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Curriculum Vitae

Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Tourism, Faculty Member
CURRICULUM VITAE Private email: Anna Irimiás PhD – Associate Professor in Tourism Geography, Tourism Researcher Education: 2005-2008 – PhD Geography of Multiculturalism and Integration in Europe Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy. Title of the doctoral research: Transition and coexistence: settlements of Chinese immigrants in Budapest 2000-2004. – English and Spanish language and literature Degree with cum laude Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy Languages: fluent in English, Italian, Spanish, beginner in German and in Dutch, native Hungarian. Articles published in relevant international journals: Irimiás, A. (2013): Travelling patterns of Chinese immigrants living in Budapest. Journal of China Tourism Research 9 (2), 180-190. Doi: 10.1080/19388160.2013.784169 Irimiás, A. (2012): Missing Identity: Relocation of Budapest in Film-Induced Tourism. Tourism Review International 16 (2), 125-138. Doi: 10.3727/154427212X13485031583902 Irimiás, A. (2012): The Chinese diaspora in Budapest: a new potential for tourism. Tourism Review 67(1), pp. 23-33. Doi: 10.1108/16605371211216341 Research Awards: Scientific collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Institute in OTKA (K) Research Project (2011-2015) Title: Invisible Tourism in Hungary: international and domestic mobility beyond the borders of tourism. Coordinator: Prof. Gábor Michalkó PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute Scientific collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Institute in OTKA Research Project (2007-2009) Title: Health tourism and quality of life in Hungary: geographical synthesis of the social, economic and environmental problems related to the health motivated mobility. Coordinator: Prof. Gábor Michalkó PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute PRIN 2007 in Italy – Research projects with relevant national interests (2007-2010) Title: From Danube to the Black Sea: past and present of communication systems. Theories of politics and ethnic and religious minorities in Central Eastern Europe (18th-20th centuries). Coordinator: Prof. Pasquale Fornaro, Università degli Studi di Messina Work Experience: 02 February 2013 – to date Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (Fürdő utca 1. Székesfehérvár 8000 Hungary) Associate Professor in Tourism Geography 02 January 2012 – 02 January 2013 Budapest College of Communication, Business and Arts (Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9, Budapest, 1148 Hungary) Vice-Head of Institute, Head of Tourism Research Centre, Associate Professor in Tourism Geography 05 August 2008 – 31 December 2012 Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (Fürdő utca 1. Székesfehérvár 8000 Hungary) Associate Professor in Tourism Geography 2005-2008 Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy Professional Membership: Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Member Hungarian Society of Geography - Member Erasmus Teaching Mobility: London, UK 27 June-2 July 2011. St. Mary’s University College. Erasmus Intensive Programme on Social Tourism. Istanbul, Turkey 07-15 November 2010. University of OKAN. Irimiás A. lecture: Film-induced tourism. Rome, Italy 09-19 March 2010. University Roma III. Irimiás A. lecture: Tourism and disability Stavanger, Norway 22-28 March 2010. University of Stavanger. Irimiás A. lecture: Film-induced tourism. Valencia, Spain 11-16 March 2009. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Irimiás A. lecture: Turismo cultural en Hungrìa Lectures held at the Hungarian Geographers’ Society – Tourism Geographical Section 16 October 2012 Irimiás, A.: ‘What did you expect?! This is Africa!’ Geographical travel notes on Gabon 04 April 2012 Irimiás, A.: The industrial unit of Peter the Great’s fleet. The harbour of Rotterdam. 