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Curriculum Vitae

University of the Witwatersrand, Department of International Relations, Faculty Member
Curriculum Vitae Name: Address: Prof Dr Malte Brosig University of the Witwatersrand Department of International Relations Private Bag 3 Wits 2050 Johannesburg South Africa Orcid ID Career and Education 08/2021 Appointment full Professor in International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 10/2015 Appointment Associate Professor in International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 5/2012 Appointment Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2/2009 Appointment Lecturer in International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 6/2008 Viva voce PhD, University of Portsmouth, pass with minor amendments 02/-07/2007 Visiting Research Fellow, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Comenius University, Bratislava 07/2006-2008 PhD student, Centre for European and International Studies Research, University of Portsmouth 01/-06/2006 Visiting Research Fellow and Lecturer, University of Tartu 2005 PhD student at the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education, Magdeburg University. 8/2004 ‘Magister Artium’ (combined BA/MA) in Politics, Department of Political Sciences, Hanover University 2002 Exchange student at Helsinki University, studies in International Law, International Relations and Human Rights 1999-2004 Hanover University, ‘Magister’ (combined BA/MA) studies in Politics and Modern History 1998-1999 Göttingen University, studied History, Ancient History and Law 1 Grants & Awards 2023-2025 2023-2026 2022-2025 2022-2023 2019-2020 2017-2018 2016 2015 2014 2014-16 2013 2013 2011-12 2011-12 2011 2010 2007 2006-09 2006 2004 2004 European Commission, PolyCIVIS, consortium grant €1.2m European Commission, Horizon Democracy, The EU Navigating Multilateral Cooperation, NAVIGATOR, consortium grant €2.9m Norwegian Research Council: ADHOCISM: Ad hoc crisis response and international organisations EUR in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, European University Institute and Maastricht University €1.2m PhD retreat Wits IR Department, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation R250,000. Foreign Policy Symposium, Regional Powers in Global Politics, SA and GER in the UN Security Council KAS R300,000 “Deepening BRICS Cooperation in Areas of Peace and Security” funded by the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) R450,000. Small-Team-Grant, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand R80,000 Workshop “South African Solutions for African Problems” funded by the Hanns-SeidelFoundation R70.000 Workshop The African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC) funding from the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) R159,045 University Research Council, Postdoc Fellowship R183,000 per annum for Dr Norman Sempijja Research Promotion Grant, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, R70,000 SPARC Fund Wits, Author Workshop, the African Security Regime Complex at Trent Nottingham University, R60,000 European Union, Jean Monnet Programme (Lifelong Learning), project grant application with Dr. Marie Gibert “The European Union in the New African Security Regime: Role and Influence” €29,775 Mellon Foundation, research grant “The African Peace and Security Architecture: Explaining the Emergence and Impact of an Inter-locking System of Regional Governance and Organisational Interplay” R70,200 Mellon Foundation, Post-doc grant for Dr. Marie Gibert R144,000 University of the Witwatersrand, Ad hoc grant, field research in Kosovo R24,500 Scholarship, University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), for research in Slovakia £2,750 Full bursary student, Centre for European and International Studies Research, University of Portsmouth, £38,088 Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service, for research in Estonia € 7,787 Stipend, Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation €500 Conference funding “Human Rights in Europe” by the German Institute for Human Rights and Friends of the University of Hanover €2,062 Academic Positions 2022 Nov. 2019 Nov-Dec 2018 Since 2016 Since 10/2015 04-06/2015 2014 2013 Visiting Fellow, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Visiting Professor, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing Visiting Professor, University of Konstanz Editorial board member Contemporary Security Policy (CSP) Associate Research Fellow at the German Institute Global and Areas Studies (GIGA) Institute of African Affairs Visiting Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA, Hamburg Senior Fellow (non-resident) Canadian Center for the Responsibility to Protect, Monk School of International Relations, University of Toronto. Associate Editor European Security 2 Since 2012 Since 2010 2010-2018 Since 2010 2007-2013 Since 2006 2005-2006 2005 Member International Studies Association Editorial board member, Journal of International Organization Studies Non-resident Senior Research Associate at the European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg MA coordinator department of international relations Member of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies Member of DVPW German Political Science Association, Chair Working Group on Human Rights until 2018. German Council on Foreign Policy, Central Europe Programme. Chair of the working group „Potential and risk of historical memories along ethnic conflict lines and regional development“. Second Central Europe Forum, Budapest 2006. Junior Fellowship, Collegium Pontes, Görlitz Reviewer (Institutions and Publishers) : Cambridge University Press Council on Higher Education, Pretoria, accreditation of new IR honours programme Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Universities research output panel Deutsche Studienstiftung, Promotionsstipendien Exeter University Press German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Southern Africa Stipends German Research Foundation (DFG) Oxford University Press Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies Routledge Books, Military, Strategic and Security Studies Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Université de Strasbourg Institut d'Etudes Avancées ZED Books Reviewer (Journals) African Journal of Political Science and International Relations African Studies Africa Spectrum European Security Foreign Policy Analysis Geopolitics Civil War Conflict, Security and Development Contemporary Security Policy Defence Studies Global Change Peace & Security Global Governance Global Society Global Studies Quarterly Globalizations Politikon International Affairs International Peacekeeping International Studies Online International Studies Review Journal for Contemporary History Journal of Asian and African Studies Journal of European Integration Journal of International Organizations Studies Journal of Contemporary European Research Journal of Common Market Studies Journal of International Peacekeeping Journal of International Relations and Development 3 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe Review of International Studies South African Journal of International Affairs Third World Quarterly University Teaching Courses I’m teaching regularly: Qualitative Research Methods, MA and PhD students This course is designed for MA students with the aim to prepare them with the necessary research skills for writing their research report or dissertation. The course primarily addresses questions of qualitative research design and political science methodology. Emphasis will be given to theory testing and development, conducting case study analysis, classical and advanced comparative research methods, process tracing, text and discourse analysis and survey and interview techniques. African Conflicts, postgraduate seminar This seminar examines conflicts and conflict resolution processes in Africa since the 1990s. It aims to expose students to the causes, courses, and consequences of African conflicts and efforts to resolve them. Situating these conflicts within the internal, regional, and external contexts furnishes a broader perspective on how they have evolved and been resolved. In the first four weeks, attention will focus on some conceptual explanations for conflict causation such as the greed vs grievance thesis, the role of natural resources, ethnicity or religion in conflict. The second part if the course focusses in efforts to conflict resolution starting with the liberal peace idea, international peacebuilding and peacekeeping efforts. Special emphasis will be given to the protection of civilians and the use of force in peacekeeping missions. European Integration, MA and honors students This course provides an introduction into the