Uk:ArcGIS Editor for OSM

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ArcGIS Editor for OSM
Автор: Esri
Ліцензія: Apache License 2.0
Платформи: Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Mobile, та Windows Mobile 2003
Версія: 2.1 (2013-11-02)
Мови програмування: C# та Python

Надає можливість отримувати, редагувати та надсилати OSM-дані використовуючи ArcMap, та/або створювати сервіси об'єктів на базі OSM-даних використовуючи ArcGIS Server

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map так
Map data vector
Source online;cache;offline
Rotate map немає
3D view немає
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing немає
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles car
Turn restrictions так
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate немає
Find location так
Find nearby POIs немає
Navigate to point немає
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance немає
Keep on road немає
Lane guidance
Works without GPS так
Navigate along predefined route
Make track немає
Customizable log interval так
Track formats
Fast POI buttons так
Upload GPX to OSM так
Monitoring немає
Show current track немає
Open existing track так
Altitude diagram немає
Show POD value немає
Satellite view немає
Show live NMEA data немає
Show speed
Send current position немає
Add POIs так
Edit / Delete POIs так
Add way так
Edit geometries так
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects так
Edit relations так
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline online;cache;offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM так

Відтепер ArcGIS має можливість імортувати, редагувати та експортувати OSM-дані за допомогою безкоштовного розширенння для ArcMap та ArcGIS for Server.

Ви можете завантажити OSM Editor тут:

The add-in was released by Esri in July 2010. It is free open source, hosted on Codeplex and under the Ms-PL license.

Installation and setup

To use the ArcGIS Editor for OSM, you must first have ArcGIS Desktop installed. After installing ArcGIS Desktop, download the extension, and follow instructions for installation.


There are many tools in the ArcGIS Editor for OSM toolbox, but the two most oft-used ones are for 1) Downloading from OSM and then 2) Uploading edits back to OSM (see the Editor's Getting Started documentation). What happens in-between is editing the downloaded data. Users can leverage the many editing and analysis tools available in ArcGIS Desktop to do their editing or run analysis/use the downloaded data. Editing tools such as parcel editing, topology tools, and network analysis provide ways to powerfully edit and use the data.

Upcoming functionality (version 2.0) will also provide a feature service capability, such that ArcGIS Server Feature services can be easily created and support editing from a variety of clients. See What's Next for ArcGIS Editor for OSM for details.

In ArcGIS Desktop 10, you can also Openstreetmap as a basemap to the map document, which is useful for seeing what work has already been done in an area before you download and edit the data from OSM. Using the Bing aerial imagery basemap in ArcGIS Desktop to derive vector data for OSM is possible (although legally may not be endorsed by Esri). See the Bing page for details.
