Connected Devices/Projects/SensorWeb

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Project SensorWeb is a project born out of Mozilla from a lean team with a powerful mission. Its vision is to equip organizations and individuals with contextual information about their connected world that empowers them to make informed choices about policy and daily life.

The project aims to work with a community of like-minded people to set up a sensor network to gather real-time, hyperlocal insights on air quality to help improve the quality of life of people who suffer from asthma and allergies or are concerned about their and their family’s health.

In the future, SensorWeb can be applied to solve other environmental problems the world is facing today. We believe that with projects like SensorWeb, Mozilla can continue to empower people by growing a community to participate in this movement, bringing them a high-resolution view of our environment, and demanding the right policy based on data.


Blog Post

Innovation Process


Phase 1 prototype

Rollout Plan

SensorWeb Roll out Plan.png

Meeting minutes

Daily Standup notes

Source code

Source and Issue Tracking

  • Github: mozilla-sensorweb
    • We are primarily using Github issues for our day-to-day work.
  • JIRA (limited access)
    • We are also using JIRA for some documentation of user stories and test cases. This instance is not yet open for public access but all of the work to satisfy the user stories here will be reflected in the Github issues above.

How to contribute

The team is currently working on our Phase 2 prototype to be delivered in December 2016. We will publish a list of development hardware soon for those who are interested in working with us. Please join us in IRC or send a note to Dylan Oliver if you'd like to get involved.

Contact info



  • Channel: #sensorweb
  • Address:

Mailing list


Product / Program


Marketing / Research



Milestone Date Status Links
Gate 0 approval 2016.2.22 Done
1st sprint demo: pre-alpha SensorWeb portal - 2016.3.25 Done
2nd sprint demo: Built device registration & management portal 2016.4.8 Done
3rd sprint demo: MVP 2016.4.24 Done

Our First User: Ping Sing Elementary School 2016.4.26 Done
Technical review 2016.4.29 Done
4th sprint demo & update in product innovation board 2016.5.4 Done
Showcase in 2016 Maker Faire Taipei ( 2016.5.7 Done
5th sprint demo 2016.5.20 Done

Recorded Video: Slides:

6th and 7th sprint report 2016.7.04 Done

8th sprint report 2016.7.19 Done

Experiment#1 (poster) 2016.7.29 Done

Gate 1 approval 2016.10.4 Done
Phase 2 prototype demo 2016.12.16 In progress