Books by Danilo Boriati

Carocci, 2024
In ambito sociale, la valutazione prevede che si misuri quanto una data realtà sia accettabile ri... more In ambito sociale, la valutazione prevede che si misuri quanto una data realtà sia accettabile rispetto alle aspettative di chi ne fa parte o, nello specifico, quanto il valore creato da un progetto riesca a soddisfare un determinato bisogno. Vista la complessità dei “fatti” sociali, però, è tema assai dibattuto dalla comunità scientifica se tale azione possa generare un sapere razionalmente fondato e condiviso. In questa prospettiva, il volume – facendo riferimento al dibattito teorico ed empirico sul tema – presenta i principali risultati del processo di valutazione di impatto sociale condotto nell’ambito del progetto “MOlise Verso l’InTegrazione” (MOVIT), che ha coinvolto i servizi pubblico-privati rivolti all’utenza migrante e i loro operatori. L’obiettivo generale del progetto è stato garantire una buona qualità delle prestazioni offerte ai cittadini di paesi terzi, nonché sperimentare interventi innovativi che, nel tempo, possano migliorarne la governance e promuovere pratiche di accoglienza per le persone migranti. Cosicché la valutazione, oltre a misurare, ha stimolato il welfare locale verso la creazione di una società più inclusiva e sostenibile.

FrancoAngeli, 2022
Ovunque è possibile vedere persone con uno smartphone in mano. Ma qual è il rapporto che esse ins... more Ovunque è possibile vedere persone con uno smartphone in mano. Ma qual è il rapporto che esse instaurano con questo dispositivo? Qual è il ruolo di questo strumento nella loro vita quotidiana? In che modo esso viene utilizzato dentro le mura di casa e nelle relazioni familiari? È cambiato, con l’avvento della pandemia, l’uso che se ne fa?
Il volume tenta di offrire una risposta a queste domande sulla base dei dati raccolti in due surveys condotte a due anni di distanza l’una dall’altra. La ricerca sociale qui presentata, diacronica e di tipo esplorativo, indaga le implicazioni dell’utilizzo del telefono mobile, con un approccio quantitativo, in relazione a differenti ambiti di esperienza degli italiani, in particolare rispetto all’articolazione delle relazioni sociali familiari e delle pratiche quotidiane esperite entro l’ambiente domestico, connettendole al contesto pre e intra pandemico.

Aracne, Jul 2016
Partendo dalla constatazione che oggi il consumo sembra essere la principale proprietà capace di ... more Partendo dalla constatazione che oggi il consumo sembra essere la principale proprietà capace di descrivere le caratteristiche individuali e l’appartenenza di ognuno all’interno della struttura sociale, questo lavoro empirico prende avvio dalle maggiori teorie sociologiche che hanno permesso il costituirsi di un ramo di studi indirizzato a spiegare fenomeni che al giorno d’oggi sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. Sono stati utilizzati strumenti metodologici e metodi di ricerca sociale quantitativi e qualitativi, in base a un approccio mixed-methods. Sembra che la società, con i suoi dettami consumistici, spinga l’attore sociale contemporaneo verso scelte di consumo legate al godimento immediato, all’hic et nunc. I beni acquistati e consumati con modalità sempre più fugaci sembrano avere ancora un fortissimo valore simbolico e, nonostante l’attuale momento di crisi economica, la corsa all’acquisto di prodotti costosi e destinati a una rapida obsolescenza prende senso se letta in un’ottica di definizione di un sé sociale sempre più transitorio.
Il saggio analizza il tema del consumo, sia per quanto concerne i fenomeni che esso comporta nell... more Il saggio analizza il tema del consumo, sia per quanto concerne i fenomeni che esso comporta nella società contemporanea, sia per quanto riguarda l'influenza che esso esercita sull'individuo. Focus dell'argomentazione è la categoria sociologica dell'effimero, con particolare riferimento alla dimensione del voluttuario e del godimento immediato di beni e prodotti.
Books Chapters by Danilo Boriati
Paradigmi del locale come specchi del globale. Prospettive per il XXI secolo, 2023
Filosofia Morale, 3/2023, 2023
The pandemic period has demonstrated and has “discovered” how some kinds of inequality (“educatio... more The pandemic period has demonstrated and has “discovered” how some kinds of inequality (“educational poverty” among them), which is already marked by many factors that cause these vulnerabilities, are influenced by additional elements that, especially in periods of emergency, emerge with all their unquestionable importance in fostering and promoting further and more serious inequalities, inequities and differences, locally and globally.
Within this framework, the essay – through the results of empirical research carried out (in three different areas of Italy) – proposes suggestions for a reflection on educational poverty and on interventions for possible social development.

