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Curriculum Vitae

Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma, Scienze Politiche, Faculty Member
LAURA MARIOTTINI CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION PhD in Synchronic, Diachronic and Applied Linguistics with specialization in Spanish Linguistics, University of Roma Tre (Italy), XVII Doctoral Study, years 2002-2004 (date of discussion: 31 of May 2005). Title of the final thesis: “Linguistics and New Media. Variation phenomena of the Language of chats in Spanish and Italian”; supervisor: Prof. Franca Orletti. May 2007 A two-years post degree specialization for teaching Spanish Language and Culture in the secondary school. University of Pisa (Italy) December 2009 A post degree in “Organization and Direction of Educational Institutions”, University of Roma Tre (Italy) May 2006 Post degree in “University Spin-off”, organized by CERFE for 16 selected researchers of Lazio’s Universities, promoted by the European Union. September 1997 – June 2001 Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Roma Tre. Specialization in: linguistics and glottodidactics. Final work on: “Analysis of a translation of El Jarama”, Supervisor: Prof. Rosa Rossi. Mark: 110 e lode (maximum cum laude) September 2003 – December 2003 Research mission at the Department of Spanish Language, Literature and Literature Theory of the University of Seville (Tutor: Prof. A. Narbona Jiménez). September 2003 Summer School on “Sociolinguistic aspects of language variation”, Bern 15-19/09/2003 September 2001 Study grant within the Project “Culture 2000” – Net for the promotion of book, literature and translation – Grinzane Europa, promoted by the Programme “Culture 2000” of the European Union, convention n. 2001-0162/001-001 CLT CA2 COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONS PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES: Elementi di testualità del testo delle chat, poster presented at the International conference on “Writing and New Media”, Rome 21-22/10/2004. La construcción de la identidad y la expresión de la cortesía/descortesía verbal en los chats, communication presented at the “II Congreso sobre Lengua y Sociedad”, Castellón 9-11/11/2004. Análisis de una traducción de El Jarama, communication presented at the “III Simposio Internacional: Traducción, Texto e Interferencias”, Almería, 24-26/11/2004. Linguistica e nuovi media. Fenomeni di variazione della lingua delle chat in italiano e in spagnolo, communication presented at the seminar “Linguaggio a Roma Tre”, Rome 9/12/2004. Identity construction and verbal expression of Politeness/Impoliteness in chats, communication presented at the 9th International Pragmatic Conference, Riva del Garda, 10-15/07/2005. La lingua dei nuovi mezzi di comunicazione, (invited) relation presented at the “Curso de especialización filológica” promoted by the “Junta de Andalucía” and organized by the Department of Italian, Faculty of Filology of the University of Seville, 29/09-1/10/2005. La morfopragmática de los diminutivos en español y en italiano, communication presented at the XXXV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, León, 12-15/11/2005. www.identità/alterità.com, communication presented at the Conference on “Language, Culture, Power”, Cagliari 10-14/03/2006. Turn-taking Strategies in Spanish and Italian chatrooms, communication presented at the SIS/EES Hispanic Linguistic Conference, Glasgow, 7-9/04/2006; Cibercortesía: estrategias de toma del turno en los chats, communication presented at the III Coloquio Edice, Valencia, 22-26/11/2006. Il miraggio della vicinanza. La mediazione tra lingue/culture affini spagnolo e italiano, communication presented at the Conference on “Culture and mediation techniques”, Cagliari, 17-18/05/2007. La cortesia. Problemi di teoria e prassi traduttiva, communication presented at the International Conference “Italianists in Spain, Hispanists in Italy: the translation”, Rome, 30-31/10/2007. El diálogo interaccional, communication presented at the “XXV Congresso AISPI (Italian Hispanists Association)”, Naples, 18-21/02/2009. La comunicazione internazionale iberoamericana, communication presented at the conference on “Dyanamics of global communication among British English, Euroenglish, Globish and other European Languages”, Rome, La Sapienza, 8-9-12/05/2009. Identidad y poder en el discurso iberoamericano, (invited) relation presented at the seminar on “Venezuela y el discurso