Papers by Uwamere O Edeghor
Malaysian Journal of Microbiology

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 5, 2015
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Nigeria has remained a public health issue and a major cause... more Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Nigeria has remained a public health issue and a major cause of mortality especially in developing countries. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus infection is thought to be one of the major routes of transmission in developing countries. In spite of this, routine antenatal screening for hepatitis infection is not yet practiced in many Nigerian hospitals. This study was undertaken with the aim of determining the prevalence of HBsAg antibodies among women attending antenatal clinic at General Hospital Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and fifty women were recruited for this study between January and March, 2012 and were screened for anti-HBsAg antibodies using the one step rapid HBsAg Test Kit (Hypertec. Diagnostic, Germany). The anti-HBsAg prevalence was determined to be 4% (6/ 150) with the highest prevalence (7.14%) recorded in pregnant women aged 26-30 years. The trimester related prevalence of HBsAg was highest (5.88%) among women on their 2 nd trimester. Statistical analysis revealed that age and trimester were not statistically associated (P > 0.05) with HBsAg antibodies prevalence. The findings of high prevalence of HBsAg in antenatal women in their 2 nd trimester during which the fetus undergo certain developmental processes possess high risk to the developing fetus.

Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie
Urinary tract infections persist as recurring maladies in human health, triggered by diverse bact... more Urinary tract infections persist as recurring maladies in human health, triggered by diverse bacterial species. The rise of antibiotic resistance necessitates novel therapeutic agents. This investigation delves into the experimental and theoretical exploration of three compounds—Methyl ganoderate B (A1), 12-acetoxy-15-hydroxy-3,7,11,23-tetraoxolanost-8-en-26-oic acid (A2), and 15-hydroxy-3,7,11,23-tetraoxolanost-8,20-dien-26-oic acid (A3)—via Density Functional Theory (DFT). Leveraging geometrical optimization, spectroscopic (FT-IR, LC–MS) analysis, electronic property studies in polar (water) and non-polar (cyclohexane) solvents, we uncover their solvent-dependent stability and reactivity. Quantum descriptors reveal A1’s elevated reactivity (−7.113 eV energy gap), while A2 showcases enhanced stability (−4.981 eV energy gap). Molecular docking investigations employing significant Escherichia coli adhesion proteins (PDB: 5LNE and 5LNE) spotlight the compounds’ superior binding affini...
The carriage of Staphylococcus aureus by health persons was first described by Hallman (1937) and... more The carriage of Staphylococcus aureus by health persons was first described by Hallman (1937) and has since been studied intensively. Repeated swabbing of the same population of normal persons yielded cumulative carriage rates of 60 90%. Twenty to thirty percent of the people are persistent carriers, 30 70% are intermittent or occasional carriers, and 10 40% are never carriers (Williams, 1963). Persistent carriers usually harbour the same strains for many months or even for years. Some intermittent carriers are examples of short term persistent carriage of a single strain which is then lost, but others are truly intermittent carriers of the same strain over a long period of time (Geoffrey and Charles, 1990). ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 3 Number 6 (2014) pp. 1065-1071

The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing ... more The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing countries is of serious public health concern. This study was, therefore, conducted on street-vended fruit salad, to determine their microbial quality. A total of twenty (20) fruit samples, comprising five each of fresh Apple (Malus domestica Borkh), Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), Pawpaw (Carica papaya) and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were collected from 3 different locations (Watt, Marian and Goldie) in Calabar and were evaluated by way of standard plate techniques, for microbial contaminants. The specific microbial genera were enumerated on appropriate selective media and identified using standard identification parameters with the aid of identification and taxonomic manuals. The results revealed that the mean total bacterial counts of all the fruit samples ranged from 1.07 × 10 to 3.4 × 10CFU/g, whereas, the mean total coliform counts ranged from 0.9 × 10 to 2.05 × 10 CFU/g, respec...

