Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Dottorato in Scienze dell'antichità
Conference 'Spoudógelos. Forme del ridere nel mondo antico' to be held on 11th and 12th May 2023. The talk focusses on the traditional portrayal by the ancient literary sources of the way Claudius tackled three cases of opposition to his... more
Son to an allegedly poisoned father and an exiled mother, brother to two hostes populi Romani, Caligula, at his accession after the death of Tiberius in March AD 37, found himself in a tottering situation. However, the historiographical... more
Ascended to power after the violent end of his predecessor, Claudius, as a Claudian without any ties of family nor adoption with the imperial Julian gens, was confronted by several problems, foremost among them the need to face the... more
Elaborato finale del corso di laurea in Lettere - frontespizio
Tesi magistrale - Filologia e storia dell'antichità - frontespizio This work aims to provide an edition of some Pindar’s fragments (frr. 51a-d, 52g and 52k M.) related to the mythical prophet Tenerus and the Boeotian sanctuaries of... more
Spoudógelos. Forme del ridere nel mondo antico (Venezia, 11-12 maggio 2023)
[Short athletes and heroes: Melissus and Heracles in Pindar’s Isthmian 4] This article aims to analyse how Melissus of Thebes is represented in Pindar’s Isthmian 4. The emphasis on Melissus’ short stature and the comparison with... more