertake the duration of this period of God’s wrath. S_J. " what . to do by an analysis of Dan. 12:11-12 in the light of the other passages already examined. It is my firm conviction that the 1335 days (44^ months, or, 3 years 8% months) of Dan. 12-12 is the duration of the period of God’s wrath. "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." It has been advanced by some that these days begin at the time the Antichrist places the abomination of desolation and extend 75 days (2% months) on past the 1260 days (42 months) of the reign of the Antichrist. This would make the period of God’s wrath to fall within the limits of the 75 days. This appears plausible at first, but upon careful study it becomes mani­ fest that we cannot possibly crowd the seven vials into the short space of 75 days. I am fully persuaded that God will be pleased to spend a longer period of time in avenging the blood of His servants upon the Antichrist and his kingdom. The reasons for my convictions are as follows: (1). There is a very manifest order followed in each of the prophetic parts of the book of Daniel. We must not overlook this order of events In each of these prophetic parts of Daniel the Lord’s people are under the bitter rule of the Gentile world dominions. Near the end of the rule of the Gentiles when the wrath of the Gentiles is at its peak against Israel and the saints, the Lord actually gives the saints over into the hands of the Antichrist for 42 months Then (in each of these prophetic parts of Daniel) the saints and Israel arc given power over the Antichrist and his kingdom The saints then consume and destroy that dominion to its utter end This time in which the saints shall consume and destroy the kingdom of the Antichrist (Dan. 7:26) is the same as the 1335 days of Dan. 12:12. Mark the consistency and necessity of this order throughout the book. F irst, in chapter 2 verse 44 we are told the Lord will set up His kingdom “in th e d a ys o f th ese k in g s," and tin . YXWVUTSRQPO k in g d o m , a fte r it h a s b e ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ((5 4 ) “shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.” From this verse (and context) please mark the following facts: (A). The Lord's kingdom is not mentioned until the image is complete; even to its feet and toes. Neither the Stone “cut out of the mountain” nor the kingdom of the Stone is active in destroying the image until the image is complete. The feet and toes of the image represent the Antichrist, his aides, and his kingdom. (B) . The Lord's kingdom is established "in th ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA e d a y s ” o f those kings — not after their destruction, but during the days that those kings are still in power. This is exactly what takes place when the seventh trumpet sounds (Rev. 11:15-19). (C) . Following the establishment of the Lord's kingdom comes the destruction of the evil kingdoms. A wise interpretation of this passage will insist that the days of blessedness will be simultaneous with the destruction of those kingdoms. S e co n d , chapter 7 of Daniel is a follow-up of chapter 2, and covers pre­ cisely the same matters. Verses 21-22 and 25-27 are especially significant to the present discussion. Let us make note of the following facts from them: (A). In both of these two sets of verses we find the Antichrist making war against the saints and overcoming them. The days included in this period can­ not be included in the days of blessedness. (B). Immediately following the power and wrath of the Antichrist comes the power and wrath of the saints. The saints as well as the Jews will not be happy until their blood has been avenged upon the Antichrist and his kingdoms, which demands that the days of blessedness will not come until the saints are given power over their enemies. The saints will not have such power during the reign of the Antichrist, but will be “given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” T h ird , chapter 9 verse 27 gives an exact (though brief) follow-up of the same truths. (A). In the midst of the last of the seventy weeks the Antichrist causes the sacrifices in the Jewish temple to stop and places the abomination of desolation. This begins his time of power over the Jews and the saints which continues for forty-two months (same as above). (B). At the appointed time, that which is “determined shall be poured” out upon the Antichrist. This is the time of blessedness for the saints of all ages. F o u rth , chapter 12 verses 11-12 must follow the above order of develop­ ments. This order is very manifestly followed in the verses, and we need only to accept it as it is. (A). Verse 11 speaks of the power and fury of the Antichrist. (B). Verse 12 follows verse 11 with the 1335 days of blessedness for the saints. (2) . The 12th verse of chapter 12 teaches that all the 1335 days are filled with blessedness, joy, and gladness. The word “blessed" means “happy." This could not be true if part (most) of these days were under the reign of the Antichrist. Such would ruin the harmony of the book. (3) . This blessedness is in relation to the defilement of the Jewish temple, the slaughter of the people of Daniel, and the trampling down of Jeru­ salem. As long as the temple stands defiled, Jerusalem being trodden under the feet of the Gentiles, and the people of Daniel being troubled exceedingly, there will YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA b e n o d a y s o f b le s s e d n e s s . Daniel would not have thought so. Abra­ ham would not have thought so. Only when the deliverance of all those has been executed, will the days of blessedness begin. (4) . The language of Romans 11:15 (and context) demands that these days of b le s s e d n e s s follow (he reign of the Antichrist. Israel has been cut off from the tame olive nx>t and will not be grafted back in until she says, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" (Matt. 23:39). Not until Israel has been grafted back into her tame olive root will the days of blessedness begin. “ B o r if th.- c.. :ir. a w a y o f them be the reconciling of the world, what shall (5 5 ) the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?" (Rom. 11:15). “Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?” (Rom. 11:12). (5) . There is a good harmony between these days of blessedness and the rest mentioned by Paul in II Thcss. 1:4-10. The time when the saints shall rest from the persecutions of the nations is the same time the days of bless­ edness begin. The time of “rest” begins at the glory coming of Christ at t h e end of the forty-two months of power of the Antichrist. The “rest” and the days of blessedness do not describe the same thing, but it is necessary that they begin at the same time. (6) . We cannot (as Daniel could not) make the blessedness of Dan. 12:12 to be the joy of which we receive in the Holy Spirit for such is not limited to 1335 days. We must understand that this blessedness is directly connected with the “abomination that m a k e th desolate.” The reason that there is a specified number of days is that these days include the period in which the saints find great joy in consuming and destroying the Antichrist and his kingdom by whom they were worn out for 1260 days. (7) . Since the resurrection and rapture do not take place until Christ comes in great glory, these days of blessedness cannot begin until that time. This is most emphatic. The saints (of Israel and otherwise) have been con­ tinually persecuted and cast about by the kingdoms described in the book of Daniel. The proud and haughty of the earth have always trampled the ser­ vants of God under their feet (study the Psalms, Proverbs, etc.). The Bible is full of references to the time when God and His people shall find great pleasure in utterly destroying the pride and h a u g h tin e s s of the wicked. Dur­ ing these 1335 days such pleasure will be enjoyed when God and the saints of all ages shall laugh at the wicked whom they have in derision (Psalm 2:4; 52:6; etc.). (8) . The proof should be sufficient, yet there is another exceedingly forceful element that I wish to set before the reader. Not until the sixth vial do the three unclean spirits go out to round up the nations for the battle against Christ who is in Jerusalem. Five of the seven vials which contain the wrath of God have already been poured out It is not stated that each of these vials include a fairly equal amount of time, yet I rather think such is true. If the period of God's wrath should last only 75 days, then each vial would be limited to approximately ten and one half (10%) days. This would mean t h a t at the time the sixth v ia l is r e a d y t o b e p o u r e d o u t t h e r e w o u ld twenty-one (21) d a y s h it fo r t h e t h r e e u n c le a n s p ir it s t o g a th e t t l the nations of the earth (all parts of the earth) to Jerusalem for the Anna geddon battle. Unless my judgment is exceedingly at fault, it will be utterh U nder beyond the least possibility for such to be done in twenty-one day the circumstances prevailing at that particular time it w o u ld be u tt e r ly imp" siblc within the limits of seventy-five days. I do not question in the least God’s ability to pour out His wrath within a period of one s e c o n d h o u ld H e c h ■ ■ It God’s ability to exhaust Hi- w r a t h in a ih o r t a m o u n t o f tune It is q u it clear that G o d will be p le a 1 1 p e n d a g iv e n a m o u n t o f time in j u d g in g t h e wicked nations; and the la n g u a g e describing these judgments necessitates a longer period of time t h a n 1 n tj in the days of Noah in a v e i . t il e , I m lb w a p le a e d th a t t h e f lo o d should last m o r e than i y e a i I I standing with the open r e b e llio n a n d d l f i and even th o u s a n d s o f y e a r s H I Hi S p ir it t o t r iv e w ith t h e zyxw (5 6 ) wicked, not only in the face of such rebellion, but also while they have perse* cuted and killed His chosen ones. There is every reason, therefore, to believe that God will spend a lengthy period of time in appeasing His wrath. The lost will be punished in hell eternally, while 1335 days are a very short duration comparatively. God has been promising this fierceness and wrath from the earliest centuries, and when the time arrives the nations will be given to drink of their own ways throughout a lengthy period of time. In the light of the scriptures used, in connection with this period of time, it is clearly seen that the entire earth will be thrown into utter confusion at the time the heavens arc rolled back; and that such confusion will continue (and become increasingly worse) through the first five vials. By this time the nations will be in confusion and exhaustion far beyond our ability to even imagine. There has never been a nation, nor even a city, that has suffered such judgment and destruction as the earth will have experienced by the time these first five vials are poured out. Under the sixth vial the Lord permits the nations to collect themselves and make preparations for the Armageddon battle. Certainly it will take them a period of many months to YXWVUTSRQ r e g a t h e r their wits and march many millions of men, burdened with millions of tons of war equipment (Ezek. 38 and 39), from all parts of the earth against Christ in Jerusalem. The only sensible explanation for the 1335 days is that they begin with the coming of Christ in flaming fire to avenge the blood of the saints upon those who have been destroying the earth. When Christ comes in the glory of the Father with the mighty angels, He will give rest to His troubled servants and tribulation to the nations (II Thcss. 1:3-11). This time of vengeance and t r ib u la tio n upon the nations will last 1335 days being climaxed with the battle of Armageddon. " B L E S S E D is h e th a t WAITETH, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." The comments of this chapter have not begun to exhaust what the Word has to say about this period of time, for the Bible is filled with references con­ cerning it. Yet I pray that these few comments will stir up a fire in the breast of all who read them, that a greater effort may be put forth in the search of God's words of life than ever before. The chapters to follow will have a direct connection with the ones now past. Many of the questions that the reader has now’ w ill be a n s w e r e d by a careful examination of the scriptures and comments that w’ill follow’. ONML (57) CHAPTER VII Seals It is certain that the book of Revelation is not in chronological order, except in a very general sense; the church age, the Millennium, and the age fol­ lowing the Millennium. The great tribulation is not a separate age. It begins near the very end of the church age and extends over into the Millennium, being almost evenly divided between the two. Most of the book of Revelation is de­ voted to this period of great tribulation (chapters 4 through 19). Chapters 4 and 5 give a setting for the opening of the seals. Chapters 6 through 13 give generally the things related to the reign of the Antichrist. Chapters 14 through 19 give generally the things related to the wrath of God. Because of the many different things involved in these periods of time, we find that we are re­ peatedly carried through the same period of time. In order to properly interpret chapters 4 through 19 of the Revelation, we must understand the relationship that the seals, trumpets, and the vials have to each other. It is amazing how much confusion can enter into the study of God's word when we do not properly understand the time elements involved Such is true in studying any part of the Word, and the book of Revelation is no exception to the rule. A correct division of the time elements involved in the seals, trumpets, and vials is needed, not only to correctly divide the Word in the book of Revelation, but also, in order to rightly understand the time ele­ ments relative to the coming of the Lord in any part of the inspired Word. A THRONE IS SET IN HEAVEN In chapters 4 and 5 of the Revelation we are given the preparation for the opening of the seals, therefore it is needful to devote some space to these two chap­ ters. We arc here given a heavenly scene, a view of the throne of God in heaven, which is certainly of very great interest. Chapter 4 is devoted more particularly to the setting of the throne and its surroundings, while chapter 5 deals more par­ ticularly with certain very important proceedings at and around the throne. Chap­ ters 2 and 3, which lead us up to this heavenly scene in chapters 4 and 5, give us certain information concerning the churches ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA o f the Lord throughout the church age, ending with the church at Laodicea which was in a very poor spiritual condition. The seven letters were written to seven churches that existed at the time the letters were written by John. These letters describe the conditi n- <>t those churches at that time, yet it is evident that they also set forth even distun • successive stages in the church age, the last one of these YXWVUTSRQPO b e in g the L a o d ic e a n The lukewarm condition of this church is an excellent description of the Lot J‘- church es today. This application also harmonizes well the s c r ip t u r e s (Mut 1 3 3 3 2 4 : 1 2 ; 2 5 : 5 ; I I The.ss. 2 : 3 ; etc). N e v e r t h e le s s , we can b e a s s u r e d that t h e L o r d will not find His churches as a whole in such a c o n d it io n w h e n H e Cl n • H •’ churches will enter and go through the reign of the Antichrist at which time many will be awakened out of s lu m b e r by t h e bittern. o l that p e r io d The churches arc n o t d e s tin e d t o n '.‘.rath oi G o d (1 T h e s e 5 : 9 ) , a n d w ill be raptured from among the nations b e f o r e God begins to “destroy them which destroy the earth” (Rev. 7:9-17; 1 1 :1 8 ). Quite often it is said that R e v . 4:1*2 s e ts f o r t h the r a p ti First, the This conclusion is drawn from two statements found in thr-r x rscs which must be conclusion is drawn from the words, “I will shew tlv • thin hereafter." It is said that the “things which must be hereafter" re after church (58) things. It is true that the revelations which John received after chapter 3 will (with a few exceptions) take place after the church-things that are given in chapters 2 and 3, yet we must understand that we are not given the final climax of church-things in chapters 2 and 3. In those two chapters we are merely brought up to the time just before the tribulation shall begin. The churches will certainly enter into the “things which must be hereafter.” The se ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA c o n d reason for putting the rapture here is because of the words, “Come up hither.” This is certainly great folly because it was John who was told to “Come up hither.” Not only is it true that John was the one to whom the voice spoke, but he was the only one who went up. There is nothing said about the churches going up at this time. There is not even one thing said about a single other individual than John going up at this time. These two conclusions are a result primarily of the teaching that there will be a pre-tribulation coming of Christ. These conclusions would be true and this 4th chapter would be an appropriate time for such a rapture if it were true that there would be such a coming of the Lord, although abundant proof has been given already that there will be no such coming of the Lord. There is actually no proof whatever of a pre-tribulation coming of Christ; nor of a pre­ tribulation rapture, in these two chapters, or in any other part of the Word. We must understand that John was to receive a revelation of the hereafter things. Chapters 4 and 5 do not deal with the “things which must be hereafter.” John did not begin to see those things until chapter 6. What John saw in these two chapters is not prophetic. They give us, the same as chapter 1, what John saw in preparation for a revelation. This heavenly scene with the taking of the book of seven seals took place some 1900 years ago, and is not a future event. Whether or not this was a vision which John saw will not necessitate a differ­ ence in the actuality of the matter. Many times in the scriptures we read of someone being given a vision of things which were happening at the time the vision was given. A vision may reveal past proceedings, present proceedings, or future proceedings, or a mixture of all. In the Revelation we have, to some ex­ tent. a mixture of all, as we see in chapter 12 where the vision includes the time of Christ’s birth. Also, the strong angel in chapter 10 will not repeat the things we read in that chapter at a future time. If so, then John's taking the little book out of his hand and eating it is still future. The purpose of John's seeing that angel and hearing what he said was in preparation for the revelation of develop­ ments under the seventh trumpet and also the activities of the two witnesses. It is my judgment that John saw Christ actually take the book and break the seals upon it in order to reveal to John the “things which must be hereafter.” Christ will not be in the process of breaking the seals when these events actually begin to take place Some of the reasons for this conviction will be given now. Others will be seen in the further comments if the reader will follow closely. (1) It appears clear that John was actually taken up into heaven, whether fa YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA t h e body or o u t o f the b o d y , we cannot tell, nor does that appear important. Paul was actually taken up into the third heaven where he saw things unutterd id n o t k n o w whether he was in the body or out of the body at such a time (II Cor 12:1-4) Two statements in Rev. 4:1 clearly indicate that John was taken up into heaven. F irst, “A door was opened in voice fa m out of the opened door, “Come up hither '' This command to John to enter into heaven through the opened door would be most unnecessary if John was to receive the vision of the hereafter things from earth. (2) There is no indication which demands that John saw merely a vision o f a th r o n e ' • h. ven, but on the other hand, there is every indication that he a c t u a lly saw such a throne set in heaven at that time. John viewed real pro09) ccedings in the presence of the throne of God especially ordered for this occasion. Christ, already having been slain for the sins of men, and having been received back into the Father's presence with the glory which He had with the Father before the world began, was at this time worthy to take the book, break the seven seals upon it, and read for His own pleasure the contents written there, while the angel revealed certain portions to John. (3) . The language of chapter 5, verses 3 through 5 particularly, appears to necessitate the breaking of the seals at the time John received the Revelation. The language forbids anyone knowing the contents of the book until the seals were broken. At first there was no one found worthy “to open the book, neither to lool{ ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA th e re o n . ” Then John says, “And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to lo o \ th e re o n . ” But great joy filled heaven when one was found worthy “to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof." All this insists that one of the primary purposes of the breaking of the seals was that the book could be opened and its contents revea led . It was important that someone be found worthy to loo^ into and rea d the things which were written in the book. According to or­ dinary legal procedures, the revelations of the contents of a contract, will, etc., would not precede the breaking of the seals or the opening and reading of such a document. There is every' reason to believe that such procedures were fol­ lowed here. It appears to be most illogical to say that the contents of this book have been revealed to John before the breaking of the seals when such emphasis was put upon the breaking of the seals in order that one might look upon and read those contents. (4) . We should mark carefully that the setting of the throne in heaven is the same when the seals arc broken as it was in chapters 4 and 5. These chapter divisions are very confusing sometimes The Lamb took the book out of the hand of the one sitting on the throne in chapter 5. In chapter 6, with the setting of the throne still the same, He began to break the seals upon the book. The Lamb was in the presence of the thr ne when He broke all seven seals. As He broke the seals various revelations were given to John by the angel (Rev. 1:1). There was no changing of the scene in heaven throughout the breaking of all seven seals. When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, He was still in the presence of the throne as in chapter 5. John was still ob­ serving the matter when the seventh seal was broken just as he was under the first ones. Now let me point out a very important matter in relation to this Abundant proof has been given that the second coming of Christ will be at the time the events revealed under YXWVUTSRQPONM t h e s ix t h s e a l begin to t a k i p la In my judgment this makes it impossible for the breaking of the seals to be a future­ procedure. Christ did not change His location when He broke the sixth seal, yet the breaking of that seal revealed the events that will take place when Hi will return to the earth in glory. Christ was still in heaven when He b r o k e the seventh seal just as when He broke the other cals. Christ broke the MXth seal at the time John received the Revelation, yet the b r e a k in g o l the sixth seal was to rcve.il t<> J<ihn me of t h e I ... shall come in great glory. Some may say that the throne which wi • in c h a p t e r * 4 and 5 is one of judgment and therefore mu t I • future becau e the present throne in heaven is one of grace, and not One oi judgment Such n I tning d <not harmonize the scriptures for it ay-. that G o d ■ m n o t e x e r d J g r a c e and judgment at the same time, yet v.. both have been exercised at the '.line time It wa g r a c e w h ic h G o d