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is in an increase demand because of their health benef... more Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is in an increase demand because of their health benefits but the hazards associated with them are not taken notice of. Consumer demand is to use fresh fruits and vegetables which are bacteriologically safe but incidences have shown that eating these produce are not always safe. Survey of 390 samples of fresh fruits and vegetables among which were 100 each of cucumber (Cucumis satavum), garden egg (Salinum melongena) and carrot (Daucus carota) and 30 bundles each of pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis), waterleaf Talinum triangulare) and afang (Gnetum africanum) bought from area markets for possible contamination with Salmonella and Shigella species were analysed. The high number of the pathogens on the surface of the fresh pumpkin, waterleaf, cucumber and garden egg is an indication of gross contamination of the fresh produce by pathogenic microorganisms. These range between 1.10 X 10 4 and 2.4 X 10 5 cfu/g. The higher incidence rate of these ...

Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),... more Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), independently and in combination were used in the fermentation of bread. Their effects on the shelf life and on the sensory characteristics were determined. Three treatments were used for the research, they include; dough fermented with yeast starter (T1), dough fermented with only lactic acid starter (T2) and dough fermented with both lactic acid and yeast starters (T3). The results showed that T2 had longer shelf life due to the presence of the lactic acid produced by Lactobacillus bulgaricus during its fermentation process. It was also recorded as the highest when tested for the sensory characteristics like aroma and taste. T3 which was fermented with both lactic acid bacteria and yeast had extended shelf life and its sensory properties were also enhanced due to the presence of organic acids, amino acids and a group of group B vitamins being produced by the lactic acid starter. It al...

International Research Journal of Microbiology, 2012
The lactic acid bacteria counts, pH and titratable acidity of the fermenting millet gruel were de... more The lactic acid bacteria counts, pH and titratable acidity of the fermenting millet gruel were determined using routine methods. The isolated and identified lactic acid bacterial isolates were L. plantarum, L. fermentum, L. meseteriodies, L. jensenii, L. brevis, P. acidilacticiand Lactobacillus spp. These isolates were able to inhibit the growth of various indicator organisms; Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus licheniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas flourescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp., Serratia spp. and Pseudomonas syringae used in this investigation at varying degrees. Quantities of lactic acid, diacetyl and Hydrogen peroxide produced were also determined using standard methods. The pH of the growth medium was observed to have a significant effect on the production of these antimicrobial compounds by the respective lactic acid bacteria.

Ice cream samples were collected from various locations within Benin City and the total heterotro... more Ice cream samples were collected from various locations within Benin City and the total heterotrophic and coliform bio load were determined using routine techniques. The mean heterotrophic and coliform counts observed for vanilla ice cream samples ranged from 6.3 ×103 cfu/ml to 5.83 ×103 cfu/ml and 2×103 cfu/ml to 1×103 cfu/ml respectively. Microbial counts obtained for strawberry ice cream ranged from 2.8×103 cfu/ml to 1.9×103 cfu/ml and 2×103 cfu/ml to 1×103 cfu/ml respectively. Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella sp., Citrobacter sp. and Serratia marcescens were isolated and identified from the ice cream samples. There is an urgent need for continuous monitoring by the relevant Government agency, (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration, NAFDAC) of the local companies which produce this food product. Also, stored cold products which thaw due to power outage should be destroyed instead of refree...

IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2013
Eighteen samples of vegetable salads sold from three restaurants located at Okada town, Edo State... more Eighteen samples of vegetable salads sold from three restaurants located at Okada town, Edo State were collected and their bacteriological attributes were investigated using routine methods. The mean heterotrophic and coliform counts recorded for the salad samples ranged from 1.46×10 4 to 2.80 ×10 4 CFU/g, and 1.46 ×10 4 to 2.84 ×10 4 CFU/g for food centre A. THC and TCC counts (1.74 ×10 4 to 2.36 ×10 4 CFU/g and 1.36 ×10 4 to 2.10 ×10 4 CFU/g, respectively were obtained for vegetable salads collected from Eatery B. Microbial counts for salads obtained from food service center C varied from 2.08×10 4 to 2.60 ×10 4 CFU/g and 1.12 ×10 4 to 2.90 ×10 4 CFU/g for THC and TCC, respectively. The differences between the mean bacterial counts were statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Twelve non hemolytic bacterial isolates were identified; Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus leutus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca. E. aerogenes had the highest percentage of occurrence (56%) amongst the isolates. It is recommended that sellers and food handlers within the respective restaurants should make conscious efforts to decontaminate and properly handle the vegetables prior to its salad preparation.