10 April 2011 Irimiás, A.: Calabrian still life. List of publications Articles published in international journals: Irimiás, A. (2013): Travelling patterns of Chinese immigrants living in Budapest. Journal of China Tourism Research 9 (2), 180-190. Doi: 10.1080/19388160.2013.784169 Irimiás, A. (2012): Missing Identity: Relocation of Budapest in Film-Induced Tourism. Tourism Review International 16 (2), 125-138. Doi: 10.3727/154427212X13485031583902 Irimiás, A. (2012): The Chinese diaspora in Budapest: a new potential for tourism. Tourism Review 67(1), pp. 23-33. Doi: 10.1108/16605371211216341 Irimiás, A. (2011) La “Grande Ungheria” e il nodo irrisolto delle minoranze etniche e religiose. In: Mandrescu, G. and Fornaro, P. (eds.) Annuario dell’Istituto di Studi Italo-Romeno III. Cluj-Roma, Presa Universitara Clujeana. pp. 67-76. Michalkó, G.- Rátz, T.- Irimiás, A.- Pagani, A. (2009): Turismo della salute e qualità della vita in Ungheria. Geotema 13(3), pp. 25-31. Irimiás, A. (2008): Messina, Garibaldi e i garibaldini nelle cronache di un corrispondente e viaggiatore ungherese. In: Arhiva Somesana, Năsăud, MEGA, vol. VII. ISSN 1583-3542, pp. 163-170. Irimiás A. (2007): Le rivoluzioni russe del 1917 sulla stampa ungherese del tempo. In Arhiva Somesana, Cluj-Napoca, MEGA, vol. VI. ISSN 1583-3542, pp. 165-172. Irimiás A. (2006): La Romania contemporanea in alcuni recenti studi italiani, romeni ed ungheresi. In Incontri Mediterranei Anno VII, N.2., Messina. Volumes: Rátz, T. – Irimiás, A. (eds) (2012): Risk and uncertainty in tourism: theory and practice. Székesfehérvár, Kodolányi University. ISBN:978-615-5075-14-8 Irimiás, A.: Transizione e convivenza. Geografia dell’insediamento degli immigrati cinesi a Budapest. PhD thesis, manuscript, Messina, 2008. Articles published in international edited volumes: Rátz, T. and Irimiás, A. (2012) Role of the Jewish Summer Festival in Positioning Budapest as a Cultural Tourist Destination. In: Trócsányi, A. and Prisi, G. (eds.) The role of the cultural economy and tourism in the renewal of cities. Pécs, Publikon Kiadó, pp. 79-89. Irimiás, A. (2011): Seeing is Believing: the experience of film-induced tourism in Budapest. In Clarke, A. (eds.): Exploring Co-creation. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited, pp. 181-195. Irimiás, A. (2011): La questione delle nazionalitá nella rivoluzione ungherese del 1848-49 secondo Oszkár Jászi. In Fornaro, P. (eds.): Liberalismo, costituzioni, nazionalitá: Il 1848 in Italia e nell’area danubiana. Firenze, Le Lettere, pp. 55-62. Irimiás, A. (2010): Il Turismo nel Mediterraneo. In: Tuccio G. (eds.): Reggio, Cittá metropolitana, per l’amicizia mediterranea. Gangemi Editori, Roma, pp. 165-169. Irimiás, A. (2010): Chi ha tempo non aspetti tempo. L'immagine di Garibaldi nel Times attraverso le corrispondenze di Ferdinando Éber. In Continiello G. (eds.), Garibaldi. Mille volte, mille vite, Am&D edizioni, Cagliari, pp. 47-54. Irimiás A. 2009: Il ruolo dei partiti cattolici e della Chiesa in Ungheria negli anni Venti. In: Bocşan-Sima-Cârja (eds.): Identităţi Confesionale în Europa Central-Orientală (secolele XVII-XXI). Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitara Clujeana, pp. 273-281. Trischitta D.- Irimiás A.- Zavettieri L. (2008): La discriminazione degli immigrati sul lavoro e per la casa. Dal caso di Reggio Calabria allo status discriminatorio in Europa. In: Triscitta D. (eds), Scritti geografici. Città del Sole Edizioni, Reggio Calabria, pp. 41-71. Irimiás A. (2008): Gli insediamenti degli immigrati cinesi a Budapest: il case study dell’VIII distretto. In Immigrazione, Integrazione, Multiculturalità, vol. II. Trischitta, D. (eds.), Reggio Calabria, Città del Sole Edizioni, pp. 43-53. Irimiás A. (2006): Gli immigrati a Reggio Calabria. In Immigrazione, Integrazione, Multiculturalità, Trischitta, D. (eds.), Reggio Calabria, Città del Sole Edizioni, pp. 25-37. Irimiás A. (2006): I nuovi paesi membri dell’Unione Europea e l’immigrazione di forza lavoro. In. Immigrazione, Integrazione, Multiculturalità, Trischitta, D. (eds), Reggio Calabria, Città del Sole Edizioni, pp. 157-167. Articles published in international conference proceedings: Irimiás, A. (2012): Semiotics and interpretation in modern spirituality. Sustainable tourism on Via Maria in Central Eastern Europe. In: Trono, A. (eds.) Conference Proceedings. Sustainable Religious Tourism, Edizioni