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      Welding TechnologyResistance Spot Welding
In this paper, resistance spot weldability of high-Mn steels were investigated in order to get high reliability in welded joints of automotive components. Microstructural characterizations, cross-tensile test (CTT), microhardness tests of... more
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      MicrostructureWeldabilityResistance Spot WeldingHigh Manganese Steel
With the development of pre-painted steel sheets for automotive body application, a new joining method is required such as hybrid joining with combination of adhesive bonding and mechanical joining. The objective of this study is to... more
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      BakingDulal Chandra SahaDulal SahaAdhesive Bonding
In this study, the microstructural characterisation, mechanical testing and fractography investigation were performed on twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steels, fabricated with resistance spot welding. Failure mode during the... more
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      MicrostructureSegregationResistance Spot WeldingFractography
Similar and dissimilar welds of dual-phase (DP) and high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels were made by fiber laser welding (FLW). The welds were characterized with respect to microstructure, micro- and nano-hardness, and tensile... more
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      MicrostructureNanoindentationTransmission Electron MicroscopyLaser Welding
Dual-phase steel with ferrite-martensite-bainite microstructure exhibited secondary hardening in the subcritical heat affected zone during fiber laser welding. Rapid isothermal tempering conducted in a Gleeble simulator also indicated... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyLaser Beam WeldingDP SteelGleeble Simulations
In this work, the effects of the coating composition and the welding parameters on the heat generation and nugget formation during resistance spot welding of the hot press forming steels have been evaluated. Two types of coated steels... more
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      Resistance Spot WeldingHigh Speed camera
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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    • Welding
In this paper, resistance spot weldability of high-Mn steels were investigated in order to get high reliability in welded joints of automotive components. Microstructural characterizations, cross-tensile test (CTT), microhardness tests of... more
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This paper describes the main issues associated with resistance spot welding (RSW) for high-Mn austenitic twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steels. Owing to rich chemistry which leads to complicated microstructure, and void formation in... more
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The effect of an Al-Si coating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of fiber laser welded press hardened steel is examined in the present work. It is shown that mixing of the Al-Si coating significantly modified the fusion zone... more
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      Fiber laser weldsDelta-Ferrite
Fusion zone microstructures of fiber laser welded Al-Si coated press-hardened steels at pre-and post-press-hardened conditions were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM and nanoindentation studies suggest that... more
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      NanoindentationTransmission Electron MicroscopyFiber laser welds
Tempered martensite obtained from four different tempering modes were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy, and nanoindentation techniques.... more
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Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by ASM International. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to selfarchive your article,... more
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Fibre laser welds of Fe-0.15C-10Mn-1.5Al medium-Mn transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steel and its dissimilar combination with high strength low alloy (HSLA) and dual-phase (DP980) steel was assessed with respect to microstructure,... more
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      MicrostructureDigital Image CorrelationMicrohardnessTensile testing
The purpose of the present study is to mitigate the effect of heat-affected zone (HAZ) softening on laser welded dual-phase (DP) steel by modifying the steel microstructure. It was shown that DP steels composed of ferrite, martensite, and... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyLaser Beam WeldingMicrohardnessDual phase steels
In this study, the progression of martensite tempering as a function of tempering parameter has been investigated using instrumented nanoindentation. Three distinct stages of tempering related to the carbon segregation, carbide... more
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      MicrostructureElectron MicroscopyNanoindentationWelding
In this study, the combined effect of dislocation density and rapid thermal cycling on the tempering kinetics of fully martensitic steel has been investigated by straining the sheets to different deformation levels. It was found that the... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyHardnessDislocation DensityPlastic deformation
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This study examines the microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma transferred wire arc (PTWA) coating of typical alloyed steel, deposited on diecast aluminum alloy cylinder bores. The coating surface and microstructure were... more
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      MicrostructureFractureTransmission Electron MicroscopyThermal Spray Coating