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Bibliographie: Goetzke, Louka Maju/Mussig, Magdalena: Die Covid-19-Pandemie bedroht alle. Geschutzt werden nur einige, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift fur feministische Politikwissenschaft, 2-2020, S. 121-122.... more
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      NationalismJudith ButlerVulnerabilityAffect
Call for Papers der Sektion „Materielle Kulturen“ 7. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2022 Universität Graz, 25.-28. Mai 2022 Die Sektion »Materielle Kulturen« befasst sich seit ihrer Gründung in unterschiedlichen... more
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      PosthumanismNew MaterialismsMaterielle Kultur
In der aktuellen Krisensituation der Corona-Pandemie können wir eine Privilegierung und Stärkung der Familie beobachten. Medien und Politiker:innen vermitteln die Botschaft, es sei nun geboten, die eigenen Sozialkontakte zu beschränken... more
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesFamily studiesQueer Theory
The conference addresses “Relational Perspectives on the Life Course” and aims at bringing together the Doing Transitions research group with other researchers concerned with conducting research on life course transitions in a reflexive... more
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      Research MethodologyGenderLife courseSociology of the Body
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The aim of this article is to contextualize the meaning of equal educational opportunities and its distributional pattern in Indian society from the perspective of justice. This article also attempts to answer the following questions: (a)... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial JusticeSocial Justice in Education
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      Political SociologyPolitical TheoryRelevance of caste in contemporary indian society
The aim of this article is to contextualize the meaning of equal educational opportunities and its distributional pattern in Indian society from the perspective of justice. This article also attempts to answer the following questions: (a)... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEducationSocial Justice
O sistema capitalista vem se desenvolvendo ao longo dos séculos, e a maneira como os Estados se estruturaram na busca por poder foi um fator importante para esse desenvolvimento. Ao longo dos cinco últimos séculos quatro potências, uma... more
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      International RelationsGlobalizationInternational BusinessInternational Political Economy
As transformações sistêmicas que reestruturaram o sistema internacional de forma mais evidente partir da década de 1990 levaram à crescente participação de atores não-estatais e governos subnacionais na ação internacional. Nesse contexto,... more
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      International RelationsGlobal citiesParadiplomacy
Este estudo buscou avaliar a competitividade internacional do Rio de Janeiro no contexto das Olimpíadas Rio 2016, sob o ponto de vista da atração de investimentos externos. O referencial teórico avaliado permitiu identificar duas... more
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      International RelationsPublic AdministrationPolitical Science
This paper aims to evaluate paradiplomacy as regards the city of Rio de Janeiro, by investigating the city's actions, policies and international integration strategies. The method used involved both secondary data analysis and... more
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      International RelationsInternational Politics
Este artigo busca mapear e analisar a participação da mulher na produção científica brasileira das áreas de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais, no período de 2006 a 2016. Para tanto, foram avaliadas a participação de mulheres na... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceBrazilScience and Technology Studies
With the dynamics of globalization, non-central governments have shown increasing activism in the international arena. Cities in particular have assimilated internationalization strategies, mainly in search of opportunities for internal... more
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    • International Relations
This paper addresses the issue of Corporate Strategy aiming to answer four research questions: " what is Strategy about? " , " who shapes the Strategy? " , " what is new about Strategic Management? " and " what is wrong with Strategic... more
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      Business AdministrationStrategy (Business)Corporate Strategy
O artigo objetiva avaliar as interconexões entre a segurança internacional e a cidade, através da análise dos objetivos e da atuação de quatro redes transnacionais de cidades focadas na temática da segurança: European Forum on Urban... more
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      International RelationsSecurity StudiesUrban Studies
The paper aims to present some aspects of the debate about the end of the hegemony of the United States, in light of the theories of systemic cycles of accumulation and hegemonic stability. Among the conclusions, the paper shows that the... more
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      International Political EconomyHegemonyUnited StatesGiovanni Arrighi
In the past two to three decades cities have acquired increasing prominence in the global governance of climate change. Particularly, the configuration of city-networks to deal with climate change has emerged as a new (and complex) model... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangePublic policiesCities
A origem do livro do diplomata brasileiro Synesio Sampaio Goes Filho remonta à tese Aspectos da ocupação da Amazônia: de Tordesilhas ao Acordo de Cooperação Amazônica, aprovada pela Banca Examinadora do Curso de Altos Estudos (CAE) do... more
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This article maps the participation of women in Brazilian scientific production in the areas of Political Science and International Relations, from 2006 to 2016. To do so, six indicators were created, to measure women’s participation in... more
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      Gender StudiesInternational RelationsWomen's StudiesPolitical Science