Nigerian Food Journal, 2012
The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl mil... more The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl millet gruel were evaluated using routine methods. Several species of yeasts and moulds were isolated and the mould species identified based on their observable macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The moulds identified included: Penicillium sp (FM1), Rhizopus spp (FM2, FM3 and FM6), Aspergillus flavus (FM7) and Aspergillus niger (FM8). These isolates were screened for production of antimicrobial compounds using agar well diffusion method. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus lichieniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas syringae, Proteus sp. and Serratia sp. were utilized as indicator organisms. Secondary metabolites were also extracted from the respective moulds and the antimicrobial properties of these metabolites were tested against pure cultures of E. coli, S. aureus, P. flourescens and B. lichieniformis. All the moulds exhibited antimicrobial activity against P. flourescens while the metabolic extract of Aspergillus flavus (FM7) displayed the highest zone of inhibition (24 mm) against an overnight culture of P. flourescens.

The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing ... more The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing countries is of serious public health concern. This study was therefore conducted on street-vended fruit salad, to determine their microbial quality. A total of twenty (20) fruit samples comprising five each of fresh Apple (Malus domestica Borkh), Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), Pawpaw (Carica papaya) and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were collected from 3 different locations (Watt, Marian and Goldie) in Calabar and were evaluated for microbial contaminants using standard plate techniques. The specific microbial genera were enumerated on appropriate selective media and identified using standard identification parameters with the aid of identification and taxonomic manuals. The results revealed that the mean total bacterial counts of all the fruit samples ranged from 1.07 × 10 3 to 3.4 × 10 3 CFU/g. Whereas, the mean total coliform counts ranged from 0.9 × 10 3 to 2.05 × 10 3 CFU/g respectively. The differences in the mean total heterotrophic counts and coliform counts recorded for the fruits collected from the respective food vendors was statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Bacteria isolated include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp, Shigella sp, Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli. The presence of coliform bacteria and other microbial contaminants in numbers exceeding the recommended microbiological standards is a reflection of unwholesome product, hence the need for proper microbiological safety analysis of fruit salad prepared for human consumption. Therefore, consumer's awareness on the dangers of consuming pathogen contaminated foods and the need to insist on properly processed/stored sliced produce needs to be re-awakened.

The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing ... more The increase in cases of food borne illnesses related to street vended fruit salad in developing countries is of serious public health concern. This study was therefore conducted on street-vended fruit salad, to determine their microbial quality. A total of twenty (20) fruit samples comprising five each of fresh Apple (Malus domestica Borkh), Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), Pawpaw (Carica papaya) and Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) were collected from 3 different locations (Watt, Marian and Goldie) in Calabar and were evaluated for microbial contaminants using standard plate techniques. The specific microbial genera were enumerated on appropriate selective media and identified using standard identification parameters with the aid of identification and taxonomic manuals. The results revealed that the mean total bacterial counts of all the fruit samples ranged from 1.07 × 10 3 to 3.4 × 10 3 CFU/g. Whereas, the mean total coliform counts ranged from 0.9 × 10 3 to 2.05 × 10 3 CFU/g respectively. The differences in the mean total heterotrophic counts and coliform counts recorded for the fruits collected from the respective food vendors was statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Bacteria isolated include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp, Shigella sp, Proteus mirabilis and Escherichia coli. The presence of coliform bacteria and other microbial contaminants in numbers exceeding the recommended microbiological standards is a reflection of unwholesome product, hence the need for proper microbiological safety analysis of fruit salad prepared for human consumption. Therefore, consumer's awareness on the dangers of consuming pathogen contaminated foods and the need to insist on properly processed/stored sliced produce needs to be re-awakened.

Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), ind... more Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), independently and in combination were used in the fermentation of bread. Their effects on the shelf life and on the sensory characteristics were determined. Three treatments were used for the research, they include; dough fermented with yeast starter (T1), dough fermented with only lactic acid starter (T2) and dough fermented with both lactic acid and yeast starters (T3). The results showed that T2 had longer shelf life due to the presence of the lactic acid produced by Lactobacillus bulgaricus during its fermentation process. It was also recorded as the highest when tested for the sensory characteristics like aroma and taste. T3 which was fermented with both lactic acid bacteria and yeast had extended shelf life and its sensory properties were also enhanced due to the presence of organic acids, amino acids and a group of group B vitamins being produced by the lactic acid starter. It also had T1 which was fermented with just yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was observed to have the shortest shelf life. T1 also scored least when tested for its sensory properties. After all three samples (T1, T2 and T3) were generally examined, it was observed that T3 which was fermented with both yeast and lactic acid bacteria starter cultures was regarded as the most generally acceptable amongst all three treatments. Spoilage organisms which include Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Penicillium, Mucor and Bacillus species which causes ropiness in bread. The results showed that synergistic activity between lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) improved the sensory properties of bread and also extended its shelf life.