European Union, its evolution, composition and functions. From the earliest beginnings of the European Coal and Steel Community to the European Community and the Lisbon Treaty, the EU has emerged as a powerful international actor. This begs questions: Why and how did all of this occur? What will the future of the EU be - will it become a unified and independent entity or will it remain a collection of sovereign states? These are just some of the questions this course hopes to answer. To do so will require an extensive analysis of political, economic and security factors by examining all the main actors in Europe, both at the state and regional level. A critical analysis of historical events, current crises and a thorough understanding of common regional integration theories will be at the core of this course. International Organizations, lecture undergraduate level This course is designed as a specialized study of International Organizations (IOs) which have been important actors in International Relations. It will chart a clear route for the IR student to better navigate his/her understanding of IOs. The course includes the historical and theoretical perspectives on IOs. It provides an introduction into new institutionalism as an analytical tool to understand how IOs are structured and operate. The course aims to get students critically think about the role of global IOs within global governance and in contrast to inter-state relations. The focus will be equally on global organizations such as United Nations and regional ones like the European Union and African Union setting them in the complex of a dynamic and interdependent world. Further courses: Peacekeeping in Global and Regional Governance Structures: Perspectives, Challenges and Persistent Issues, Summer 2018, University of Konstanz. International Relations Theories, undergraduate level 3rd years. Summer 2018 International Organizations, Seminar, Postgraduate Level, University of the Witwatersrand 2009-2010 4 Co-lecturing, MA level, ‘Democratisation and Transition in Eastern Europe’, summer semester 2007-8, University of Portsmouth Co-lecturing, MA level, ‘EU Institutions, Law and Theories’ winter semester 2007-8, University of Portsmouth Combined seminar and lecture, BA level, ‘International Relations Theory’, Comenius University, Bratislava, spring term 2007 Seminar, BA level, ‘The European Human Rights Regime’, University of Tartu, spring 2006 Publications In preparation With Karlsrud, John (2023) “Deinstitutionalizing Global Governance: Military Ad Hoc Coalitions in Africa” (2023) ‘Global Order, Polycrisis and the War against Ukraine” Forthcoming (2024) “Peacekeeping” in Kleynhans and Wyss (eds) Oxford Handbook of African Defence and Armed Forces. Oxford University Press. With Bastien Nivet (2023) “From Regional Organizations to ad-hoc Coalitions for Intervention: Francophone Africa and Contemporary Security Challenges” in Chafer, Tony and Vince, Natalya (eds) The Routledge Handbook on Francophone Africa. (2023) “BRICS” in Engel, Ulf, Herplosheimer, Jens and Mattheis, Frank (eds). Handbook: The Globalisation Projects of Regional Organisations. Monographs (2021) Africa in a Changing Global Order Marginal but Meaningful? Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (2019) The Role of BRICS in Large Scale Armed Conflict: Building a Multi-Polar Order. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (2015) Cooperative Peacekeeping in Africa: Exploring the African Security Regime Complex. London & New York: Routledge. (2011) The Diffusion of Human Rights Standards Minority Rights in Estonia and Slovakia. Saarbrücken: Lambert Press. Editorships peer-reviewed journals: special issues (2013) guest editor “The African Security Regime Complex” African Security 6(3-4) 171-332. (2012) with T. Agarin guest editor “The Implementation Trap? Trajectories of Minority Rights Issues in Europe” Perspectives on European Politics and Societies 12 (4) 385-512. (2011) guest editor “The Interplay of International Organizations in Africa” South African Journal of International Affairs 18(2) 143-256. 