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    • African Studies
... Margaret Laurence, Charles R. Larson, Eustace Palmer, James Booth, Bernth Lindfors, Emmanuel Ngara, Kolewale Ogungbesan, Shatto Arthur Gakwandi, etc ... However the book written by LilyanKesteloot before the foregoing (Les ~crivains... more
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    • African Studies
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    • African Studies
... IG Kouchke explored the features of the Berber magical tale of Morocco ("Cultes et croyances en tant que source des motifs des contes magiques berberes") on the basis of Propp's work. ... Boston.Rock Art Recording and... more
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    • African Studies
This essay was originally a lecture given in Hungarian in Pécs, Hungary, at a conference on African Globalities/Global Africans, the 4th Pécs African Studies Conference on June 9-10, 2016. It starts its analysis with the ancient Greeks,... more
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      AfrocentrismHistorical RootsAchebe syndrome
This interview with Professor Jan Vansina, conducted in the mid-1980s by Szilárd Biernaczky, is the result of extensive correspondence between the two. After a brief introduction to the achievements of the distinguished and pioneering... more
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      European HistoryFolkloreAfrican HistoryOral history
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      African StudiesAfrica
Research on Talented Informants in Africa
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      African StudiesFolklore
Towards Comprehensive Histories of African Literature
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      Book ReviewsAfrican studies in Hungary
La tradition orale et la littérature africaine de langue française
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      Oral TraditionsAfrican studies in HungaryFrench language African literature
La vie d’un grand savant comme enrichissement pour la culture hongroise
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      African studies in HungaryBodrogi Tibor
On a Major Scholar with Lessons for Culture in Hungary
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      African studies in HungaryBodrogi Tibor
On the Problem of African Oral Literature
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    • African Oral Literature
Folklore in Africa today
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      FolkloreAfrican studies in Hungary
On African Oral Literature Genres
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    • African Oral Literature
How Many Historical Models of the Communication System of Tales?
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      FolkloreAfrican Oral Literature
This interview with Professor Jan Vansina, conducted in the mid-1980s by Szilárd Biernaczky, is the result of extensive correspondence between the two. After a brief introduction to the achievements of the distinguished and pioneering... more
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      FolkloreOral HistoryJan Vansina
Book Review - (Carol Lems-Dworkin: African
Music. A Pan-African Annotated Bibliography, 1991)
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      African MusicBook ReviewAfrican studies in Hungary
Orality In African Literature Today
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      African LiteratureOrality
Book Review - E. S. Kotljar: Epos narodov Afriki yujnee sahari [Folk epic in sub-Saharan Africa]. Moscow: Nauka, 1985.
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      FolkloreBook Reviews