Bambini in lutto, 2021
The contribution tries to understand how the “epidemic impact” can have an effect on the social c... more The contribution tries to understand how the “epidemic impact” can have an effect on the social construction of the individual and on the way of understanding death and, above all, post mortem in modern society. In particular during the Covid-19 society, death acquires a new centrality, both in quantitative and media terms. In any case, death experienced as news from a newscast or as a report of any television program can be denied to the individual/social conscience much more easily than the death experienced in real life. Consequently, the unawareness of the meaning of death causes a sense of fear and latent stress especially in the child. This kind of stress is supported by the loss of his roots and family memory, and – in this pandemic period – by the ban of building meaningful relationships outside their family.
In this framework, an antidote to social disease (by post-mortem caused) is offered by the “self-help groups”. These groups support the process of mourning acceptance: the individual acquires awareness of the possibility of being able to overcome the boundaries of their own experience and being able to be an active protagonist in the society. So, this “new” kind of society is built on the basis of new co-created identity and the child itself produces well-being for himself and for the community in which he lives.
In conclusion, in the frame of an inclusive, participatory and active welfare, he (the child) works with the idea of social participation and this kind of concept is fundamental to implement some ad hoc answers to each individual, family and group in an innovative way.

Forum on Studies of Society. Third Edition Conference Proceedings, 2020
The pandemic emergency – caused by Covid-19 – among many issues, come to be also the re-organizat... more The pandemic emergency – caused by Covid-19 – among many issues, come to be also the re-organization of social services. The development and implementation of a renew social services system should be able to answer to new (basic) needs and to new social problems of people, without forgetting to satisfy the old social questions that are always there.
In this way, social services take on the role of protection for all people with new and past needs and problems. For these reasons, the social services have many challenges to face redefining the practices of assistance for the community.
So, it’s must re-think the social planning that is able to answer, promptly, to the real needs of the people.
The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore brought attention to the entire welfare system and to the social policies connected. It was a pioneer to rethink thought – still in progress – to operate remotely through smart working methods, using new technologies and digital devices, which allow to optimize the times of performance, monitoring and verifying them through communication flows that become timelier.
Definitively, the central question is re-design the future based on new forms of marginalization and poverty that Covid-19 has highlighted even more. On this basis, the welfare system should move towards proximity and community policies, bridging economic gap between different countries and making new opportunities and resources accessible to the institutions, opening therefore new possibilities for growth and sustainable development.
Terzo Millennio, 2020
Il presente contributo propone una riflessione sulle risultanze di un'indagine pilota, condotta n... more Il presente contributo propone una riflessione sulle risultanze di un'indagine pilota, condotta nel territorio molisano, da un gruppo di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi del Molise. L'obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di indagare quanto i minori (tra i 12 e i 17 anni di età), residenti nella regione Molise, utilizzino le nuove tecnologie per promuovere benessere o di contro per molestare, diffamare, minacciare o “dare fastidio” ai loro coetanei, nonché quanto essi siano consapevoli dei reati informatici e delle implicazioni che da questi possono scaturire.
Papers by Danilo Boriati

Sociology and Social Work Review, 2024
The essay aims to reflect, in the theoretical framework of Bourdieu (1998) on the types of violen... more The essay aims to reflect, in the theoretical framework of Bourdieu (1998) on the types of violence whose effects translate into an objectification of women and into a social reproduction of attitudes typical of patriarchal society which, declining into habitus, crystallize in the daily behavior of individuals and institutions. In this context, violence against women (Istanbul Convention 2011) reiterates, even today, a social structure based on asymmetric power relations which does not allow them to acquire the determination necessary to escape from “natural” subordination. Violence remains hidden and, very often (Grevio Report 2019), produces a sense of distrust even in institutions as in the case of the phenomenon of secondary victimization (Vonderhaar and Carmody 2015) which, once again, explains delays in fighting violence. For these reasons, the prevention of violence requires a cultural approach inspired by the principles of gender equality, also considering the possible bias of A. I. in terms of gender stereotypes, which is capable of increasing women’s empowerment, making them “capable” (Sen 1979) of carrying out own choices in autonomy and freedom (Grignoli 2022) for a sustainable social future.