A total of five thousand (5000) persons of different occupational groups in Calabar
Municipality ... more A total of five thousand (5000) persons of different occupational groups in Calabar
Municipality were investigated for nasal and skin carriage of Staphylococcus
aureus. Two thousand, three hundred (2,300) persons were hospital staff from
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, (UCTH),General Hospital, Calabar and
Hanna Foundation Clinic and Trauma Calabar. Two thousand seven hundred
(2,700) were from the general public. Out of the total number investigated two
thousand, four hundred and fifty (3450) were Staph aureus carriers. This is a 49%
carriage rate of Staph aureus. The break down for the hospital staff carriage rates
are as follows: One thousand, two hundred (52%) out of 2300 persons from the
hospitals staff were carriers of Staph aureus while 1250 (49%) out of 700 persons
from the general public were also carriers of Staph aureus. The carriage rates of
different categories of workers in the hospitals were 350 (58%) out of 600 medical
doctors, 450 (64%) out of 700 nurses, 250(50%) out of 500 laboratory staff, 100
(33%) out of 300 pharmacy staff and 50 (25%) out of 200 other hospital workers.
The results obtained showed higher prevalence of Staph aureus in the nose 1700
(61%) out of 2800 than from the skin, 750 (34%) out of 2,200.

Abstract: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Nigeria has remained a public health issue and a m... more Abstract: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Nigeria has remained a public health issue and a major cause of mortality especially in developing countries. Vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus infection is thought to be one of the major routes of transmission in developing countries. In spite of this, routine antenatal screening for hepatitis infection is not yet practiced in many Nigerian hospitals. This study was undertaken with the aim of determining the prevalence of HBsAg antibodies among women attending ante-natal clinic at General Hospital Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and fifty women were recruited for this study between January and March, 2012 and were screened for anti-HBsAg antibodies using the one step rapid HBsAg Test Kit (Hypertec. Diagnostic, Germany). The anti-HBsAg prevalence was determined to be 4% (6/150) with the highest prevalence (7.14%) recorded in pregnant women aged 26-30 years. The trimester related prevalence of HBsAg was highest (5.88%) among women on their 2nd trimester. Statistical analysis revealed that age and trimester were not statistically associated (P > 0.05) with HBsAg antibodies prevalence. The findings of high prevalence of HBsAg in antenatal women in their 2nd trimester during which the fetus undergo certain developmental processes possess high risk to the developing fetus.

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is in an increase demand because of
their health benef... more Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is in an increase demand because of
their health benefits but the hazards associated with them are not taken notice of.
Consumer demand is to use fresh fruits and vegetables which are bacteriologically
safe but incidences have shown that eating these produce are not always safe.
Survey of 390 samples of fresh fruits and vegetables among which were 100 each
of cucumber (Cucumis satavum), garden egg (Salinum melongena) and carrot
(Daucus carota) and 30 bundles each of pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis),
waterleaf Talinum triangulare) and afang (Gnetum africanum) bought from area
markets for possible contamination with Salmonella and Shigella species were
analysed. The high number of the pathogens on the surface of the fresh pumpkin,
waterleaf, cucumber and garden egg is an indication of gross contamination of the
fresh produce by pathogenic microorganisms. These range between 1.10 X 104 and
2.4 X 105 cfu/g. The higher incidence rate of these organisms also varies. The
highest incidence of Salmonella spp (77%) and Shigella spp (57%) were found on
the surface of waterleaf. Pumpkin followed with the incidence rate of 53%
Salmonella spp and 33% Shigella spp. Carrot had only 5% incidence rate of
Salmonella spp but 0% incidence rate of Shigella spp while afang had &%
incidence rate of Salmonella spp but 0% Shigella spp. Salmonella spp was found to
be the pre-dominant species in most of the samples. The loads and incidence rates
of these pathogens on these produce show the contamination levels of these
produce. The findings of this study show that most fruits and vegetables consumed
in this part of the country are grossly contaminated with Salmonella spp and
Shigella spp which are involved in food borne disease.