5 Peer-reviewed journal articles With Lecki, Markus (2023) “Regional Powers in the UN Security Council: The Quest for meaningful Participation” International Spectator online first. (2023) “Military Ad-hoc Coalitions Functional Differentiation in Organizational Interplay” European Journal of International Security, online first. (2023) “More than just productive? Evaluating Germany’s Term at the UN Security Council 2019-2020” International Peacekeeping, online first. Brosig, Malte, Plank, Friedrich and Reykers, Yf (2023). “Governance through Regime Complexity: What role for the EU in the African Security Regime Complex?” Politics & Governance 11(2) 72-83. Reyker, Yf, Karlsrud, John, Brosig, Malte, Hofmann, Stephanie, Maglia, Cristiana, Rieker, Pernille (2023) “Ad hoc coalitions in global governance: a conceptual framework” International Affairs 99(2), 727-745. With, Lecki, Markus (2022) “The African Three (A3) in the UN Security Council: Translating Agency into Influence?” politikon 49 (3) 254-273. (2021) “Has BRICS lost its Appeal? The Foreign Policy Value Added of the Group” International Politics (online first) (2021) “Fit for Purpose? BRICS and Inner-Group Conflicts” Global Policy 12(4). 529-533. (2020) “Restricted Complexity: A Middle Path between Postmodern Complexity Theory and Positivist Mainstream IR” International Studies Review 22 (4) 1015-1019. With Zähringer, Natalie (2020) “Conceptualising the African Union as Organized Hypocrisy: The Responsibility to Protect as a Contested Norm” South African Journal of International Relations 27(1) 123. (2020) “A Role Model for Africa or Exceptional Engagement? Assessing China’s South Sudan Experience” Journal of Contemporary China 29(126), 871-886. (2020) “Whither a Theory of Inter-organisational Relations :A Burgeon Field of Research Between Conceptual Innovation and Fragmentation,” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 14:2, 171-186 (2019) “Ten Years of BRICS: Global Order, Security and Peacekeeping,” International Peacekeeping 26(5) 521-526. With Sempijja, Norman (2018) “Does Peacekeeping Reduce Violence? Assessing Comprehensive Security of Contemporary Peace Operations in Africa”. Stability: International Journal of Security & Development 7(1): 4, 1–23. With Sempijja, Norman (2018) “Human Development and Security Sector Reform: The Examples of Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo” African Security 11(1) 59-83. (2017) “Rentier Peacekeeping in Neo-Patrimonial Systems: The Examples of Burundi and Kenya” Contemporary Security Policy 38(1) 109-128. With Sempijja, Norman (2017) “What Peacekeeping Leaves behind: Evaluating Multi-dimensional Peace Operations in Africa” Conflict, Security & Development 17 (1) 21-52. With Zähringer, Natalie (2015) “Norm Evolution a Matter of Conformity and Contestedness: South Africa and the Responsibility to Protect” Global Responsibility to Protect 7(3) 352-378. (2015) “Le régime de sanctions internationales à l’égard de la Libye : la quête d’un changement de régime au sein d’une gouvernance internationale fragmentée”, Revue internationale et stratégique, 2015/1 n° 97, 139-148. 6 (2014) “The African Peace and Security Architecture and its Partners: A Survey” African Security Review 23(3) 225-242. With Dimpho Motsamai (2014) “Modeling Cooperative Peacekeeping: Exchange Theory and the African Peace and Security Regime” Journal of International Peacekeeping 18(1-2) 45-78. (2014) EU Peacekeeping in Africa: From Niche Selection to Interlocking Security Governance” International Peacekeeping 21(1), 74-90. (2013) “The African Security Regime Complex: Exploring Converging Actors and Policies” African Security 6(3-4) 171-190. (2013) “Mediocre by Nature? Converging Actors and Policies: Some Cumulative Results” African Security 6(3-4) 317-332. (2013) “Interregionalism at a Crossroads: African-European Crisis Management in Libya A Case of Organized Inaction” Journal of International Organization Studies 4(2) 57-74. With T Agarin (2012) “Introduction” Perspectives on European Politics and Societies 12 (4) 385-389. (2012) “No Space for Constructivism? A Critical Appraisal of the European Compliance Research” Perspectives on European Politics and Societies 12 (4) 390-407. (2011) “Introduction to the Special Issue on International Organisations in Africa” South African Journal of International Affairs 18(2) 143-146. (2011) “Overlap and Interplay in International Relations: Theories and Approaches” South African Journal of International Affairs 18(2) 147-167. (2011) “The Interplay of International Institutions in Kosovo Between Convergence, Confusion and Niche Capabilities” European Security 20(2) 185-204. (2011) “The Emerging Peace and Security Regime in Africa: The Role of the EU” European Foreign Affairs