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In 2004 the visual artist Joan Jonas staged a video/installation/mixed media project of Helen in Egypt at the Tate Gallery. Almost sixty years since its composition, Jonas recasts H.D.’s long, neo-epic poem extending and exposing the... more
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    • Art
nuję czytelnikom opowieść o moich wyprawach” – pisał L. Strauss, wybitny młody antropolog i uczony, przypuszczalnie „najsłynniejszy akademik” swoich czasów, autor melancholijnego dziennika podróży z 1936 r. pt. Smutek tropików (Tristes... more
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Key aim of this paper is to provide an interdisciplinary look at tourism and its diachronic textual threads bequeathed to us by the "proto-tourist” texts of the Greek travel author Pausanias. Using the Periegetic, travel texts from... more
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Στη διδακτορική μου διατριβή εξετάζω την ισόβια σχέση της H.D. με τον τραγικό ποιητή Ευριπίδη και την συμβολή του στην μορφοποίηση και εξέλιξη της ποιητικής της. Ο πολυσχιδής διάλογός της με τον Ευριπίδη εκτυλίσσεται αρχικά στον στίβο της... more
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The key aim of this article is to provide an interdisciplinary look at tourism and its diachronic textual threads bequeathed by the ‘proto-tourist’ texts of the Greek travel author Pausanias. Using the periegetic, travel texts from his... more
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This doctoral thesis seeks to unravel the breadth and depth of H.D.’s lifelong engagement with the plays of the Athenian dramatist Euripides. Though he is by no means the only classical Greek author H.D. studies and translates during her... more
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      DramaPoeticsH.D. (Hilda Doolittle)