The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting ... more ABSTRACT
The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl millet gruel were
evaluated using routine methods. Several species of yeasts and moulds were isolated and the mould species identified
based on their observable macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The moulds identified included: Penicillium
sp (FM1), Rhizopus spp (FM2, FM3 and FM6), Aspergillus flavus (FM7) and Aspergillus niger (FM8). These isolates were
screened for production of antimicrobial compounds using agar well diffusion method. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus lichieniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
syringae, Proteus sp. and Serratia sp. were utilized as indicator organisms. Secondary metabolites were also extracted from
the respective moulds and the antimicrobial properties of these metabolites were tested against pure cultures of E.
coli, S. aureus, P. flourescens and B. lichieniformis. All the moulds exhibited antimicrobial activity against P. flourescens while
the metabolic extract of Aspergillus flavus (FM7) displayed the highest zone of inhibition (24 mm) against an overnight
culture of P. flourescens.
Keywords: Fungi, fermentation, millet.

Abstract: Eighteen samples of vegetable salads sold from three restaurants located at Okada town,... more Abstract: Eighteen samples of vegetable salads sold from three restaurants located at Okada town, Edo State
were collected and their bacteriological attributes were investigated using routine methods. The mean
heterotrophic and coliform counts recorded for the salad samples ranged from 1.46×104 to 2.80 ×104 CFU/g,
and 1.46 ×104 to 2.84 ×104 CFU/g for food centre A. THC and TCC counts (1.74 ×104 to 2.36 ×104 CFU/g and
1.36 ×104 to 2.10 ×104 CFU/g, respectively were obtained for vegetable salads collected from Eatery B.
Microbial counts for salads obtained from food service center C varied from 2.08×104 to 2.60 ×104 CFU/g and
1.12 ×104 to 2.90 ×104 CFU/g for THC and TCC, respectively. The differences between the mean bacterial
counts were statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Twelve non hemolytic bacterial isolates were identified;
Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens,
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus leutus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter
freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca. E. aerogenes had the highest percentage of occurrence
(56%) amongst the isolates. It is recommended that sellers and food handlers within the respective restaurants
should make conscious efforts to decontaminate and properly handle the vegetables prior to its salad
Key words: Coliforms Heterotrophic, Restaurants, Vegetable Salads