Review 16 (1), 107-122. (2010) “The Multi-Actor Game of Peacekeeping in Africa” International Peacekeeping 17 (3), 327-342. (2010) “The Challenge of Implementing Minority Rights in Eastern Europe” Journal of European Integration 32 (4), 283-301. (2008) “A Plan for the Future? The Estonian State Integration Programme 2000-2007” Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Issue 1 2008. Editorship books With Hasenkamp (eds) (2015) Menschenrechte, Bildung und Entwicklung. „Human Rights, Education and Development“ Opladen, Farmington Hills: Budrich UniPress. (2015) with T. Agarin (eds) The Implementation Trap? Trajectories of Minority Rights Issues in Europe. London, New York: Routledge. (2012) editor volume The Responsibility to Protect –From Evasive to Reluctant Action?The Role of Global Middle Powers Johannesburg: Hanns Seidel Foundation, Institute for Security Studies, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and South African Institute for International Affairs. (ed. with Agarin) (eds) (2009). Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: Debating Ethnic Diversity in Eastern Europe Between Diversity and Equality. Amsterdam and New York: Ropodi. 7 (ed. with Kinga Kas) (2008) Teaching Theory and Academic Writing: A Guide to Undergraduate Lecturing in Political Science, Leverkusen Opladen: Budrich Uni Press. (ed. with Pänke, J., Schuch,G., Kocot,R., Olearius, A., Stankiewicz, S.) (eds) (2007). Gegenwart der Vergangenheit, Die politische Aktualität historischer Erinnerung in Mitteleuropa, Baden-Baden: NOMOS. Brosig (ed.) (2006) Human Rights in Europe A fragmented Regime? Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang. Book chapters (2022) journal article reprint “A Role Model for Africa or Exceptional Engagement? Assessing China’s South Sudan Experience” in Suisheng Zhao (ed) China’s Big Power Ambition under Xi Jinping Narratives and Driving Forces. London: Routledge. (2022) “Regional Trade Regimes in Africa: Exploring Organizational Overlap and Externalities” in Muntschick, Johannes (ed) Regionalism in Africa and External Partners. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 3560. (2019) “Die EU am Horn von Afrika” Kollmer, Dieter, Mückusch, Andreas and Konopka, Torsten (ed.) Wegweiser zur Geschichte – Horn von Afrika, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, Potsdam, 209-220. With Sempijja (2017) “From Idea to Practice to Failure? Evaluating Rapid Response Mechanisms for African Crises” in Mandrup and Very (eds) The African Standby Force. Quo Vadis? Bloemfontein: African Sun Web Media, 123-140. (2017) “Regime Complexity and Resource Exchange in International Peacekeeping: The Example of Somalia and the Central African Republic” in Biermann & Koops (eds) Palgrave Handbook of Interorganizational Relations. Palgrave MacMillan 447-470. (2014) “Security Regime Complexity: A new Perspective in Security Studies?” in Felix Dane (ed) Multilateral Security Governance: XI Conference of Forte de Copacabana International Security A European – South American Dialogue. Rio de Janeiro Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 27-40. (2013) “The African Union A Partner for Security” in Biscop & Whitman (eds) The Routledge Handbook of European Security, 292-301. With David Galbreath (2012) “EU and OSCE Cooperation” in Knud Erik Jørgenson and Kati Verlin Laatikainen (ed) The Routledge Handbook of European Union and International Institutions. New York, Oxon: Routledge, 271-281. (2012) “Implementing Soft Law: The Case of Equality Promotion” European Yearbook on Minority Rights 2010 Volume 9, 147-166. (2012) “Introduction: Responsibility to Protect: The GIBSA Perspective” in Brosig (Ed) The Responsibility to Protect –From Evasive to Reluctant Action? The Role of Global Middle Powers, Johannesburg: Hanns Seidel Foundation, Institute for Security Studies, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and South African Institute for International Affairs, 1-10. (2012) “Conclusion: R2P – Not Evasive but Still Reluctant Action in Brosig (Ed) The Responsibility to Protect –From Evasive to Reluctant Action? The Role of Global Middle Powers, Johannesburg: Hanns Seidel Foundation, Institute for Security Studies, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and South African Institute for International Affairs, 119-124. (2010) “Governance between International Institutions: Analysing Interaction Modes between the EU, the Council of Europe and the OSCE” Galbreath & Gebhardt (eds.) Cooperation or Conflict? Problematizing Organizational Overlap in Europe. London: Ashgate, 29-58. 