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This tumblr and subsequently our ao3 are run by two people!

Aru (they/them): Writes fic, jumps between fandoms at the speed of a mildly hurried snail, started off with Danny Phantom (ghosts my beloved) and now is obsessed with Genshin Impact. Will occasionally shitpost and dip. Also the one who does podfics! Uses proper capitalization and never tags their posts.

(I slander Lilac’s reputation (affectionate) 😎)

lilac (she/her): Hi! I occasionally write fic (im the pseud on ao3 lol) and draw fanart, and post a lot about TOH, ATLA, Good Omens, and BBC Merlin! im the main user of this account but have a side art blog here. i am a huge yapper so i mark all my original posts with #lilac post and tag things properly because I’m not a Fucking heathen Aru :)

Also: please take my lovely toh fandom survey,,,

We give blanket permission to make fanart, write fanfic, record podcasts, or any other transformative works of any of our fanfics (as long as you inform us). We do NOT give permission to use AI to do anything with our works.

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when a dragons wings are too small to realistically fly thats fine its reasonable i think to size them down to allow them to fit in a space better and be more readable as a character. but outside of really specific circumstances (like cartoonishly small wings) when a dragons wing webbing stops way too far up? punishable by death. in seymourworld.



sooo many dragon designs look like the last thing and it pisses me of. stopppp



No, but yes. The reason insects can have a single connection point like that is because they have a completely different type of wing which operates on a different set of laws of physics. To hideously oversimplify it for the sake of brevity, they're so small and light they can basically treat air like a fluid.

Birds, and anything larger than a bird, are using their entire body as a single plane with which to generate lift. Insects don't have to, but they do need to be able to move their wings at a lot of different angles very quickly. And hummingbirds split the difference between the two.


"dolphins are completely evil" I actually don't think we should assign human morality to animals with no concept of law or civilisation with an intelligence roughly equating to that of a toddler


bottlenose dolphins use "baby talk" when communicating to their babies and smile at each other like humans do when they play. be nicies to them


"Dolphins are evil" is just a reactionary backlash to years of earnestly believing dolphins were all benevolence and rescuing sailors only to find out they can be dangerous and violent like any other large wild animal.

"Sharks are nice" is a similar phenomenon in the opposite direction. Pop culture portrays sharks as malevolant killing machines who crave human flesh, so when people realize they're just animals who don't attack people any more than other predators, they overcompensate into thinking you can just swim with great whites with no danger.

The reality, of course, is that both dolphins and sharks are large wild animals who should be approached with caution and respect if at all. It's probably best for you and the animal to admire them from a safe distance.


some humans will try to help you if it's not too much trouble for them and some humans will try to bully you or take your shit or kill you if they think they can get away with it and sometimes those two examples of human can be the same person... and it's the same with every other species too.

Sometimes wolf spiders will simply abandon their eggs after laying them, sometimes they will eat their own young, sometimes they'll take an active parenting role -- and sometimes a wolf spider will adopt and raise a batch of baby spiders that are not even her own! And that's just wolf spiders.

Orcas are compassionate and tender and wonderful. Orcas are heartless and cruel and horrifying. And the reason those things seem to contradict is because we are trying to fit orca sized reality into a human sized expectation of how things are. It's the same with most creatures.

Everything on this planet is a complex interplay of situational variation, and we can only see it through the false lens of our own human values and limitations , so animals being "good" or "evil" or whatever is all just nonsense that ignores the strange and wonderful reality of their full existence


angels, deciding what shape to take when interacting with The Humans: well….eye contact is important to humans, right? they find it reassuring when they can see the eyes of the person they’re talking to. so if we have LOTS of eyes, in very visible places, that’ll be even MORE reassuring


can’t stop thinking how much sense it would make if every design choice angels made was just a misguided attempt to Relate To The Humans. imagine how those conversations went

