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Following the EU referendum of 2016 in the UK, reported hate crime incidents against the immigrant communities with right wing discourses has elevated to the top of the political agenda; and is becoming a core issue in criminology... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyVisual StudiesLiterature
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      Human EvolutionHistory of ScienceEvolutionHistory and Phylosphy of Science
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      History of ChristianityTeologyMedeval History
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceEvolutionTeology
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      Human EvolutionPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceEvoluzionismo
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityTeology
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval StudiesTeology
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval StudiesTeology
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityTeology
L'articolo ha lo scopo di presentare le dinamiche socio-culturali che si instaurano all’interno del porto. I porti sono luoghi di transito, spazi sociali che producono un insieme di storie e percorsi da affrontare con un approccio... more
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      Maritime HistoryShipping/ Transport LogisticsPorts and HarboursMaritime anthropology
The Mediterranean is a place crossed by many stories and life experiences. In this regard, this study proposes the analysis of port cities as social spaces marked by the constant flow of people, objects, ideas and meanings. The continuous... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyMediterranean StudiesMaritime Ethnography
Lo sviluppo delle scienze sociali in ambito accademico incoraggia il confronto tra le metodologie in uso nelle diverse discipline. In particolare, nelle discipline etno-antropologiche il lavoro di ricerca sul campo pone problemi precisi... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual AnthropologyQualitative Research MethodsEtnography
Scopo della ricerca è indagare i fari come luoghi carichi di significato culturale e storico, potenziali oggetti di indagine dal quale attingere le memorie e le narrazioni delle comunità marittime. Uno studio di questo genere è dettato... more
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      Cultural AnthropologyMaritime anthropologyAnthropology of LandscapesLighthouse History
Il faro si manifesta agli occhi dell’osservatore come la rappresentazione del mistero e del mito difficilmente raggiungibile: se per l’uomo di mare esso è lo strumento che indica la rotta sicura, per l’uomo di terra, invece, è una... more
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      Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Cultural AnthropologyMaritime anthropologyLighthouse History
The Mediterranean is a place crossed by many stories and life experiences. In this regard, this study proposes the analysis of port cities as social spaces marked by the constant flow of people, objects, ideas and meanings. The continuous... more
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      Social TheoryGeographyAnthropologyPolitics
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The paper aims to analyse the relationship between man and the sea throug the use of narratives, myths and stories kept in the seascape, in order to rediscover the mystery, fears, imaginaries and the sense of the sea and sailing. For this... more
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      Oral TraditionsIntangible cultural heritageMaritime anthropologyOral literature
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