m.inifc ted toward Noah while he w a s judging the rest of tl n-i.tr (60) with Lot and Sodom, and many other instances. Such reasoning would cause God to change thrones every time He judges or shows mercy. It would also say that God is unable to manifest any judgment during this age until the time of the tribulation. This is ridiculous. The setting which we see in chapters 4 and 5 is one particularly of court proceedings. The One who §at on the throne held a book sealed with seven seals which was exceedingly important, one so significant that John was caused to weep bitterly when at first no one was found worthy to open the seals upon the book. But when at last One was found who was worthy, every creature within John's view immediately responded with great rejoicing and fullest praises toward the One sitting on the throne and the worthy Lamb who was slain. We see no execution of judgment from heaven in these two chapters, nor in the sixth chapter until the sixth seal is opened. The first five seals deal with things concerning, and as a result of, evil forces on the earth. Not until the sixth seal was the revelation of heaven's judgment given to John. I might add that whether the seals have already been opened, or whether they are yet to be opened, is not necessarily of great importance; and if the reader is of a mind to object he may freely label such as my opinion. The thing that is of great importance is the true significance of the book of seven seals. When this significance is truly seen a great amount of light will be thrown upon the proper interpretation of the revelations given by the opening of the seals. THE BOOK OF SEVEN SEALS I am sure that this book of seven seals is of great interest to every student of the Word of God. There cannot be the least doubt that it is one of exceed­ ingly great importance. It is in this book that the revelation of the “things which must be hereafter" are contained, and we will find that there is more than a revelation connected with it The first works of God are creative, after which He works strictly according to legal procedures. The activities of chap­ ter 5 are conspicuously court proceedings. As chapter 5 opens, attention is immediately centered upon the book that is in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne. The whole purpose of these two chapters (4 and 5) is to focus light upon this book. In this book lies the revelation of the things that are to be hereafter Every student of the Word will do well to meditate long upon this matter A great search is made for a worthy person to open the book, and when YXWVUTSRQPON a t first one is not found, John is caused to weep bitterly. It does not appear that John was ignorant of the sig­ nificance of the book, for had he been, he might not have been moved to such weeping As we shall see in a moment, the Jews were acquainted with similar proceedings as arc recorded in this chapter. T h e r e a r e a t le a s t f o u r ■ b s e r v a t io n s w h ic h w e c a n m a k e which will help us t o d i c e m t h e g r e a t s ig n ific a n c e o f t h is b o o k : ONMLKJIHGFED first, by what the elder said to J o h n m R e v 5 : 5 ; s e c o n d b y w h a t John s a w when he b e h e ld the worthy One in Rev 5 : 6 ; th ir d , b y e x a m in in g what the f o u r b e a s t s , the twenty elders, the count­ less ho-1 nd every creature in heaven, on earth and under the earth, had to say about the w o r th y O n e who was found to open the book (Rev. 5:8-14); fo u rth , b y e x a m in in g t h e r e s u its o f t h e < p e n in g o f the seals. The answer that we c o m e t o a f te i t h e e x a m in a t ii n o f all four of these can be seen from the one word, "REDEMPTION " T h e e ld e i ip k e of C h r is t a s the o v e r c o m e r — “hath prevailed to open the ’ < ( I “ t h e Lion of the tribe of Juda," and as “the (61) Root of David." By running reference on the two phrases, we find that they arc both directly connected with the kingdom of the Lord (Gen. 49:9-10; Isa. 11; etc). Though the glorious throne of David was cut short, yet it will be restored to its former glory, but more than this, to a glory unspeakably greater. When John observed the worthy One, he saw "a Lamb as it had been slain." Thus, we are given the manner by which the Lion became the overcomer. The Lion became a Lamb and prevailed in death. The wisdom of the world says that the Lion must prevail by the strength of his teeth and claws, but the wisdom of God is that the true strength of the Lion is seen in His death as the Lamb. The price of the slain Lamb is that which renders the King worthy of the heirship of the kingdom. The beasts and the elders joyfully rendered praises to the worthy One be­ cause by His blood He has redeemed men out of every "kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation," and has made them worthy to reign with Him on the earth Here we have the special objects of redemption. Here was the primary cause for John's bitter weeping. The contents of the book of seven seals are centered around these whom the Lamb by His blood has redeemed. The angels spoke of the worthy One as being so because He was “the Lamb that was slain." All cre­ ation responded with the same praises to the worthy One as the “Lamb." This much repeated reference to Christ as the Lamb in connection with the book de­ mands that the book is one dealing with redemption. It is ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA v e ry g rea t fo lly to sa y th a t th e resurrectio n a rid ra p tu re w ill ta \e p la ce b efo re th e th ing s revealed b y th e b rea kin g o f th e sea ls ta \e p la ce. We cannot pos­ sibly deny that this book deals with redemption. The thundering praises of this whole chapter, including not only those of all the heavenly hosts, but also those of every creature on the earth and under the earth, are directed toward the Lamb that was slain and now redeems by His blood. T h e o n ly o b jects o f re d em p tio n m en tio ned in ch a p ter 5 a re th e sa in ts, a n d th e y a re m e n tio n e d d ire ctly in co n ' n ectio n w ith th e b o o \ o f seven sea ls. This does not mean that the saints are the only objects of redemption, but it does demand that the saints are the special ob­ jects of redemption entertained in the contents of this book. If there were not found a worthy One to break the seals, there would be no redemption of the saints. Of course, the wisdom and purpose of God existed before the foundations of the earth were laid. Thus, we must conclude that the complete redemption of the saints (resurrection and rapture) cannot come before the events take place which were revealed by the breaking of the seals. The opening of the seals re vealed not only the redemption of the earth, but also of those whom Christ ha' redeemed to possess the earth with Him. The sixth seal gives u the time of the complete redemption of the saints (Rev. 7:9-17). The opening of the -e.ih reveal not only what we read in chapter 6, but also what we read throughout all tlk rest of the book of Revelation. Some have called this book with seven seals a “book of judgment “ By n< means can we doubt the fact. There could be i. . • 1 . • -n without tb. tion of the terms which bind the matter, which terms may demand judgment of some nature. Especially is this true when the redeemed po^o-ion is held by an enemy who under no circumstances is willing to abide by the righteous YXWVU la w s gov­ erning the whole matter. The Devil, through wicked lies and deceitful conduct, usurped the authority over the earth which God gave to man, yet God will not resort to illegal procedures inorder to regain pos e. ion of man and the pe>s < ’.onHe gave to man. Thus, there m u s t b e j u d g m e n t e x e c u t e d u p o n S a t a n and all who destroy the creation and redeemed throne and the Lamb. It might b e m o i | t e f e i to thi. bool, j th e TITLE DEED to man and all the possessions God originally gave to man. Yet, (62) it is needful to qualify the matter by pointing out that in order for Christ to receive this Title Deed it was necessary for Him to face two issues: ONMLKJI F irst, there was the price of redemption to be met; S eco n d , judgment must be executed upon the usurpers and destroyers of the possessions involved in the Title Deed. REDEMPTION Since this book of seven seals is of such immeasurable significance, and since it is a book upon which the element of redemption is so emphasized, I would like to make a few observations relative to the laws governing such things. There are numerous references in the Old Testament concerning the redemption of people, lands, names and various other things. Some of the regu­ lations governing such things were written in the law of Moses which was typical of this very matter in many ways. The following comments upon this particu­ lar matter may appear comparatively lengthy, but I believe tljey are needful, both for the seals and for the trumpets. Many expositors of the Revelation have failed to see the great emphasis put upon redemption in relation to this book of seven seals. This element is significant throughout the Revelation and we will see it again and again. Though it is not pointedly conspicuous in relation to the time elements, yet it does prepare a groundwork for a better understanding of them. The strict meaning of the word “redeem” is “to buy back, to purchase again, to regain something that was lost by meeting the ransom price, to deliver from bondage or slavery by meeting the ransom price.” This meaning will be clearly seen by studying the passages to which reference will be made. God gave the land of Palestine to the nation of Israel, and it was divided among the twelve tribes of that nation. The land allotted to each tribe was divided into smaller divisions according to the families of the head of that tribe (Lev. 26). After this there were still smaller divisions, etc. The primary pur­ pose of redemption in relation to the land was to keep the land equally divided as it was in the beginning. This prohibited an over-possession of the land by any one tribe, or even by strangers. There were generality three objects of redemption under the Law. (1). Re­ demption of the YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG p r o p e r ty or possessions of a near kinsman (Lev. 25:24-34). (2) Redemption of a near kinsman who had sold himself into slaver}' because of poverty (Lev 25:47-55). (3). Redemption of the name of a near kinsman who had died without a son to carry* his name (Dcut. 25:5-10). There were at least three qualifications to be met in order to become a redeemer. (1). The man must be a near kinsman (see scriptures above) (2). He must Iv willing to redeem (Ruth 4). (3). He must be able to pay the ransom price. Of course, there could be no redemption unless the ransom price b e met s a t is fa c t o r ily . T h e r e d e e m e r being a near kinsman was necessary in order to keep the object of redemption in the hands of the proper persons. Now, how docs all this affect us, and what is its connection with Christ? To begin with, man, the earth, the fullness of the earth, the heavenly bodies, etc., all b e lo n g t o G o d by right of creation. What God created of Himself by His own will and power b e lo n g s to Him; and it is His to do with as He desires. It w a s t h e p le a s u r e o f G o d to e n tr u s t the earth into the keeping of man who was the prize of His creatures for man was created in the likeness of God. Authority was given to man t govern and care for the earth, with even the heavenly bodies placed at his service. Man was to exercise authority over the earth under the direct ton of God, and in fellowship with God. Thus, the purpose nf God was to govern the earth through the obedient activities of man. 63 Nevertheless, we find in Genesis chapters 1 through 3 that man soon acted in willful disobedience to God. This disobedience to God was a direct obedience to Satan, the arch-enemy of God. 1 his meant that man relinquished his au­ thority over the earth to Satan. This aids us to understand why Satan is called “the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2); “the god of this world" (I Cor. 4:4), etc. Man and everything under his trust passed into the wicked grasp of the enemy of God. This did not foil the purpose of God for He knew in the beginning that such would happen and had already made provisions by which He could even more greatly manifest His iniinitely superior wisdom and power over His enemy, and gather to Himself far greater glory than ever before. There are many ways by which we can learn of these provisions which have been made, but possibly it is most beautifully illustrated by the kinsman re­ deemer. As I have already mentioned, God always works strictly according to righteous, legal procedures. Thus, it was necessary to provide for man a kins­ man redeemer who would accomplish the work of redemption. In order to more correctly understand the many proceedings connected to this work of re­ demption, we must discern the ransom price, which, of necessity, must be met. Just what was the price that righteous law demanded in order to recover the forfeited possessions? In pursuing the answer to the question we must discern the judgment placed upon man because of the disobedience, and the extent of the loss which resulted from the disobedience. The judgment upon man was death, that is, separation from God: a complete break of fellowship, or communion, with God and all that is righteous and pure. The extent of the loss is seen in the hopeless enslavement of man to Satan and sin. Judgment fell not only upon man, but also upon all that was placed under his authority, even the heavenly bodies which were subjected as servants for the benefit of man. Decay immediately began to work in all the realm of material creation. Man became fully subjected to the mastership of sin. Evil passions of all sorts multiplied within his heart. This evil nature was inherent, and therefore all the descendents of man arc children of confusion and wrath by nature (Eph. 2: 1-3). What was; the duration of the judgment upon man because of his dis­ obedience? It was not limited in duration. It was hopelessly eternal unless a redeemer was> provided. Man of His own volition sold himself and all his possessions to Satan and sin. There was only one way for man with his pi >• sessions to be set free from his hopeless enslavement that way was by means of the redemption of which we are now thinking. Man, having aligned himself with God's enemies, must receive of the fierceness o ONMLKJIHGFE f God's wrath, the fuhi of which man could never receive even into the ages of the ages Thi : i _. ness of God's wrath is the price that man's Redeemer had to pay Tinthe price that man’s Redeemer has paid Permit me to add this thought! These fact erase utterly the faint of men that they might rvc th ei already under God's judgment and wrath (John 3:18, 36) ind ca m bly erase the reality of the dreadful fact The fact that men inherit their b nd age to sin (Psalm 51:5: 58:3; Eph 2:3; Rom 5:12 etc ) leaves them, in the fullest degree, helpless t<> accomplish their own freedom Man c mnoi ■ deem himself even from physical death, to ay ! thing of that idg appointed to follow death. It is here that we see the absolute nece sits of the vn un birth of Jesus (Matt. 1:18-25). Had He been the seed of man IL would al ■ have inherited our evil nature, and would have b judgment. It was necessary that our Redeemer I ii • r Red (64) must be our kinsman, therefore, of necessity, He was born of a virgin. We cannot for a moment doubt the w ONMLKJIHGFED illin g n ess of Christ to become our Redeemer, and though the price was exceedingly great and its taste most bitter, yet the scriptures say, "who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” (Heb. 12:2). The Spirit had it recorded tor our encouragement that He said, “not my will hut thine be done ' (Luke 21:42) Concerning His a b ility to redeem, it is recorded that He said, "Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again No man taketh it from me, but 1 lay it down of myself I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father” (John 10:17-18). The Spirit further adds to the blessed testi­ mony: “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost th.it come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them” (Heb. 7:25). Our redemption was made possible only through the slaying of the Lamb of God. “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb with­ out blemish and without spot” (I Pct 1:18-19). John was caused to weep bitterly when at first no one “was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.” Yet, when the worthy One was found, and when He took the book, what thunderous praises and joyful singing filled the presence of the countless hosts of heaven! And best of all among the joys that were “set before him” was the kingdom of priests, the redemption of which was re­ vealed as a result of the opening of the seals upon the precious book The reader will profit greatly by also studying Ruth chapter 4 and Jere­ miah chapter 32 in connection with the procedures of redeeming persons, names, lands, etc. From such scriptures we learn that the contract, or agreement, binding the redemption, as well as the payment of the ransom price, was made in the presence of witnesses, which would necessitate the presence of witnesses when the seals upon the document were broken The tour beasts, the twentyfour elders, and the hosts of angels are the heavenly witnesses who have borne witness, and will yet bear witness to the righteousness of this whole work of redemption. It will be well to observe that there was evidently no set procedure that was strictly followed as to the time dements involved in the examples of re­ demption which arc found in the Old Testament For example, in the book ot Ruth we YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF f in d that the whole matter was taken care of very quickly, therefore there was no need ot a sealed document which Would be opened .it .i later date when the redeemer took possession This was no doubt the usual procedure. Yet, we find in Jeremiah 32 that the procedure was somewhat different in re­ lation to time developments. Jeremiah was in prison at the time the redemption price was paid The transaction was reo rded, the documents sealed and put ill an earthem vessel, and the time ng the redeemed property was to come after a number ot years at which time the seals on the document would be broken and the transact redemption would be revealed and its pronouncements executed (' chapter 5, it is my judgment that the eals) took plat e in the very be­ ginning when God first purposed to create man, for He knew then ol the dis a n d I dl of mat G d krw w all things from the beginning. He never m a tte r with U t knowing the end of the same Common sense demands vith all the agreements, were made and evidently molded Ixh re God ever took the first step toward man’s creation. (65) YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ In the case of Jeremiah, the price was paid in the presence of witnesses, the transaction recorded, the document scaled and put in an earthern vessel until a later date. After this the land was possessed by a strange people, yet God revealed to Jeremiah that Israel would again possess the land at which time the descendants of Jeremiah would receive the possession upon the breaking of the sealed document. With Christ the procedures were very similar. The transactions were made and recorded in the presence of witnesses, and the document was sealed and kept by the One who sits on the throne Hence, with understanding we read that Christ was as a “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8). From the time of the fall of Adam, God has repeatedly revealed to men that He had already provided a Redeemer. In ancient times Job said, "I know that my redeemer liveth" (Job 19:25). Of course, Christ did not actually pay the redemption price until after He had become man's kinsman by the virgin birth, and had accomplished the will of the Father on earth. It was then that He gave Himself as a ransom for all. After He had accomplished these things (death, burial, and resurrection) He ascended back to heaven where He took the book in the presence of the witnesses, opened its seals, and had the angel to reveal to John the needful portions Now He awaits the time when the Father will send Him to possess that which He has purchased. The statement concerning the witnesses brings up one other element which I wish to comment upon briefly before proceeding into Revelation chapter 6. There has been a lot said as to who the twenty-four elders are, and I will quickly confess that I am at a loss conerning them. I have been of the im­ pression until recently that they were men (human kind), but I am not of that impression now. I will give two of the reasons why I think not: first, ONMLK these elders are sitting on “seats" (thrones) in h ea ven around about the throne of God. The word “throne" and the word “scats" are the same in the Greek text, except one is singular and the other plural. Chapter 5, verse 10, says that the saints will reign on the earth, not in heaven. From ” Paul's language in I Cor. 4 and 6 it is certain that the saints arc not reigning on the earth during this age. It is most illogical to say that the disembodied spirits5 of the saints are reigning at the present time in heaven. The 'ru' saints will -not begin to reign until the;, receive their glorified bodies, and then they will not reign in heaven, nor from heaven. S eco n d , Christ Himself has not received His throne yet H e w ill n o t ’ of this world becomes His kingdom w h ic h receive His throne until the kingdom until revealed by the breaking of the s ix t h -cal will not take place v “’' the things ~ take place. It is certainly folly to say that some of the saints will I • placed upon thrones in h e a v e n b e fo r e C h r is t, w h o is t h e ii K in g m d R One with whom they will reign, is given His throne on earth The thr . • Christ is the throne of David which is upon the e a r t h , not in heaven Thuas we sec m o r e c lo s e ly from th < G r e e k t e x t in R j . 5 : 8 - 1 0 , t h e e ld e r s w it h t h e four beasts, s in g a t o ! t h a t of t The word “us” in verse 9 is not in the Greek text. The w- rd u in ver 1 1 is “them” in the Greek text THE BREAKING OF THE SEALS The purpo e ol , erally, from the beginning of the covenant for the time of the new h e a v e n a n d n e w e a r th H m atcly upon the b r e a k ! (66) week (I'm v e r , t h is i t n o t g e n e r a l, and 9 7) t • li revelation of the “things which must be hereafter.” The trumpets and vials are much more specific. As the seals were opened more of the book could be read, therefore the seals were for the purpose of unveiling the whole matter from Rev. 6 to the end of the Revelation. The trumpets and vials do not serve such a broad purpose. They are not for the purpose of revealing other things, but are themselves events, or developments, revealed by the opening of the seals, which will actually take place in the future. There is a question in my mind as to whether or not everything written in the seven sealed book was revealed to us in the book of Revelation. At first we would think that it was, although I do not see that such reasoning is necessary. It seems best to say that only that which we need to know was revealed. John did not read the seven sealed book and then copy it. It is certain that John heard some things which he was not allowed to write (Rev. 10:4). I rather think that there are many glorious things written in that book over which our hungry hearts will rejoice when we meet our Redeemer face to face. When the first ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA sea l was opened John was permitted to see “a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer" (Rev. 6:2). The “horse" in each of tnese first four seals speaks of strength and swiftness, and also of war, or at least, preparedness for such (Job. 39:18-25). The color “white" is sometimes a symbol of purity, at other times of peace, and at other times of victory. All three of these are applicable to this rider. He is no doubt the Antichrist who will come under the guise of holiness as a peacemaker, and he will certainly be victorious as far as the Holy Spirit will permit him to go. The “bow" is a symbol of war, or at least, readiness for war. The “crown" speaks of victory. There are two Greek words which are translated “crown" in the scriptures. One of them signifies authority, while the other signifies victory. The latter one is used here. The white horse rider of Rev. 19:11-16, who is Christ, wears “many crowns" of authority. This rider in Rev. 6:2 goes forth with intentions of conquering and is victorious. He is not Christ, but rather the imitation of Christ. Satan is not ignorant of the works of God, nor of the revelations of God. He well knows that the best way to gain his ends is by deception; and certainly the best way to deceive is by duplication of the real thing. When the Lamb opened the second seal John saw a red horse, “and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given him a great sword." TheYXWVU r e d ” p r o b a b ly s p e a k s o f b lo o d s h e d h e r e . T h e “sword" certainly symbol* izes war and destruction. The fact that this rider takes peace from the earth n e c e s s ita t e s that there w a s g e n e r a lly peace upon the earth at the time of the first rider. Though the first rider went forth “conquering, and to conquer," he did so primarily through peaceful means. There may be all kinds of threats of w a r , a n d t h e r e '.'