Papers by Venera Suleymanova

Qafqaz University
Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigat... more Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigated indicators are used to show the syntactic, lexical, morphological,semantic and word building levels of the language.In English negation is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing, neither, nowhere, none, no longer etc.) and adversative verbs (to fail, to refuse, to lack, to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un‐, im‐ ,in‐,a‐,non‐, ‐less). Negation that is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing, neither, nowhere, none, no longer etc.) is called explicit;but negation that is formed by means of adversative verbs (to fail, to refuse, to lack, to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un‐, im‐, in‐, a‐, non‐, ‐less) is called implicit negation. Using negation in narration we come across the fact that using a negative element in a sentence is closely connected not only with its structure, but also communicative, pragmatic, functional‐semantic and stylistic foctors. Negation is found to be basically an expositary device, explaining what did not happen contrary to the readers’ expectation which may be based on shared information in the culture or in the development of the plot in the text. In this article we are going to analyse the logical order of negation, scope of negation and its constituents and praqmatic features of negation in speech.
Modern Approaches in English Language and Literature 2nd International Student Conference, 2012
This article contributes to the study of the category of negation and its explicit and implicit c... more This article contributes to the study of the category of negation and its explicit and implicit components by providing linguistic evidence. Explicit negation denotes direct and clear denial while implicit negation conveys indirect and confidential absence, lack and objection. Though the category of negation was learned over and again in the history of linguistics implicit negation has not still been well investigated in comparison with explicit one. Therefore, the aim of this article is to give full description of implicit negation, its ...

Folia Linguistica, 2018
Azerbaijani, like many other languages, has a class of negative polarity items denoting minimal m... more Azerbaijani, like many other languages, has a class of negative polarity items denoting minimal measures (along dimensions such as size, length, duration, value, weight etc.), called minimizers. This paper presents an overview of this group of expressions, compares them to minimizers in the western European languages, in particular English and Dutch, identifies the various domains in which these minimizers may be used, and discusses their distribution across polarity-sensitive contexts such as negation, conditional clauses, questions, etc. The distribution we found, on the basis of both corpus data and native speaker judgments, is very similar to that of minimizers in English or Dutch, especially when differences are factored out which are due to the fact that Azerbaijani has strict negative concord, whereas English and Dutch do not. To this end, we distinguish two types of minimizers for Azerbaijani, negated minimizers preceded byheç bir‘not one’, and minimizers preceded bybironly.

Azerbaijani, like many other languages, has a class of negative polarity items denoting minimal m... more Azerbaijani, like many other languages, has a class of negative polarity items denoting minimal measures (along dimensions such as size, length, duration, value, weight etc.), called minimizers. This paper presents an overview of this group of expressions, compares them to minimizers in the western European languages, in particular English and Dutch, identifies the various domains in which these minimizers may be used, and discusses their distribution across polarity-sensitive contexts such as negation, conditional clauses, questions, etc. The distribution we found, on the basis of both corpus data and native speaker judgments, is very similar to that of minimizers in English or Dutch, especially when differences are factored out which are due to the fact that Azerbaijani has strict negative concord, whereas English and Dutch do not. To this end, we distinguish two types of minimizers for Azerbaijani, negated minimizers preceded by heç bir ‘not one’, and minimizers preceded by bir only.
Keywords: negative polarity; minimizers; negation; Turkic; corpus linguistics; negative concord; even
ABSTRACT This article contributes to the study of the category of negation and its explicit and i... more ABSTRACT This article contributes to the study of the category of negation and its explicit and implicit components by providing linguistic evidence. Explicit negation denotes direct and clear denial while implicit negation conveys indirect and confidential absence, lack and objection. Though the category of negation was learned over and again in the history of linguistics implicit negation has not still been well investigated in comparison with explicit one.

