TIGERweb is a web-based system that allows us to visualize the most up-to-date TIGER data.
These WMS urls can be can be changed to fit your needs (see WMS).
Note: The ESPG:3857 projection is used.
To view the tiles the following WMS tile URLs can be used:
This tile url includes all data from TIGER:
Transportation only
This tile URL only includes transportation data from TIGER:
Boundaries only
This tile URL only includes boundaries from TIGER:
Fixup using TIGERweb
TIGERweb can be overlayed over your preferred aerial imagery to help fix old TIGER data. The following ways this can be used to fix old TIGER data.
- Name conflicts between the old imported data and most recent data.
- Missing roads
- Missing road names
Orignal Names
TIGER stores all road names in abbreviated format. "Ave" instead of "Avenue" and such. In OSM we prefer names to be unabbreviated. The above URLs point to tiles does NOT have the road names expanded. If there is a need to view the original TIGER names in their unabbreviated form, look for the most recent OSM-US provided tile servers at TIGER#Updates