.ill e v id e n t ly b e s o m e conflicts, but no full scale wars. It is different under the second seal. This red horse rider is evidently the Antichrist, the same as the white h o r s e rider, and this is the time when he breaks the coven­ ant in the midst of the week, defiles the Jewish temple, and begins to slaughter t h e Jew . t a in t s , a n d e v e r y o n e else who does not bow the knee to him. Upon the o p e n in g o f the t h ir d s e a l a black horse was revealed, “and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand." John “heard a voice in the midst of the four beast*, say. A measure of wheat for a penny, and three ■ b a r le y ft ■ .i p e n n y : a n d fle e thou hurt not the oil and the wine." “Black" is t h e c o lo r of m o u r n in g and famine (Jcr. 4 : 2 8 ; 8:21). The “bal­ a n c e s " in d d r id e x s p e a k s of the r a tio n in g of food. Later I will •how m ir e f u lly w h y t h e r e w ill b e at this time very lean harvests and great (67) famine. We can clearly see here it will be a result of war which will begin on a large scale in the midst of Daniel's last week. From Matt. 20:2 we find that a "penny” (DENARIUS) was a day’s wages. This rider may also be the Antichrist, although the description better fits the second beast of Rev. 13:16-17. A still worse condition upon the earth was revealed by the opening of the fo u rth sea l. This time the scripture says, “and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” The “pale” horse speaks of death and terror. The rider’s name, “Death,” fits the descrip­ tion of this passage. I will explain what is meant by the statement, “Hell followed with him,” when I compare the seals with the trumpets in chapter IX. This rider kills by means of four things: (1) The sword; (2) Hunger (famine); (3). Death (pestilence); (4). And with beasts. The sword enters under the second seal and continues on through to the sixth seal. Hunger (famine) enters under the third seal and continues on through to the sixth seal. Death (pesti­ lence) and beasts enter under this fourth seal. This rider may also be the Anti­ christ, although, he better fits Satan himself. By the opening of the fifth sea l we are given a view ot the souls of the martyred saints under the altar who testify that the Lord is “holy and true.” They have been mercilessly murdered because of “the word of God, and for the testimony which they held,” yet they manifest their confidence that God is altogether “holy and true.” They ask how long He will wait before He judges and avenges their blood on those on earth, I rather think that this question does not portray impatience, hut eagerness to sec righteous judgment were given “white executed upon those who are destroying the earth. They ' .... — robes” (this robe is a long flowing priestly, kingly, festive robe — the saints of chapter 7 verses n9-17 are a]SQ wearing this royal robe). They were told to “rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” It is God's righteous will that many o f H is blessed servants should yet die for, and with, the testi­ mony of Jesus during this horrible reign of the Antichrist in spite of the fact that some today seek with all their might to shield themselves from such a reality being possible for them. Neither these souls under the altar nor their fellowservants will taste the wrath of God which breaks out under the next seal. The little season that they are to wait will be finished when the things under the sixth seal begin to take place. The question arises as to who these saints under the altar arc It is m t certain that the martyrs of the reign of the Antichrist (seals 2 through ) an included in the number. My judgment is that this is the place we find all the saints o f all ages past whether martyrs or not Certainly the martyr- arc among the most ble ed < if all God's | pl 1' ■I Id them (as disembodied spirits) m a le s s ble -ed p la c e in h e a v e n than the saints who were martyred Becau -. ime died natural death , w h ile o t h e r s li ' haw ing their bodies cut to pieces or devoured by wild beasts, d o e s not make the least difference in the condition of the ; int a ft e r they leave the bodies T h e spirits of the martyred saints were not mutilated by such horrible deaths In chapters 4 and 5 we were permitted to view th'- throne of G d m ' its surroundings. As John describes the many thin the position, condition and relationship of the aints in connection with all the other things. John finishe hi cerning the s a in ts is t h a t the t w e n ty ir e 1 4 d u I d e n v ia ls lull of odours, which are the prayers of the saints” (5 :R) Here in chapter 6 we get (68) ONM YXWVUTSRQPON our first view of the saints, and they are beneath the altar praying. All the book of Revelation gives us concerning the saints in heaven speaks of their connection with the altar and their prayers which go up from it. After the sixth seal and seventh trumpet, which are the same as to the time element, we do not see the saints connected with the altar. The reason for this is because they are removed from under the altar and from heaven at the time Christ comes in glory which takes place under the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet. We must not think of the saints as being in a depressed atmosphere because they are under the altar. We must not think of them as being miserably crowded up under a very small altar, no more than we would dare think of God as a little man on a small throne, or even a big man on a big throne. That place under the altar is no doubt a paradise. It is a place of rest and peace, for they are told to “rest yet a little season” (6:941). It is a place of happiness for, ONMLKJIHGF “ B lessed a re the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they shall rest from their labours; and their works do follow them” (Rev. 14:1243). The saints in heaven are necessarily connected with the altar for they are yet incom­ plete. They are longing for the time they will receive their glorified bodies. They are not busy ministering to God and Christ in heaven, as are the four beasts, the twenty-four elders, the hosts of angels, etc. They are told to “rest" b en ea th th e a lta r where w e find them offering up their prayers to God. The powerful angels, as well as the elders, take up bowls full of the prayers of the saints from off the altar, and carry them mixed with sweet smelling incense into the most glorious presence of the Almighty. The six th sea l reveals the outburst of God's wrath, and the wrath of the Lamb. I have already discussed this passage and will deal with it yet again, therefore I will not go into the details here. It is at this time that the restraint is put back upon the man of sin (the Antichrist). This ends his forty-two months of power, and though he is permitted to continue for a while longer, he is exceedingly hindered by the wrath of God and Christ which is immeasurably greater than his Finally he is permitted to marshal forces against Christ in Jer­ usalem at which time Christ YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH w ill exercise such judgment upon him and his forces that “Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongues shall consume away in their mouths” (Zech 1 4 : 1 2 ) . This sixth seal reveals the time when the saints will be given power over the kingdom of the Antichrist. Observe the beauty of the h a r m o n y in the prophecies of Daniel (Dan. 2 : 4 4 ; 7:18, 22, 26-27). The Antichrist is first given power over the saints (Dan. 7:21, 25) The saints arc a c tu a lly g iv e n in to h is hand. But that is n o t the finish of the matter. After t h t A n tic h r is t h a s e x e r c is e d p o w e r o v e r the saints to wear them out for “a time and t im e s a n d t h e d iv id in g o f t im e " ( .* ’ -• y e a r s ), the saints arc given power over t h e A n t ic h r is t and h is k in g d o m The saints Will then "consume and destroy it unt<> the e n d " (Dan 7 : 1 8 , 2 2 , 2 6 2 7 ) U n d e r seals 2 through 5 the saints are s e e n in g r e a t agonies, b u t when the " little s e a s o n " is finished (when the things r e v e a le d u n d e r t h e s ix t h s e a l b e g in t o take place), the s a in ts will be given p o w e r over the Antichrist and his kingdom. T h e se v e n th sea l speaks of a half hour of peace and silence that settles down after t h e wrath )f G o d a n d C h r is t is finished. Such is the natural place for st p e n c e d e m a n d s it Throughout the p e r io d of the great tribulation (a period of a little more than 7 years), there n t h e g r e s tr t d s tr u c t io n s , and the most dreadful and frightful developm e n t th a t ■ ' . . n e s s e d , e v e n if we put all of the calamities of . Al ■ C h r is t, a id e d by Satan, the False Prophet, and (69) demon creatures out of hell itself, execute the most fearful destructions upon the earth that mankind has ever witnessed, but this is followed by the immeas* urably greater wrath of God and the Lamb against all the evil inhabitants of the earth. Only the power of the Almighty is able to hold the earth together as it reels back and forth, and heaves and groans unimaginably under the intense pressure of its agonies. But the seventh seal expresses the relief even of heaven which has witnessed the “wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation” (Rev. 14:10). (70) CHAPTER VIII Trumpets Trumpets were appointed in Israel by God to serve numerous purposes (Num. 10:140), and, in every land today, the sound of the trumpet gave a particular, specific signal. That signal could be any one of a large number of things. In Israel the sound of the trumpet might signify solemnity, or festivity, or danger. It might bring the people together as a whole, or it might bring only the princes. A certain sound would signify one thing, while a slightly different sound would signify another thing, lhe people could discern the desire of the trumpeter by the particular sound he blew. The blowing oONMLK f the trumpet gave a specific signal. It always gave a message to someone. It was never officially blown without a special purpose. Anyone who has been in any branch of the armed forces knows well that the trumpet, or bugle, conveys a message. John says, "and the first vo ice which I heard was as it were a tru m p e t ta lkin g w ith m e ” (Rev. 4:1). In Rev. 10:7, we read, "But in the days of the vo ice o f the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound.” The voice of the seventh angel is the sound he blows. Thus, the sounding of the seventh trumpet gives a message to someone. The voice of the seventh angel will carry a message to all creation, but especially to the saints for then they will be raised and raptured. The message of the first six trumpets will not be so general for they will not be heard by mankind. This fact will be justified in the mind of the reader when he has clearly understood the relationship between the “last trump" and the seventh trumpet. As I have already shown and will illustrate yet again, the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet deal with the same time element, that is, the coming of Christ in glory which begins the wrath of God. The careful examination of this fact alone (not including the other proofs which will be given) will firmly establish that the first six trumpets are the same in time with the first five seals (actually seal 2 through 5). This fact further demands that the first six trumpets do not des­ cribe the judgments of God, but the judgments of the Antichrist, the False Pro­ phet, Satan, etc. May the reader very carefully and thoroughly examine the de­ velopments under the seventh trumpet. The wrath o f G o d will n o t b eg in u n d er th e tru m p e ts u n til th e se ve n th o n e (Rev. 11:18). Not until th e seventh tru m p e t n il! God and C h rist begin to "d e stro y th em w h ich d estro y th e ea rth (Rev. 11:18). This fact MUST be THOROUGHLY understood before one can correctly und e n ta n d the d e v e lo p m e n ts u n d e r t h e f ir s t s ix t r u m p e ts , or even the seventh trum­ pet It is most clearly evident that the activities under the fifth and sixth tr u m p e ts are not the w o r k s and j u d g m e n ts o f God. The execution of such ac­ tivities arc related to God only in that He permits them to happen. It is also v e r y e v id e n t that these activities are wrought by super-human creatures (demon spirits, etc). Thus I would like to give some thoughts relative to God's permissive will concerning the activities of such evil creatures. WIC KED SPIRITS IN HEAVENLY PLACES It appears quite clear YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE fr o m many scriptures that Satan was in the beginning an obedient creature of God. The purpose of God's creating him was evidently much different than that of man Yet there came the time when sin was born in the heart of Satan, and at that time he led in a very great rebellion against God. His sin. in particular, was that he desired greater glory than he deserved, even greater than G o d . A careful study of Isa. 14:1247; Ezek. 28:1149; Isa. 45:18: (71) Gen. 1:2, and many other such scriptures is quite revealing relative to these mat' ters. It is true that the kings of Babylon and Tyrus are addressed in the first two of the above scriptures, but the Lord also spoke to Satan who had gotten into the thinking and conduct of the apostle Peter (Matt. 16:23; Mark 8:33). One might just as easily debate whether Jesus spoke to Satan, or Peter. There is sufficient evidence to establish that God has created many intelli­ gent creatures other than angels and men. The four beasts around the throne are a good example (Rev 4 and 5) Ezekiel also saw intelligent creatures quite different than the ones John saw (Ezck. 1) It appears that there may be a dif­ ference between cherubim, seraphim and angels, though the first two arc probably orders of angels. The locusts of the fifth trump and the beasts of the sixth trum­ pet are evidently real creatures that were in the rebellion with Satan but were confined to the bottomless pit to lie released at the appointed time for a specific (though limited) purpose, then finally to be cast alive into the lake of fire where they shall remain eternally. At the time of Satan's rebellion, he was cast out of heaven (Luke 11:18), and all of his followers with him When Adam sinned, his authority over the earth passed into the hands of Satan, which evidently gained Satan permission to re-enter heaven and appear in the presence of God (Rev. 12; Job 1). From Rev 12:8-12, we learn that Satan and at least some of his angels have admission into heaven, and that Satan stands there day and night accusing the saints We can easily see the legal (court) proceedings of God in relation to the earth and man In Job I we observe that Satan boldly appears before the throne of God and speaks concerning things on the earth, particularly man Look carefully at II Chron. 18:18-22, where we observe similar activities. King Ahab hated the prophet of God because of the prophet's righteous testi­ mony against the wickedness of the king. The prophet always told Ahab the will of God, but the words of God were despised. Ahab always desired to be convinced of a different testimony than that of the prophet, therefore God ac­ commodated his wicked desires by sending a lying spirit to iill the mouths of the false prophets. The prophet, Micaiah, said, "I saw the Lord sitting upon his throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left And the Lord said, “Who shall entice Ahab, King of Israel, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilcad?” And oYXWVUTSRQPONM n e s p a k e s a y in g .titer tin m a iin e r , other saying after that manner. Then there came out a spirit, and st< J before the Lord, and said, I will entice him. And the Lord said unto him, Wh»-r.-with’ And he said, ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA I w ill g o o u t, a n d b e a ly in g sp irit in the mouth of all his pi: A n d th e L o rd sa id , T h o u sh a h en tice him, and thou sh a h a lso p re ra il <>ut and d o even so ." This lying spirit that prevailed by putting lies into the mouths < t i .< l.iU prophets was certainly not one of ( 1 liars. This spirit was an evil s p ir it who. like S a ta n , h a d permi n I : t : heaven, a p p e a r b e fo r e G o d , a n d r m i s iio n t o p e r fo r m c e r t a in w ic k e d a c tivities on earth. Th. w ic k e d a c tiv il permits them ( a s in t h is c a s e I I C h r o n 1 8 ) b e c a u s e r e l d b o u s , w ic k e d men or earth hate the right. O U I n e s s of G o d servants of G o d w h o faithfully testif fG 1 ways in which God b r in g s ju d g m e n t u p o n w ic k e d m e n T hey 1 and hate the truth, t h e r e fo r e G o d p e r m its t h e m t o b e f ille d with t h e ir o w n w a y s God warns such evil men. H e p le a c h w it h t h e m ig a in a n 1 they continue to s tif f e n t h e ir n e c k s a g a in t G o d in d r e fu e H i u 1 th.-', must reap of that which t h e y h a v e 1 ■ 1 with their own wicked ways by sending upon them a strong iklu-nn. (72) There is a very similar illustration recorded for our understanding in I Sam. 16:14 — “But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an ONML evil Does God participate in wicked activities? How absurd! Then what is the explanation for such things? The explanation is the same here as in the precceding passage. God hates wickedness of every nature. He hates evil spirits, and will at the appointed time confine all of them in the lake of fire eternally. This evil spirit obtained permission from the Lord to come and trouble Saul. The Holy Spirit had repeatedly pleaded with Saul and warned him, but to no avail. Saul was bent on disobeying the Lord. Of his own will he chose to follow evil; therefore, after a great many efforts to turn him had failed, the Lord permitted an evil spirit to trouble him. Observe how boldly Satan enters into the presence of God in Job 1 and 2, and speaks in relation to things on earth, and boasts of his authority and mas­ tership over it. We must remember that Satan is the prince of the power (authority) of the air (Eph. 2:2). Paul says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers (authorities), against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickednesses (evi­ dently spiritual forces of wickedness) in high places" (Eph. 6:12). One of the main reasons for the defeat of many Christians in their lives as they fight against evil influences is that they do not understand, or else do not keep in mind, the import of this verse of scripture. How can we fight a good fight of faith if we do not know who they are with whom we fight? Our fig h t is "n o t sp irit fro m th e L o rd tro u b le d h im . ” a g a in st fle sh a n d b lo o d , ” b u t "a g a in st th e rid ers o f th e d a rkn ess o f th is w o rld . ” These rulers are demon spirits of whom Satan is the prince. They arc spoken of as principalities, powers, etc., which means that they are organized forces of wicked spirits who are permitted to exercise rulership over this earth. God is able to destroy every' one of them in one moment with everlasting confinement in the lake of fire (which, of course, He will do at the appointed time); yet the righteous wisdom of God has allotted to these wicked spirits such momentary powers. How did Satan become such a ruler over the earth? He obtained such authority when man gave obedience to him rather than to God. In the begin­ ning authority to govern and rule the earth was given to man. Through the obedience of man to Satan, everything under the authority of man, including man himself, passed into the grasp and mastership of Satan. This is a very important matter and should be studied very carefully. How is it that Satan has the permission to enter heaven? Because, accord­ ing to court proceedings, Satan has the privilege of standing before the judge to set fYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC o r t h his c la im s t o the e a r th a n d Its fullness (which claims arc based upon the obedience of man to him rather than to God ). Though God has supreme power and all that Satan can do is only through the permissive will of God, yet, t h r o u g h t h a t p e r m is s iv e Will, he r u le s the earth and the area around the earth a s fa n a s t h e h e a v e n ly b o d ie s (sun. m o o n , stars, etc.), all of which were subjected to the service of man in the beginning. In D a n ie l c h a p te r 1 0 we find that Daniel, earnestly desiring to understand the w o r d s < 'l t h e I o r d , f a s t e d fo r three full weeks, at the end of which he ( J riel who is always seen giving under­ standing) w h o s a id , “ F e a r n D a n ie l: fo r f r o m the first day that thou didst set thine heart t o u n d e r s t a n d , and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words, But th e p rin ce o f th e \ingdom o f P ersia withstood me o n e e n d t w e n t y days; but, lo, Michael, o n e of the chief p rin ces, ca m e to h elp m e . and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Now I am come lo make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter (73) days: for yet the vision is for many days" (Dan. 10:12'14). The prince that engaged in battle with such power that he was able to delay Gabriel for 21 days, and was still so powerful that it was necessary for Michael to come and relieve Gabriel so that the latter could come and give under­ standing to Daniel, was certainly NOT “flesh and blood." Flesh and blood, regardless of its power and number, could never resist one of the mighty princes of God such as Gabriel, or Michael. This prince of the kingdom of Persia was cither Satan himself, or probably one of the chief princes of Satan, who did not want Daniel to be given the u n d e r s t a n d in g of God’s word concern­ in g the latter days. From Dan. 10:20-21 we further see that Gabriel confessed this prince of Satan to be of such power that it would be necessary for him to return and help Michael defeat him. No doubt, this prince of Satan was ac­ companied by many of the other angels of Satan. Undoubtedly there have been many such battles in the heavens immediately above the earth of which we know nothing. We might wonder why Satan and his angels arc permitted to engage in such prolonged struggles against the powerful angels of God when the Holy Spirit could give such power to Gabriel and Michael that in one mo­ ment the enemies would be stripped of any resistance whatever. This is a part of the wisdom of God and Christ concerning the work of redemption that we will one day understand and rejoice over. Yet, even now these things aid us to understand that God has granted to Satan the exercise of certain au­ thorities about the earth. We must keep in mind, however, that if man had not in the beginning wilfully chosen to obey Satan rather than God, Satan would never have been able to e x e r c is e such authority over the earth. At the present time Satan and his angels have access into the presence of God where Satan accuses the saints day and night, yet, at the appointed time, God will order him to leave. Christ has already by His own blood redeemed man’s forfeited possessions, therefore God can righteously order Satan to leave the heavens as it pleases Him. But Satan refuses and makes war, even in heaven, against the forces of God (Rev. 12). Satan and all his demon army are cast out of heaven, and immediately they come back to the earth and begin to exercise exceedingly great wrath. This brings us to the place where I believe we can better appreciate t h e activities under the first s ix trumpets. Although the angels of Satan are per mitted to sometimes engage in battle against the mighty ones of God, yet Satan and his forces are definitely under the restraint of the Holy Spirit. From II Thcss. 