Books by Dagmar Christians
Papers by Dagmar Christians
Gottesdienstmenäum für den Monat April III.2, 2014
Der hl. Zosima, Mönch eines Klosters in Palästina, begegnete als Greis in der Wüste der hl. Maria... more Der hl. Zosima, Mönch eines Klosters in Palästina, begegnete als Greis in der Wüste der hl. Maria von Ägypten, die ihn bat, ihr am Großen Donnerstag des kommenden Jahres die Göttliche Kommunion am Ufer des Jordans zu spenden. Am besagten Tag kam Maria ihm über den Jordan schreitend entgegen, empfing die Kommunion und bat Zosima, im nächsten Jahr an den Ort ihrer ersten Begegnung zu kommen. Dort fand Zosima den Leichnam der Heiligen und bestattete die Asketin. Ein Löwe half ihm dabei, in den harten Boden eine Grube zu graben (SYNAXARION II 138f).
Gottesdienstmenäum für den Monat April III.1, 2014

J. Fuchsbauer / E. Klotz (Hrsg.), Studien zum frühen Slavischen und zu älteren slavischen Texten, 2021
The article examines the textual tradition of a kanon for patriarch Tarasios, very widely spread ... more The article examines the textual tradition of a kanon for patriarch Tarasios, very widely spread in medieval Byzantium and also observed in the Slavonic menaion since the 12th century. While this work, presumably originating from Ignatios Diakonos, has been able to retain its place until today in the Slavonic Office (February 25th), it was replaced in the Menaeum Romanum by another kanon. It was not however completely deleted from the hymnographic repertoire but continued to be used for the liturgical commemoration of another patriarch of Constantinople, Methodios I (June 14th). In the history of the kanon for Tarasios there is early evidence of two redactions, each represented best by a manuscript from the 10th/11th century: the Grottaferrata manuscript Ci (redaction A) and the Moscow manu¬script 181 (redaction B). Both Slavonic translations offer a shortened structure of the kanon, which leaves out the second ode and unifies the number of troparia in the remaining odes. While the translation documented in manuscripts of the 12th century in most cases follows redaction A, the adaptation in MIN is based on redaction B. As in the case of the early Slavonic translation, the kanon dedicated to Methodios is also based on a shortened form of redaction A. Apart from consistently changing the name Tarasios to Methodios, there are seldom variants to be found which are not also to be observed in testimonies of the kanon for Tarasios. A modification of the acrostic to conform to the new liturgical function of the kanon, as the acrostic mentioned in MR suggests, could not be confirmed.
Gottesdienstmenäum für den Monat April, 2010

The article investigates the Slavic translation of Byzantine metaphors in liturgical hymns, as te... more The article investigates the Slavic translation of Byzantine metaphors in liturgical hymns, as testified in East-Slavic manuscripts of the daily menaion from the 11th to 13th century. The investigation demonstrates that this did occasionaly give rise to the distortion of images, for example due to the change in gender from the initial Greek lexeme to its Slavic equivalent (λυχνία – свѣтильникъ), due to misunderstandings of special Greek termini (ὁλοκαύτωμα, ἀγωνοθέτης) or to imprecisions in translating names of particular realia like musical instruments or flowers. But on the whole the Slavic translators adequately reproduced their Greek model texts, even if their imagery was borrowed from thematic fields less familiar to Slavic culture. Especially with regard to the images, taken from classical athletic games and navigation, in many cases it is clear that the Slavic translators of Byzantine liturgical hymns did not always translate those metaphors literally but rather interpreted t...
Studia Hymnographica Band I, 2018
Studia Hymnographica Band I, 2018
Books by Dagmar Christians
Papers by Dagmar Christians