Some verbs and figuratively‐ ideomatic phrases from diffirent levels of language like syntactic, ... more Some verbs and figuratively‐ ideomatic phrases from diffirent levels of language like syntactic, lexical, morphological,
semantic ones take an active part in expressing indirect negation. The relation between privation and denial
with lexical‐semantic, grammatical systems of language gives a useful material for structural and functional typology
of English language.
We explored privation as a semantic universality which is specific to all languages and gave different expressions
showing privation,lack and denial in English, German and Azerbaijan languages. The great number of negative
and privative prefixes has drawn our attention while investigating them through structural, communicative,
pragmatic, functional‐semantic and stylistic foctors.
In English some morphological privative markers like un‐, in‐, dis‐, de‐, non‐,etc. make a series of words from
different parts of speech, ecpecially there are a plenty of verbs made by adding morphological units.
Key Words: negation, implicit negation, privative verbs.

Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigat... more Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigated indicators are used to show the syntactic, lexical, morphological, semantic and word building levels of the language. In English negation is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing ,neither, nowhere, none ,no longer etc.) and adversative verbs (to fail,to refuse,to lack,to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un-,im-,in-,a-,non-, -less). Negation that is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing,neither,nowhere,none ,no longer etc.) is called explicit; but negation that is formed by means of adversative verbs (to fail,to refuse,to lack,to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un-,im-,in-,a-,non-, -less) is called implicit negation. While analyzing the negation of English adjectives and verbs by means of prefixes, it was known that this has attracted the attention of different types of scholars. Some factors conditioning the rate of adjectival negation have been studied, factors such as frequency, positive-negative orientation, emotional colouring, existence of positive antonym and group classification
Təsdiqlik-inkarlıq kateqoriyasını araşdırarkən bir çox tədqiqatçılar tərəfindən inkar c... more Təsdiqlik-inkarlıq kateqoriyasını araşdırarkən bir çox tədqiqatçılar tərəfindən inkar cümlələrin ilkin təsdiq cümlələrdən alınması fikrinin irəli sürüldüyünə rast gəlinir.Hər bir inkar cümləni formal olaraq təsdiq cümləyə isnad vermək mümkündür.Bir çox dilçilər inkarı təsdiq cümlə formalarının variantı,positiv çıxış formanın transformu hesab edirlər (Zolotova,147, Orlova 19-20).Müxtəlif tipoloji quruluşlu dillərin təsdiqlik-inkarlıq kateqoriyası üzərində aparılan araşdırmalara əsasən demək olar ki,təsdiq cümlələrdən inkar cümlənin alınması prosesi əsasən iki istiqamətdə gedir: 1)inkar cümlə ya fakultativ struktur ünsürlərin (inkarlıq konstituentlərinin) təsdiq cümləyə əlavə edilməsi; 2)təsdiq cümlənin müqabil koordinativ distributiv komponentini cümlədən çıxarmaqla ,(S.Abdullayev,62)
The contrast effect plays a very important role in defining semantic-functional, functio... more The contrast effect plays a very important role in defining semantic-functional, functional and stylistic nature of negation and affirmation, their expressiveness and various intensity limits.
It is essential to focus on some types of correlation between communicative types of sentences due to observe the directions of transformation. Using the constituents of the field helps to show different structural, functional and stylistic scope of negative and affirmative forms of the sentences, as well. In this article, we tried to find out the width and complexity of the syntactic level of the language and associate it with various privative elements in negative and affirmative transformation of the sentences.
Key words: negation, negative and affirmative transformation, privative phraseological units.

In this paper the syntax-semantics interface is explored for the interpretation of negation in En... more In this paper the syntax-semantics interface is explored for the interpretation of negation in English and in other languages which show negative concord. I will first discuss the reason that negative concord languages seem to pose a challenge for compositional interpretation and show that we can maintain standard assumptions about logical interpretation if we detach the expression of clausal negation from the lexical interpretations of the apparently negative terms. The conclusion in this paper then should be that negative concord does not really constitute a challenge for compositional semantics. Rather negative concord focuses our attention on the principles that determine the relationship between the naive notion of lexical formatives in a language. In particular, it focuses us on the question of how to relate the morphosyntactic notion of negative which unites the terms in the concord relation with the semantic property of expressing negation.

Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigat... more Expressions from all language levels take part in order to express the scope of negation. Varigated indicators are used to show the syntactic, lexical, morphological,semantic and word building levels of the language.In English negation is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing, neither, nowhere, none, no longer etc.) and adversative verbs (to fail, to refuse, to lack, to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un‐, im‐ ,in‐,a‐,non‐, ‐less). Negation that is formed by means of the negative constituents (not, no, nobody, nothing, neither, nowhere, none, no longer etc.) is called explicit;but negation that is formed by means of adversative verbs (to fail, to refuse, to lack, to reject etc.) and negative affixes (un‐, im‐, in‐, a‐, non‐, ‐less) is called implicit negation. Using negation in narration we come across the fact that using a negative element in a sentence is closely connected not only with its structure, but also communicative, pragmatic, functional‐semantic and stylistic foctors. Negation is found to be basically an expositary device, explaining what did not happen contrary to the readers’ expectation which may be based on shared information in the culture or in the development of the plot in the text. In this article we are going to analyse the logical order of negation, scope of negation and its constituents and praqmatic features of negation in speech.
Conference Presentations by Venera Suleymanova
Books by Venera Suleymanova
Drafts by Venera Suleymanova
Papers by Venera Suleymanova
Keywords: negative polarity; minimizers; negation; Turkic; corpus linguistics; negative concord; even
semantic ones take an active part in expressing indirect negation. The relation between privation and denial
with lexical‐semantic, grammatical systems of language gives a useful material for structural and functional typology
of English language.
We explored privation as a semantic universality which is specific to all languages and gave different expressions
showing privation,lack and denial in English, German and Azerbaijan languages. The great number of negative
and privative prefixes has drawn our attention while investigating them through structural, communicative,
pragmatic, functional‐semantic and stylistic foctors.
In English some morphological privative markers like un‐, in‐, dis‐, de‐, non‐,etc. make a series of words from
different parts of speech, ecpecially there are a plenty of verbs made by adding morphological units.
Key Words: negation, implicit negation, privative verbs.
It is essential to focus on some types of correlation between communicative types of sentences due to observe the directions of transformation. Using the constituents of the field helps to show different structural, functional and stylistic scope of negative and affirmative forms of the sentences, as well. In this article, we tried to find out the width and complexity of the syntactic level of the language and associate it with various privative elements in negative and affirmative transformation of the sentences.
Key words: negation, negative and affirmative transformation, privative phraseological units.
Conference Presentations by Venera Suleymanova
Books by Venera Suleymanova
Drafts by Venera Suleymanova
Keywords: negative polarity; minimizers; negation; Turkic; corpus linguistics; negative concord; even
semantic ones take an active part in expressing indirect negation. The relation between privation and denial
with lexical‐semantic, grammatical systems of language gives a useful material for structural and functional typology
of English language.
We explored privation as a semantic universality which is specific to all languages and gave different expressions
showing privation,lack and denial in English, German and Azerbaijan languages. The great number of negative
and privative prefixes has drawn our attention while investigating them through structural, communicative,
pragmatic, functional‐semantic and stylistic foctors.
In English some morphological privative markers like un‐, in‐, dis‐, de‐, non‐,etc. make a series of words from
different parts of speech, ecpecially there are a plenty of verbs made by adding morphological units.
Key Words: negation, implicit negation, privative verbs.
It is essential to focus on some types of correlation between communicative types of sentences due to observe the directions of transformation. Using the constituents of the field helps to show different structural, functional and stylistic scope of negative and affirmative forms of the sentences, as well. In this article, we tried to find out the width and complexity of the syntactic level of the language and associate it with various privative elements in negative and affirmative transformation of the sentences.
Key words: negation, negative and affirmative transformation, privative phraseological units.