2:3-12 we find that this restraint will be very greatly lif te d for thv reign of the Antichrist, to the e x t e n t that he is pci united to • m ift • tie­ working of Satan with all power and signs and ly in And w it h a ll deceivablcncss of unrighteousness in them that perish," etc. The “p . . r and signs and lying wonders" of the Antichri't will reach as far as t can c fitc t come down out of heaven on the earth in the sight of men ( R e v 13) Thm is exactly what we see under the first four trumpets. During this t im e th. principalities, powers, rulers of d a r k n e s s , and s p ir itu a l force i w ic k e d ne fo r c e s of zyxwvu wickedness (Eph. 6:12) will be more active t h a n a t any t im e in t l ih scriptures say, “Woe to the inhabiters oONMLKJIHGFED f th e E A R T H a n d of t h e SEA' for the d evil is co n ic d o w n tin t h e h a th b u t a sh ort time” ( R e v . 1 2 : 1 2 ). U i that the earth and the sea both a r e s m c a u s e f ir e t o c o m e d o w n o u t o f h e a v e n u p o n t h e m harmony with the Antichrist and the second B t t As one reads the 8th chapter of Re that the trumpets fall under the seventh (7 4 ) I ro ■ b ' i necessary that the first six trumpets fall under seals 2 through 5, which makes good harmony where otherwise such harmony is lacking. A correct analysis of trumpets 5 through 7 will demand that the activities under the first six trumpets are those of Satan and not of God. This means that such activities come before the things described under the sixth seal take place. Also, these same activities, even under the first trumpet, do not fit the time period under the first seal, therefore the first six trumpets must come under seals 2 through 5. Seal 2 fits the time when the Antichrist shall break the covenant in the midst of the week. It is at this time that the abomination of desolation is caused to stand in the holy place (Matt. 24:15). At this same time the man of sin is revealed by the removing of the Holy Spirit's restraint upon him (II Thess. 2). This is when the Antichrist exalts himself above God and proclaims himself to be God (II Thess. 2:4). This is the time when the Devil gives to the Anti­ christ “his power, and his seat, and great authority" (Rev. 13). This is also the time when the Devil and his angels make war in heaven and arc cast out (Rev. 12). This is the time the seven angels make ready to give their message by the blowing of their trumpets. After the seven angels are given their trumpets, yet before they begin to sound, we read that another angel, “came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake" (Rev. 8:2'5). What is the connection between this angel offering up the prayers of the saints and the blowing of the seven trumpets? There must be a relationship of some kind since it is mentioned after such a fashion. The most reasonable answer appears to be that, though these judgments of Satan are not directed especially at the saints, yet the saints will definitely be found in great agonies during this period, greatly as a result of the developments under these trumpets These judgments of Satan (the first six trumpets) are to convince all nations of the claims of the Antichrist, that is, that he is God (II Thess. 2:4). God permits Satan to bring the rebellious nations to their knees by the aid of super­ human creatures out of hell (trumpets 5 and 6). We must remember that God n d upon them “ s tr o n g delusion” “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (II Thess. 2:9-12). In the midst of all this, the s a in ts a r e f o u n d in e x c e e d in g ly g r e a t agonies. Some may be inclined to think that God would n o t permit such a thing to happen to the saints. Never­ t h e le s s , the s c r ip tu r e s s h o w plainly that there arc saints on the earth at this time (Rev. 9:4; 6:9-11; 7:9-17; etc.). The mention of the prayers of the saints h e r e s e r v e s t h e s a m e purpose as under the fifth seal. W h a t is meant by the a n g e l filling the censer with the fire of the altar and c a s t in g it into t h e e a r t h ? W h y d id there follow “voices, and thunderings, and lig h t n in g s , a n d a n earthquake?" To whom do the voices speak and what might b e t h e ix m e s age? It is very unreasonable to say that these voices have no s ig n ific a n c e , o r message for someone. It does not appear reasonable that they arc heard b y m a n k in d , but rather, that they arc heard by the principalities, p o w e r s , r u le r s o f t h e d a r k n e s s o f this world, etc. (Eph. 6:12). As far as man­ kind is c o n c e r n e d , t h e h e a v e n ly forces arc in complete silence until the end of the reign A t ic h r is t w h e n t h e whole heavens will be ripped open and folded up The day of th. I. rd m ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA u st come as a thief in the night. These voices (75) YXWV notification to the angelic forces of Satan relative to such activities that they will be granted by the sounding of the first six trumpets. Satan and his angels have just been cast out of heaven, and therefore are not able to enter into the presence of God to obtain permission to exercise their wicked activities. These voices, and the sounding of the trumpets, therefore, give the message granting the permission to the evil forces to work their evil devices and de­ ceptions. This is the “strong delusion" which God sends upon rebellious and unbelieving men. g ive THE SOUNDING OF THE TRUMPETS When the first a n g el so un d ed his message, “there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and a third part of the trees was burned up, and all green grass was burned up." Let us remember that Satan's man of sin will come with “all power and signs and lying wonders" (II Thcss. 2:9). The sounding of the trumpet will announce to Satan and his forces what they will be permitted to do. Satan will, of course, work side by side with his man of sin and the False Prophet who calls fire down out of heaven in the sight of men for purposes of deception (Rev. 13). “And the ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA seco n d a n g el so u n ded , and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed" (Rev. 8:8-9). It is certainly reasonable to think that the Revelation would give us some description of the exceedingly great power and deception that will be worked by Satan, the Anti­ christ, and the False Prophet. The vials are completely devoted to the wrath of God, and the more one st.udies the matter the more he is able to see that the trumpets (the first 6) give a similar description of the works of Satan's forces. He is the prince of the power of the air, therefore we can expect him to display such authority. “And the th ird a n g el so u n ded , and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the foundations of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter” (Rev. 8:10-11). Observe the repeated usage of the words "third part." T h e y are used twelve times in the first six trumpets. Some have advanced that this is God's number and signifies G YXW o d 's judgments, although, when we look at the vials where a similar stiuo ion < f developments occur, and where we arc clearly told that such arc G<>d‘ j u d g ments, we find that the judgments are full and entire, not just a “third part’ What is the significance of the “third part?” From Rev. 12:1-4 we find that the term is used of Satan — “And his tail drew a third part of the tars < i heaven, and did cast them to the earth The “third part" is n cd under the sixth tr u m p e t in c o n n e c tio n w ith t h e f o u r a n g e l* w h o w o r k w it h th e h d lia h horses and their riders who arc evidently of the army of t h e AntichnSt The continual reference to the “third part” a d d s g r e a te r e m p h a r t h a n e v e r tb it these are the judgments of Satan th r o u g h t h e A n tic h r is t a n d t h e P a l e P n pl . t “And the fourth a n g el so u n d e d , a n d t h e d w a s s m itt e n , and the third part of the moon, and tin- third part of the stars, s o *S t h e third part of them w a i d a r k e n e d , m d d the night likewise” (Rev. 8:12). It is only r the Antichrist should show p o w e i 0 a n d S ta n that he is God. Paul said that God will s e n d u p o n u n b e lie v in g h u m a n it y a (7 6 ) "strong delusion" that they might believe the lie of the Antichrist (II Thess.2). This is partly expressed by God’s granting him permission to smite those heaven­ ly bodies which are certainly in the power of their true Creator. Remember that the Antichrist will come with "all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish" (II Thess. 2). Observe further the progression of the de­ velopments: (1). The earth is smitten. (2). The seas arc smitten. (3). The rivers and fountains arc smitten. (4) The heavenly bodies are smitten. As the Antichrist seeks to prove himself to be God, he is granted permission to smite these four great spheres of creation. In the vials the same progression is fol­ lowed, although there the judgments are full and entire, not merely a third part. God sends a strong delusion upon the unbelieving world by granting the ex­ ercise of exceedingly great powers to the Antichrist, while He reserves for Him­ self the exercise of immeasureably greater power, and by such proves who is truly God. Because of the lengthy description of the developments that occur when the fifth a n g el so u n d s, I will not quote the passage. When this trumpet is blown the “bottomless pit" is opened to release a great number of superhuman creatures (called locusts) upon the earth. I am of the firm conviction that these are real creatures that have been confined to the pit. These locusts have a king over them "whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." Their king is evidently Satan. He is the angel of the pit. The verse does not say that the angel was also locked up in the pit with the lo c u s ts , That these locusts are real, demon-creatures, please observe the following: (1) . The fact that they come out of the "bottomless pit" gives proof that is they are real, yet demon, creatures. There YXWVUTSRQPONML is no reason to say that the language here is figurative. ’ z have: a king shows that they arc real, spiritual (2) . The fact that they creatures. T h e y have ; king which they obey and follow. They are not propelled by men or some other force. (3) . The fact that their king is an angel demands that they are real demon­ creatures. We would naturally expect the locusts to be of a similar nature to their king. (4) . The description of the lo c u s ts demands that they are a demon-creature of some kind. Wc do not doubt that the "four beasts" of Rev. 4 and 5 are real liv in g c r e a t u r e s (g < o d n e s , o f c u r s e ) W e d o n p t a r g u e that the first b e a s t ” a n d the " s e o n d b e a s t ' < f R e v 1 3 arc real p e r s o n s ( th o u g h th e s e terms m a y h a v e a t w o f o ld a p p lic a t u n ) . Wc understand the dragon to speak of the devil. T h e r e f o r e , it s h o u ld n < t b e d iff ic u lt t o u n d e r s ta n d that t h e s e locusts a r c r e a l c r e a tu r e s , and that the language describing them is literal T h o u g h S a t a n is n o t p e r m itte d to hurt the s a in t s who have the seal o f (1 y e t h e d o e s u s e t h e s e c r e a t u r e s to force obedience upon thv-e who do not yield to the claim that the Antichrist is God. : t r u m p e t) is dominating Europe through a r e o r g a n iz e d R o m a n empire, vet the kingdoms of the North and South a r e not y e t o b e d ie n t C o him (Dan 11:40), and he is permitted to use t h e s e h o r r ib le c r e a tu i L e t t h e r e a d e r carefully observe that wc cannot possibly say that these locusts arc the forces of God. These are un' tan. which f u r t h e r d e m a n d s that the first six t r u m p e ts arc descriptive of t h e works of the evil forces. After the s ix t h a n g e l W u n d e d he was told to "Loose the four angels which a r e b o u n d in tl.< - g r e a t r iv e r E u p h r a te s * * (Rev. 9:13-14). Surely these angels arc n o t the a n g e ls o f G o d f o r G o d 's angels arc not bound. It may be that the (77) ONML binding of these angels resulted from the battle which Gabriel and Michael had with the prince of Persia who did not want Daniel to be given the understanding of the latter days (Dan. 10). A good analysis of this passage under the blow­ ing of the sixth trumpet will reveal that these beastly horses are also real creatures and are of the forces of the Antichrist. After the proof that the Antichrist gives under the first four trumpets that he is God, there are still whole nations who will not bow down to him. He then is granted permission to send out the terrible locusts and by them seek to bring into submission the still rebellious nations of the North and South (Dan. 11:40). The nations become very angry and make a last effort for freedom from the Antichrist by the battle that is described under the sixth trumpet. The developments under this sixth trumpet are a result of the developments under the fifth trumpet. This battle is not the Armageddon battle for the following reasons: (1) . This battle is fought under the sixth trumpet ONMLKJIHGFED b e fo re th e se v e n th tru m p e t so u n d s. The wrath of God does not begin until the seventh trumpet sounds (Rev. 11:15-19). The vials are all filled with the wrath of God, therefore do not start until the seventh trumpet is blown. The A rm a g e d d o n b a ttle is n o t fo u g h t u n til th e seven th via l. (2) . This battle is not <only called but fought under the sixth trumpet, while the Armageddon battle; is called under vial 6 and fought at the end of vial 7. (3) . When th e A rm a g e d d o n b a ttle is fin ish e d a ll th e w ic k e d w ill h a ve b een d estro yed from th e ea rth (Matt. 13:36-43; Luke 19:11-27; II Thess. 1:7-9; Isa. 13:9; Rev. 19:21; etc.). A fte r th is b a ttle (sixth tru m p e t) is fin ish e d th ere a re tw o -th ird s o f m a n k in d (Rev. 9:15) le ft w h o c o n tin u e in th e ir o p e n w ic k e d n e ss a n d d efia n ce o f G o d (9:20-21) w h ich d o es n o t in a n y w ise h a rm o n ize w ith th e resu its o f th e A rm a g e d d o n b a ttle. (4 ) . T h e victo rio us a rm y in tru m p et 6 rid es u p o n b e a stly h o rses which have heads like lions, emitting fire, smoke and brimstone. These horses also have tails like snakes, and the tails have heads. These beastly horses are evidently out of the bottomless pit as were the locusts. This description certainly does not fit the Armageddon battle. It is un­ doubtedly the same as that mentioned in Dan. 11:40-46, both of which take place near the end of the reign of the Antichrist. Study them carefully. The language used here fits the army of the Antichrist. The four YXWVUT a n g e ls certainly appear to be the Devil's. The two hundred million man army evidently belongs to the Antichrist. This army is used by the Antichrist to put down the king> of the North and South who are stirred up in rebellion against him because of the locusts under trumpet 5. The kingdom of the North and the kingdom of the South are terribly defeated, yet they choose to serve the Antichrist rather than God. Under the se v e n th tru m p et (11:15-19) we see that the whole picture i changed around. It is no more the activities of Satan that are in the p tli [ht Just as suddenly and unann earth experiences an about-face. Christ takes over openly and vi-ibly, and the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom o f God and Chri- t Christ come* in flaming fire taking vengeance upon t h o s e earth. In the Greek text of Rev. 1! 1 t h e word “kingd m " i lingular b o t h times (once understood). T h e 1 to the kingdom of the Anticliri 1 ’ his kingdom under the s ix t h t r u m j ' I! • . dom of the Antichrist becom will of course be one kingdom, not many. (78) I will soon be giving a detailed examination of the things of this trumpet again, therefore I will pass by it for now. VIALS The purpose of all seven vials is to pour out the much delayed wrath of God upon the rebellious nations of the earth. Seal 6, trumpet 7, and all seven vials are the same as to time, except, of course, the vials are progressive; one following the other. Since I have already discussed the vials to some length in chapter VI. I will not repeat here. The most significant thing about the vials is wrath; the wrath of God. The references to the word wrath in the Revelation should be associated together. It is very great folly to think that God starts and then stops His wrath a half dozen times. The failure to associate the references to the wrath of God is one of the things that has contributed so greatly to the vast amount of confusion relative to the end'time events and the book of Revelation. Simply because the wrath of God is mentioned a number of times throughout the Revelation does not mean that it will be SPLATTERED, as if one took a hand full of mud and threw it at the side of a house. One of the greatest blunders that one can make when studying the book of Revelation is to seek to make each chapter fall into chronological order. One should study the book of Revelation after the same manner of the book of Daniel where the same period of time is covered repeatedly. Daniel saw slightly different pictures of the same things a number of times. This is true of both the reign of the Anti­ christ and the wrath of God in the Revelation. (79) CHAPTER IX Seals, Trumpets, and Vials This chapter will be devoted to discussing the relationship of the seals, trum­ pets and vials to each other. This is especially for the purpose of emphasizing their time relationship. The proper emphasis in the proper places will unlock the general divisions of the book of Revelation, and also the book of Daniel, and will make them much easier to understand. Let us examine these matters very carefully. The seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19) is one of the keys to the proper un­ derstanding of the end-time, and therefore of the book of Revelation. May we observe once more four things of special emphasis that will take place when the seventh trumpet sounds. (1) . It ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA is n o t until h ere th a t th e k in g d o m o f th is w o rld w ill b eco m e th e k in g d o m o f C h rist, th e re fo re it is n o t u n til h ere th a t C h rist b eg in s to reig n . This fact is stated twice (verses 15 and 17). This observation is very important and should be kept in mind and associated with the other three to follow. (2) . Here begins the w ra th o f G o d , “And th y w ra th is come .... a n d sh o u ld e st d e stro y th em th a t d e stro y th e ea rth " (v erse IS). This should make it clear once and for all that the destruction that is visited on the earth through the first six trumpets is NOT the work of God. God docs not begin to destroy those who destroy the earth until this seventh trumpet. This also makes it necessary to understand that all seven vials follow the sounding of this seventh trumpet, for they arc filled with the wrath o f God. (3) . One o f th e m o st sig n ific a n t d e v e lo p m e n ts rela ted to th is tim e is th e resu rrectio n a n d ra p tu re o f th e sa in ts; th e fin ish in g o f th e m yste ry o f G o d w h ich H e h a s b een d ecla rin g in a ll a g es p a st (I Cor. 15:51: Rev. 10:7) The statement “the time of the dead,” absolutely must signify the saved dead, for the time of the unsaved dead is not for another thousand years (Rev. 20). Only blindness will cause one, after having these things called to his mind, to say that the mystery that Paul spoke of in I Cor. 15:51-54, and the one of which the angel spoke in Rev. 10:7, arc not the same, and arc seen in the statement, “the time of the dead.” (4) . The fourth significant development announced under this trumpet ithat h ere is th e ju d g m e n t o f th e sain ts. It is now time to reward the prophets and the saints and those who have feared the name of the Lord bYXWVUT o th -mall and great. These who arc judged are the very ones who are termed as dead Had they been raised prior to th is time t h e y would h a v e b e e n c a lle d “ liv ii n • “dead.” The saints of all ages arc included in this number The p ro p h et-, hall not be raised and judged until this trumpet. The saints shall not |\ rat e I d judged until this trumpet. T h o se w h o h a ve fe a re d th e n a m e o f th e I d hall not be raised and judged until this trumpet The small and even peat hal'. not be raised and judged until t h is t r u m p e t . L e t t h e ( fa c ts i.u n d in u i Now, let us compare tru m p et 7 w ith sea l 6 again (Rev. 11:15 19; 6.12 17) The whole picture s e e n under t h e s ix t h s e a l is t h e o u tb u r s t o f G o d 's w r a th , which n e c e s s ita t e s a n u m b e i o f t h ii emphatically announced under t h e s e v e n th t l U IC C ep t the two as dealing with the same time clement A g a in I w ill note the -imilarities between the two. (1). When the seventh t r u m p e t s o u n d s , C h r i t I - [ in t i r e ig n , n d i t is then that t h e kingdom of t h is w o r ld b e c < m t h k in g d o i f Cl 15-17). This is exactly what is described u n d e r the sixth -al (Rev < -1 • 17) The souls under the altai are told tto wait 11) 1 (80) fore the destroyers of the earth would be judged. When the things described under the sixth seal take place, the “little season” will have been finished, Christ will come in glory to re-establish the throne of David, and then destroy them that destroy the earth. (2) . The wrath of God is most significant under the sixth seal and the same announcement is given almost word for word in the seventh trumpet: “For the great day of his (their) wrath is come” (Rev. 6:17); “and thy wrath is come” (Rev. 11:18). Every passage dealing with God’s wrath in all the Bible will harmonize with this analogy. (3) . The statement, “the nations were angry” (Rev. 11:18) harmonizes with the conduct of the nations as seen in Rev. 6:15-16 The nations are so stripped of their pride that they seek shelter in the dens and holes of the earth They still do not repent. They still hate God. They still love their sins. They rage against God. (4) . The seventh trumpet demands that the rapture and resurrection of the saints take place at the time it sounds. This is seen from two statements: F irst, It is “the time of the dead.” Seccnrd, This is the time that the “mystery of God should be finished” (Rev. 10:7). For proof that the rapture and resurrection also take place under the sixth seal, we may observe at least three things: F irst, it is necessary that we see the rapture and resurrection under one of the seals (for proof of this see the discussion on the seals). Second, the ans­ wer given to the souls under the altar (Rev. 6:11) demands the resurrection and rapture under the sixth seal. T h ird , the whole setting of the sixth seal demands the rapture and resurrection at that time. The “day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God” (Rom. 