8 with T. Agarin (2009) "Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: An Introduction" in T. Agarin & M. Brosig (eds.) Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: Between Diversity and Equality. Amsterdam, NY: Ropodi, 7-23. (2009) "The Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and Equality Promotion" in T. Agarin & M. Brosig (eds.) Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: Between Diversity and Equality. Amsterdam, NY: Ropodi, 95-128. with T. Agarin (2009) "Multicultural Solutions for Central and Eastern Europe? Concluding Observations" in T. Agarin & M. Brosig (eds.) Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: Between Diversity and Equality. Amsterdam, NY: Ropodi, 441-474. (2009) Balla, Brosig et al. "Europäisierung der Diplomatie. Curriculare Überlegungen für ein gemeinsames Graduiertenkolleg Diplomatie der Länder Mitteleuropas" in Vogt et al. (eds) Europäisierung im Alltag, Schriften des Collegium Pontes, Band IV, Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 61-106. (2008) "Gaining abstract knowledge through problem-based learning” in Kas and Brosig (eds) Teaching Theory and Academic Writing: A Guide to Undergraduate Lecturing in Political Science, Leverkusen Opladen: Budrich Uni Press, 45-54. (2006) "Human Rights in Europe: An Introduction" in Brosig (ed.) Human Rights in Europe - A fragmented Regime? Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag, 9-29 (2006) “Diffusing Fragmented Human Rights Standards: Minority Rights in Estonia" in Brosig (ed.) Human Rights in Europe - A fragmented Regime? Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag, 137-152. (2005) "Normdiffusion als Prozess der Europäisierung: Die Slowakei und europäische Minderheitenstandards" in Salimi-Asl, C., Wrasse, E., Schuch, G. (eds) Die Transformation nationaler Politik Europäisierungsprozesse in Mitteleuropa, DGAP-Schriften zur internationalen Politik, 225-245. Other publications (policy briefs etc.) (2022) “Ad Hoc Coalitions in a Changing Global Order” GIGA Focus Global, Number 4, October 2022. (2021) “Effective Multilateralism in Difficult Times? Evaluating Germany’s and South Africa’s Term at the UN Security Council, 2019–2020” Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, South Africa, “South Africa on the UN Security Council: Priorities and challenges” Africa Portal 20 June 2018. „Do peacekeepers bring peace?” Africa Portal (2017) 13 November 2017. (2016) Peacekeeping within African Regime Complexity, Sustainable Security 22 April 2016, With Sempijja (2015) “The African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis: Advice for African Policy Makers” SAIIA Policy Insights No 22, July 2015. (2014) “African Solutions for African Problems or Meddling in your Neighbours Conflict? Is Peacekeeping increasing inter-state tensions? ITPCM International Commentary 10(36), 13-19. (2013) South African Solutions to African Problems? A new Dawn in Peacekeeping” The BRICS Post, 19 December 2013. (2013)” Thinking Beyond the Disaster on the Central African Republic” Opinion analysis Africa Portal. 9 (2013) “An inter-locking security system for R2P: Are we there yet” in Eduarda Passarelli Hamann Robert Muggah (eds) Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: New Directions for Peace and Security? Igarapé Institute, Brasilia, 18-23. (2012) Ten Years on and Still Under Construction: The African Peace and Security Architecture” eInternational Relations, 19. September 2012. (2008) “New Modes of Cooperation between the EU and Council of Europe” CFSP Forum, Vol. 6 (4), 913. (2008) Review Webportal, “Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights”, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 2(1), 170-172. (2005) "Integration der Desintegrierten? Zu den Perspektiven einer europäischen Minderheitenpolitik" Arbeitspapiere und Materialien - Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Bremen, Nr. 70 Integration und Ausgrenzung im Osten Europas, Beiträge für die 13. Tagung junger Osteuropa Experten, 111-114. (2005)"Am Rande Europas, Mehrheiten und Minderheiten in Estland" Pogrom (231_3/2005) 36-39. (2005) "Europäische Menschenrechte - Konferenz in Hannover" Welttrends,13 (47), 197-199. Guest Lectures & Events Guest Lecture “The Role of BRICS in