The Long View by Robert Francis Schwartz

BYU Studies Quarterly, Jun 2013
From BYU Studies Quarterly: "Game theory has been applied to a number of disciplines, including e... more From BYU Studies Quarterly: "Game theory has been applied to a number of disciplines, including economics, law, politics, sociology, and Bible studies, but this article is the first serious attempt to apply it to the Book of Mormon narrative. One particularly important model in game theory is known as the Prisoner's Dilemma, which emphasizes the possibility and benefits of cooperation in the face of conflict. The Book of Mormon account is an almost constant narrative based on conflict, first within the family of Lehi and then between two warring factions that arise from a split in that original Book of Mormon family. These conflicts tend to fit the Prisoner's Dilemma model extremely well. In a final estimation, the Prisoner's Dilemma and its application in the Book of Mormon provide another way of looking at the Book of Mormon's core messages of atonement, redemption, and the gospel of Jesus Christ."
BYU Studies Quarterly, 2022
From the Introduction to 61:1: "With impressive thoroughness, Robert F. Schwartz examines pattern... more From the Introduction to 61:1: "With impressive thoroughness, Robert F. Schwartz examines patterns of inequality in the Book of Mormon and argues that in the history it recounts, privilege and disadvantage become 'defining lenses' through which various individuals and groups view each other and construct their narratives. One of the great lessons of the Book of Mormon is that societies are able to prosper only as they prioritize equality."
Liahona, 2024
Brief devotional piece on reconciling a Christian mindset with the everyday.
Law and Finance by Robert Francis Schwartz
Bloomberg BNA World Securities Law Report, Aug 2012
Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law, Apr 2007
Law and Financial Markets Review, Mar 2009
The revelation en masse of fraudulent schemes among US asset managers has led many to question wh... more The revelation en masse of fraudulent schemes among US asset managers has led many to question whether regulators could have exercised more effective oversight and, if so, what shape such oversight should have taken. US lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that would make a large number of hedge fund and other asset managers with links to US investors register as investment advisers under the US Investment Advisers Act of 1940, among other measures. Studied scrutiny of the Advisers Act suggests that, despite its virtues, it does not sufficiently segregate functions where
BYU International Law and Management Review, Mar 2006
Philosophy by Robert Francis Schwartz

Aporia, Apr 2002
R ICHARD Rorty and Hubert Dreyfus have long fostered a healthy mutual disagreement. Dreyfus reads... more R ICHARD Rorty and Hubert Dreyfus have long fostered a healthy mutual disagreement. Dreyfus reads his favorite thinkers as presenting "the way things really are," whereas Rorty sees philosophers only as "recontextualizers-people who do not reveal the essential nature of anything, but simply tell you how things look when rearranged." 2 Such contextualizations might prove purposeful or even enlightening, but Rorty insists that we do not need to choose between them. If we choose between two descriptions and elevate one to the status of "the way things really are," then we misunderstand what we're doing when we communicate. This position captures the essence of Rorty's recent paper "Cultural Politics and the Question of the Existence of God." In his paper, Rorty argues for the ultimate conclusion that we should take our practices and beliefs for what they aremanifestations of sociopolitical aims-and quit trying to place them in a larger context that forms the background of all possible practices. Or, to put this thesis another way, cultural politics ought to replace ontology from the foundation up.
Mazowieckie Studia Humanistyczne (Mazovian Humanities Studies), Apr 2003
History by Robert Francis Schwartz
Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Warsaw University Law Review), Jun 2003
The Long View by Robert Francis Schwartz
Law and Finance by Robert Francis Schwartz
Philosophy by Robert Francis Schwartz
History by Robert Francis Schwartz