Sustainability , 2024
This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner A... more This article explores the depopulation phenomenon in the context of the Molise region, an Inner Area in the south of Italy, considering it as an indicator of emerging social vulnerability. In particular, this paper presents the results of a quantitative study conducted in Molise on a non-probabilistic sample composed of 89 respondents through an online self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. This research may contribute to stimulating reflection on social vulnerability studies by explaining that, in the age of complexity, societies, although simple, are not builders of social capital capable of protecting against social vulnerability. In particular, the data reveal that more than 2/3 of the sample (+75%) do not participate in community activities (events at volunteer centers; civic and political activities; and events youth aggregation centers). For this reason, it is important to improve solidarity, which is the core of new strategies of proximity welfare that help to reduce depopulation.
Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, 83-84, 2023
The essay presents the achievements of the social impact assessment process of the project labell... more The essay presents the achievements of the social impact assessment process of the project labelled “Molise Verso l’Integrazione”. This process, following the logic of the theory-based approach, aimed to known the ex post value of the public-private services aimed at migrant users, of the capacity of the operators within the communities concerned, as well as social value of communities in terms of co-construction of reception, through a different way of doing governance.

Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 15 (2), 2023
Information and communication technologies (ICTs or TIC) represent not only an extension of human... more Information and communication technologies (ICTs or TIC) represent not only an extension of humans but pervasive environments in which all individuals move. However, even today, there is a gap between users in relation to age: the over-65s in Europe and Italy, for example, present difficulties in the use of digital tools and therefore strong disparities in relation to access to Internet and related resources and opportunities. This means that the elderlies are in serious risk to social exclusion and marginalization in the knowledge society, in which technological artifacts are instead crucial for social inclusion. Therefore, the essay aims to reflect on these issues through a sociological lens, with references to digital literacy and media education as possible alternatives, and social-relational interventions to reduce digital disengagement and the consequent digital divide. Thus, the paper proposes the intergenerational digital social innovation perspective that, by activating bottom-up digital-oriented welfare policies, promotes learning in old age. In fact, this is a determining factor in the design of educational spaces co-constructed together with the older people.
Qtimes - Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies, 2022
The paper presents the main findings of exploratory research on the use of smartphones in the per... more The paper presents the main findings of exploratory research on the use of smartphones in the period of Covid-19. In particular, the quantitative survey, analyze the use of mobile phones within the family and domestic environment, specifically in the context of those family and intimate relationships that have been experienced and maintained within the home during the pandemic withdrawal period.
Sicurezza e scienze sociali, 2022
The essay shows how, in the pandemic period, the eating disorders of minors were increased, linki... more The essay shows how, in the pandemic period, the eating disorders of minors were increased, linking these disorders to the relational poverty further exacerbated by the lockdown. The contribution proposes an innovative response of care services, through a dialogue between sociology of nutrition and sociology of health that can culminate in a welfare community work.
Sicurezza e scienze sociali, 2022
The essay, through an analysis of the international literature on online gambling, leads to disco... more The essay, through an analysis of the international literature on online gambling, leads to discover how Internet and social platforms have facilitated and extended the opportunities for gambling and, in parallel, increased the problems related to gambling, especially during the pandemic period; it proposes an innovative response of care services, through a work of “network in the Network”.

Mediascapes Journal, 2021
This paper presents exploratory research, conducted at the end of 2019, on mobile phone uses in I... more This paper presents exploratory research, conducted at the end of 2019, on mobile phone uses in Italy. Starting from the assumption that "social life in the modern world is increasingly made up of non-direct forms of interaction" (Thompson, 1998, p. 128), the article wants to describe the modeling of relationships and interactions established by individuals through the use of smartphones, focusing the observational perspective on the home environment and on the family group. The main interest is to investigate the way in which the smartphone is integrated within the horizon of daily life and becomes part of the personal and family routine. The results of the research, although provisional and not generalizable, represent an interesting starting point for further analyzes which could, especially in light of the current pandemic scenario, discover new and interesting causal connections.