político”, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Roma Tre, Rome, 12/19/20-05-2009 Cuestiones de epistémica interaccional: cuando los turnos de habla empiezan con tampoco, communication presented at the XXVIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), Vigo, 15-17/04/2010. Modalidad y Atenuación. Análisis de “un poco” y de sus alteraciones morfológicas en las conversaciones coloquiales, communication presented at the XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Santiago de Compostela, 1-4/02/2010. Cuestiones de pragmática internacional. Identidad y poder en los discursos iberoamericanos de las Cumbres, communication presented at the IV International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics -(Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication, Seville, 24-26/03/2010. El lenguaje jurídico y las Nuevas Tecnologías: análisis de los blogs de abogados, communication presented at the “I Congreso Internacional sobre interdisciplinariedad, lenguas y TIC”, Valencia, 9-12/03/2010. (with F. Orletti), “Las narraciones de acontecimientos traumáticos: la guerra civil y el campo de concentración”, communication presented at the “26 Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Románica (CILFR 2010)”, Valencia, 6-11/09/2010 La voz de la migración latinoamericana, communication presented at the XXVI Conference of AISPI (Italian Hispanists Association), Trento, 27-30/10/2010 Las páginas web de turismo. ¿Género móvil o modelo mental?, communication presented at the International Conference “Mobile limits. Language and Culture in the Discourse of Tourism”. Milan, 10-12/11/2010; Lingua e identità nelle storie di migrazione latinoamericana, communication presented at the Eurolinguistics Annual Meeting “Language, Culture and Identity”. Rome, 18-20/04/2011; Ciberpragmática: hacia la fijación de nuevos géneros telemáticos, (invited) relation presented at the 1st Seminar “Meaning in Interaction”, Seville, 17-18/05/2011 (con C. Collufio), CLAC – Corpus Legal de Análisis Conversacional, communication presented at the 44° International Conference of SLE – Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logroño, 8-11/09/2011 (with F. Orletti), La expresión de la agentividad en español e italiano. La atenuación del agente en las narraciones de acontecimientos traumáticos, communication presented at the 44° International Conference of SLE – Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logroño, 8-11/09/2011 Storie di migrazione latinoamericana, (invited) relation presented at the Seminar “Languages, Migrations and mediation”, Genova, 29/11/2011. PUBLICATIONS Books: (2007) La cortesia. Rome, Carocci, Le Bussole. (2009) with M. Fatigante and M.E. Sciubba (eds.) Lingua e società. Scritti in onore di Franca Orletti, Rome, FrancoAngeli. (2010) with F. Orletti (eds.), (Des)cortesía en español: espacios teóricos y metodológicos para su estudio, (in press) with Franca Orletti (eds.), Lingua Interazione Mediazione. La migrazione latinoamericana in Italia, special issue of SILTA – Studi Italiani di Linguistica Sincronica e Applicata Articles and Book chapters: (2006a) “La pragmatica della CMC. Strategie di cortesia linguistica nelle interazioni in chat”, SILTA, 2: 319-338. (2006b) “Análisis de una traducción de El Jarama”, in Perdu, N. et alii (eds.) Inmigración, cultura y traducción: reflexiones interdisciplinares, Almería, Editorial Universidad de Almería, p. 126-134. (2006c) “Los diminutivos en los chats: estrategias de cortesía lingüística”, La Cortesía. Cultura, lenguaje y representación, 3, Castelló de la Plana, Editorial Universidad Jaume I: 103-131. (2006d) with F. Orletti, “La construcción de la identidad y la expresión de la cortesía/descortesía verbal en los chats”, in Blas Arroyo, J. L., Casanova, M. y Velando, M. (eds.) (2006), Discurso y Sociedad. Contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en contexto social, Castellón, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, p. 687-698. (2006e) with A. D’Angelis, “La morfopragmática de los diminutivos en español y en italiano”, Actas del XXXV Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, León, 12-15 december 2005. (2006f) “Scrittura e oralità nella letteratura spagnola contemporanea: El Jarama di R. Sánchez Ferlosio”, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate 2, Roma, Carocci, p. 389-404. (2007) “Il miraggio della vicinanza. La mediazione tra lingue/culture affini spagnolo e italiano”, in Chessa F., M. Morelli (eds.), Cultura e tecniche della mediazione, Cagliari, CUEC, 