Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Economia E Finanza
Blockchain as the new double entry bookkeeping system regarding its impact & disruption on the financial system.
A review / exposition of the Venetian Renaissance Lute Movement.
Fractal Analysis on the Great Divergence phenomenon pin-pointed by historians & economists.
An Open Perspective on the blockchain and its consequences on the Great Divergence Mechanics, is added at the end
An Open Perspective on the blockchain and its consequences on the Great Divergence Mechanics, is added at the end
It is no breaking news that the city of Venice is in great peril. The city has unfortunately become victim of its success, and human behavior on the climate worldwide. A cultural treasure to the world, it has obviously been integrated... more
Remarquable naturaliste du 19ème siècle, les travaux de Charles Darwin ont beaucoup apporté à la communauté scientifique sur des domaines tels que la biologie mais aussi en géologie. Ils ont en effet permis à Charles Darwin de théoriser... more
The historic river of La Seine - taking its source near Dijon & ending up flowing into in the English Channel - has to cope with the everlasting developing heavy industrial and agricultural activities surrounding it representing more or... more
This presentation holds a quick but exhaustive review about the situation of the very recent blockchain technology and of cryptocurrencies in the financial system of derivatives.
Stochastic Models For Finance Assignment #864176 Here is the EUR/RUB exchange rate from 02 / 01 / 2015 to 30 / 11 / 2016. It has 700 values. It looks like random walk, hence cannot be viewed stochastic given its non stationarity. However,... more
Dealing with non Negativity Constraints
Risk Measure Coherency
Theoretical Coherency
Coherency Estimators
Portfolio Optimisation Matrix
Risk Measure Coherency
Theoretical Coherency
Coherency Estimators
Portfolio Optimisation Matrix