Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Department of EuroAsiatic Studies
Dalla formazione alla professione: specializzazione e aspetti pragmatici 311 Alexandra Foresto La traduzione letteraria come professione 321 Anna Mioni La traduzione e il linguaggio cinematografico. Problemi e tecniche 329 Gilberto... more
La statua di un uomo che trascina una libreria a Shiraz [© eFesenko -Shutterstock.com]
Italian translation of Mehdi Asadzadeh's novel "Quch" (2014) published by Ponte33, Firenze 2018.
Italian translation of Mostafa Ensafi's novel "To be Esfahan bazkhahi gasht" (2016), published by Ponte33, Firenze 2019
Italian translation of Mahsa Mohebali's novel "Negaran nabash" (2009) published by Ponte33, Firenze 2015.
Italian translation of Mohammad Tolouei's short stories collection "Tarbiatha-ye pedar" (2014), published by Ponte33, Firenze 2019.
Italian translation of Mahsa Mohebali's novel "Vay khahim sad" (2016), published by Bompiani, Milano 2020.
Nota sulla datazione e la traslitterazione dal persiano p.11 Introduzione p.12 Capitolo 1 1.1 Našr-e Çešmẹ p.18
This article presents a translation of a waqf document from the Ottoman archives of Aleppo. The author’s contention is this waqfiyya bears witness to the resilience of Shiite presence in a predominantly Sunnite city.
A rather intricate legal case took place first in Ḥamā’s and then in Aleppo’s Ottoman Islamic courts around the middle of the 18th century. The setting, the social standing of the individuals involved, and the alleged circumstances of the... more
This short essay presents a number of unpublished 16th to 18th-century documents from the qāḍī-court records of Aleppo related to contracts and arrangements of travel and transport. These documents mirror the importance of Aleppo as a... more