Esperidi, Lecce, pp. 627-636. Michalkó, G., Rátz, T., Irimiás, A. (2012): Quality of life of inhabitants in a Hungarian spa-town: the case study of Orosháza. In: De Santis, G. (eds.) Salute e solidarietá. Perugia, Guerra Edizioni. pp. 729-742. Irimiás, A. (2010): Budapest’s Thermal Spas on Screen. In: Health, Wellness and Tourism: healthy tourists, healthy business? Proceedings of the Travel and Tourism Research Association Europe 2010 Annual Conference. Budapest. Michalkó, G. – Rátz, T. – Irimiás, A. (2009): Health tourism and quality of life in Hungary. Some aspects of a complex relationship. In: De Santis, G. (eds): Salute e lavoro. Perugia, Rux Editore, pp. 79-90. Kökény I.–Irimiás A. (2009): The Quality and Quantity Concentration of Public Accommodation Establishments in the Hungarian Regions. In: The Role of Tourism in Territorial Development. II. International Conference. Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Gheorgheni University Extension. F&F International, Gheorgheni, Romania, pp. 228-238. Irimiás A. (2007): The British Drama - The Crimean War. Field operations on the enemy’s territory and critics on the columns of “The Times”, Khronotop vojny: prostranstvo i vremja v kul'turnykh reprezentacijakh social'nogo konflikta. Materialy Tret'ikh mezhdunarodnykh nauchnykh chtenij "Mir i vojna: kul'turnye konteksty social'noj agressii" i nauchnoj konferencii "Mir i vojna: more i susha", Szentpétervár, pp. 152-154. Hungarian publications Articles published in relevant Hungarian journals: Michalkó, G. – Irimiás, A. (2011): Csalódásmenedzsment a turizmusban. Új szemlélet a turisztikai célterületek irányításában. Marketing és Menedzsment 45(2), pp. 4-10. Michalkó, G.-Rátz, T.- Irimiás, A. (2010): Egy magyarországi fürdőváros lakosságának életminősége: az orosházi eset. Turizmus Bulletin 14. (4) pp. 61-68. Irimiás A. (2009): Az olasz filmek hatása az utazási desztináció kiválasztására: a kulturális turizmus új aspektusai. Turizmus Bulletin 2009(2), pp. 32-38. Irimiás A. (2009): Az új kínai migráció – a Budapesten élő kínai közösség. Statisztikai Szemle 87. (7-8), pp. 829-847. Irimiás A. (2008): A kínai migránsok Budapesten. Földrajzi Értesítő 57(3-4), pp. 469-484. Articles published in edited volumes: Füreder, B. – Irimiás, A. – Michalkó, G. (2011): Az ízek összehoznak. Szicília gasztroturizmusa. In: Rátz, T. – Michalkó, G. (szerk.): A turizmus dimenziói. Humánum, ökonómiku, politikum. Turizmus Akadémia V., Székesfehérvár, pp. 97-107. Irimiás, A. (2010): A filmek szerepe Olaszország kulturális turizmusában. In: Glavanovics, A. – Szele B. (szerk.) Európai kultúra, narratívák, diskurzusok. Budapest, Budapest Fórum, pp. 407-414. Articles published in conference proceedings: Irimiás, A. – Pelczéder, Zs. – Papp-Váry, Á. (2012): Díszletváros mint vonzerő. Budapest filmturisztikai újrapozícionálása. In: Piskóti, I. (eds): Coopetition, verseny és együttműködés a marketingben. Miskolc. Irimiás, A. (2009): Turizmus az Aspromonte Nemzeti Parkban. In: Aubert A.-Berki M. (szerk.) Örökség és Turizmus. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Földrajzi Intézet. pp. 103-107. Irimiás A. – Tóth Á. (2009): The role of Chinese diaspora in Budapest’s image and its impact on tourism. In: Lőrincz I. (szerk.): Kultúrák találkozása a turizmusban. Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kiadó, Győr, pp. 14-23. Irimiás A. (2008): Világítás! Kamera! Turizmus indul! A filmek szerepe a kulturális turizmusban In: Szabó V.-Orosz Z.-Nagy R.-Fazekas I. (szerk.) IV. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia kötet. Debrecen. pp. 498-502. Other publications: Irimiás, A. (2012): Filmturismo. Szicília Montalbano módra. Földgömb XIV (266), pp. 78-87. Irimiás, A. (2009): II. Turizmusföldrajzi Szimpózium konferencia beszámoló. In: Turizmus Bulletin, 2009/3. p. 75. Irimiás A. (2008) összeállításában kiadványajánló: Rátz, T. (szerk) (2006): A kultúra szerepe a turizmusban és a városfejlesztésben Kultúrpont Kiadó, Budapest Turizmus Bulletin 12(3) p. 76. Irimiás A. (2007): Sicily on the columns of “The Times” a special correspondent of war - Ferdinand Éber In:, BCE Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Intézet. Relevant