That was horrible
That was beautiful
The tumblr experience
I set my phone down on the couch next to my husband and after 30 seconds the sound randomly turned on. He thought it was funny so he just let it play. And repeat. After about the sixth or seventh time he looks up and goes "that's not Careless Whisper"
This is the most wholesome and whimsical version of “I was betrayed an injured. Now I want to betray and injure others.”
ne-feli asked:
Does Mr. Mochi attempt to parent Herschel often?
gallusrostromegalus answered:
Yeah but he’s not very good at it.
Herschel is Extremely baby, and loves to BE babied (snuggled, spoken to in a bay voice, carried around), but Mochi’s idea of parenting is things like “Sit directly on top of the baby’s crate or other overhang and WATCH HIS EVERY MOVE. I’M SO GOOD AT BEING A GUARDIAN”. We call this behavior “Batmanning” and Herschel finds it very intimidating because his breeder ALSO bred maine coons and Cats Looming From On High was what the maine coons did before pouncing on him.
Mochi also tries to groom Herschel with slightly more success. Mochi is very good at grooming himself, but can’t quite cope with Herschel’s ROBUST Spitz double coat so he mostly grooms Herschel’s face, and by that I mean “shoves his face into Herschel’s ear canal as deep as possible, and licks up earwax, which Mochi inexplicably loves the flavor of.” It’s more sucessful because Herschel apparently enjoys this and will patiently sit there, and return the favor by trying to jam his anteater-like tongue as far into mochi’s ears as possible.
“That’s disgusting.” I hear you say.
They’re animals. They’re all at least a bit gross. We too, are animals, and at least a bit gross. Lets get you some snacks.
cancel your plans we’re thinking about the pale blue dot voyager pic tonight