Ice cream samples were collected from various locations within Benin City and the total heterotro... more Ice cream samples were collected from various locations within Benin City and the total heterotrophic and coliform bio load were determined using routine techniques. The mean heterotrophic and coliform counts observed for vanilla ice cream samples ranged from 6.3 ×10 3 cfu/ml to 5.83 ×10 3 cfu/ml and 2×10 3 cfu/ml to 1×10 3 cfu/ml respectively. Microbial counts obtained for strawberry ice cream ranged from 2.8×10 3 cfu/ml to 1.9×10 3 cfu/ml and 2×10 3 cfu/ml to 1×10 3 cfu/ml respectively. Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella sp., Citrobacter sp. and Serratia marcescens were isolated and identified from the ice cream samples. There is an urgent need for continuous monitoring by the relevant Government agency, (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration, NAFDAC) of the local companies which produce this food product. Also, stored cold products which thaw due to power outage should be destroyed instead of refreezing for sale.
Papers by Uwamere O Edeghor
Municipality were investigated for nasal and skin carriage of Staphylococcus
aureus. Two thousand, three hundred (2,300) persons were hospital staff from
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, (UCTH),General Hospital, Calabar and
Hanna Foundation Clinic and Trauma Calabar. Two thousand seven hundred
(2,700) were from the general public. Out of the total number investigated two
thousand, four hundred and fifty (3450) were Staph aureus carriers. This is a 49%
carriage rate of Staph aureus. The break down for the hospital staff carriage rates
are as follows: One thousand, two hundred (52%) out of 2300 persons from the
hospitals staff were carriers of Staph aureus while 1250 (49%) out of 700 persons
from the general public were also carriers of Staph aureus. The carriage rates of
different categories of workers in the hospitals were 350 (58%) out of 600 medical
doctors, 450 (64%) out of 700 nurses, 250(50%) out of 500 laboratory staff, 100
(33%) out of 300 pharmacy staff and 50 (25%) out of 200 other hospital workers.
The results obtained showed higher prevalence of Staph aureus in the nose 1700
(61%) out of 2800 than from the skin, 750 (34%) out of 2,200.
their health benefits but the hazards associated with them are not taken notice of.
Consumer demand is to use fresh fruits and vegetables which are bacteriologically
safe but incidences have shown that eating these produce are not always safe.
Survey of 390 samples of fresh fruits and vegetables among which were 100 each
of cucumber (Cucumis satavum), garden egg (Salinum melongena) and carrot
(Daucus carota) and 30 bundles each of pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis),
waterleaf Talinum triangulare) and afang (Gnetum africanum) bought from area
markets for possible contamination with Salmonella and Shigella species were
analysed. The high number of the pathogens on the surface of the fresh pumpkin,
waterleaf, cucumber and garden egg is an indication of gross contamination of the
fresh produce by pathogenic microorganisms. These range between 1.10 X 104 and
2.4 X 105 cfu/g. The higher incidence rate of these organisms also varies. The
highest incidence of Salmonella spp (77%) and Shigella spp (57%) were found on
the surface of waterleaf. Pumpkin followed with the incidence rate of 53%
Salmonella spp and 33% Shigella spp. Carrot had only 5% incidence rate of
Salmonella spp but 0% incidence rate of Shigella spp while afang had &%
incidence rate of Salmonella spp but 0% Shigella spp. Salmonella spp was found to
be the pre-dominant species in most of the samples. The loads and incidence rates
of these pathogens on these produce show the contamination levels of these
produce. The findings of this study show that most fruits and vegetables consumed
in this part of the country are grossly contaminated with Salmonella spp and
Shigella spp which are involved in food borne disease.
The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl millet gruel were
evaluated using routine methods. Several species of yeasts and moulds were isolated and the mould species identified
based on their observable macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The moulds identified included: Penicillium
sp (FM1), Rhizopus spp (FM2, FM3 and FM6), Aspergillus flavus (FM7) and Aspergillus niger (FM8). These isolates were
screened for production of antimicrobial compounds using agar well diffusion method. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus lichieniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
syringae, Proteus sp. and Serratia sp. were utilized as indicator organisms. Secondary metabolites were also extracted from
the respective moulds and the antimicrobial properties of these metabolites were tested against pure cultures of E.
coli, S. aureus, P. flourescens and B. lichieniformis. All the moulds exhibited antimicrobial activity against P. flourescens while
the metabolic extract of Aspergillus flavus (FM7) displayed the highest zone of inhibition (24 mm) against an overnight
culture of P. flourescens.
Keywords: Fungi, fermentation, millet.
were collected and their bacteriological attributes were investigated using routine methods. The mean
heterotrophic and coliform counts recorded for the salad samples ranged from 1.46×104 to 2.80 ×104 CFU/g,
and 1.46 ×104 to 2.84 ×104 CFU/g for food centre A. THC and TCC counts (1.74 ×104 to 2.36 ×104 CFU/g and
1.36 ×104 to 2.10 ×104 CFU/g, respectively were obtained for vegetable salads collected from Eatery B.
Microbial counts for salads obtained from food service center C varied from 2.08×104 to 2.60 ×104 CFU/g and
1.12 ×104 to 2.90 ×104 CFU/g for THC and TCC, respectively. The differences between the mean bacterial
counts were statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Twelve non hemolytic bacterial isolates were identified;
Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens,
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus leutus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter
freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca. E. aerogenes had the highest percentage of occurrence
(56%) amongst the isolates. It is recommended that sellers and food handlers within the respective restaurants
should make conscious efforts to decontaminate and properly handle the vegetables prior to its salad
Key words: Coliforms Heterotrophic, Restaurants, Vegetable Salads
Municipality were investigated for nasal and skin carriage of Staphylococcus
aureus. Two thousand, three hundred (2,300) persons were hospital staff from
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, (UCTH),General Hospital, Calabar and
Hanna Foundation Clinic and Trauma Calabar. Two thousand seven hundred
(2,700) were from the general public. Out of the total number investigated two
thousand, four hundred and fifty (3450) were Staph aureus carriers. This is a 49%
carriage rate of Staph aureus. The break down for the hospital staff carriage rates
are as follows: One thousand, two hundred (52%) out of 2300 persons from the
hospitals staff were carriers of Staph aureus while 1250 (49%) out of 700 persons
from the general public were also carriers of Staph aureus. The carriage rates of
different categories of workers in the hospitals were 350 (58%) out of 600 medical
doctors, 450 (64%) out of 700 nurses, 250(50%) out of 500 laboratory staff, 100
(33%) out of 300 pharmacy staff and 50 (25%) out of 200 other hospital workers.
The results obtained showed higher prevalence of Staph aureus in the nose 1700
(61%) out of 2800 than from the skin, 750 (34%) out of 2,200.
their health benefits but the hazards associated with them are not taken notice of.
Consumer demand is to use fresh fruits and vegetables which are bacteriologically
safe but incidences have shown that eating these produce are not always safe.
Survey of 390 samples of fresh fruits and vegetables among which were 100 each
of cucumber (Cucumis satavum), garden egg (Salinum melongena) and carrot
(Daucus carota) and 30 bundles each of pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis),
waterleaf Talinum triangulare) and afang (Gnetum africanum) bought from area
markets for possible contamination with Salmonella and Shigella species were
analysed. The high number of the pathogens on the surface of the fresh pumpkin,
waterleaf, cucumber and garden egg is an indication of gross contamination of the
fresh produce by pathogenic microorganisms. These range between 1.10 X 104 and
2.4 X 105 cfu/g. The higher incidence rate of these organisms also varies. The
highest incidence of Salmonella spp (77%) and Shigella spp (57%) were found on
the surface of waterleaf. Pumpkin followed with the incidence rate of 53%
Salmonella spp and 33% Shigella spp. Carrot had only 5% incidence rate of
Salmonella spp but 0% incidence rate of Shigella spp while afang had &%
incidence rate of Salmonella spp but 0% Shigella spp. Salmonella spp was found to
be the pre-dominant species in most of the samples. The loads and incidence rates
of these pathogens on these produce show the contamination levels of these
produce. The findings of this study show that most fruits and vegetables consumed
in this part of the country are grossly contaminated with Salmonella spp and
Shigella spp which are involved in food borne disease.
The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl millet gruel were
evaluated using routine methods. Several species of yeasts and moulds were isolated and the mould species identified
based on their observable macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The moulds identified included: Penicillium
sp (FM1), Rhizopus spp (FM2, FM3 and FM6), Aspergillus flavus (FM7) and Aspergillus niger (FM8). These isolates were
screened for production of antimicrobial compounds using agar well diffusion method. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus lichieniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas
syringae, Proteus sp. and Serratia sp. were utilized as indicator organisms. Secondary metabolites were also extracted from
the respective moulds and the antimicrobial properties of these metabolites were tested against pure cultures of E.
coli, S. aureus, P. flourescens and B. lichieniformis. All the moulds exhibited antimicrobial activity against P. flourescens while
the metabolic extract of Aspergillus flavus (FM7) displayed the highest zone of inhibition (24 mm) against an overnight
culture of P. flourescens.
Keywords: Fungi, fermentation, millet.
were collected and their bacteriological attributes were investigated using routine methods. The mean
heterotrophic and coliform counts recorded for the salad samples ranged from 1.46×104 to 2.80 ×104 CFU/g,
and 1.46 ×104 to 2.84 ×104 CFU/g for food centre A. THC and TCC counts (1.74 ×104 to 2.36 ×104 CFU/g and
1.36 ×104 to 2.10 ×104 CFU/g, respectively were obtained for vegetable salads collected from Eatery B.
Microbial counts for salads obtained from food service center C varied from 2.08×104 to 2.60 ×104 CFU/g and
1.12 ×104 to 2.90 ×104 CFU/g for THC and TCC, respectively. The differences between the mean bacterial
counts were statistically insignificant (P>0.01). Twelve non hemolytic bacterial isolates were identified;
Acinetobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens,
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micrococcus leutus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Citrobacter
freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca. E. aerogenes had the highest percentage of occurrence
(56%) amongst the isolates. It is recommended that sellers and food handlers within the respective restaurants
should make conscious efforts to decontaminate and properly handle the vegetables prior to its salad
Key words: Coliforms Heterotrophic, Restaurants, Vegetable Salads