International Conferences Lecce, Italy 25-28 October 2012 Sustainable Religious Tourism – Commandments, Obstacles and Challenges. Irimiás, A.: Semiotics and interpretation in modern spirituality. Sustainable tourism on Via Maria in Central Eastern Europe. Ischia, Italy 03-07 July 2012 Borsa Intrenazionale delle location del cinema Irimiás, A.: Il cineturismo a Budapest. Libreville, Gabon 01 June-09 June UNESCO-Unitwin Conference on Sustainable Tourism at World Heritage Sites Irimiás, A.: Approaches to enhance sustainable tourism in cultural heritage sites. The case of Hollókő. London, The United Kingdom 30 August-03 September 2011 Royal Geographers’ Society Conference and EUGeo Conference Irimiás A.-Michalkó G.: ‘I want to go home.’ – lifestyle mobility of Hungarian immigrants in the European Union. Messina, Italy 25 February 2011 Prodromi di Guerra – Nazionalità in fermento nell’Europa centro-orientale agli inizi del XX secolo Irimiás, A.: La Grande Ungheria e il nodo irrisolto delle minoranze etniche e religiose. Rome, Italy 16-18 December 2010 International Geographical Union Commission Health and the Environment– Associazione dei Geografi Italiani X. Seminario Internazionale di Geografia Medica „Salute e Solidarietá”. Michalkó G.-Rátz T.- Irimiás A. Analisi di geografia medica sul rapporto della qualitá della vita e turismo sull’esempio di Orosháza, una cittá termale in Ungheria. Prato, Italy – International Tourism and Media Conference (ITMC) 11-13 July 2010. Irimiás A.-Rátz T.: Missing Identity: Relocation of Budapest in film-induced tourism. Haifa, Israel – International Geographical Union- Globility 11 July 2010. Illés S. – Michalkó G. – Irimiás A: Tourism and migration: How foreign property ownership changes the Hungarian landscape. Veszprém, Hungary 16-18 September 2010 Exploring Co-Creation International Conference. Irimiás A.- Seeing is believing. Film-induced tourism in Budapest. Budapest, Hungary 1-3. September 2010 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Europe Chapter Conference Health, Wellness and Tourism – healthy tourists, healthy business? Irimiás A.- Budapest’s spas on screen. Bolzano, Italy - New Minorities and Tourism (EURAC research centre) 22-23 January 2010. Irimiás A.: The role of Chinese diaspora in Budapest’s image. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 02-04 February 2010 Cultural Identity: Authenticity and Globalization - Lessons from East and West Irimiás, A. - Rátz, T.: The Role of the Chinese Diaspora in the Image of Budapest, Hungary Rátz, T. - Irimiás, A.: Multiculturality and Diversity in Festival Tourism: The Case of the Jewish Summer Festival in Budapest, Hungary Lecce, Italy 27-29. October 2009 – Tourism, Religion and Culture – Regional Development through Meaningful Tourism Experiences. Irimiás A.-Rátz T.: The Jewish Summer Festival – A Tourism Engine. Siófok, Hungary – 4th International Conference „Creativity and Innovation in Managing Uncertainity and Risk in Tourism – Theory and Practice 1-3. October 2009. (Organiser of the conference) Irimiás A.- Michalkó G.: Managing Disillusions – Conflicts of Expectations and Reality in Tourism. Ischia, Italy 5-11 July 2009– Ischia Film Festival. Irimiás A.-Rátz T.: Film-induced tourism in Budapest Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Romania “Identitati confesionale in Europa Central Rasariteana in secolele XVI-XX", 15-17 November 2007. Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai. St. Petersbourgh, Russia„III Letture Scientifiche Internazionali – Cronotopo della guerra: spazio e tempo nelle rappresentazioni culturali del conflitto sociale”, University of St. Petersbourgh 20-25 October 2007. Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) Romania- 27 July – 7 August 2007 Arcalia „Summer School” Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai - Integrare Europeanǎ. Europa unitǎ. Premise, realizǎri şi perspective. . Irimiás, A.: Labour migration in new member states – the case of the Baltic States. Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy 11-15 October 2006 Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano. LXIII Congresso Risorgimento su Garibaldi, cultura e ideali. PAGE 1