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JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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    • Ancient Greek Iconography
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      Travel WritingClassical Reception Studies
formulaic intertext between Homeric and cyclic epic
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    • Trojan Epic Cycle
Frazier's Cold Mountain as reception of the Odyssey, from a socio-economic comparative perspective
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      Reception StudiesClassical Reception StudiesReception of Antiquity
The injustice of the slaughter of the suitors, from an against-the-grain perspective.
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      HomerHomer's Odyssey
Exploration of rhapsodic performance of cyclic verse in accordance with notional concepts of the Trojan cycle, with analogy to cyclical iconography .
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      HomerAncient Greek IconographyGreek Epic-rhapsodic Tradition
CJ January 2015:1-2
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      HomerGreek Epic
from Philologia Antiqua, ed. G. Scafoglio, Studies on the Greek Epic Cycle, vol. , 2016
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from Omero: Quaestiones Disputatae, ed. F. Gallo, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 2016
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    • Oral Tradition
Narratives about Ithaca from antiquity and post-antiquity offer various representations of the island. Homer's Odyssey, besides recounting Odysseus's return to Ithaca, provides an ambiguous ethnography of lthaca. Although the epic... more
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My argument is that the Homeric story of Odysseus’ wanderings at sea, the apologos of Odysseus, is traditional. The Odyssey’s account would naturally vary in scale, arrangement, and complexity from preceding and/or contemporaneous... more
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This paper explores the epics Odyssey and Telegony from the perspective of spatial theory. The polarity of land and sea is of great significance in Odyssean narratives. The Odyssey features its hero’s account of his wanderings at sea,... more
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Burgess, ed., YAGE vol. 3: table of contents, Introduction p. 1
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The topic is the burial of the corpse of Odysseus at Aeaea in the Telegony. I argue that in the Cyclic epic the corpse is buried at an Aeaea localized in Italy. The prophecy of Tiresias in Odyssey 11 may allude to some version of the... more
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