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Since 2008, I have been teaching a large (100-120 students), one-term Introduction to Theatre course, whose goal is to teach . . . I am still not sure what. When I first inherited the course it was a lecture survey perceived as a... more
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      Literary studiesHistorical Studies
Sid Meier's Civilization allows players to build empires that span the earth and the ages. Complementing existing scholarship on ideologies, practices, and subject positions inculcated by the game, this article interrogates the very... more
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      Cultural StudiesNew MediaRhetoricSelf and Identity
This chapter examines the neo-liberal multiculturalist ideology of the Mass Effect series of digital role-playing games. I show that both games in the series profess the unmitigated superiority of neo-liberal multiculturalism as a form of... more
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      Cultural StudiesMulticulturalismGovernmentalityDigital Rhetorics
There is a problem in the study of digital games, a problem that Ian Bogost has on multiple occasions called the “game/player problem.” According to Bogost, the problem is that critical game studies focus on games and social-scientific... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesNew MediaResearch Methodology
The Introduction to the anthology, Dungeons, Dragons and Digital Denizens: The Digital Role-Playing Game, this piece examines the elements and characteristics of the RPG as a digital game genre, as well as its historical development. It... more
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    • Dungeons and Dragons
The Introduction to Continuum's Approaches to Digital Game Studies series, this piece examines the notion of 'genre' in relation to digital games and positons the series at the nexus of a multimodal understanding of genre. It calls for... more
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Digital games are an increasingly prominent media form but are consistently ignored in critical communication scholarship. Several voices in the field of game studies have advocated the application of communication and rhetorical theory... more
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      CommunicationDigital Media
The Introduction to Guns, Grenades an Grunts: First-Person Shooter Games, this piece examines the historical development of the FPS genre as well as its current state and the frontiers of the new media form. It argues the the FPS is best... more
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This chapter examines the militarization and corresponding normalization of the FPS. Once the targets of public vitriol when players ran around killing demons, zombies and aliens, now that players are more typically tasked with killing... more
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      Gender StudiesDigital MediaVideo GamesMasculinities
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The formation of aluminum borates (Al 18 B 4 O 33 and Al 4 B 2 O 9 ) from alumina and boron oxide occurs between 600 and 800 °C. These materials have refractory properties and corrosion resistance. The objective of this work is to develop... more
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Abstract: This article shares the results of a research project conducted by a multidisciplinary group formed from theatre studies, digital media, and business and technology in 2009. The research story is an unusual one for the theatre.
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Abstract: This article shares the results of a research project conducted by a multidisciplinary group formed from theatre studies, digital media, and business and technology in 2009. The research story is an unusual one for the theatre.... more
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Seniors with chronic diseases are often called on to self-manage their conditions. Mobile health (mHealth) tools may be a useful strategy to help seniors access health information at the point of decision-making, receive real-time... more
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In 2012 Pat the Dog Playwright Centre held a two-day workshop for First Dance, a devised theatre and dance piece that explored the rituals of queer marriage through the protagonist, as he endeavored to select the first dance to be... more
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... I organized Le Boudoir, an annual magical retro cabaret, from 1994 to 2009 and have been organizing Meow Mix since 1995. Meow Mix puts out an almost monthly cabaret series. I am still doing Edgy Women. I am very close to dropping... more
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    • Canadian Theatre
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      Queer TheatreLesbianQueer GeographyQueer Performance
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      Women's Theatre and PerformanceQueer Performance