  • wings: “humans don’t like things they can’t understand, so if we’re going to levitate we should have wings. in fact we should probably have lots of wings, since we’re so big and impressive. humans like wings”
  • loud, booming voices: “fuck off Azrael the humans needs to be able to hear us.”
  • glowing: “no no no, it’s about visibility, right? the main human sensory organ works by detecting light, so if we emit light…” 
  • wheels: “why the hell are you shaped like that?” “piss off, the humans are really proud of this invention”
  • multiple faces/eyes: “it makes me relatable” “i swear to God it doesn’t–” “i need to see in every direction” “ Azrael you are a supernatural messenger of god you do not need–” “THE HUMANS NEED TO KNOW I’M WATCHING”
  • multiple limbs: “humans have lots of limbs! they like limbs” “look i let you keep the wings but–” “how do you expect me to walk?” “70,000 feet is not a reasonable number of feet, Azrael! “fuck off i’m ENORMOUS” 
  • general gross misapprehensions of biology: “holy shit are your wings made out of eyes?” “look before you say anything i’m like 100% sure i’ve seen animals who have both wings and eyes. and you can fit so many more in this way!” “….you godforsaken googly-eyed genius”

#and this is why angels got so boring in the new testament after the Updated Guidelines were rolled out. “Four limbs???? i’m only allowed a maximum of FOUR LIMBS????? this is BULLSHIT”

#alternatively all the reported sightings of creepy ass angels was literally just the SAME angel  #just the same freak who kept changing its meatsuit for funsies before god caught on


ok i have REFINED my theory!

Old Testament Angels look like that because life in the ocean outnumbered life on land, so naturally when they visited earth they modeled their appearance on the most common lifeforms. Hench you get things like

  • radial symmetry (i.e. angels shaped like spheres) which is objectively cooler than bilateral symmetry (starfish understand this)
  • Very Numerous Limbs (2 is not the average number of arms in the ocean)
  • random glowing (bioluminescence)
  • just generally being objects of Absolute Terror to land dwellers
  • a thousand eyeballs being the Norm (have you seen scallops)

in the majority of inhabited Earth areas (i.e. anything deeper than the continental shelf) old school angels would actually pass as Normal And Relatably-Shaped Lifeforms


this checks out


I think you all need to know the actual reason that seraphim have six wings–with two they covered their faces and with two they covered their feet and with two they flew–because it’s awesome.

So, first thing, in most of the Hebrew Bible nobody can look directly at God’s face and live. God is simply too amazing/great/alien. You see God’s face, you die, not because God wants to kill you (God doesn’t!) but just … because it’s the inevitable result of contact with God’s holiness. (This is responsible for such incidents as the time God mooned Moses. Moses wanted reassurance, and asked to see God. God said, “well, you can’t see my face, but how about this. You hide in that crevice in the rock over there, and I’ll cover you up so you’re safe, and then I’ll pass by, and when I’m safely past you can look at my back, k?” And that’s how it happened.)

Anyway, even angels can’t bear to look at God, which is why the seraphim cover their faces in God’s presence. All the weird stuff you all have just been attributing to angels? Can be applied to God with at least as much plausibility.

And then we come to the seraphim covering their feet. Or, perhaps I should say “feet.” Because the Hebrew language, like many languages, has some euphemisms for genitalia. One of them is to call them “feet” or “hands.” This is how, for example, Ruth gets Boaz to marry her. She goes in and lays down at his “feet.” Wink wink, nudge nudge.

So when Isaiah tells us the seraphim are flying around covering their “feet” with a pair of wings, what they’re actually doing is this:



My mom got phished in an EXTREMELY refined scam that pretty much anyone could fall for-- basically her account was already pre-hacked and they spoofed the bank's number exactly, called her pretending there was fraud, and read back legitimate and fake transactions and personal info so she wouldn't suspect they weren't the bank. Then discouraged her from logging in claiming the account was locked so they could investigate the fraud-- all so she wouldnt catch them making massive purchases using her stolen info.

We have the same boss and when she told him what happened he recommended she call the bank directly, so she did and they managed to catch it in time before $20k of transactions went through. Very scary

I guess the lesson here is never ever answer your phone, I love that fraud is so rampant an entire form of mass communication is now useless

ANYONE can fall for phishing scams- my mom is extremely smart and we discuss common scams that target her age demographic and she still fell for this. If it happened to me I may have fallen for it too. Always be careful!


that's EXACTLY what happened to me last spring. it's dire out there....


that’s EXACTLY what

happened to me last spring.

it’s dire out there….

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


If you EVER get ANY call from ANYONE claiming to be a bank or other important group asking you for anything, tell them you will call them back and call them yourself. Do not call a number they give you, look it up yourself.

Banks don't call people, IME. They send emails and texts and put notices on your online account. Credit cards sometimes do I believe, but in that case, just call the number on your card back.

Never take a call from anyone and assume they are who they say. Period. These people are skilled at social manipulation. They will always tell you there is a crisis.