137-143. (2008a) “Cibercortesía: estrategias de toma del turno en los chats”, in Briz A., Hidalgo A., Albelda M., Contreras J., Hernández Flores N. (eds.), Cortesía y conversación: de lo escrito a lo oral, Valencia/Estocolmo, Universidad de Valencia, Programa EDICE, p. 489-502. (2008b) “La cortesia. Problemi di teoria e prassi traduttiva”, in Piras P.R, A. Alessandro, D. Fiormonte (eds.), Italianisti in Spagna, ispanisti in Italia: la traduzione, Roma, Edizioni Q, p. 77-89. (2009a), “Introduzione”, in Fatigante M., L. Mariottini, M.E. Sciubba (eds.), Lingua e società, Roma, Franco Angeli, p. 127-137. (2009b), “El texto jurídico español entre gramática y pragmática”, in Castorina, A., Cipri, M. (eds.), Semplificazione, internazionalizzazione e innovazione nella didattica delle lingue europee, (2010), “De la epistémica interaccional a la socio-interaccional: los turnos de habla que empiezan con tampoco”. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada – Rael, 2010, 9: 134-146. (2011a), “El lenguaje jurídico y las Nuevas Tecnologías: análisis de los blogs de abogados”, in Clavel, B., Maruenda, S. (eds.), Multiple Voices in Academic and Professional Discourse: Current Issues in Specialised Language Research, Teaching and New Technologies, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, p. 187-198. (2011b), Las páginas web de turismo. ¿Género móvil o modelo mental?. In: Liverani Elena, Canals Jordi, Il discorso del turismo. Aspetti linguistici e varietà testuali. Trento: Tangram (2011c) “El diálogo interaccional”, El español actual, 95/2011: 49-65. (2012a) “Modalidad y atenuación. Análisis de un poco y de sus alteraciones morfológicas en las conversaciones coloquiales”, Oralia, 15/2012: 177-204. (2012b) “I need Spain. Análisis pragmático de la campaña de promoción turística 2010”. PASOS, 10: 105-113. (2012c), “Identidad y poder en el discurso político iberoamericano”. In: P. Botta; S. Pastor (eds.), Rumbos del hispanismo en el umbral del Cincuentenario de la AIH. VIII Lengua. vol. VIII Lengua, p. 102-111, Roma: Bagatto Libri. (2012d) “Audiovisual (Im)Politeness: an Interlinguistic and Intercultural Analysis of Spanish films dubbed into Italian”, in Fernández Amaya, L. et al. (eds.), (Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 114-136. (2012e), “Dell'identità linguistico-discorsiva. Esercizi teorici per lo studio della migrazione latinoamericana in Italia”. In D. De Luise, M. Morelli (eds.), La mediazione comunitaria: un'esperienza possibile. p. 117-139, Genova: Libellula Edizioni. (2012f), con V. Sica, “Miembros y miembras de la Comisión de Igualdad”. Lingua e genere nella comunicazione pubblica spagnola, Rivista trimestrale di Scienza dell’Amministrazione, Franco Angeli, 1/2012: 79-98 (2012g), con V. Sica, “Le politiche e le pratiche linguistiche di genere del Ministerio de Igualdad”, Rivista trimestrale di Scienza dell’Amministrazione, Franco Angeli, 2/2012: 79-98. (2012h) with F. Orletti, “La expresión de la agentividad en español e italiano. la atenuación del agente en las narraciones de acontecimientos traumáticos”, Tonos digital, vol. 22. Translations: (2007) Mitrani, D. “¿Quieres que te llamen Gina?” [trad. it. Mariottini, L. “Vuoi che ti chiamino Gina?”], in Della Valle, G. (a cura di), Nero e Avana, antologia di racconti cubani noir contemporanei, Editori Riuniti, Roma, p. 217-229. Book Reviews:: (2010) Leo Spitzer, Lingua italiana del dialogo, a cura di Claudia Caffi e Cesare Segre, traduzione italiana di Livia Tonelli, Milano, il Saggiatore, La cultura, 2007, pp. 382. In SILTA (2012) Blas Arroyo, José Luís (2005), Sociolingüística del español. Desarrollos y perspectivas en el estudio de la lengua española en contexto social, Madrid, Cátedra, II ed. de 2008, págs. 782. In Spanish in Context (2008) Lingue, culture, economia. Comunicazione e pratiche discorsive, a cura di Maria Vittoria Calvi, Giovanna Mapelli, Javier Santos López (2008), Milano, FrancoAngeli. In Quaderni del Dipartimento di Letterature Comparate, Università Roma Tre (in stampa) El Bicentenario de Indipendencia de los Países Latinoamericanos. Ayer y hoy, Guzmán Carriquiry Lecour (2011), Madrid, Ediciones Encuentro. In ComPol, rivista di Comunicazione Politica TEACHING Since the A.Y. 2009-2010 up to now: Professor of Spanish Language and Translation at the University of Rome La Sapienza, Faculty of Political Sciences. A.Y. 2009-2010; Teacher at the Post Degree in “Specialized Translation”, University of Rome La Sapienza (6 hours). A.Y. 2009-2010; Teacher at the Post