Large Scale Armed Conflict” South African Institute for International Affairs, Johannesburg 28 January 2020. Guest Lecture “Is BRICS a Security Actor? The Role of the Group in Armed Conflict” Peking University, Beijing 27 November 2019. Guest Lecture “The Role of BRICS in Large Scale Armed Conflict” German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg 15 August 2019. Guest Lecture “Building a multipolar world order: the role of BRICS in large-scale armed conflict” International Institute for Strategic Studies London 6 September 2019 Workshop organizer: Foreign Policy Forum: South Africa’s Presidency in the UNSC, 8 Oct. 2019 Wits, Johannesburg. Workshop organizer: Foreign Policy Forum: Leaders or Laggards. The Role of the E10 in the UNSC. 15 May 2019, Wits Johannesburg Workshop organizer: Foreign Policy Forum: Regional Powers in Global Politics. International Law in Retreat? Causes and Consequences of Great Power Rivalry, 25 April 2019 Johannesburg. Public lecture: South Africa and R2P, Center for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, 30 March 2017. Public lecture: “What peacekeeping Leaves behind: Evaluating Multi-dimensional Impact” 21 Feb. 2017 UN Foundation, Washington D.C. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” University of Cape Town 5 Nov. 2014. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” Rhodes University 31 Oct 2014 10 Lecture “An Introduction to Peace Building” European Center for Minority Issues, Summer School Alternative Approach to Reconciliation, 24 August 2014, Flensburg. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” University of Hanover 16 June 2014. Lecture “From Non-Intervention to Intervention and back? South Africa and R2P” Canadian Center for the Responsibility to Protect, University of Toronto, 29 March 2014. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” Centre for Area Studies, University of Leipzig 12 December 2013. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” Africa House Berlin, 11 December 2013. Lecture “The African Security Regime Complex” University of Bremen, 16 July 2013 Lecture “Disentangling Organisational Interplay: International Organisations in Global and Regional Security Governance“ University of Siegen 28 November 2011. Lecture, “Weak and Ineffective? The AU, African Sub-Regional Organisations & The Future of International Human Rights Intervention in Africa.” The International Human Rights Exchange Programme-IHRE Bard College New York-University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 19 May 2011. Lecture “The Multi-Actor Game of Peacekeeping in Africa” China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 15 March 2010. Lecture „The Future of Minority and Human Rights in Europe after EU Enlargement“ Berlin 2nd February 2008 Heinz-Schwarzkopf-Foundation. Lecture “From norm adoption to implementation: The challenge of norm diffusion in Eastern Europe” Vienna 7th November 2008 Institute for European Integration Research. Lecture “Planning and conducting European studies fieldwork” UACES Studentforum, London 10th November 2008. Public and Media Engagement Live TV interview, eNCA, Russia-Africa Summit, 25 July 2023 Live radio interview, radio 702, munity in Russia, 26 June 2023 Live TV interview, SABC News, munity in Russia, 26 June 2023 Live TV interview, eNCA, munity in Russia, 26 June 2023 Live TV interview, eNCA, SA arms shipment to Russia, 13 May 2023 Live TV interview, eNCA, SA withdrawal from ICC, 26 April 2023 Interview, NIKKEI Financial, SA foreign policy over Ukraine, 23 Feb. 2023 Interview, Reuters, SA position to war in Ukraine, 20. Jan. 2023 Live radio interview, 702, SA position to war in Ukraine, 26 Jan. 2023 Live radio interview, Salaammedia, SA position to war in Ukraine, 26 Jan. 2023 Live TV interview, SABC news, Ukraine war, 16. November 2022 Live, radio interview, FM702, Russia, sanctions, 6. Sep. 2022 11 Live TV interview, SABC News, Ukraine, 25 Feb. 2022 Live TV, interview, Chancellor Scholz visit in South Africa, SABC, 24 May 2022 Live TV, interview, Invasion of Ukraine, SABC, 5 March 2022 Live radio interview, 702, Invasion of Ukraine, 4 March 2022 Live TV interview, SABC News, Invasion of Ukraine, 25 Feb. 2022 Live radio interview, Radio Islam, German elections, 27 Sep. 2021 Live radio interview, SAfm, German elections, 27 Sep. 2021 Live TV interview, CGTN, German elections, 26 Sep. 2021 Live TV interview, CGTN, SCO, 22 Sep. 2021 Live radio interview, SAfm, German elections, 21 Sep. 2021 Live radio interview, SAfm, , SA-GER relations, Merkel visit, 6 Feb. 2020. Live TV interview, SABC News, SA-GER relations, Merkel visit, 6 Feb. 2020 Live TV interview, SABC News, BREXIT, 31 January. 