2:5) begins under the sixth seal (Rev. 6:17). (5) . Since the rapture and resurrection take place under the sixth seal, it is necessary that the judgment and rewarding of the saved of all ages past take place at the same time. The rewarding of the saints is most clearly seen under the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:18). (6) . Under seal 6 we arc told that the heavens will be rolled together as a scroll, which causes the things in heaven to be open to the view of man on earth (Rev. 6:12-17). When the seventh trumpet sounds the heavens will be opened to view which makes it possible for the temple in heaven and other things to lie seen (Rev. 11:19). Now, let us look at the relationship between the fifth seal a n d th e sixth tru m p e t. Although the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet deal with exactly the same tunc clement, such exactness is not necessary in these others. Since the first six trumpets fall under seals 2 through 5, it is needful to understand that the trumpets will transpire faster than the seals. There is one thing that will clearly show the relationship of the fifth seal with the sixth trumpet. Under the fifth seal we sec the souls under the altar crying “How long” until ven­ g e a n c e is taken up. n those who destroy the earth. The answer is that it would be y e t a “little eeaa n." Now, turn to Rev. 10:5'7 and mark the relationship. The time that the strong angel stands and speaks falls between the sixth and eming the seventh trumpet that he speaks. The a n g e l s w e a r by t h e One who created all things that “there should be time no longer ” A literal translation is. “there should be no longer delay.” There will be no lo n g e r delay in what? And what shall happen when the time of the end d ? I" h e d e la y is finished when the seventh angel sounds. When the seventh t r u m p e t s o u n d s t h e “little season” of the fifth seal is finished. When the revelation o f the s ix t h s e a ! begins :• take place the “little season" will be ended. Thus the fifth seal and the sixth trumpet fall together as to time. ONMLK YXWV The angel mentions one special thing that will be accomplished at the blowing of the seventh trumpet. It is the fulfillment of the mystery of God (the resurrection and rapture of the saints) which is, of necessity, connected with the destroying of those who destroy the earth; therefore, we can see the relation­ ship of the mystery with the request which was made by the souls under the altar. The souls under the altar asked for the judgment of the wicked inhabit­ ants of the earth which would necessitate their resurrection, for Paul says that the saints will judge the world 6). The glorified saints will have power ’ ’ (I Cor. ~ over the wicked spirits in an immeasurably i ' greater capacity x z than..... the _Spiritr filled apostles had following the day of Pentecost. The saints will judge angels ngc._ (I Cor. 6), which may be included at the great white throne judgment (Rev. 20), but the special time is immediately after their glorification when they are dir­ ected by Christ to pour defeat upon the angelic hosts of Satan who arc now ruling this globe. Very little attention has been given by eschatological writers to the princi­ palities, powers, and rulers of this age, which are organized governments and armies of wicked spirits. God, in His infinite wisdom, has granted them pcrmssion to engage in battle against the saints in this age, and no doubt in ages past. These wicked spirits will not give up their authorities over the earth without a final life and death struggle. Since the righteous angels of God have been in continual conflict with these armies of evil spirits, it is most reason­ able to judge that the righteous angels will participate in the final battle against such wicked forces. Also, since God has granted us the task of wrestling violent­ ly with such evil spirits (our power is in the indwelling Holy Spirit), then it is further reasonable to judge that God will also grant us the privilege of partici­ pating in the utter and final defeat of such wicked, spiritual forces. The saints will be made one with the Son of God, and will be placed even above the blessed, holy and powerful angels of God (Heb. 1:14); yet, together with those mighty ones, the saints will be used to glorify God and Christ in righteously crushing those wicked, spiritual armies of Satan. In showing the relationship between th ONMLKJIHGFEDC e fourth sea l a n d the fifth trumpet there are two significant factors. The comparison will show that the two are closely related as to time, although the reader should remember that the time is probably not exact, but general (1) . Under seal 4 it is said that the rider's name is “Death” Under trumpet 5 we find that the king of the locusts had the name of “Abaddon" in the He brew, and “Apollyon in the Greek The word “Apollyon” means yer," and is closely related to death (2) . Observe further that the scripture says that the rider's name i- ’ 11 ” and Hell followed with him.” Now call to mind that the locust, came .: . ! the “bottomless pit" and followed their king whose name means “Jc-troycr ” Thu is very significant, and should be studied carefully The rider wh c nYXW a m e iDeath and has hell following a lo n g w it h h im i p e r m it t e d t o k ill w it h I ■ the last two of which are “death" and “leasts ” The word “death” '. old be here translated “pcstilem e ” i pet 5. The “beasts” are :. • • under i The first fo u r tru m p e ts fa ll u n d e r th e s e c o n d a n d t h ir d d g e n e r a lly We can see the relationship here by the famine d e s c r ib e d U n d l t e a l 3 ai d 4 Some of the primary cau trumpets. The Antichrist (or the False Prophet) all ]<>wn fire ut <»f heaven and bums up a “third part” of the harve t and fruitful! <4 the land He Ik also calls fire down upon the s e a s a n d k ill a th ir d p a r t o f t h e creature of t h e seas, and destroys a third of the ships of the a - Many of the 4np • will be (82) zyxw merchant vessels carrying cargos of harvests and other foods. Surely no one would argue that such things would not cause a very great famine. This permits the Antichrist to kill with “hunger" those who do not submit to his will. We must establish in our minds that neither Christ nor any of the heavenly forces enter in upon the scene until the blowing of the seventh trumpet which is the same in time with the sixth seal. For the day of the Lord to come as a thief in the night, there MUST be no manifestations of the Lord or His judgments from heaven prior to that time. Therefore all that happens under seals 1 through 5, and trumpets 1 through 6, describe the activities of the Anti­ christ and his forces. All seven vials describe the wrath of God which means they must follow (not precede) seal 6 and trumpet 7, for both of them state plainly that the wrath of God and Christ begin with them. These things will harmonize beauti­ fully when we permit the Spirit to teach us. May He bless the meditations of every reader to the glory of the Father and the Son. (8 J ) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW CHAPTER X A Time-Placement of Chapters in the Revelation The purpose of this chapter is to give a placement of each chapter in the book of Revelation as to time sequence. 1 will not give an exposition of each chapter, but merely note its position as to time, with a few general comments to confirm my judgment for such a placement. It may be well to remember that chapter and verse divisions of the Bible were not made by the inspired writers; yet, because of the common acceptance of such divisions it is almost necessary to deal with them as such in most instances. I believe that a careful study of this placement of the chapters (and many times lesser divisions) will greatly encourage a better understanding of the Revelation, and also of the end-time generally It is quite needful to give such because of the confusion that otherwise would arise around some passages. We must keep in mind that, though the Revelation follows a general chronological order, yet the developments in the succeeding chapters do not strictly follow the general order. Repeatedly, as we read through the book, we are carried through a period of time which we have just covered shortly before. The reason for this is that each time we are carried through a period there is a particular picture the Lord wants us to sec which differs (sometimes more and sometimes less) from the one we saw the preceding time in the same period. For instance, during the reign of the Antichrist it is natural for us to be given understanding of the work of the Antichrist We also need to see how this period is related to God's people and the nation of Israel. We need to understand how all this is related to the angelic forces of Satan who are ruling this present age, as well as how it affects the much superior forces of God in heaven. During this same time God has two special witnesses testifying with exceedingly great powers So we see that the one period is related to many things; and though God could have covered all of them with one large sweep, yet His wisdom has chosen that we look at them in more of an individual natureONM C h a p te r 1 of the Revelation gives a general introduction to the whole book which is, of course, expected. The Bible would be incomplete without a capstone like the book of Revelation. The very presence of this book should be enough to convince loose minded enthusiasts that the revelation o f God to man was climaxed and eternally completed centuries ago at the hand of the apostle John. C h a p te rs 2 a n d 3 include the seven letters to the seven churches . j A~i.i It is very evident that these letters had a much farther reaching testimony than to the seven churches alone to which they were sent 1 am in full .YXW c i .v ment with the threefold application that I have often read and heard ui\cn t these seven letters. This threefold application is as follows (1). Tlu letter were written to seven literal churches that existed at the time John received the Revelation. (2). As is true with any part of the inspired writing'. tic letters were to be beneficial to all of God's churches everywhere in every sue ceeding generation. Even as we get our church government from the instruc tions given to the first century churches, so these letters are beneficial to us today. (3). The number seven may serve many purpOKl, but it it quite con spicuous in the s c r ip tu r e s t h a t it 8 ] are seven days in the week. T im e as we know it will la I even th' u a n d y e a n The number seven is very frequently U id in t h e Of 111 tn ' •’ • 1 . o( Moses. It appears quite evident th a t t h e ! le tt i (< i c h u i I i ’ ;■ •■ I seven church ages within t h e o n e g e n e r a l (84) first century on through till the Lord shall come at the sounding of the seventh trumpet.ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C h a p te rs 4 a n d 5 present a heavenly scene. It is my judgment that this heavenly scene with the breaking of the seals is history to us. John was caught up into heaven in the Spirit where he saw Christ break the seals. It certainly appears reasonable that if John was literally caught up to heaven, then he actuallly saw Christ break the seals. One appears just as real as the other. As Christ broke the seals the angel (Rev. 1:1) revealed to John the things that God wanted us to know. These two chapters deal with some of the proceedings of the supreme court of all creation, where Christ is seen as the Redeemer receiving the Title Deed to all that man originally possessed. Christ has already gone to Calvary as the Lamb of God and paid the price in full which rendered Him worthy to redeem the forfeited inheritance of man Christ took the Title Deeds, broke the seals, read the contents, and had the angel to reveal to John the things that were needful for us to know. C h a p te r 6 g iv e s the opening of the first six seals, and the revelation of many of the “things which must be hereafter.” Seal 1 speaks of the first half of the covenant for “one week,” where the Antichrist is seen as the con­ quering peace maker, though his peace is very false. Seals 2 through 5 carry us through the forty-two months reign of the Antichrist, giving three snapshots of the three outstanding personalities of that period; also including a snapshot of the saints who were affected especially by the activities of that period. Seai 6 gives the sudden appearance of the wrath of God upon the scene, at which time Christ is spoken of as the Lamb, for He will at that time execute judgment upon the wicked and shall redeem the inheritance. C h a p te r 7 verses 1-8 speak of a sealing of the “servants of our God,” and the time element appears to fall under the second seal. These verses do not appear difficult to interpret at first, although, certain matters have been introduced recently which make the passage among the most difficult of the whole Book. By studying this passage separately from the rest of the Reve­ lation, one is certain to judge that national, physical Israel is under consideration. However, when certain other parts of the Revelation (and other parts of the Bible) are brought to bear upon the passage, we are caused to be much more cautious than before I will give five observations which I believe are sig­ nificant in relation to these verses. (1) . We must compare this passage with Rev. 14:1-5. They both speak n ts f G o d T h e y b o t h s p e a k o f the seal of God in the foreheads of each of these people. These two groups may not be the same, but the evidences are strongly in favor of their being the same. The group in Rev. 14 arc very evidently NOT physical, national Israel, which mean- fh.it if the two groups arc t h e same then this group in chapter 7 is not that group of Israelites who will be taken into hiding by God at the time the Antichrist defiles the temple of the Jews. (2) . It should be observed that there arc two groups of scaled individuals G o d , a n d those of the Beast (Antichrist) Those who have th St a r e doomed to eternal destruction It m a y be that t h e r e a r e different gi nips of those who have the seal of God upon their f o r e h e a d s , yet. It may b e that they arc the same. If the latter is true, I hx.'. ' being necessarily physical Jews. It appears that Rev. 5:12; 7-5; 9:4: 14:1; and 22:4 may speak generally of of ” Rev. 14, the same persons If the 144,000 of Rev. 7 arc the same as those ‘ then the evidence is much against the former being physical Jews, (5). Let us further consider the purpose of this sealing. There is suf' (85) YXWVU ficient evidence to establish that the sealing is particularly for the purpose of signifying ownership. The sealing may also serve to protect the ones sealed from some danger, without which they would be open to that danger. It docs not sound altogether reasonable to say that the Jews who are at this time immediately taken into hiding, which hiding serves as their protection, arc the ones under consideration here. I see. no reason to doubt that this sealing is real, and is a mark that can easily be seen by the proper persons; yet, to say that the mark is a physical mark and will be seen by physical eyes docs not appear to be correct, When we look again to the fifth trumpet we find that there are living on the earth during the reign of the Antichrist those who have “the seal of God in their foreheads" (Rev 9:4), whom the locust-like demons arc not permitted to harm. These scaled ones (Rev. 9:4) are evidently not the Jews who are in hiding at this time. The saints are not in divine hiding, but are out in the open during the reign of the Antichrist and are killed in great numbers; yet, God has put a seal upon them particularly for the benefit of these locusts who arc not permitted to hurt anyone with such a seal. (4) . These who are sealed are called “the servants of our God.” The con­ text indicates that they are servants of God at the time they arc sealed. Strictly speaking, the physical Jews will not become the servants of God until they see Christ coming in the clouds with great glory "(Rev. 1 :7; Matt. 23:39; Acts 2:19-20: Rom. 11:15; etc ), which is forty-two months after this sealing. (5) . Too little is said and written about the engrafted seed of Abraham in relation to the nation of Israel. We become so angered at those Jews who cru­ cified the Lord and slew the prophets, that we forget that there is such a thing as the true Israel of God existing today (Rom 2:28-29; 9:6; 11:16-22; Gal. 6:16). Though God has for a moment cast off physical, national Israel, yet the true Israel of God still and always will continue. The saints of God today are that true Israel. Now, is it an unthinkable thing that this engrafting should also include a placement into a specific tribe of God’s Israel? Such certainly appears to be logical, sensible, and consistent with the scriptures.ONMLKJIHG C h a p te r 7 verses 9-17 describe the raised and raptured saints, The time element is under the sixth seal. Under the fifth seal the saints an under the altar praying “How long,” but here they are before the throne, As I have already shown, the coming of the Lord is lust before the middle of the great tribulation. The first part of the great tribulation1 is the forty-two months of the reign of the Antichrist, which is tthe u- ’Litter - YXWVUTSRQPO p a r t of t h e . . ■ : ' week.” The latter part of the great tribulation extends over into the Millen nium for the 1335 days of Dan. 12:12 (see chapter VI) These s a in t s in Rev. 7:9-17 .ue the saints of a ll ages wb h a v i c m i u p < u t o f t l lation, that is, the tunc of their coming up is about t h e m id d le of t h jn it tribulation. They are now glorified w it h all t e a r s w ip e d a w a y li­ never h u n g e i nor t h ir s t, a n d t h e lu n w it h s c o r c h in g h e a t w ill in n o wi ■ la y hold upon them T h e y ai II fo r e t h e tl him Jay and night in His temple, which is th e ir p i it io n t h n u g h u t t Mi lennium and ever after Jesus said, “ H im th a t o v e r c o m e t h w ill 1 m a k e pill i in the temple of my God, and he s h a ll g o n o m o r e ‘an . ami I w ilt w r it e upon him the name of my God, and t h e n a m e of 1 Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my G o d : and I will write upon him my new name” (1L -. • I . j I fied saints, and though the t h i i fl I is in !■■ iven in 1 tl.'- glorifi 1 lin ts are upon earth, they will 1 . God day and night C h a p te r 8 verse 1 speaks of the seventh al which naturally follows the (86) sixth seal, therefore follows the pouring out of God’s wrath. This seventh seal expresses the peace, rest, quietness, etc., that follows the completion of the wrath. The rest of chapter 8 falls under seals 2 and 3, which come under the first part of the reign of the Antichrist. C h a p te r 9 comes more fully under seals 4 and 5 as to the time element. This has been discussed before so I will not repeat those things here. The first seven verses give us what C h a p te rr 10 is history to us today John saw in jpreparation for the revelation of the seventh trumpet. The purpose for this particular vision to John was to put special emphasis upon the develop­ ments under the seventh trumpet. The latter part of chapter 10 is a continuation of the vision to John, but is in preparation for the revelation of the two witnesses. .C h a p te r 11 verses 1-13 speak of the two witnesses who will prophesy for forty-two months, which is the same in time with the reign of the Antichrist. The latter part of chapter 10, along with .11 juini John 21:20-23, appeal appear lto w teach ivacu that John will be one of the two witnesses. Elijah will probably be the other one. The latter part of chapter 11 is devoted to the seventh trumpet which was the bright hope of the apostle Paul, for here is when the Lord and Master comes as Christ, the anointed King, to reign. This is the end of the forty-two months of the reign of the Antichrist, and the beginning of the glorious reign of Christ for one thousand years; the first 1335 days of which are taken up with purging the earth of those who arc destroying it. C h a p te r 12 verses 1-5 take us back even to the first coming of our Lord to the earth, when He took upon Himself the seed of Abraham. The sun, moon and stars represent Jacob, Rachel, and the twelve sons of Jacob (Gen. 37:1-11). The Son is Christ. The dragon is the Devil. Verse 6 speaks of Israel fleeing into hiding at the time the Antichrist places the abomination. Verses 7-12 tell us of the war that will be waged by Satan and his angels against Michael and his angels in heaven. This is immediately before (or at the same time) the Antichrist defiles the temple Verses 13-17 show us again that a remnant of Israel will be taken into hiding and given divine protection from the wrath of Satan. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW gives the rise of the Antichrist (the first Beast) to power and C h a p te ti r 13 o . ’ of his- f —.......... —months ....... t-- of ----— -*~J his partial victory over saints. speaks forty-two power, and The latter part of the chapter speaks of the second Beast (the False Prophet) h as the penalty who commands the world to worship the Antichrist, with death to all who do not submit The *Tn * — forty-two months L- r follow '”—• *the L- defiling of the Jewish temple. .. r 14 gives us informationn which naturally follows that of chapter C h a p te 12, YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA a n d e s p e c ia lly c h a p t e r 1 3 . T h e two former chapters generally discuss the activities of the evil forces during the forty-two months of the reign of the Antichrist Chapters 14 through 19 generally discuss the wrath of God Chapter 13 ends with the thought of the followers of the Antichrist receiving the mark of the Antichrist in their right hand and forehead. Chapter 14 verses 1-5 d e s c r ib e t h e f< 11 iw e r s o f G o d and Christ, and point out that they have the mark or t e a l o f G o d o n t h e ir foreheads. It appears quite evident that these t w o le a l ntraated to each other The one signifies special, eternal ownership by Satan, while the o t h e r signifies special, eternal ownership by God. The first <>!"