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As a result of high economic inequality, widespread discontent with excessive chief executive officer (CEO) compensation levels is acute in South Africa (SA). Some commentators argue that instead of high levels of CEO pay causing... more
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      Agency TheoryPay-For-Performance
The literature suggests that many accounting curricula fail to adequately address professional skills development even though it is a requirement of many professional bodies. Van der Merwe (2013) addresses this by administering an... more
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      Skills DevelopmentAccounting EducationSoft SkillsPresentation skills
Some of the main challenges faced in accounting education are developing professional skills and encouraging deep learning in students. The literature offers numerous accounts of the case study method as a successful tool for developing... more
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      Business EconomicsMedicine
In fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Commerce (M.Com)
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      BusinessAgency TheoryExecutive CompensationPay for performance
University success is impacted largely by the successful transition of students in their first year. This study’s objective is to identify the motives, expectations and preparedness of first-year accounting students enrolled for an... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationAccountingPreparedness
While great strides have been made to improve accessibility to higher education in South Africa, successful completion of bachelor's degrees within the prescribed time remains a challenge.
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      Conceptual ScaffoldingSouth African Higher Education