And don't just google the number, use your bank's official site! A lot of search engines are now providing phone numbers of scams instead of legit ones. Also make sure the url of the site matches the one available on cards and other papers you've been given by your bank because fake sites can look VERY convincing.


FYI: the U.S. government will not call you. Is someone calls and says they're the IRS? They're lying. They say they're the sheriff? Lying. ICE? Lying.

The United States will mail you information. If the government needs to reach you, check your mailbox.

The IRS are generally pretty forgiving and will accept that humans make errors. They will never demand immediate payment for back taxes, ever. They know that's not feasible for most people, so they'll usually make a payment plan and help you out. (This is, of course, assuming you're an individual who fucked up their taxes, not someone running a massive tax fraud scheme.)


There’s also a scam going around right now for folks in the USA who use toll roads. NONE of the texts are real, the EZPass website has a huge banner on the site saying they’re all scams.


Look. You just gotta sit that pretransition trans girl down and make it absolutely clear to her that there is no essential, fundamental barrier that separates her from the hot girls she's envying. She can do that. They were exactly like her, often less than three years ago. It is fully possible.


Do not let her be scared by the research saying she won't see much results from HRT. She is safe to get help from you, and you will protect her from underdosages by the doctor.


#please op i really really really hope this is true

Ok so there are famously several real issues that work in our favour as well informed, modern-day, community-supporting transfems:

First, research on feminizing hormone therapy is generally speaking Shit. Aside from mental health indicators which have been extensively mapped, far beyond what's reasonable to continue investing effort in, very little work has been done on the physical side.

The studies that do exist generally share a few noted flaws:

  • Old school dosage regimens and medications
  • Very short study durations, often less than two years
  • Poor standardization and small groups

You see the problems here. A puberty should generally have enough hormones and time to, you know, work. It's a bit ridiculous to draw conclusions about the likely results a trans woman can expect based on the two-year timelines of some poor girls who were kept at levels where, if a cis girl had them, it would qualify as an endocrine disorder.

Now, as for guarding against this. Here's the thing: You can double check your dosages. You can demand that the results of your blood tests are shared with you, and compare them with, for example, Wikipedia's Reference Ranges For Blood Tests, under "Sex hormones".

Now, when underdosed, you can refer to the data and say you're not in the right range. By standards of care, you should be. If your doctor won't cooperate, make it a problem for them. You are a woman, demand to see the manager. Get a different doctor. Pursue alternative means.

The trans community has your back and can help you figure out the details. Make sure you have friends who'll protect your bodily autonomy.


I get the hesitancy to claim a label when you're not completely sure of it yourself. This is especially prevalent in the aro and ace communities because how do you prove a negative? Maybe you will meet someone in twenty years and feel that proverbial spark. But here's the truth: it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if it's a phase!! You are living in this body, in this moment, in this label right now. Who you are now matters just as much as who you might be.


I think for folks in the aro and ace communities, it also helps to remember that even if you eventually meet someone in a couple decades and feel attraction to them, that doesn’t necessarily negate your asexuality and/or aromanticism! The aromantic spectrum includes anyone who feels little to no romantic attraction and the asexual community includes anyone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. If you’re asexual but some day find “the one” and experience sexual attraction to them, you will still have a place in the asexual community, even if you might be gray-ace, demi, or somewhere else on the ace spectrum that isn’t strictly asexual. Likewise, if you’re aromantic but someday find “the one” and experience romantic attraction to them, you will still have a place in the aromantic community, even if you might be gray-aro, demi, or somewhere else on the aro spectrum that isn’t strictly aromantic. This isn’t to say you can’t id as ace and/or aro and later realize that those labels are not accurate to your experiences, but it can still be reassuring to know if you struggle with a lot of self doubt


god I could be so wealthy if I had no ethics. that's so fucking frustrating. I'm living paycheck to paycheck because I'm not grifting vulnerable idiots on TikTok. I feel like I have the ability to very easily scam people. I could make a killing with AI. but god. I have morals and ethics and so I get to be poor as shit. I hate this fucking world


I could have made a killing as a psychic, but noooo I have to feel bad about lying to people ugh


I think abt this all the time because the thing is, evil rich people truly believe that they’re geniuses who have discovered a way to make money that the rest of us dummies haven’t…but the truth is that they are just willing to do evil shit that everyone else would prefer to not to because we have standards