•<■ rvat ion is that Christ and the 144,000 are now on Mount Sion, which ■ ' ■ of as the Lamb which means He has come t ; ' and their city. Mount Sion. The time element here i th. la m e •<- that o f t h e s ix th sea! and seventh trumpet, which announce, p a r tic u la r ly , the beginning of the wrath of God. The voice from (87) ...................... - ......................... * - ■■ •* " J — heaven is not the voice of the 144,000, but a voice (or voices) that teaches them, for they are to “learn that song." There arc four things that appear to connect this 144,000 with that of chapter 7. (1). The number is the same in both places which very strongly indicates, though does not necessitate, that they are the same. (2). The num­ ber being a multiple of twelve which is the number of governmental perfection also indicates that they arc the same. T h e point h e r e is that there will not be two different governing forces in Israel. The Bride of Christ will rule Israel as well as the whole world. (3). lhe seal of both in their foreheads appears to speak that they arc the same. 1 he fact that one is spoken of as the “seal of God," and the other of both the Father and the Lamb (Greek) will not make a dif­ ference, for the same thing is mentioned in Rev. 22:4 with only one of Their names. The fact that it does not mention both does not mean that both are not there. (4). The sealing appears to be in contrast with that of the Beast which will infer that both chapter 14 and chapter 7 speak of the same group. Some eight things are said about these saints which, when associated to­ gether, demand that the 144,000 of this chapter arc Bride-saints. Though this necessity may not be apparent to the reader at first, yet I believe that eventu­ ally it will be if a thorough study of this presentation is made. (1). The governmental number (a multiple of twelve) speaks in behalf of their being Bride-saints. Bridc-saints. The Bride will be the ruling body, both in Israel and among the nations. (2) . Their connection with Mount Sion also indicates that they are Bride­ saints for this is the Bride-city. (3) The seal in their foreheads is no doubt the same as that of Rev. 14:4 where it is the Bride-saints who are under consideration. It does not sound logical that there will be a plurality of seals upon anyone's forehead anywhere. In each place they are seen with only one seal. In Rev. 3:12 the seal contains: (A). The name of God. (B). The name of the New Jerusalem. (C). The new name of Christ. (4) . That Christ is spoken of as the “Lamb" and the 144,000) as being “redeemed from the earth" remnant of earth' signifies their being glorified. The re Israel who will be saved through the great tribulation will not be glorified at the beginning of the Millennium else they would not have been preserved in physical bodies through the great tribulation. The statement “redeemed fr«.m the earth" does not mean that they are not on the earth, but that they have been completely (body, mind and spirit) redeemed from the earth, which cannot be said of one until the body has been perfected (5) . The statement, “ t h e s e are t h e y w h ic h w e r e n o t d e file d w it h i for they are virgins," indicates that they have been living for >me tn . saved servants of God and have proven t h e m s e lv e s faithful to Him Ti rem nant of Israel will not be saved until they see the Lord coming in glory (Mat! 23:39; Rom. 11:15; etc.). (6) . That they “follow the Lamb w h ith e r s o e v e r h e g o e t h ” d e fin ite ly m a r k s them as Bride-saints. The remnant of Israel who will be in physical b diethroughout the Millennium will not be able to follow the L o r d w h e i goes; only the glorified Bride-saints will be able to do that (7) . These arc the “fir-1fruit • u n to G o d md t o t h e I imb “ In James The first bom 1:18 we s e e that t h e Bill: ones of Heb. 12:23 are the same group. There will I n one among men who will be first to God and Christ before the Bride of Christ S o m e o n e may s a y that these are the firstfruits of the tribulation while Jam s p e a k s o f the first f r u it s of the church age. The trouble with that is that the church age will not end YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA (88) until the time mentioned in these verses. The resurrection and rapture of the saints do not take place until Christ shall come in glory which is the same as above. , • (8). These have no guile in their mouths, and are without fault before God. This cannot be said fully about the remnant of Israel or anyone else in a physical body. Certainly such language best describes glorified Bridesaints. The remaining verses of chapter 14 may possibly be among the most dif­ ficult of the whole book for some brethren to understand relative to the time element. The things John saw will not happen according to the sequence in which he saw them. Six times John saw “another angel,” but the developments mentioned cannot follow the sequence in which he saw them. A thorough study of the vials (including the former chapters of this work) will aid in understanding my placement of these revelations to John The first angel John saw (Rev. 6 and 7) is termed “another angel;” probably in addition to the one he saw in chapter 10. This angel announces the beginning of God's judgment which harmonizes in time with the first five verses of this chapter and is before the pouring out of the first vial. The next angel John saw (verse 8) announced the fall of Babylon which comes under vial 7 near the very end of God's wrath, which, as I have explained already, is more than three years after the beginning of God’s wrath. This means that the second angel John saw spoke of things that will develop at least three years after the things spoken of by the first angel Compare this second angel with the one in chapter 18 verses 1-3, and mark that their message is precisely the same. It is quite needful to observe the fact that John evidently saw these angels flying in fairly rapid succession yet the period elapsing between the first two he saw in this chapter is a very long period Looking closely at the last four verses of chapter 14 (verses 17'20), we readily see that the language is figurative. Those angels speak of the gathering of the army for the Armageddon battle, and the results of the same battle. Thus, we are absolutely forced to judge that what John saw was purely for the purpose of revelation. Verses 14-16 also figuratively describe the work of Christ, for He shall certainly not literally reap by means of a sharp sickle. Thus, though the first angel and possibly the second may possibly follow the description given, it is doubtful whether the third angel wall at a future date proclaim the message John heard The purpose of this third angel's revelation to John may be the same as that of the angel of chapter 10, and also of the voice John heard in Rev. 18:4. The message in Rev. 18:4 is for the benefit of people living b efo re the second coming of Christ The same is true with the message of the angel in chapter 10. There will be very little time left after the fall of Babylon for anything to be done, except the very hastened march to Jerusalem for the Antichrist's forces Therefore it is very illogical to say that the third angel which John saw will literally follow the second angel after the fall of Babylon. It is my judgment (because of the forefag YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA r e a l f ll , p lu s Other r e a s o n s that 1 will n o t give here) that John's seeing the third angel was for the purpose of the revelation of the message the angel gave (which is p r o b a b ly t r u e with all the other five angels). This message is e s p e c ia lly b e n e f ic ia l to t h e s a in t s d u r in g t h e tim e of the reign of the Antichrist. Verses 12 and 13 of chapter 14 follow up the warning of the third angel by speaking of the patier.ee of the s a in t s during that time. These verses particu­ larly h a r m o n iz e w it h t h e f if th s e a l where we s e e the souls of the saints resting after having their patience tried by being put to death. Verses 14-16 naturally follow the two former verses, for here we see Christ with the victor's crown com­ ing for the h a r v e s t o l victori< US saints The crown Christ is wearing signifies the kind of h a r v e s t f o r w h ic h H e comes. The time is the same as that of the (89) ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA sixth seal, the seventh trumpet, and the first verses of this 14th chapter. Verses 17'20 speak of the gathering of the Antichrist's army for the Armageddon battle as seen under the sixth vial, and also the results of that battle as seen under the seventh vial in Rev. 19:17'21.ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA C h a p te r 15 takes us back to the beginning of God's wrath and gives the preparation for the pouring out of the seven vials. That John was given many different visions of the reign of the Antichrist and of the wrath of God is an unquestionable and irresistible fact. Here we see also the resurrected and glorified saints. Their singing the song of Moses docs not in the least prove that they are not the saints, for the saints are true Israel. “And if ye be Christ's, then arc ye Abraham's seed" (Gal. 3:29). These saints have gotten the victory over four things: (1). The Beast (2). His mark. (3) His image. (4). The num­ ber of his name. They sing the song of deliverance. Tins certainly demands that they are glorified. The Beast wrought death upon their physical bodies, but they now have glorified bodies. The fact that Israel is in the wilderness during the reign of the Antichrist, and therefore has no need to resist the num­ ber of the name of the Beasts and obtain victory over the number, very strongly argues that these are not physical Israel. C h a p te r 16 gives the pouring out of the seven vials. It is necessary for us to understand that these vials are not poured out until Christ comes in glory. It is also necessary for us to understand that it will take a long period of time for these vial judgments to be accomplished. C h a p te r 17 presents a general description of Ixith the great Harlot and of the Beast and his empire. The Harlot is of course the Catholic Church, or a summing up of all false religions in her. A thorough study of the Beast will reveal that the description of him fits in many ways that of Judas Iscariot The empire of the Beast begins with the re-establishment of the old Roman empire, but it finally envelops the whole earth There is mention made here of the destruction of both the Harlot, by the Beast, and then the Beast by Christ. C h a p te r 18 is especially devoted to the destruction of the Harlot. She is the false bride who has claimed the place of the true Bride. Her falsehoods have now been made plain and she is torn utterly to pieces by the Bca<t and his empire with whom she has committed adultery and every other wicked deed C h a p te r 19 is divided generally into three parts. The first I'1 vcr-cs arc devoted to the marriage of the Lamb and His Bride, which follow^ the de :r... tion of the Harlot under vial seven and therefore is at the very end • t th. of God. Verses 11-16 back up to the coming of Christ in glory. IYXWV t s h o u ld m. clear by now that such retracing of time p e r io d s is v e r y f r e |Ut nt lation. Throughout the book we have gotten a number of glimp f ( hr: which give different d e s c r ip t io n s ‘if this same e v e n t M o s t o f t h e s e t im He • spoken of as the Lamb o f God, and t h th a t r e d e m p t i of special significance, though s o m e t im e s other t h in g s a r e a ls o o f p e c ia l ii portance. Under the sixth s e a l, w r a th is e s p e c ia lly s ig n ific a n t b u t r e d e m p t i n is very evidently included This c a n be .en from the development under the fifth seal, the things f o llo w in g t h e ‘'ixth s e a l, a n d t h e fa c t th a t U th a t time the kingdom of the Antichrist becomes the kingdom o f C h r is t In R ev 14:14-16 Christ is s e e n a a han a harvest of victorious ones. Here in Rev. 19.11-16 C h r is t is ecu c o m in g w ith H is a r m y of glorified saints to break in pieces those nations which follow th Antichrist Th: pr age should be compared with I I T h e s e 1:7-9 a n d J u d e 1 4 » 1 5 m t h e lig h t o f the early chapters of this work. T h i s p a s s a g e m u t a l • b e c o m p a r e d with t h e s ix th (90) seal, and especially the seventh trumpet where it is said that the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. Here Christ comes to judge and make war, and the many crowns (DIADEMS) on His head speak of His authorities over many nations. This is not the victor's crown, but the crown that signifies authority. Christ is also clothed in a vesture dipped in blood which evidently signifies by what right He comes to judge and make war. This blood is not that of His enemies for He has not yet tread “the wine­ press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God," but comes at this time for that purpose. The name that is written upon His vesture and upon His thigh, King of kings, and Lord of lords, also must be associated with the kingdom of this world becoming the kingdom of Christ. Verses 17-21 describe the battle of Armageddon again. This is the fullest description of this battle in the Revelation. Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 give the fullest description of this battle in the Bible. C h a p te r 20 begins with the binding of Satan, and his being sealed in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Verses 4-6 present another view of the judgment seat of Christ, and the thousand years in which Christ and the saints will reign upon this earth in righteousness. Verses 7-10 give us the only picture of Satan's being loosed out of the bottomless pit for a short season to again deceive the nations which brings another battle of Gog. This battle is climaxed by Satan being cast into the lake of fire where the Beast and the False Prophet have been for the thousand years of Christ's righteous reign. Verses 11-15 describe the last great judgment at which time the lost will re­ ceive a just reward for their works, being then cast into the lake of fire also. Those who are cast into that place will remain there eternally. Chapters 21 and 22 climax the Revelation with a brief, yet beautiful, pic­ ture of the New Jerusalem which shall rest upon the new earth. Here we see the final destiny of the people of God. What bright, beautiful, joyful hopes there are for those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ; and who take God at His Word and present their bodies to Him as rightly belonging to Him, and not to themselves. May we, as Abraham, look for that city whose builder and maker is God. ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA (91) CHAPTER XI Some Things From Daniel A full exposition of the book of Daniel is not appropriate here, though it is needful to give a brief examination of the prophetic parts to show that they are in full harmony with the presentaion which has already been given, and also to prepare the way for those matters especially related to the time elements which I will discuss more fully at the end of the chapter. By commenting only on the prophetic parts of the book I do not desire to leave the impression that the other parts of the book are not important, for they are very refreshing, showing particularly the prayerful lives and mountain-moving faith of Daniel and his three companions. Such passages should be frequently studied. Six of the twelve chapters of Daniel are devoted particularly to prophecy, that is, that which was prophecy at the time Daniel lived. Only a small portion of these prophecies are still future to us today, yet we need the whole matter to correctly understand those parts which are future to us today. Most of these prophecies cover much the same ground, yet each time additional or different details are added. Each succeeding prophecy is complementary to that w YXW h ic h has gone before. “IN THE DAYS OF THESE KINGS" T h e first p ro p h e tic p a rt is fo ONMLKJIHGFEDCB u n d in c h a p te r 2 w h e re D a n ie l in te rp rets N e b u c h a d n e zza r's d rea m o f a terrib le im a g e. The image is a picture of Gentile world dominion from its beginning to its finish, The head of gold represents the purest and best of the Gentile world powers — the "Babylonian . empire. The breast ’ and arms of’ silver picture a second kingdom inferior to the first, yet swallowing it up — the Medo-Persian empire. The belly and thighs of brass represent a still lesser kingdom the Grecian empire. The legs of iron spoke of the strong, brutal. R o m a n empire. T h e f e e t and t o e s o l ir n m ix e d with clay is a fifth world empire, yet it is the same as the fourth as we can see by the iron that remains. The iron demands that the feet and t<.e- speak of the s a m e e m p ir e is t h e 1 re ol there is a marked difference The fe e t a n d t o e s r e p r e s e n t Roman empire which is still future to us It will be the kingdom of tl An: christ whom C h r is t s h a ll d e s t r o y hen H T h e fi Daniel will build upon this fact To give the m a n y p r o f s w h ic h s h o w t h a t t h e k in g d o m o l C h r i t i future, and a n s w i tl in y < ' j tit n s t o t h e c o n tr a r y , w o u ld t a k e I -. I it t o much space to put in to t h i to teach that C h r is t h a s n o t y e t 1 t e d k in g d o m , a n d w ill n t do so until H e r e t u m i Chi ju d g ed a n d to iv < th a t judgment, a n d it i- th e n t h a t t h e fe e t by Christ which : now in the d a y s o f p r e p a r a t to us, as heavenly lack of f a ith fu ln e s s w ill d e te m in e o u r s ta n d in g dom is set up. W e a r e n o t n (II Tim. 2:12). It is through much tribulation tbit kingdom (Acts 14:22: II T h e n 1 ) a n d ly a f te r V ’ v ill • t.n-r in to th trustworthy by bearing much fruit will we have an abundant entrance into the kingdom (II Pet. 1). Only three of the Lord's disciples were permitted to see a preview of the kingdom coming in glory before they died (Matt 16: 24-28; YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC 1 7 : 1 -8 ; I I Pet. 1:1-18). God's people have never since the first advent of Christ broken iin pieces any kingdom, and they will not do any such thing until Christ returns, When the Lord sets up His kingdom there will be no set-backs. There will be no sour parts in it. The Lord will not be spewing out a part of it because it became lukewarm or lost its first love (Rev. 2 and 3). Every corner on every stone will be eternally shaped, never to be chipped nor scarred. There shall not be the least lack of faithfulness on the part of the least of those who will be set in authority in that glorious kingdom. It is most clear in the Word of God that the forces of wickedness will continue to increase and become worse and worse as the end of this age draws nearer. The people of God are becoming more lukewarm and less faithful as the world increases in violence and deception. By no means is it true that the people of God are breaking in pieces the kingdoms of evil at the present time. Thus, we must understand that the feet and toes of iron and clay rep­ resent the future re-established Roman empire which will be destroyed by ths appearing of Christ in glory with His mighty angels and ten thousands of His saints (II Thess. 1; Jude 14-15). How clearly the scriptures teach that we will enter the kingdom when the Lord returns (Acts 14:22: II Pet. 1:1-11; Matt. 18:3; etc.)! How could we be in the kingdom now if we are to enter it in the future? If we say that the Millennial kingdom is different from a present kingdom of the Lord, then such a present kingdom must end. This would contradict Dan. 2:44. If we say the Lord has already set up His kingdom, and that the Millennial kingdom is the same one, then how could we enter that in which we are already? Such is absurd. Much can be said on this subject, but I must retrain for the present. Let us mark the following important factors from this passage. (1) . The fourth kingdom with legs of iron represented the old Roman empire. This part of that empire is history to us. (2) . The feet and toes of part iron and part clay are clearly the same king­ dom in part, and yet another kingdom in part — the iron is the same, but the clay is different and additional. This is the Roman empire as it will be re­ established, then destroyed, and immediately followed by the Lord's kingdom. (.'). “The s to n e that smote the image” did not smite the image until the im a g e w a i c o m p le te T h e Roman e m p ir e must be re-established before the stone will fall upon the feet of the image with quick and complete destruction. (4) . The stone docs not become a mountain that fills the whole earth until utter it has d e s tr o y e d the image and the image has been carried away by the wind The L o r d 's kingdom will not f ill the earth until the kingdom of the Antichrist is moved out of the way by complete destruction. (5 ) . V e i t h a t d ie G o d o f h e a v e n will set up a kingdom “in the days of the-c kings" Abundant has been the proof that the Lord sets up His throne m Jerusalem at the time He comes in glory, but that only the land of I’alc-tiiir i< r e d e e m e d until the p e r io d o f God's w r a t h is ended. The period of God's wrath the time in which the Lord's kingdom will "break m pieces and consume all these kingdoms,” Christ will establish His kingdom in Pales­ tine during the days of the other kingdoms. (93) “AND JUDGMENT WAS GIVEN TO THE SAINTS"ONMLKJIH 7. This time it is Daniel who had the vision, and instead of seeing an image he saw four beasts. The first beast was a lion, the king of beasts, representing the Baby­ lonian empire. It will be observed that many of these visions view both the kingdom and its king in the one thing. The head of gold on the image repre­ sented both the Babylonian kingdom and its king. The second beast was a bear which spoke of the somewhat clumsy but v e r y ^powerful Medo-Persian empire. The third beast was a leopard which was the fast, strong Grecian empire. The fourth beast was very different from all the others; very terrible and exec o., strong. ... zeedingly This fourth one represented both the old Roman empire, but particularly t • “!y a re-established Roman empire. Please observe two things especially about this fourth beast. (1). The little horn (eleventh horn) belongs definitely to the fourth beast. (2). The little horn will evidently be destroyed at the time Christ shall return with His army of saints and angels. This further necessitates the future rise of the Roman empire, and makes it very clear that the eleventh horn is the Antichrist. Please make note of the following likenesses between this last “diverse" king and the Antichrist. (1) . They both speak great words against the God of heaven (Dan. 7:25; II Thess. 2:4; Rev. 13:5). (2) . They both wear out the saints (Dan. 7:21, 25: Rev 13: 6-9: 6:9-11). (3) . They both continue for a period of three and one half years (Dan. 7: 25; Rev. 13:5). (4) . They are both destroyed by Christ and the saints (Dan. 7:26-27; Rev. 19:11-21; Jude 14-15): (5) . They are both followed by the everlasting kingdom of Christ and the saints (Dan. 7:22, 26-27; II Thess. 2:8; 1:7-9; Rev. 11:15-19). (6) . Thrones arc not set, and judgment is not given to the saints until the saints have been worn out by the last evil king (Dan. 7:7-11, 21-22, 25-27; Rev. 6:8-17: 11:15-19; II Thess. 2:1-8: Matt 24:15-31); yet, when thrones are set, and judgment is given to the saints, the primary objective will not be the evangelization of the evil kingdom, but its complete destruction. For the benefit of a better understanding of this blessed book of pr phecy, le t us make a further notation of the wonderful harmony ot the two pr pl i just covered (chapters 2 and 7). (1) . Both p r o p h e c ie s e n d w it h a f< u r th k in g d t i .. o u t o i hi h kingdom, the fifth kingdom belonging to the fourth. (2) . The fifth k in g d o m ia f u lly e s ta b lis h e d a n d h a b e e n e x e i powers before t h e L o r d 's 1 in a t o c o n a u m e a n d d e a t r o y it T h e seco nd p ro p h e tic p a rt o f D a n ie l is fo u n d in c h a p te r (3 ) . I n c h a p te r 2 L ord mountain and fill the w h o le e a r t h u n til if t e i it h a d le a ti doms. In chapter 7 w e a r e t o ld t h a t “ t h k in g d n nd d greatness of the kingdom u n d e r t h e w l le 1 iv e n , s h a ll b e given t o the p e o p le of the saints of the most high, v all dominions shall serve and obey him" (Dan. 7 27 7:22). T h is giving ot the kingdom under the whole heaven to the amts r not done until they have first taken away and c o m p le te ly d e s ti j I t h e k in g d o m o i t h e e v il k in g ( th e Antichrist). (4) . In both chapters w e e e t h a t their purpose is not to evangelize the evil kingdom, but t dr troy it (5) . In both chapters t h e 1 . ! ' (94) YXW given to the saints while the evil king (and kings) and his kingdom (and their kingdoms — theirs are his) are still dominating the earth. Judgment is given to the saints and then they consume and destroy the evil kingdom. This period of consuming and destroying is the time of blessedness (Dan. 12:12) when the saints will have their part in pouring out God's wrath upon the nations. There is one other important factor that should be studied carefully. Evi* dently, many brethren believe that the frequent mention of the saints in the book of Daniel includes only the Jews (physical Jews). Especially from this seventh chapter (and it is further established by the other chapters) we can see that the engrafted seed of Abraham are included in the usage of the word “saints." For instance, let us note that physical, national Israel will have very little to do with destroying the kingdom of the Antichrist. The glorified saints will have this grand and glorious pleasure. The kingdom of the Lord will be empowered by the Lord's using the “ten thousands of his saints” (Jude 14-15). These are they whom He will use to “break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms” (Dan. 2:44). These are they of whom it is said, “But the judg­ ment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end" ... “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High: and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom" (Dan. 7:27, 22). These are the saints of the book of Daniel. Of course, the Jews are included in the many references throughout the book, but wc must not blunder by saying that the Jews only are included. ONMLKJIHGF HE CAST DOWN THE STARS In D a n ie l c h a p te r 8 w e fin d th e th ird p ro p h etic p a rt o f th e bool^. Daniel first saw a ram with two horns and was told that it represented the Medo-Persian empire. Next he saw a goat with a great horn. Soon his great horn was broken and four notable horns came up in its place, and out of one of them came a little horn which became exceedingly great The goat was the Grecian empire. The great horn was Alexander the Great, the first king of the empire. The four notable horns represented four kings who governed the Grecian empire after Alexander died Alexander's kingdom was divided between four of his generals The two divisions that are discussed in this chapter, as well as in the 11 th chapter, arc centered in Svria and Egvpt. Syria was the northern kingdom, and Egypt was the southern kingdom. The little horn belonged to the northern kingdom, and history’ shows that Antiochus Epiphancs fits the prophecy well in most places The evidence is sufficient to establish that the little horn wa« Antiochus, yet it is certain that there is a farther reaching application of the YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB p r o p h e c y t h a n t o h im T h e r e is a ls o s u ffic ie n t e v id e n c e to establish that Anti' c h u s w a s a t y p e o f t h e A n tic h r is t, as I will show when I come to chapter 11 shortly There are a n u m b e r of things mentioned in this chapter that are in full h a r m o n y With the c o n d u c t of t h e Antichrist. For instance, let us make the following comparisons (1) A n t i c h u s I I te d a n d lo lle d the Jews in great numbers (8:9-25) Many scriptures show that the Antichrist will do the same (Matt. 24:15'20; II Thcss 2; Rev 12; etc.) (?) A n t io c h u s e x a lt e d h im s e lf against God (8:9-25). The Antichrist will d o the s a m e (I I Thcss. 