Degree in “Writing, Translation and Communication for Web, Cine and Television Professions”, University of Roma Tre (20 hours). A.Y. 2009-2010; Contract Professor of General Linguistics at the University of Roma Tre, Faculty of Education Sciences. A.Y. 2008-2009; Contract Professor of Spanish Applied Translation (revision of texts from Spanish into Italian) at the University of Rom Tre, Faculty of Humanities. A.Y. 2007-2008; Contract Professor of Spanish Mediation for specialized contexts at the University of Rome La Sapienza. A.Ys. 2006-2007 and 2007-2008; Contract Professor of Spanish Mediation ate the University of Rome La Sapienza. A.Ys. 2006-2007 and 2007-2008; Contract Lecturer for Spanish Language applied activities at the University of Roma Tre, Faculty of Political Sciences. A.Ys. 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008; Contract Professor of Spanish Language and Applied Activities at the University of Roma Tre, Faculty of Education Sciences. A.Y. 2005-2006; Contract Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. Supervision of Graduate, Master and Post graduate Students’ final works Supervision of D. Arduini graduate final work on “the Economic Politics of Spain within the world crisis”. Discussed the 28 of January of 2010, University of Rome La Sapienza. Supervision of C. Collufio PhD final work (in collaboration with Esperanza Alcaide Lara, università of Seville), titled “Estudio sobre descortesía en el discurso publicitario: el caso de la publicidad social”, University of Seville. Supervision of V.R. González García Post Degree final work on “The Epic song to the FSLN. The Nicaraguans’ struggle in the oral traditions”. Discussed the 19 of October of 2010, University of Rome La Sapienza. Supervision of S. Chiaramonte master graduate final work on “Latino immigrants in Italy: the language of the second generations”. Discussed the 27 of June of 2011, University of Rome La Sapienza. Supervision of A. Santamaria Post degree final work titled “C-learning: el producto cinematográfico como texto para el aprendizaje de ELE en contexto multimedial”. RESEARCH PROJECTS Participation at the Research Laboratory on “Multimodality and Speech”, directed by F. Orletti, University of Roma Tre; Participation at the Research Laboratory on “Writing and New Media”, directed by F. Orletti, University of Roma Tre; Member of the International Group EDICE (Estudios del Discurso de Cortesía en Español), coordinated by Diana Bravo, University of Stockholm. Director of the funded project (ex-faculty for the year 2009) on “Symmetric and Asymmetric conversation phenomena in the Ibero-American political discourse”; Member of the AIM – Interunivesitary Centre for the Interaction Analysis, administrative centre at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia. Participation at the funded FARI Project 2010, directed by Monika Wozniak on the use of voice-over for teaching and learning foreign languages. Participation at the funded Research Project on “Languages, Interaction and mediation in institutional contexts”, directed by M.Morelli, University of Genova. Participation at the funded Research Project on the Brain mobility and the Internationalization of the Italian Universities, directed by R. Iannone. CONGRESS ORGANIZATION Organizing Committee of Writing and new media, Roma, 21-22/10/2004, Università Roma Tre; Local Scientific and Organizing Committee of the IV Coloquio EDICE, Roma, 23-26/09/2008, University of Roma Tre; Organizing Committee of the XVI AIH Congress (Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas), Rome, 19-24/07/2010. Responsible of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Language, Interaction, Mediation (LIM), University of Rome La Sapienza, 26-27/11/2012 WORKING EXPERIENCES Since December 2008 Researcher and Professor of Spanish Language and Translation at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Rome La Sapienza. Freelance Interpreter and Translator Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and chuchotage in the combination Spanish-Italian. Translations in specialized contexts in the combination Spanish-Italian and English-Italian. Literary Translation in the combination Spanish-Italian. September 2004 – December 2009 Full-time Teacher at the primary school LANGUAGE SKILLS Italian: Native speaker Spanish: like native speaker in every context and situation English: very good both in oral and written communication French: oral and written comprehension Latin: scholar knowledge Rome, 06/11/2013