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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) August 29, 2020

Embedded Digital Twins in future energy management systems: paving the way for automated grid control

Digitale Zwillinge in zukünftigen Netzführungssystemen: Wegbereiter für eine automatisierte Systemführung
  • Christoph Brosinsky

    Christoph Brosinsky received his diploma degree in Environmental Engineering / Renewable Energy Systems in 2011 at the HTW University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. He has been working as an expert for power systems for a consultancy and as a researcher in a national and international environment. He is currently pursuing his Ph. D. working on research projects related to secure and resilient power system operation, and the design of the next generation of control centre EMS with special interest in advanced decision support and assistant systems.

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    , Rainer Krebs

    Rainer Krebs studied Electrical Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany. In 1990 he got his Ph. D. from the same University and started at Siemens AG. He worked on numerous national and international technical and scientific projects. He is “Principal Expert” and head of the Siemens PTI department “Protection, Operation and Control System Studies”. He is author/co-author of more than 240 scientific papers and inventor with more than 10 patents. Since 2008 he has been honorary professor at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and since 2016 member of the advisory board. He is an active member of IEEE, CIGRE, VDE and IEC. In 2018 he received the “Siemens Top-Innovator” award for data analytics in grid optimization.

    and Dirk Westermann

    Dirk Westermann received his diploma degree in Electrical Engineering in 1992 and his Ph. D. in 1997 at the University of Dortmund, Germany. In 1997 he joined ABB Switzerland Ltd. where he held several positions in R&D and Technology Management. He became full professor for power systems at Technische Universität Ilmenau in 2005. Since 2019, he has been the director of the Thuringian Energy Research Institute. His research interests include design, control and operation of power systems. He is an active member of IEEE, CIGRE, IEC working groups and author of numerous scientific publications.


Emerging real-time applications in information technology, and operational technology enable new innovative concepts to design and operate cyber-physical systems. A promising approach, which has been discovered recently as key technology by several industries is the Digital Twin (DT) concept. A DT connects the virtual representation of a physical object, system or process by available information and sensor data streams, which allows to gather new information about the system it mirrors by applying analytic functions. Thereby the DT technology can help to fill sensor data gaps, e. g., to support anomaly detection, and to predict future operating conditions and system states. This paper discusses a dynamic power system DT as a cornerstone instance of a new generation of EMS, and a prospective new EMS architecture, to support the increasingly complex operation of electric power systems. Unlike in traditional offline power system models, the parameters are updated dynamically using measurement information from the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and a wide area monitoring system (WAMS) to tune the model. This allows to derive a highly accurate virtual representation of the mirrored physical objects. A simulation engine, the Digital Dynamic Mirror (DDM) is introduced, in order to be able to reproduce the state of a reference network in real-time. The validation of the approach is carried out by a case study. In a closed loop within EMS applications, the DDM can help to assess contingency mitigation strategies, thus it can support the decision-making process under variable system conditions. The next generation of control centre Energy Management System (EMS) can benefit from this development by augmentation of the dynamic observability, and the rise of operator situation awareness.


Aufkommende Echtzeitanwendungen in der Informations- und Betriebstechnik ermöglichen neue innovative Konzepte für die Gestaltung und den automatisierten Betrieb von cyber-physikalischen Systemen. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz, der in jüngster Zeit von mehreren Branchen als Schlüsseltechnologie entdeckt wurde, ist das Konzept der Digitalen Zwillinge (Digital Twin, DT). Ein DT verbindet die virtuelle Darstellung eines physischen Objekts, Systems oder Prozesses durch verfügbare Informations- und Sensordatenströme. Dies ermöglicht es, durch die Anwendung analytischer Funktionen neue Informationen über das beobachtete System zu gewinnen. Dadurch kann die DT-Technologie helfen, Sensordatenlücken zu füllen, z. B. zur Unterstützung der Erkennung von Anomalien sowie Störungen oder zur Vorhersage zukünftiger Betriebsbedingungen und Systemzustände. In diesem Beitrag wird ein dynamischer DT des elektrischen Energieversorgungssystems als Grundstein einer neuen Generation von Systemen zur Netzführung von Übertragungsnetzen diskutiert. Es dient der Unterstützung des zunehmend komplexen Betriebs von elektrischen Energiesystemen. Die aus den Überlegungen resultierende neuartige Architektur des Netzführungssystems wird ebenfalls dargestellt. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Offline-Energiesystemmodellen werden die Parameter im neuartigen Konzept dynamisch aktualisiert, wobei zur gezielten Parametrierung des Modells SCADA Messwerte und zeitsynchrone Raumzeigermesswerte eines Weitbereichsüberwachungssystems (Wide Area Monitoring System, WAMS) verwendet werden. Dies ermöglicht die Erstellung einer genauen virtuellen Darstellung der gespiegelten physischen Betriebsmittel. Eine Simulationsumgebung, der Digital Dynamic Mirror (DDM), wird eingeführt, um den Zustand eines Referenznetzes in Echtzeit reproduzieren zu können. Die Validierung des Ansatzes wird anhand einer Fallstudie durchgeführt. Das Modell im DDM kann bei der Bewertung von Strategien zur Behebung von Engpässen und stabilitätsgefährdenden Situationen helfen, so dass es Entscheidungsprozesse unter variablen Systembedingungen unterstützen kann. Die nächste Generation von Netzführungssystemen in Netzleitstellen kann von dieser Entwicklung profitieren, indem die dynamische Beobachtbarkeit erhöht und das situative Bewusstsein der Betriebsführer gesteigert werden.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 0350034C

Funding statement: This publication is a partly result of the project HyLITE (grant number 0350034C), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

About the authors

Christoph Brosinsky

Christoph Brosinsky received his diploma degree in Environmental Engineering / Renewable Energy Systems in 2011 at the HTW University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. He has been working as an expert for power systems for a consultancy and as a researcher in a national and international environment. He is currently pursuing his Ph. D. working on research projects related to secure and resilient power system operation, and the design of the next generation of control centre EMS with special interest in advanced decision support and assistant systems.

Rainer Krebs

Rainer Krebs studied Electrical Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany. In 1990 he got his Ph. D. from the same University and started at Siemens AG. He worked on numerous national and international technical and scientific projects. He is “Principal Expert” and head of the Siemens PTI department “Protection, Operation and Control System Studies”. He is author/co-author of more than 240 scientific papers and inventor with more than 10 patents. Since 2008 he has been honorary professor at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and since 2016 member of the advisory board. He is an active member of IEEE, CIGRE, VDE and IEC. In 2018 he received the “Siemens Top-Innovator” award for data analytics in grid optimization.

Dirk Westermann

Dirk Westermann received his diploma degree in Electrical Engineering in 1992 and his Ph. D. in 1997 at the University of Dortmund, Germany. In 1997 he joined ABB Switzerland Ltd. where he held several positions in R&D and Technology Management. He became full professor for power systems at Technische Universität Ilmenau in 2005. Since 2019, he has been the director of the Thuringian Energy Research Institute. His research interests include design, control and operation of power systems. He is an active member of IEEE, CIGRE, IEC working groups and author of numerous scientific publications.


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Received: 2020-05-14
Accepted: 2020-07-03
Published Online: 2020-08-29
Published in Print: 2020-09-25

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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