University of Zagreb
Department of Mathematics
A set of m positive integers is called a Diophantine m-tuple if the product of its any two distinct elements increased by 1 is a perfect square. Diophantus found a set of four positive rationals with the above property. The first... more
It is proven that if k ≥ 2 is an integer and d is a positive integer such that the product of any two distinct elements of the set {k − 1, k + 1, 4k, d} increased by 1 is a perfect square, than d has to be 16k 3 −4k. This is a... more
Extending the classical Legendre's result, we describe all solutions of the inequality |α − a/b| < c/b 2 in terms of convergents of continued fraction expansion of α. Namely, we show that a/b = (rpm+1 ± spm)/(rqm+1 ± sqm) for some... more
A set of m positive integers is called a Diophantine m-tuple if the product of its any two distinct elements increased by 1 is a perfect square. We prove that if {a, b, c} is a Diophantine triple such that b > 4a and c > max{b 13 , 10 20... more
It is proved that if k and d are positive integers such that the product of any two distinct elements of the set {F 2k , F 2k+2 , F 2k+4 , d} increased by 1 is a perfect square, than d has to be 4F 2k+1 F 2k+2 F 2k+3 .
In this paper we prove that the only primitive solutions of the Thue inequality |x 4 − 4cx 3 y + (6c + 2)x 2 y 2 + 4cxy 3 + y 4 | ≤ 6c + 4, where c ≥ 4 is an integer, are (x, y)
Let c k = P 2 2k + 1, where P k denotes the k th Pell number. It is proved that for all positive integers k all solutions of the system of simultaneous Pellian equations
Let B be a nonzero integer. Let define the sequence of polynomials G n (x) by
In this paper we prove that the Diophantine equation
In this paper, we prove that there does not exist a set of four positive integers with the property that the product of any two of its distinct elements plus their sum is a perfect square.
It is proven that if k ≥ 2 is an integer and d is a positive integer such that the product of any two distinct elements of the set
Let k ≥ 3 be an integer. We study the possible existence of finite sets of positive integers such that the product of any two of them increased by 1 is a k-th power.
A set of Gaussian integers is said to have the property D(z) if the product of its any two distinct elements increased by z is a square of a Gaussian integer. In this paper it is proved that if a Gaussian integer z is not representable as... more
Diophantus found four positive rational numbers 1 16 , 33 16 , 17 4 , 105 16 with the property that the product of any two of them increased by 1 is a perfect square. The first set of four positive integers with the above property was... more
The D(−1)-quadruple conjecture states that there does not exist a set of four positive integers such that the product of any two distinct elements is one greater than a perfect square. It is proved that if {a, b, c, d} is such a set, then... more
Let n be an integer.