2; Rev 13). (3). Antiochus caused the Jewish offerings to be stopped (8:11), which is n e c e s n r ily w h a t t h e A n tic h r is t will do (Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:4). (95) (4) . Antiochus defiled the Jewish temple in many ways (8:10-11). The Antichrist shall do similarly (Matt. 24:15). (5) . This little horn was to be "a king of fierce countenance, and under' standing dark sentences" (8:23) This very definitely fits the Antichrist (II Thess. 2:9-10; Rev. 13). (6) . Antiochus prospered greatly against the Jews for short while, which will also be true of the Antichrist (Matt. 24:21-22; Rev. 12:15). (7) Antiochus was “broken without hand" (8:25). The destruction of the Antichrist will be very similar (II Thess 2:8; Rev. 19:19-21). (8) . Antiochus “cast down the truth to the ground" (8:12). Paul says that the Antichrist is just this kind of person (II Thess. 2) In the above enumerations I have given the likenesses, as given in this chapter, between the little horn (Antiochus Epiphanes) and the Antichrist. Yet, there appears to be some things said about this last king of this chapter which I cannot well harmonize with the actions of Antiochus. They are as follows: F irst: I cannot harmonize the 2300 days with Antiochus. I will give the reasons why very briefly The histones dealing with this period of the Grecian empire which I have been privileged to examine, rely heavily upon the first of the two Maccabean books, and follow closely the dates given there. I will give some of these dates which bear upon the matter at hand. Antiochus came to the throne in 175 B.C. which corresponds to the 138th year of the Greek supremacy (I Mac 1:11). He evidently made two expedi­ tions down into Egypt against the young king of that kingdom. He was most successful on his first trip, conquering almost all of Egypt, and would have finished the matter at that time had he not received a report that a revolt was arising among the Jews. This caused him to return to Jerusalem, at which time he slaughtered many Jews, entered the temple and took away many of the vessels of worship. However, he did not stop the Jewish worship in their temple at this time Having satisfied himself that things were well in hand in Judea, he returned to Syria, his own country The date of this first defiling of the temple of Israel was in the 143rd year of the Greek supremacy, or 170 BC (I Mac. 1 :21) At a later date YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE A n tio c h u s d e c i f e d t o r e tu r n t o E g y p t a n d f in i h u in g the c o u n t r y . O n th is one, because this time he was met hv the Romans As Antiochus wa at th point of f in a l v ic t o r y in E g y p t , h e w a s c o n fr o n te d by a n o f f ic ia l f i .1 who informed him th a t h e or e ls e fight t h e R o m a d e fe a t e d b y t h e R i ta i A n tio c l not • ' decided to return t o h i ' ' It was then that he sent an official c o m p a n y over to J e r u alcm, w h o d ' temple in a horribh ■ ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA d ead) great num bei Greek supremacy (I Mac. 1 :57) These things created a violent revolt among the Jew which nenued to increase until finally th e ] ■ . • ’ Judas M a c c a b e u s , le a d in g t h e J the temple in the 148th year of the Greek supremacy (I M • 4 52)) Anti . bo­ d ie d in the 149th year according to I Mac. 61' Now, t h is gives u s a t t h e m o t ix y e a i f r o i t l defiled the temple to the time ol In- death (fi N n t h e 1 4 3 r d y e a r I year — see above). It might be well to ' rv that A • hu did i t take (96) away the Jewish offerings in the temple until the 145th year. From the time the sacrifices were taken away and the abomination placed in the temple, until the time the temple was cleansed by Judas Maccabeus could not have been more than four years at the most according to I Maccabees. Regardless of how we figure we cannot get 2300 days between either of the two dates. Thus, it appears that these days are applicable not to Antiochus Epiphanes, but to the Antichrist.ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA S e c o n d : the second element which does not appear to fit Antiochus is found in 8:10 where it is said, "And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them." If reference to the "stars" should be taken literally, then it could not be applicable to Antiochus, although such can be applied to the deeds of the Antichrist (see the discussion on the trumpets). It is possible, however, that this reference to the stars was with a view to the Jews. T h ird : the statement of verse 24, "And his power shall be mighty, but not of his own power," does not fit Antiochus well, yet it fits the Antichrist very well. Compare the statement with Rev. 13:2 where the Beast is given his power, seat and great authority by the dragon (the Devil). THE LAST WEEK 9 g ives u s th e fo u rth p ro p h etic p a rt o f D a n iel. The chapter begins with Daniel being given understanding of some of Jeremiah's writings concerning the captivity of the Jews at that time. Daniel then set his heart upon the Lord in prayer, which we see him doing often throughout the book. The Lord was then pleased to give further understanding to Daniel, which covered the time of God's special dealings with the Jews from the time that they were released from Babylonian captivity to the time when Christ shall come the second time to the earth to establish His everlasting kingdom and reign for a thousand years This period of God's dealing with Israel was counted in seventy weeks of years There were to be sixty-nine weeks of years from the time Israel was re­ leased from their Babylonian captivity until the time of the crucifixion of Christ. This left one week of years to be fulfilled sometime after the cruci­ fixion of Christ. In the first chapter of this work I have proven that this last week is still future to us today It is in the midst of this last week that the sacrifices in the temple are to be stopped and an abomination that makes desolate is to be placed in the temple. From Matt 24: 1 1-22 we learn that the YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED g r e a t t r ib u la tio n Will begin at the s a m e time that the abomination takes place. In Matt. 24:29-31 we learn that the coming of Christ in glory is to be im m e d ia t e ly a f t e i t h e A n t ic h r i s t s p a r t of the great tribulation. These things should b e q u it e clear to those who have thoroughly studied the passages given, and the many others directly connected with the ones given. The one who confirms the covenant for one week is the same one who causes the alx>mination of desolation; and he belongs to the people (the Romans) who destroyed the lite r the crucifixion of Christ. Hence, w e a g a in h m e n t of the Roman empire For a fuller discussion of this chapter of Daniel, please see the first chapter of this work. C h a p te r "TILL THE INDIGNATION BE ACCOMPLISHED" t h e fifth p rop h etic p a rt o f th e b o o ^ o f D a n iel. This vision run - into chapter 12. All of chapter 12 is supplementary to what (97) we find in chapter 11. Chapters 10 through 12 should be studied as one chapter. In chapter 11, as in chapter 8, the explanation begins with the MedoPersian empire and proceeds into the Grecian empire as far as Antiochus Epiphanes, giving particularly many of the wranglings between the Syrian and Egyption divisions of the Grecian empire. A large part of the chapter is de­ scriptive of Antiochus and his deeds. Much of what is said about Antiochus harmonizes well with what is said about the Antichrist in the New Testament. Before we reach the end of the chapter we find that the language will no longer fit Antiochus though Daniel still appears to refer to him. The first part of chapter 12 will demand that the latter part of chapter 11 refer to the Antichrist. Let us take note of several of the things mentioned in this chapter which refer to Antiochus, which also harmonize well with the conduct of the Antichrist. (1) . Antiochus came in peaceably and obtained the kingdom by flatteries (11:21). The description of the Antichrist under the first seal (Rev. 6:1-2) is that he will come into power as a peace maker (2) . Daniel is told of a “league" that would be made with the “vile per­ son" (11:23), which is evidently the agreement between Antiochus and a renegade Jew, called Jason, which placed Jason into the office of the high priest and deposed the good high priest, Onias I II * We have already learned that the Antichrist will make a similar covenant (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15). (3) . Antiochus caused the daily sacrifice in the temple to be stopped (11:31), which the Antichrist will also do (Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:4). (4) . Antiochus placed an abomination in the temple which made its wor­ ship desolate (11:31). The Antichrist will do likewise (Matt. 24:15). (5) . Antiochus slaughtered many thousands of the Jews (11:31-35). The Antichrist will do the same (Matt. 24:15-20; Rev. 12). (6) . Antiochus magnified himself above God (11:36). This is most signifi­ cant of the Antichrist (II Thess. 2:4). (7) . Antiochus had great wrath against the holy covenant (1 1:30-33) This reference is probably to the Law of Moses. The Antichrist of course will be of the very same attitude (Dan 7:25: II Thess 2) (8) . Antiochus was not able to completely destroy the Jews and their worship (11:35). The Antichrist will destroy countless numbers of God’s people, but they in the end will have the best of him (Jude 1 4 -1 5 : Dan 2:44 7:18, 22, 26-27; etc). If one is acquainted with the developments of the period of the Grecian empire, particularly the things relating to the Syrian division of th.it empire he can quickly see that Dan ONMLKJIHGFEDC 1 1 .'.' ■ • .• phanes. Though Daniel writes as if Antiochus is still under consideration. we cannot possibly harmonize the bulk of what is said through tl • r of the chapter (1 1:37-45) to him The fo llo w in g e n u m e r a tio n out a few of the things that are said which cannot apply t o A n t io c h u s The purpose of these enumerations is to give emphasis and clarity to tl • (1) Verses 38-39 say t h a t t h i k in g h I < ! i g o d w h ic h knew. This statement is difficult t o h a r m o n iz e u n d e r a n y ■ n id e i we understand it as s ig n ify in g a p i ' this strange god. The statement d o e s n o t w e ll fit A n t io c h u . b u t it ' fits the Antichrist for he is to come nut o f the b o tt o m le I pit (Rev 17 S) The Antichrist will have a personal, experimental k n o w le d g e o f , in d |u a in t * ance with, the Devil. * A His t o r y o f Is r a e l ; by Oesterley YXWVUTSRQPONMLK a n d Robinson Vol 11. Pages 217*227 Da n ie l a n d t h e In t e r -Bib l ic a l Pe r io d ; by B H Carmi). Pt- )8s (98) (2) Verse 40 describes a battle that cannot possibly fit Antiochus, for he never fought a battle with a northern and a southern kingdom at the same time. This battle is very evidently the same as the one under the sixth trumpet. Surely we can correctly say that Russia and her satehtes will form the northern king­ dom, and we can correctly say that the greater part of Europe will be included in the central kingdom, yet it becomes quite difficult to decide exactly what nation, or nations, will constitute the southern kingdom. Today, the world is somewhat divided into three groups. (1). The “East”—Russia and her satclites. (2). The “West”—The United States, England, France, and their allies. (3). The neutral and semi-neutral nations. The Arab nations with India, etc, form the greater part of this third group. To say that the three divisions will form the northern, central and southern kingdoms respectively would probably be a mere matter of speculation There are various suggestions that could be given as to what nation, or nations, will constitute the southern kingdom, yet all of them appear to be quite futile at the present. Whatever may be the case, the central kingdom, led by the Antichrist, will completely subdue the other two kingdoms. (3) . The area covered in verse 43 is much too extended to be applicable to Antiochus. His two expeditions into the south countries reached no further than a part of Egypt. (4). Verse 45 says that this king plants “the tabernacle of his Palace be­ tween the seas in the glorious holy mountain.” Antiochus did not do any­ thing of this nature. The time he spent in Palestine was only temporary. The tabernacle of his palace was always in Syria. -THE END OF THESE WONDERS” Nou*, let 1X5 look int0 ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA ch a p ter 12 w h ere w e w ill fin d th ree p a ssa g es th a t p o in te d ly b ea r u p o n th e m a tte r a t ’h a n d . Look first at verses 1-3. It is most clear that these verses deal YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF w it h the time of the great tribulation, and the resur irdmg of the saints Yet, the first statement of verse 1 , “ A n d rection and’ rewar M:_'hstand :* "? up, "p," at that time shall Michael ” vx e r y. definitely links the latter part of i _ end __j of _.r .t..chapter 11 to the great tribulation at the this-----age. This makes jt very emphatic that,t t h o u g h 11:21 b e g in s to d e s c r ib e Antiochus,, we must apply much of the latter part of the chapter to the deeds of the Antichrist. S e c o n d , let us lo o k at t h e q u e s t io n a s k e d in 12:6, and the answer given in 12:7. The q u e s tio n is , ” H . v . k n g s h a ll !t b e to the end of these wonders?” The a n s w e r is , “ t h a t It shall be for a t im e , t im e s , and an half: and when he shall h a v e a c c o m p lis h e d to s c a t te r t h e p o w e r o f the holy people, all these t h in g s t o l l b e fin is h e d . ’ * E s p e c ia lly f r o m t h e answer we are assured that the q u e s tio n tioned in 1 1 : 3 1-35. This is e x a c tly t h e s a m e e le m e n t to which special s ig n ific a n c e is g iv e n by the r e f e r e n c e to t h e terrible t im e o f tr o u M < m e n t 12 1 T h is m a k e s it imperative that we u n d e r s ta n d that A n t io c h u s w a s a t y p e o f t h e Antichrist, and the t h in g s mentioned which d e s c r ib e the conduct o f Antiochus arc g e n e r a lly applicable to the Antit - w h y t w o o f t h e s e chapters in Daniel _• : ■ ■ H en ce e c o n c lu d e that the d e filin g of the Jewish I. S and saints mentioned in 11:30-36 is a p ­ p lic a b le to Antichrist a s well as to Antiochus. Thud, we should ab< a-, ciatc 11:35 with 12:10. The language in these f the s a m e occasion. It is further .. turn • - 12:7: 12:1; and 11:3 1 * 3 5 . The things dm i! cd •: . 1 . ptcr 12 arc conspicuously a follow-up of the developments (99) described in chapter 11, which again makes it necessary for us to understand that the defiling of the temple and the terrible slaughtering of the Jews and saints spoken of in chapter 11:30-35 is descriptive also of the Antichrist. This gives further reason why Daniel appears to speak of one person from verse 21 through the end of chapter 11. Antiochus is partially under consideration, especially from verse 21 through verse 36, but the Antichrist is under con­ sideration all the way through. Just how much of the language of verses 21 through 36 are directly applicable to the Antichrist, we are not well able to determine. Perhaps it would be well for us to go back to chapter 7 and point out the relationship of each of the succeeding chapters. Chapter 7 branches out into a description of one particular person, the Antichrist. The chapter ends with Daniel being troubled over the vision. No doubt his desire was to under­ stand more about that “diverse" king who troubled Gods people so furiously. It is quite clear that the vision Daniel received in this chapter is complementary to the one in chapter 7, particularly with the one wicked king in mind. We have just seen that Antiochus was unmistakably a type of the Antichrist. Chapter 8 ends with Daniel still troubled over these matters. God's people, saints and Jews, are in the spotlight about as much as their terrible persecutor. Chapter 9 continues to describe the relationship of the people of God (Jews particularly) to this evil one. In chapter 10 we still find Daniel desiring better understanding of these things, and again Gabriel is dispatched to give Daniel the desired understanding. Gabriel had some trouble getting to Daniel, but after he arrived, he spoke to Daniel of many things, but did not give to Daniel in chapter 10 the further explanation of the things that so troubled Daniel. It is very important therefore, that we view chapter 11 as complementary to chapter 9. This understanding will aid us greatly. After Daniel received the teaching concerning the seventy weeks, he desired to know more in relation to the de­ velopments destined to take place within that period. Gabriel was sent for this purpose, and as he gave to Daniel the further understanding, he again cen tered the matter in Antiochus Epiphancs, and therefore the Antichrist It is very needful to read and re-read these prophetic parts of Daniel and mark their relationship to each other. Chapters 10 through 12 should be looked upon as one chapter. POSSIBLE DURATIONS OF END-TIME PERIODS The reader will YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG o b s e r v e th a t th is p a r t ic u la r p a r t is h e a d e d a th< POS I B I I d u r a tio n s of t h e e n d * tii w e can speak emphatically, hut we mu«t l e a litt le more caution^ w ith the others The a r r a n g e m e n t t h a t I w ill g iv e of th e s e p e r io d s a p p i t r s t r ig h t to m e , y e t e a c h o n e not convinced in his own mind. I do not give them with the attitu-’e that thc\ arc absolutely c<) r r tc t , b u t b e c a u s e t particularly in view of the “days" in the book of Daniel Every earnest student o i t h e W r d h a i II I ONML I I different periods of “day ! t h o u g h t s , c o n n e c te d with w h a t h a a lr e a d y been said, will ■ solution. If there <ire s t iff o b je c t ! n C O I h '■ t1 go back to the rally c h a p t the scriptures and explanations given there The scriptures clearly show that there will I • even year1 at ■ ■ time in the very near future, yet before the L o r d return , in which G< J will count (100) time on Israel. The Antichrist will confirm a covenant with many of Israel for one week of years (Dan. 9:27). It is in the midst of this week of years that the Antichrist will be revealed by taking away the daily sacrifice in the temple, and causing an abomination to stand in the holy place (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15). At the same time the Antichrist is revealed in the above way, the great tribulation will begin (Matt. 24:21). It is stated in numerous places that the Antichrist will be given almost unlimited powers for forty-two months. The Holy Spirit will be restraining the Antichrist until this special time appointed by the Father. Abundant proof was given in chapter VI of this work that the forty-two months reign of the Antichrist will be followed by the wrath of God which is for a duration ot 1335 days (Dan. 12:12). Yet there is the very puzzling 1290 days of Dan. 12:11 which begins at the same time that the 1260 days of the reign of the Antichrist (Dan 12:7), but runs 30 days past the ending of the reign of the Antichrist and into the period of God's wrath The question enters our minds as to the purpose of the 30 days. What is the purpose of these days? I be­ lieve it may be possible for us to know. The evidence is abundant and certain that Antiochus Epiphanes was a type of the Antichrist. Since this is true the 2300 days of Dan. 8:13-14 appear to be necessarily applicable to the Antichrist, especially since they do not fit Antiochus. The fulfillment of the 2300 days was to be accomplished when the temple or sanctuary was cleansed, yet we find according to history' that from the time Antiochus defiled the temple until it was cleansed was not anywhere near 2300 days (sec comments on Dan 8) Mark the division of the question asked in Dan 8:13 as follows: “How long shall be (1) the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, (2) and the trans­ gression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?" Some translations vary somewhat from the wording given in the Authorized version, but this appears to be right. It is not possible to fit these days accurately to Antiochus, and I can sec no possible wav for them to begin at the time the temple is defiled “in the midst of the week" and be applicable to the Antichrist. Yet, if we make these da vs begin at the time the Anti­ christ makes the covenant for one week: then they can easily be applicable to him. I believe this YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI la tt e r application is necessarily correct. It this s h o u ld be the c o r r e c t a p p lic a t io n o f t h e s e days, then they would b e g in at t h e s a m e tune th a t t h e a v e n a n t f< r o n e week is made, and w o u ld run to the end of the reign of the Antichrist Christ returns to the earth al end 12< d a y s o f t h e r e ig n o f t h e A n t ic h r is t. Since it will take ■ •me tunc f o i t h e c le a n s in g o f the temple, then the extra 30 days ( o f the 1 2 9 0 D an. 1 11) ir e p i b a b ly t a k e n u p b y t h e c le a n s in g o f t h e t e m p le The th e ta I- . y e t , a s He will have I s r a e l t o cleanse the lai d alter the battle of G o g (Ftck. 38 and 39), He will evidently have them to c le a n s e the temple at this earlier date. L et • v d • a tte r s b r ie fly fo r g r e a t e r c la r ity . The 2 3 0 0 d a y s k b e g in s N o w begin at the m d c u n t b a c k w a r d 1 2 6 0 days. F r o m the b e g in n in g o f th e 1 t fo r w a r d 12? days T h is le a v e s 3 0 d a y s fo r the cleansing : 1 2 6 0 d iy s and count forward 1335 d o f G d 's w r a th w h ic h begins when Christ re turns This will le a v e 1 0 3 0 d a y s f r o m the b e g in n in g o f the 2300 days t o t h e b e g in n in g of d 12( nd 129 d a y s (Please c o n s u lt the chart) d 'ONMLKJIHGFEDC i f all this is t r u e t h e n w e will know at the time tla . th in ■ I ( a m e t o p a s s t h e exact day that the L o r d will (1 0 1 ) come, I will ask that we once again read Matt. 24:21'22, and remember that God has already said that He will cut some of those days off — “but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." How short God will cut them we do not know. If one should object to our knowing the nearness of the Coming then let him remember that Daniel said relative to these things, "the wise shall understand" (Dan. 12:10) Furthermore, the apostle Paul said also concerning these very same things, "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" (I Thess. 