Ensure thesupplyqualityclimate resiliencefutureof coffee

World Coffee Research unites the global coffee industry to drive science-based agricultural solutions to urgently secure a diverse and sustainable supply of quality coffee today and for generations to come.
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What We Do

Ensuring the future of coffee.

Agricultural Innovation

We drive research to preserve origin diversity and secure future supply.

Farmers to Roasters

Our inclusive approach ensures innovations deliver shared value for farmers, origins, and industry.

A Sustainable Sector

Our members are committed to the long term sustainability of the coffee, its people and communities.

Our challenges

Challenges today, opportunities tomorrow.

Innovation solves critical challenges and creates new and unimagined opportunities.

60% of global coffee supply comes from smallholder farmers.1

Farmers who have access to tools, technology, and knowledge are more likely to be profitable and to stick with farming.

5 countries produce 74% of the world’s coffee2

The world’s coffee supply is consolidating. Thriving origin diversity brings the economic benefits of coffee to farmers in more countries and gives roasters choices.

Coffee faces a $452 million/year innovation crisis3

To prevent supply instability, consolidation, and loss we need $452 million more per year to be invested in coffee agricultural R&D.

We are facing supply shortages of millions of bags4 as soon as 20305

Estimated demand for coffee is steadily increasing while climate change puts more pressure on landscapes. More productive varieties can help us meet the challenge.

Join Us

We are 190+ companies working together across the globe.

We create the foundation for a vibrant and sustainable coffee sector.

Tools and resources

Information is power.

We develop global tools and resources to support farmers, technicians, breeders, roasters, and policymakers to drive impact at scale for millions of farmers.

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