University of Waterloo
Civil Engineering
Nanofiltration (NF) is a promising drinking water treatment technology for arsenic removal; however, most of the research on NF treatment of arsenic has used synthetic water. In this investigation, a pilot membrane system treated... more
Keywords and phrases: progressively type-II censored sample, generalized linear exponential distribution, approximate moments, best linear unbiased estimates (BLUEs), maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs), Monte-Carlo method, optimal scheme.
Background: Interactive methods like role play, recorded video scenarios and objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) are being regularly used to teach and assess communication skills of medical students in the western world. In... more
Background: Interactive methods like role play, recorded video scenarios and objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) are being regularly used to teach and assess communication skills of medical students in the western world. In... more
patients and 78% of NMO patients showed early presentation of optic neuritis during disease course. Conclusions: With longitudinal follow up, small portion of patients with LETM progressed to NMO (21%) and had positive AQP-4 antibody... more
Objectives: To find out the seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C virus among the healthy blood donors at Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi. Study design: A prospective observational study Place and duration of study: From April 2005 to... more
Some times high uranium contents are present in the phosphate rocks used for the manufacturing of fertilizer. In view of the harmful e ects on human health due to the processing and use of such fertilizers in agriculture, it is important... more