5:4). I have tried not to be hasty about these things, and I ask the reader also to exercise patience in the matter. Careful meditations and frequent prayers will greatly encourage a humble and understanding spirit. A quick hurried reading of these matters will cer tainly not provide for an acceptable attitude for constructive criticisms. The book of Daniel should be read and re-read many times before we can anticipate a proper understanding of its very important contents. (102) CHAPTER XII Proph etic Fulfillment in Our Day I am fully aware that there will be a great deal of criticism on the part of some because of this presentation of the end-time. 1 am very thankful that almost all criticism received so far has been very constructive, and was given in the Spirit of Christ. The fact that almost all the brethren who have ex­ amined the matter thus far have accepted it generally, is very encouraging to the author. I pray that as we continue the gracious Master will give us wisdom and open minds for the examination of this last chapter. "NOW LEARN A PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE" I would like to call attention first to those passages which describe the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:12-22; and Mark 11:1-26). To turn and read these scriptures will aid very' greatly in understanding the comments to follow concerning them. As Jesus entered the city He received great praise from the common people, especially the children: but the religious leaders, who represented the people, were very jealous of Jesus and sought to kill Him. This was not the first time they had sought to kill Him, for they were always of this nature; however, they were never able to harm Him until the appointed time. When the appointed time came, we can see how these religious leaders represented the people by the way the people followed them in the crucifixion of Christ. The actions of the Pharisees and sadducees rep­ resented the actions of the people as a whole, and God knew that the people would ultimately follow their self-righteous lords. Though many individuals followed Jesus, and at times it appeared that the whole nation would follow Him, yet the nation in the end followed the Pharisees and Sadducees. There­ fore, each time we read of the Pharisees and Sadducees rejecting Christ, we can look upon it as a national rejection. After Jesus had finished His business in Jerusalem the first day, He retired to Bethany for the night. The next morning as He was leading His disciples back into Jerusalem. He saw a fig tree filled with leaves. Jesus ap­ proached the tree, but when He found no figs He placed a curse upon it. The disciples observed all this, but were not particularly impressed at the time. The following YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED m o r n in g , a f t e r h a v in g reclined a g a in outside the city, they passed by the s a m e t r e e , a n d when the d is c ip le s observed that the tree had already withered, they inquired of Jesus concerning what it meant. The answer J e s u s y. .■ on on faith that they might be fruit bearers. Now, what d id a ll t h is s ig n if y t o t h e d is c ip le s a s well as t o u s? 1 am in full agreement with many others who believe that this is not only a lesson to the disciples and C O U i on h a v in g faith in G o d , but that it speaks of the lack of faith on the part of Israel as a nation, which was personified in the religious leaders, A ven* similar lesson is given in Luke 13:6-9. There is sufficient evidence to show that the fig tree represents Israel. When C h r is t came t o the earth t h e first time, Israel was like a fig tree with a great many leaves, but there was no fruit nationally. The leaves represented their p r o fe m o n ; th. .1 for God” (Rom. 10:1-3), but there was no fruit b e c a u s e d - n a c c o r d in g to knowledge. Their leaves were like the fig leaf ari ;• of Adam and Eve. which spoke of their self-righteousn e a t. T h e y ’’ boh their own righteousness and did not sub­ mit thcm<elve< to the righteousness of God. Their great many leaves, which 003) spoke of their zeal for God, looked very good to the distant observer, but God, who knows the hearts of men, knew that the righteousness which is of faith was not fruitful there. The curse Christ placed upon the fig tree represented His rejection of Israel. The withering of the tree, in the final analysis, repre­ sented their being dispersed into all nations. But, of course, we know that Israel has not been rejected eternally, for, God will, contrary to the natural thinking of men, perform a miracle and bring Israel back into her own land; indeed, God has done this very thing before our eyes. This brings us to the consideration of some other passages. Please turn to Matt. 24:32-33; Mark 13:28-29; and Luke 21:29-31. From the passage in Matthew we read, “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors, Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” What does Jesus mean by the tender branches of the fig tree beginning to put forth leaves? It seems most reasonable to say that such represents Israel’s becoming once more what she was at the time Jesus cursed the fig tree. It speaks of Israel being regathered into her own land and beginning her self-righteous worship there. Still there is no fruit on the tree; only the putting forth of leaves. It certainly appears that Israel is in the budding stage at the present time, which means that the "putting forth of leaves” is in the immediate future. "THIS GENERATION” Jesus follows the reference to the fig tree putting forth leaves, in all three gospels, by saying, "This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be fulfilled.” Jesus could not have bYXWVUTSRQPONM e e n referring to the generation in which He lived because it passed away long ago. It does not appear correct to say that the nation of Israel was the generation to which Jesus had reference, be­ cause the statement implies that the generation under consideration will pass away when the things related to the Lord's coming arc fulfilled, fulfilled. It appears most sensible to say that t h e g e n e r a te n J e s u s had in m mind in d w was u th the < m liv in g case i true at the time the fig tree began to put forth leaves If this latter c?«c he the one < f which and it forcefully appears to be, then our generation must be her Jesus s p o k e , for w e h a v e s e e n IIsrael s r a e l rreturn e t u r n tto o h e r own land, land hhee ri e < as a nation by the world, and begin worshipping God with that zeal of G .J tl t is not according to knowledge But there will be no fruit until Lrael n the Lord coming in glory (Joel 2:30-32 Matt. 23:39. Luke 13 3'. Rom 11 IS Rev. 1:7; Zech. 12:10; Acts 2:20-21) In a d d itio n to the f o r e g o in g t h o u g h ts , 1 ’-’ .ill a g a in < ill fact that we arc living at the v e r y end of the s ix th d a y ( t h e ix t h m ill and the seventh day is the m ille n n iu m o f r e ’ f o r t h e p p ie f G o d ( H The day of the L o r d i < e r ta il ly n ig h a t exactly a certain n u m l e r o f theless, we can b e ju r e th it w I. I I p r e s e n t g e n e r a t io n w ill e x p e r ie i e ill and that God’s people < >f I J o. death very' soon, or. w h o a n he t h e m a r t y r 's d e a th , w ill liv e to see "that blessed hope, a n d th < gloriou Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13) It has often been said that there is nothing el to I. fulfilled before the (1 0 4 ) Lord comes. Observe that such a statement implies that there were many pro­ phecies which were necessary to be fulfilled before the Lord returned, but that they have now been fulfilled. This would mean that the earlier New Testament saints could not think of the Lord's coming as being imminent, or else it would play upon their ignorance of these certain prophecies which even they recorded with understanding. Either way one is caught in his own trap, and should confess that it is clear from Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; etc., that the Lord did not intend for the disciples to understand His return as being imminent. Jesus told His disciples of certain things that must come to pass, and then added the words, "but the end is not yet.” Then Jesus told them of many other things that must come to pass, and then added further, "all these are the beginning of sorrows.” Yes, there were many things to be fulfilled, and there arc yet many things to be fulfilled. fulfilled, The man who believes that this fact gives him him the the opportunity opportunity to to take take aa fill of the pleasures of sin shall suffer the consequences. YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG WHY DID THEY DO IT? What was it that caused Enoch to walk with God? He prophesied that the Lord would come with ten thousands of His saints (Jude 14-15), and evi­ dently understood that such a coming was far away. What could it have been that caused him to walk with God for three hundred years? It was after Methuselah was born to Enoch that he walked with God for this long period. The name Methuselah meant, “at his death the sending forth of waters” (center reference). Why would Enoch give his son such a name as this? Evidently God revealed to him that when his son died, He would destroy the earth by water. Thus, Enoch was not looking for the Lord's Second Coming in his life­ time, yet he walked faithfully with God for three hundred years. Abraham knew he would die (Gen 15:15), yet he also walked with God so faithfully that he was called the friend of God. The seed of Abraham saw the promises “afar off” (Heb. 11), yet joyfully stood the trials of life Moses "had it made” down in Egypt yet he chose to suffer with God's people What caused him to be so faithful? Daniel, one among the great, knew that he would die (Dan. 12:12); yet, how blessed that man was! I can hardly read some parts of his book without shedding tears because of God's great pleasure in him How foolish to imply that God's servants will become unfaithful if they think their Master's return is a few days, weeks, or years a wav! Why is it so important to watch for the Lord? Because the deeds of each day are recorded, and the record will be played for all to sec and hear when the Lord returns. Only a day filled with prayer, confession of sins, study of t h e W o r d , e a r n e s t ly d o in g o u r p a r t to carry the gospel to the nations, etc., will fill iip t h e m e a n in g o f the word “watch” as Jesus used it These things alone will render us acceptable for the receiving of the promised inheritance (Heb 1:14). Of c o u r s e , w e m u s t remember that eternal salvation from hell is NOT an in h e r it a n c e . Getting there “ s o as by fire” is not included in the inheritance Let us watch and pray that we may prevail todav, tomorrow, and when our blessed M a s te r shines u p o n u s in that m o s t radiant glory of the Father PROPHECIES YET TO BE FULFILLED Getting tor the t a in t to the theme of this chapter, I would like to give an enumcr’.. place before that day of blessedness ( a n d ju d g m e n t for all the nations) comes. These are not all back (1 0 5 ) the developments that will come to pass, but they are a few of the outstanding ones. (1). T ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA h e R o m a n e m p ire w ill b e re-esta b lish ed . Probably, it will not bear the same name, yet the nations around the Mediterranean Sea and those ol Europe>e will be united into one powerful empire It is also probable that this empire re will not include all the nations of the old Roman empire at the be­ ginning, although it will, of course, eventually envelope the entire earth This empire is being formed at the very present time One needs only to keep his eyes upon the newspapers, and his ears open to the newscasts, in order to see, or hear, one plea after another being made for a united Europe. The Pope of Rome is very urgently pressing for this unity Daniel chapters 2, 7, and 9 very clearly teach that such will happen. (2) . P a lestin e w ill h e g iven bacl^ to th e J e tts. The Arabs possess half of Jerusalem at the present. We do not at the present know how such things will come about, yet it appears quite evident that the Jews will possess all of Palestine at the time that the covenant for one week is made, which, if true, means that we will in the near future see the Arabs put out of Palestine. This may be done before the Antichrist begins coming into power: however, it may be that he will bring about the expulsion of the Arabs, thus greatly winning the confidence of the Jews. (3) . T h e Jew ish te m p le tvill b e rebuilt. This temple must be rebuilt before the Antichrist makes the covenant with the Jews, for it is quite evident that as soon as the covenant is made, the Jews will e it h e r begin, or will have already begun, their worship in the temple, which the Antichrist stops in the midst of the week (Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:4: Rev. 1 1 : 1 - 3 ) As soon as the Jews are given full possession of their land they will tear down the Arabian temple, site where which I understand is standing on tthe ’.— ~~ — the Jewish temple did, and will again, stand. (4) . Israel w ill b eg in th eir te m p le w o rsh’ ipt' . As 1 have just mentioned, the temple in the midst of the week, the Antichrist will stop the worship in t' which demands that the Jews will he wonrshipping according to the Old Testament order prior to the midst of the week How long the temple will have been rebuilt before the covenant is made, does not appear to be clearly i . Ttainablc yet as soon as it is rebuilt the Jews will no doubt begin their worship there (5). A c o v e n a n t will b e m a d e b e tw e e n th e Jew s a n d th e YXWVUTSR A n t ic h ii V. .. o the content of this covenant will b e is n o t m e n t io n e d in t h r i| my knowledge. Without a d o u b t it will be to t h e a d v a n t a g e of t l ' least to the leading element with w h o m it is m a d e , o r e l» tl to it. I f the c o v e n a n t A n t io c h u s E p ip h a n e s m a d e w it h < ir t a ii I sibly typify the one the A n tic h r is t w ill m a k e w it h t h e J e w s , t h e n it covenant with u n p r in c ip le d r e n e g a d e J e w s . A t t h tim e A n t throne the true high p r ie s t w a s in Syria, a n d h a d b e e n k in g a id I brother of Antiochus who held the throne ju-t pin i t this ti: • 1 true high priest, () n ia s I I I , w a s a le m . A n e v il'h e a r te d J e w b y t h e n a m ■ i |a n ” 1 1 c h i f On this a good occasion to get himself app< inted high pm t, ami t • nt (' III out by going to Antiochus and makin certain I. Jer i- ,.id >' flut.-nn1.; propositions with A n t io c h u ( s e e I and the good high priest put out Tie ugh ti n w a rt r ' ill -• matter, yet God did not count the sanctuary kn • < t« t I (Dan 8) until the o f f e r in g s o f the t e m p le w e r e st I the Abominable sow to be offered on the Jewish Jt ir d , ■ wth th. other defilements. I a m not s e tt in g t h i u p (106) sideration of the reader. (6) . T h e re m a y P O S S IB L Y b e a w ar b e tw e e n a so u th e rn kin g d o m (Dan. 11: 40) a n d th e re-estab lished R o m a n empire b efo re th e m id d le o f th e w eel{. I suggest this possibility on the grounds that Antiochus was a type of the Antichrist, and that the language of Dan 11:21-45, though speaking of Antiochus especi­ ally in the first verses, very definitely speaks of the Antichrist in some parts and probably speaks of him generally all the way through. I readily acknow­ ledge that though Antiochus was a type of the Antichrist, yet it is not neces­ sary for all the things that point to Antiochus in Daniel's prophecies to speak of the Antichrist also. Therefore this serves merely as a suggestion. This may appear to be a far-fetched possibility at the present, yet the future many times opens up things which appeared to be quite unreasonable beforehand. (7) . T h e c o v e n a n t w ill b e b ro ken . I say that the covenant will be broken on the assumption that it will not be made with renegade Jews. If the coven­ ant should be with such evil minded Jews as I have just mentioned, then of course there would not be a breaking of the covenant, even as there was not a breaking of the covenant when Antiochus cast down the sanctuary. Yet, if the covenant is made with the proper persons then there will be the breaking of that covenant at the time the Antichrist is released by the Holy Spirit in the midst of the week. (8) . T h e Jew ish w o rsh ip w ill b e sto p p ed . The scriptures say that the Law (given through Moses) acted as a school master to bring the Jews to Christ. The Antichrist hates anything that points to Christ, therefore at the first good opportunity he shall seek to completely abolish any ordinance of that nature. Dan. 7:25 says that he will seek to change times and seasons, which probably means that he w ill even seek to change the laws of nature, which he also hates because they are ordinances of God. (See the disesusion on the trumpets). (9) . T h e a b o m in atio n o f d e so la tio n - w ill b e p la ced in the Jew ish temple. As soon as the Holy Spirit removes His restraint upon the Antichrist, the Antichrist will endeavor to destroy everything that renders or commands any obedience to Christ. He will begin by commanding all worship to the true God to be stopped, and, as Antiochus, will show his great hatred toward the ordinances of God by causing an abomination to stand in the holy place of the Jewish temple, which renders the w o n h ip o f the temple d e s o la te . An abomina­ tion is a t h in g t h a t is h a te fu l a n d s h a m e fu lly vile D e s o la te m e a n s empty, void, laid w a s te , e t c . The a b o m in a tio n • f d e s o la tio n c a u s e d by the Antichrist will be o n e o f t w o t h in g s , o r m a y b e b o th . ( 1 ) I t m a y be the im a g e of the first IV ■ : w h ic h t h e s e c o n d B e a s t will have m a d e o f him (Rev. 1 3 ) th a t he stands in th. h o i} p la c e (2) It m a y be that the Antichrist himself will be a Gentile ( th ia m a y b e d o u b t f u l), which, if t r u e , m e a n s that when h e s ta n d s in the temple ’it V- ill certainly be an abomina­ tion that makes desolate, for no Gentiles were permitted to enter the innermost parts of the te m p le . (10) . T h e Jew s w ill fle e in to th e m o u n ta in s. Matt 24:15-20 and Rev. YXWVUTSRQ k of h 12:14-17 both speik I '• I s r a e l s h a ll ?.f le —e into the wilderness from the presn t ic h r i t ( a i d S a ta n ) a t the tim e the Antichrist defiles the temple. e n c c o |f thr A Antirh | 1 1 : ■ ”• h id in g in d ie w ild e r n e s s w ill be the exact duration of The • 6, 14; 1 3 : 5 ; D a n . 7-25). the i (11) T h e . ca led . This revelation is made when te m p le of G o d c la im in g that he is God. This is , of course, the same time as just mentioned above. (12) T h e tu - ' w itn esses sh all b eg in th e ir te stim o n y . The two witnesses . t im e that the Antichrist begins his forty- ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA (1 0 7 ) two month s reign. You will observe that the two witnesses begin their testi­ mony and witness for 1260 days (3% years; 42 months; time, times and a divid­ ing of time). This argues against the two witnesses being the churches, Israel, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, etc., because Israel shall be in the wilderness, and the others have been witnessing all down through the ages, The two witnesses are no doubt men. (13) . G ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA re a t m ira cles sh a ll b e p e rfo rm e d by the A n tic h rist. In chapter VIII of this work I have shown that the Antichrist will be permitted to per­ form great miracles and exercise very great powers (II Thess. 2:9-10; R YXW ev. 13:1-18; etc. . (14) There w ill b e a v e ry g rea t sla u g h te r o f sa in ts a n d fe tu s. When the Antichrist comes into power in the midst of the week he will begin to kill every Jew and every saint he possibly can (Dan. 7:22, 25; Rev. 6:9-11; 13:7; etc.) (15) . There w ill h e a g rea t th ree k in g d o m b a ttle. This was covered in the discussion of the sixth trumpet, and also the comments on Dan. 11:40. This war will take place a few months or a year before the end of the reign of the Antichrist. The kingdom of the Antichrist will be centered around Europe and will envelop only that general area until this great battle at which time he brings the whole world under his dominion. (16) . The tw o w itn esses sh a ll b e filled , co m e a live a fte r th re e a n d o n e h a lf d a ys, a n d a scen d in to h ea ven . This shall come to pass very shortly before the end of the reign of the Antichrist, at which time the Lord will come in glory. That day will not catch those who are wise and who belong to the day as a thief (I Thess. 5), though they will not be able to discern the exact day and hour. Even as Paul said that that day would not overtake those who belong to the day as a thief, Jesus also said that some of the days would be chopped o ff. After Jesus had mentioned a number of things that would happen immedi­ ately before the resurrection and rapture, He said. “And when these things b eg in to co m e to pass, th e n look. u p , and lift u p y o u r h ea ds; fo r your redemp­ tion draweth nigh" (Luke 21:25-28). May the blessings of the Lord rest upon all who desire to understand these things that must shortly come to pass. May each of us diligently' search the Word for truly' it has not all been uncovered vet. There is m u c h t o le a n ) The Holy Spirit is ready' to illumine the mind of the earnest searcher "These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word w it h all rea d in ess o f m in d , and sea rch ed th e scriptures daily. wh d t those things were so. Therefore many of them BELIEVED " (Acts 17! 1 - 1 2 ) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY (108) CHART 1 Resurrection and x Rapture/ Covenant for One Week >1 I 1 I I 2300 Days — Dan. 8:14 30 Days of Cleansing. <—> I I I___________ ! Wrath of God Rrivn of Antichrist 1260 Days ----- Church Age — |<---- Seal 1 1335 Days I The Great Tribulation ^1/ I < •Millennium Seals 2'5 Trumpets 1-6 Seal 6 <- Trumpet 7 <- ■All 7 Vials CHART II Holy Spirit Releases Antichrist 'x Antichrist revealed X^ Slaughter of Saints & Jews Follows Resurrection. and Rapture Reign of the Antichrist 1260 Days Seal 2 Trumpet 1 Seal 3 Trumpet 2 Seal 4 Seal 5 -------------------- ----- ----- ---------Trumpet 3 Trumpet 4 Trumpet 5 Trumpet 6 Chart II shows a fairly equal amount of time elapsing between seals 2 through 5, and also trumpets 1 through 6. However, this is not necessarily so, as we can see by the variations of seals 1, 6 and 7, and also trumpets 5 and 7. The fifth trumpet will evidently last five months (Rev. 9:5), which is a little less than one sixth of the reign of the Antichrist which is forty-two months. CHART III Resurrection and Rapture X. Christ Begins to Reign ^X. Wrath of God Begins X^ Judgment Seat of Chri< Battle at Armageddon, Marriage of the Lamb^, Judgment of Harlot Seal ONMLKJIHGFEDCB 6 -> Trumpet 7 Vial 1 YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA < ------ Vial 2 Vial 3 Vial 4 Vial • Vial 7