Academia Letters, 2021
The economic-financial crisis of 2008, started in the USA, still makes its effects felt on many w... more The economic-financial crisis of 2008, started in the USA, still makes its effects felt on many world economies and, in particular, on the Italian one. In this scenario, the article presents the main results of a sociological research, conducted in Italy in 2014 and already published (Boriati D., 2016), concerning the consumption behaviour of the Italian population. The starting point of the reflection concerns contemporary sociological theories that underline the characteristics of «liquidity» (Bauman Z., 2000) and «ephemerality» (Boriati D., 2013) of post-modern society (Lyotard J.-F., 1979). Starting from this theorical premise, the analysis is based on a quali-quantitative methodological approach, which allowed not only to describe the Italian's consumption behaviours, but also to investigate the individual's motivations of the purchasing choices. The research question that begins this work wants to discover, using a particular sociological category such as the "ephemeral", new declinations of the consumption behaviours of Italian social actors, trying to discover forms of consumption in contrast with the historical period, of strong economic crisis, in which this work is located. The theoretical approach of the research includes different sociological theories, starting from the classics one of the modern era that deal with consumptions, even if not principally (Simmel, 1910; Veblen, 1899), until the more contemporary ones (Baudrillard J., 1974; Bourdieu P., 1979; Bauman Z., 2000), developed and applied to today's consumer context. From an empirical point of view, the research included the use of two data collection tools: a standardized and structured questionnaire (composed of 18 closed-ended questions) and a semi-structured interview (composed of 8 questions). The two work tools were distributed at different times: the first was administered on-line on a not probabilistic sample, while the
Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, ISSN 0392-2278, 2019
The article is based on some evidence of contemporary society. It starts from the so called «welf... more The article is based on some evidence of contemporary society. It starts from the so called «welfare crisis» and from some social changes such as population ageing and the progress in technology, which lead to a reflection on the future of the welfare itself. Within the frame of social innovation, the article, by focusing on the relationship between elderly society and the Ict (Information and Communication Technologies), introduces and discusses the role of voice-controlled digital assistants as an improvement to the living conditions of the older adults. Furthermore, the article highlights the need to calibrate new social policies aimed at elderly people, in order to redefine the welfare in accordance with the social investment approach and with the use of Ict by elderly people., ISSN 2421-4302, 2017
The paper deals with the changes in political journalism due to the development and the spread of... more The paper deals with the changes in political journalism due to the development and the spread of the web. In fact, the use of social-networks (in particular, Facebook and Twitter) has profoundly modified the form of political news, allowing politicians to instantly communicate news and overcome the role usually played by news agencies. The phenomenon of fake-news is also analysed, because they are increasingly used as political weapon and have significantly forced the journalist to adapt his work to the changes.
Books by Danilo Boriati
Il volume tenta di offrire una risposta a queste domande sulla base dei dati raccolti in due surveys condotte a due anni di distanza l’una dall’altra. La ricerca sociale qui presentata, diacronica e di tipo esplorativo, indaga le implicazioni dell’utilizzo del telefono mobile, con un approccio quantitativo, in relazione a differenti ambiti di esperienza degli italiani, in particolare rispetto all’articolazione delle relazioni sociali familiari e delle pratiche quotidiane esperite entro l’ambiente domestico, connettendole al contesto pre e intra pandemico.
Books Chapters by Danilo Boriati
Within this framework, the essay – through the results of empirical research carried out (in three different areas of Italy) – proposes suggestions for a reflection on educational poverty and on interventions for possible social development.
In this framework, an antidote to social disease (by post-mortem caused) is offered by the “self-help groups”. These groups support the process of mourning acceptance: the individual acquires awareness of the possibility of being able to overcome the boundaries of their own experience and being able to be an active protagonist in the society. So, this “new” kind of society is built on the basis of new co-created identity and the child itself produces well-being for himself and for the community in which he lives.
In conclusion, in the frame of an inclusive, participatory and active welfare, he (the child) works with the idea of social participation and this kind of concept is fundamental to implement some ad hoc answers to each individual, family and group in an innovative way.
In this way, social services take on the role of protection for all people with new and past needs and problems. For these reasons, the social services have many challenges to face redefining the practices of assistance for the community.
So, it’s must re-think the social planning that is able to answer, promptly, to the real needs of the people.
