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Meeting Details
- 1:00pm PDT (20:00 GMT)
- Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
- 866-432-7917 (US)
- 334-309-0297 (INTL)
- join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for attendance taking
In Attendance
- Development Updates
- IT Updates
- Product Management and Marketing Updates
- Foundation Updates
- Roundtable
- Other Business
Development Updates
- RC3 is looking good
- We will be moving onto update testing
- Bits should be ready by the 19th that will be released on July 25. We are waiting for re-distributor issues.
- Some test resouce conflicts between this release and FF2. We need to work this out.
FF 2.0
- Beta1 RC2 Coming out today
- Still planning for beta1 release this week
TB 2.0
Closing in on Thunderbird 2 Alpha. Remaining Items:
- Land the NSIS based installer once the build machine has been updated.
- Finish the initial UI for editing Tags.
Gecko 1.9
- Weekly meetings progressing well
- Focus for 1.9 drafts posted
- This week's meeting will focus on Firefox 3 goals
- PPC builds will be decommissioned in favor of UB builds. PPC-only build support will be maintained.
- Monthly Build Team Radar is now available for July; please notify build@mozilla.org if there's something you need added to the radar.
- Nick Thomas/CF on IRC has a nightly update status page
IT Updates
- Colo Move
Product Management and Marketing Updates
Developer Relations
- General weekly update here
- Working on Q3 planning for MDC
- We have a contractor (Andrei Hajdukewycz, aka "sancus") on board to help with some long-needed hacking (whom we're sharing with AMO)
- Piles of brainstorming/planning fallout from the All-hands -- MDC UI improvements, new project/feature ideas, new docs ideas, AMO-related MDC stuff, Prototypes project, etc.
Add-ons and AMO
- bugfixing
- Meeting about l10n at some point this week
Foundation Updates
See the report on Mozilla Foundation activities for the week ending July 7, 2006.