2020. Live radio interview, Salaamedia, Libya Conference in Berlin, 21 January 2020 Live radio interview, SAfm, Libya Conference in Berlin, 21 January 2020 Live radio interview, SAfm, G5 Sahel Summit in Paris, 14 January 2020 Live radio interview, Channel Africa, Russia-Africa Summit, 24 Oct. 2019. Live radio interview, Channel Africa, SA in the UNSC, 10 October 2019, Live radio interview, SAfm, EU elections, 13 May 2019, Live radio interview, PowerFM, Brexit, 1 April 2019 Telephone Interview German TV news, heute, 17 November 2018. Live radio interview, SAFm, Brexit, 16 November 2018, Live radio interview, SAFm, Brexit, 23 October 2018 Live radio interview, SAFm, Scotland and Brexit, 9 October 2018 Live radio interview, SAFm, Brexit, 18 September 2018 TV interview CGTN, SA-Russian relations, 9 May 2018 Live TV interview, eNCA, Syria, 17 April 2018 12 Live Radio Interview, Salaamedia, SA foreign policy under Ramaphosa, 14 March 2018 Interview, Voice of America, African development, 18 Nov. 2017 Interview Radio, France International, South Sudan, 3 Nov. 2017 Live TV interview eNCA, French Elections, 8 May 2017 Live TV interview eNCA, French Elections, 27 April 2017 Live Radio interview, Power FM, UK Snap Elections19 April 2017 Live TV interview SABC News 4pm and 7pm, UK Snap Elections, 18 April 2017 Live TV interview, SABC News, Trump in international relations, 28 Jan. 2017 Email interview with Turkish news agency Anadolu, on EFF and Malema land redistribution, 9 Nov. 2016 Phone interview, DRUM Magazine, SA leaving the ICC, 25 Oct. 2016 Phone interview Radio France, South Sudan, 30. July 2016. Phone interview with Obinna Anyadike, Africa editor IRIN news 13 July 2016. Live TV interview, SABC News, Terror attack in Brussels, 24 March 2016 Interview for Foreign Policy, situation in Burundi, 2 February 2016 Live TV interview, SABC News, UNSC visit to Burundi, 21 January 2016. Written interview with Ventures Africa, EU and Migration, 31 August 2015. Live TV interview, eNCA, Obama speech at AU, 29 July 2015. Live radio interview, Ubuntu, AU Summit in Johannesburg, 9 June 2015. Interview for the Canadian International Council, 8 May 2015 Briefing for Deputy Head of the Austrian Embassy on Southern African Politics 19 Jan. 2015. Briefing on the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis (ACIRC) to Liesl Louw Vaudran freelance journalist, 26 Nov. 2014. Live TV interview, SABC News, Fall of Berlin Wall, 9 Nov. 2014. Live TV interview, SABC News, German economy, 14 Oct. 2014. Live TV interview, SABC News, Ukrainian crisis, 4 Sep. 2014. Live radio interview, Power FM, Ukrainian crisis, 3 Sep. 2014. Live TV interview, eNCA, Ukrainian crisis, 1 Sep. 2014. 13 Live TV interview, SABC News, EU sanctions on Russia, 31 July 2014. Briefing for Medecins sans Frontieres, Dimitri Eynikel on CAR, 19 May 2014. Live TV interview, CCTV9 Africa live, South Sudan, 29 April 2014. Live TV interview, SABC News, Ukraine, Crimea, 13 March 2014. Live TV interview, eNCA, Ukraine Crimea, 6 March 2014. Interview Simon Allison, Daily Maverick, UN in CAR, 4 March 2014. Live TV interview, TV2 News Denmark, 19 Feb 2014. CCTV9 Africa live, live TV interview on Elections in South Africa, 7 Feb. 2014 CCTV9 Africa live, live TV interview on Central African Republic, 17 Jan. 2014 Email Interview with Javier Blas, Financial Times 8 Jan. 2014 Radio interview live, Power FM, on ICC and Africa, 13 Nov. 2013 Briefing DIRCO US Spying on Germany 25 Oct 2013 CCTV 9 Africa Live, live TV interview on France and the CAR, 14 Oct. 2013. CCTV 9 Africa Live, live TV interview on AU-ICC relations 9 Oct 2013. CCTV 9 Africa Live, live TV interview on terrorism in Africa 13 May 2013. Briefing Kirsten van Schie THE STAR on CAR 1 Oct. 2013 Radio interview live, Power FM, on Al-Shabaab, 23. Sep. 2013 Phoenix, TV interview, documentary on economics development in Southern Africa, June 2013 Interview with The BRICS Post BRICS call on Qatar to modify UN draft, 26 April 2013 Interview with the Canadian International Council 27 March 2013 Podcast Interview for book launch “R2P from Evasive to Reluctant Action” South African Institute of International Affairs 31 Oct. 2012. 14