The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore brought attention to the entire welfare system and to the social policies connected. It was a pioneer to rethink thought – still in progress – to operate remotely through smart working methods, using new technologies and digital devices, which allow to optimize the times of performance, monitoring and verifying them through communication flows that become timelier.
Definitively, the central question is re-design the future based on new forms of marginalization and poverty that Covid-19 has highlighted even more. On this basis, the welfare system should move towards proximity and community policies, bridging economic gap between different countries and making new opportunities and resources accessible to the institutions, opening therefore new possibilities for growth and sustainable development.
Papers by Danilo Boriati
Il volume tenta di offrire una risposta a queste domande sulla base dei dati raccolti in due surveys condotte a due anni di distanza l’una dall’altra. La ricerca sociale qui presentata, diacronica e di tipo esplorativo, indaga le implicazioni dell’utilizzo del telefono mobile, con un approccio quantitativo, in relazione a differenti ambiti di esperienza degli italiani, in particolare rispetto all’articolazione delle relazioni sociali familiari e delle pratiche quotidiane esperite entro l’ambiente domestico, connettendole al contesto pre e intra pandemico.
Within this framework, the essay – through the results of empirical research carried out (in three different areas of Italy) – proposes suggestions for a reflection on educational poverty and on interventions for possible social development.
In this framework, an antidote to social disease (by post-mortem caused) is offered by the “self-help groups”. These groups support the process of mourning acceptance: the individual acquires awareness of the possibility of being able to overcome the boundaries of their own experience and being able to be an active protagonist in the society. So, this “new” kind of society is built on the basis of new co-created identity and the child itself produces well-being for himself and for the community in which he lives.
In conclusion, in the frame of an inclusive, participatory and active welfare, he (the child) works with the idea of social participation and this kind of concept is fundamental to implement some ad hoc answers to each individual, family and group in an innovative way.
In this way, social services take on the role of protection for all people with new and past needs and problems. For these reasons, the social services have many challenges to face redefining the practices of assistance for the community.
So, it’s must re-think the social planning that is able to answer, promptly, to the real needs of the people.
The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore brought attention to the entire welfare system and to the social policies connected. It was a pioneer to rethink thought – still in progress – to operate remotely through smart working methods, using new technologies and digital devices, which allow to optimize the times of performance, monitoring and verifying them through communication flows that become timelier.
Definitively, the central question is re-design the future based on new forms of marginalization and poverty that Covid-19 has highlighted even more. On this basis, the welfare system should move towards proximity and community policies, bridging economic gap between different countries and making new opportunities and resources accessible to the institutions, opening therefore new possibilities for growth and sustainable development.
The aim of this paper is analyze, through the use of second level data, the Italian migratory model and its impact on the labor market, paying specific attention to Molise region. In fact, in accordance with ISTAT data, Molise is the region where the number of resident migrants has grown progressively: from 10,800 in 2015 to 12,982 in 2017. Molise also has the highest number of permanent structures and reception centre for asylum-seekers in relation to citizens.
The analysis will be organized in three different steps: 1) statistical overview on the labor force of immigrants in Europe, using processed data by Eurostat, for first description of the phenomenon; 2) comparison Eurostat data with labor force data of immigrants in Italy, processed by Istat and by italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy; 3) comparison of European and Italian data, processed by Istat, with data on the labor force of immigrants in Molise.
The reference to the data on the different labor forces will be useful, primarily, to compare empirically employment and unemployment rates of immigrants on the European territory to italian’s rates. Secondly, it will be possible to show an exhaustive picture of the working and integrative situation of foreigners residing in Italy; then this data will be compared to Molise’s data. Finally, we will try to outline possible practical solutions aimed to encourage greater employment inclusion of immigrants within the host countries, with particular attention to induction of training courses and the implementation of active labor policies.
La domanda di ricerca che muove l’intero lavoro, pertanto, riguarda quale uso gli individui facciano del telefono mobile all’interno dell’ambiente domestico e come questo medium vada a impattare sulle relazioni e sull’organizzazione della vita quotidiana propria delle famiglie, nonché su come esso rappresenti uno strumento cardine nella connessione tra la sfera privata (cioè domestica) e quella pubblica.
A differenza dei contesti di ricerca propri del paradigma della domesticazione dei media (che prediligono un metodo etnografico e micro-sociologico), questa ricerca adotta un approccio quantitativo, perché l’interesse è quello di giungere, in modo esplorativo, a definire una descrizione sugli usi del telefono mobile in famiglia e all’interno dell’ambiente domestico.