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Not: Metinde "îcaz" olarak geçen sözcükler "i'câz" (الإعجاز) olarak okunmalıdır.
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      DilDil FelsefesiBelagat`Abd Al-Qāhir Al-Jurjānī
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      İ'cazu'l-Kur'anfesahatsarfeİbn Sinan el-Hafaci
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)CausalityNedensellik
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The theory of nazm which was established by Abd al-Qâhir al-Jurjânî (d. 471/1078) to explain the phenomenon of the Qur’anic miracle has found its most fruitful application in the tafsîr literature and has directed the subsequent language,... more
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      TafsirFakhr al-Din al-RaziBalaghah`Abd Al-Qāhir Al-Jurjānī
İslâm tarihinde bilgi üretiminin kaynaklarından birisi de yöneticilerin emriyle oluşturulan ve dönemin seçkin âlimlerinin özel bir konu ya da eser hakkında müzakerelerde bulunmak üzere bir araya geldiği ilim meclisleridir. XVI. yüzyılın... more
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      Ottoman StudiesTafsirMurad IIIŞerh ve Hâşiyeler
Öz: İslâm düşüncesinde dil üzerine nazari araştırmalar, Batı’dan farklı olarak, hicrî ilk asırlardan itibaren gelişerek kesintisiz şekilde devam edegelmiştir. Bu çalışmaların ne kadar derinleştirildiğine dair güzel bir örnek, kitap... more
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      Dil FelsefesiNefsü’l-EmrAdlandırmaKitap İsimleri
Abdülkâhir el-Cürcânî’nin (ö. 471/1078-79) lafızcı fesâhat anlayışını reddederek söz dizimi (nazm) nazariyesini ortaya koyduğu hicri beşinci asırda, bir başka edebiyatçı düşünür İbn Sinân el-Hafâcî’nin (ö. 466/1073) pür lafızcı bir... more
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      I'jaz Al-Qur'anSözİ'cazu'l-Kur'anfesahat
Ḥāshiyah for Lectures: Ḥāshiyahs for Tafsir Lectures Delivered at Madrasah of Atik Vālide During the Reign of Murad III One of the sources of knowledge production in Islamic history is ‘ilm sessions held by the order from the rulers and... more
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      Ottoman StudiesTafsirMadrasahMurad III
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      Al-AndalusIslamic MysticismSufism and Tasawwufibn barrajan
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)SufismAl-Andalusphilosophical Sufism (school of Ibn 'Arabi)
al Irshād al-ʻaql al-salīm ilá mazāyā al-kitāb al-karīm Shaykh al-Islam Abū al-Suʿūd Efendi (d. 982/1574) Ed. by Mehmet Taha Boyalık, Ahmet Aytep, Ziyaüddin el-Kaliş, Muhammed İmâd el-Nabulsî al Irshād al-ʻaql al-salīm ilá... more
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      TefsirQuran and Tafsir StudiesEbussuud Efendi
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      Thomas BauerMüphemlik Kültürü
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
The transmission processes of handwritten texts that confront today’s researchers into the Islamic world before the widespread introduction of printing in the 19th century take different forms and can include both minor “corrections” and... more
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      Manuscript StudiesIslamic ManuscriptsMaterial philology
This article compares two Protestant schools for elite indigenous girls in the Dutch East Indies. While both schools were financially supported by the colonial government, they emerged from Christian organizations and were partly... more
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      History of EducationGender HistoryMissionary HistoryColonialism and Imperialism
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      History of Childhood and YouthSoutheast Asian historyImperialism
This article provides an introduction to the two articles in this Special Theme on education, labour, and discipline in colonial Asia. It offers a brief historiography of education to indigenous children in the colonial context provided... more
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      Labour historyHistory of Childhood and YouthColonialism and Imperialism
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      Gender HistoryLegal HistorySoutheast Asian history
In this paper, the authors highlight the life-stories of women who were able to attain considerable status in their communities under colonialism because of their religious knowledge and skills. One of them is Rahmah el Yunusiyah, who... more
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      ChristianitySoutheast Asian StudiesColonialismIslamic Studies