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The external morphology of the seeds and the SEM structure of the epicuticular waxes of seeds of three groups of O. ficus-indica naturalized to Argentina, i.e., a spiny red-fruited variety, a spiny orange fruited variety and a spineless... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyEpicuticular WaxOpuntia Ficus-IndicaScanning Electron Microscope
The objectives of this study were (a) to identify individual plants of Prosopis alba and P. pallida that could grow at near seawater salinities to use directly as clonal propagules and to establish seed orchard and (b) to analyse the... more
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      Earth SciencesArid Land EcologyAgroforestryArid environments
Evaluation of microhistology estimation criterias for Sphaeralcea bonariensis (Cav.), Pl Lorentz in different mixtures RESUMEN Sphaeralcea bonariensis (malva) es un componente frecuente en las dietas de caprinos del sistema silvopastoril,... more
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      SorghumSimilarity IndexBotanical Composition
La información nutricional de un alimento se refiere a su valor energético y determinados nutrientes: grasas, grasas saturadas, hidratos de carbono, azúcares, proteínas y sal.
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The oxygen-reactive species may generate oxidative stress, which could result in degenerative diseases. Antioxidant mechanisms usually act in a coordinated way, and they are grouped in two defense systems: enzymatic and nonenzymatic... more
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      AntioxidantsForestBeansAlimentos Y Bebidas
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Gerente de producto: Alfonso García Bada Mena Supervisor de edición: Mateo Miguel García Supervisor de producción: Zeferino García García INTRODUCCIÓN A LA TERMODINÁMICA EN INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de... more
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Eteno (Alqueno) Etino (alquino) Etanol (Alcohol) Etanal (Aldehído) (c) Germán Fernández
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Este archivo resulta muy útil si estás comenzando a nombrar compuestos. Aprenderás nomenclatura inorgánica y orgánica.
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      NomenclaturaQuimica Organica
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    • Química Analítica Quantitativa
Recomendable para aquellas personas que inician en el patronaje para confección de indumentaria.
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