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... New records of corticioid fungi in Turkey Hasan Hüseyin Doğan1*,Mitko Karadelev2, Katerina Rusevska2 & Sinan Aktaş1 ... Because there are no more data about corticioids growing in Abiescilicicaforests in Turkey (Doğan... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyMycotaxon
This paper contains results of research in the distribution and ecology of morels (Morchellaceae, Helvellaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia. In the course of the researches 22 species have been registered, belonging to 9 genera:... more
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This is the first publication on systematic research of the genus Tricholoma in the Republic of Macedonia. In previous studies, there have been 35 species of this genus identified in the Republic of Macedonia, of the 55 species found in... more
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This is the first paper on systematic research into Amanita in the Republic of Macedonia. A total of 27 species are registered in the Republic of Macedonia. Some of the species, such as, Amanita boudieri, A. curtipes, A. ovoidea and A.... more
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Morphological and molecular analyses of Battarrea phalloides from Macedonia were done. While B. phalloides specimens shown three kind of spore ornamentation, each one related to a clade in the phylogenetic ITS nrDNA tree; all specimens... more
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In order to verify some doubtful collections of Scleroderma Pers. species from Macedonia, 54 specimens were revised using morphological and molecular analyses. The 12 internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS nrDNA)... more
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    • Fungi
This is the first paper to provide maps of specific species of the 33 threatened fungi in Europe. Only seven of hem are recorded in the Republic of Macedonia with the research to date. Boletus dupainii, Phylloporus rhodoxanthus and... more
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Considering the global interest for the natural sources of antioxidants, macrofungi have become attractive for research activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant properties of three Boletus species: B.... more
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    • Horizons
This is the first paper of systematic research for the gasteromycetes belonging to orders Phallales and Sclerodermatales in the Republic of Macedonia. The previously published data are also included so as to have the complete list of... more
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This is the first paper on systematic research into Ganoderma genus in the Republic of Macedonia. Of the total number of 7 species of this genus known in Europe, within the researches in the Republic of Macedonia, the following 6 species... more
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This is the first systematic research of genus Peniophora in the Republic of Macedonia. Out of the total number of 36 species of this genus known in Europe, within the investigations in the Republic of Macedonia, the following 22 species... more
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A list of mycodiversity on Jablanica Mountain is given in this article. The majority of the registered species were collected during the spring, summer and autumn periods in 2005 and 2006, predominantly from the localities of Gorna... more
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This is the first attempt of systematic research into Pyronemataceae family (Pezizales, Ascomycota) in the Republic of Macedonia. The aim of this paper was to present all available data (species diversity, brief ecology and distribution)... more
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Antrodia juniperina (Murrill) Niemelä & Ryvarden and Pyrofomes demidoffii (Lév.) Kotl. & Pouzar are higher fungi commonly found on specific wood substrate of Greek juniper (Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb.) occurring exclusively in warm regions... more
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This paper contains results on the subject of the ecology and distribution of the genus Tulostoma in the Republic of Macedonia. Insufficient data about the distribution of four species (Tulostoma brumale, T. caespitosum, T. fimbriatum, T.... more
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