Colombia/Project/2010 floods/ImportDept

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See tagging instructions here Colombia/OCHA_Boundary_Import

for the Municalities see 2010_Colombia_floods/ImportMuni


Department Person File Relation
META ADM_Departamentos_ways_24.osm User:H4ck3rm1k3
AMAZONAS ADM_Departamentos_ways_000.osm User:H4ck3rm1k3

Departments (loading done)

Relations named with the suffix "(old)" pre-date the OCHA import. At a future date, the 'old' and OCHA boundaries will be reconciled. The primary source for the 'old' boundary relations is the "CIA World database II" with manual refinement by knowledgable mappers. The 'old' relations should not be deleted or modified as a result of the OCHA import activities. See the mail list record at for the working decision as to how to deal with 'old' versus 'new' boundaries.

Department File User Relation Check result
Amazonas 0000.osm User:H4ck3rm1k3 relation Amazonas
relation Amazonas (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 2752 km
Antioquia 0010.osm Manchito relation Antioquia
relation Antioquia (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 2201 km
Arauca 0031.osm Ceyockey relation Arauca
relation Arauca (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 997 km
Atlántico 0074.osm Manchito relation Atlántico
apparently no (old) version of the boundary
Relation closed and in one piece; 283 km
Bogotá D.C. 0263.osm Ceyockey relation Bogotá Relation closed and in one piece; 388 km
Bolívar 0078.osm Manchito relation Bolívar
apparently no (old) version of the boundary
Relation contains two closed outers; 1611 km
Boyacá 0101.osm Ceyockey relation Boyacá
lacking admin_center node
"old" version — apparently not available
Relation closed and in one piece; 1619 km
Caldas 0130.osm Manchito relation Caldas
Old and OCHA versions blended
Relation closed and in one piece; 722 km
Caquetá 0139.osm Ceyockey relation Caquetá
lacking admin_center node
relation Caquetá (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 2162 km
Casanare 0174.osm Ceyockey relation Casanare
relation Casanare (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 388 km
Cauca 0193.osm Ceyockey relation Cauca
Apparently no old version
Relation closed and in one piece; 1421 km
Cesar 0214.osm Manchito relation Cesar
relation Cesar (old)
Old boundary contains a gap.
Relation closed and in one piece; 1190 km
Chocó 0242.osm Manchito relation Chocó
relation Chocó (old)
Chocó (old) has an unresolved gap with. One end is presumably at the three-point boundary connection among Chocó (old), Risaralda (old) [which is not available] and Antioquia (old). The other end is in the vicinity of the three-point boundary connection among Chocó (old), Risaralda (old) [which is not available] and Valle del Cauca (old) [also apparently not available].
Relation closed and in one piece; 2063 km
Cundinamarca 0272.osm User:H4ck3rm1k3 relation Cundinamarca
relation Cundinamarca (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1347 km
Córdoba 0302.osm Manchito relation Córdoba
relation Córdoba (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 899 km
Guainía 0313.osm Ceyockey relation Guainía
relation Guainía (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 2214 km
Guaviare 0346.osm Ceyockey relation Guaviare
relation Guaviare (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1982 km
Huila 0399.osm Ceyockey relation Huila
lacking admin_center node
relation Huila (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1044 km
La Guajira 0421.osm Manchito relation La Guajira
relation La Guajira (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1131 km
Magdalena 0458.osm Manchito relation Magdelena
relation Magdalena (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1060 km
(borders on the northeast to Cundinamarca)
0480.osm User:H4ck3rm1k3 relation Meta
relation Meta (old)
OpenStreetBug related to Meta (old) border loop
Relation closed and in one piece; 1958 km
Nariño 0503.osm Ceyockey relation Nariño
relation Nariño (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1353 km
Norte de Santander 0569.osm Manchito relation Norte de Santander Relation closed and in one piece; 1116 km
Putumayo 0595.osm Ceyockey relation Putumayo Relation closed and in one piece; 1376 km
Quindío 0615.osm Manchito relation Quindío Relation closed and in one piece; 266 km
Risaralda 0621.osm Ceyockey relation Risaralda Relation closed and in one piece; 495 km
Santander 0627.osm Ceyockey relation Santander Relation closed and in one piece; 1217 km
Sucre 0644.osm Manchito relation Sucre Relation closed and in one piece; 811 km
Tolima 0663.osm Fredyrivera relation Tolima
relation Tolima (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1009 km
Valle del Cauca 0693.osm Manchito relation Valle del Cauca Relation closed and in one piece; 1253 km
Vaupés 0709.osm Ceyockey relation Vaupés
relation Vaupés (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 2117 km
Vichada 0782.osm Ceyockey relation Vichada
relation Vichada (old)
Relation closed and in one piece; 1911 km

National boundaries (Colombia and neighboring countries)

relation Colombia
relation Venezuela
relation Brazil
relation Peru
relation Ecuador

Border Departments

The following is based on the Wikimedia Commons map at . Department name is followed by bordering entity/ies in parentheses. Departments are listed clockwise from the North. This is provided to assist in merging Department borders with National borders.

  • La Guajira [sea, Venezuela]
  • Cesar [Venezuela]
  • Norte de Santander [Venezuela]
  • Boyacá [Venezuela]
  • Arauca [Venezuela]
  • Vichada [Venezuela]
  • Guainía [Venezuela, Brazil]
  • Vaupés [Brazil]
  • Amazonas [Brazil, Peru]
  • Putumayo [Peru, Ecuador]
  • Narino [Ecuador, sea]
  • Cauca [sea]
  • Valle del Cauca [sea]
  • Chocó [sea, Panama]
  • Antioquia [sea]
  • Córdoba [sea]
  • Sucre [sea]
  • Bolívar [sea]
  • Atlántico [sea]
  • Magdalena [sea]