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The tracking of visual features using appearance models is a well studied but still open area of computer vision. In the absence of knowledge about the structural constraints of the tracked object, the validity of the model can be... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionMachine LearningFuzzy Logic
This work addresses the task of a mobile sensor platform searching for a moving target. We show that minimizing the entropy of the probability distribution of the target state estimate can result in a control input for the mobile sensor... more
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An unbiased finite impulse response (FIR) filter is proposed to estimate the time-interval error (TIE)
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingGPS ApplicationsDigital Signal ProcessingKalman Filter
In this paper, we address the design of an optimally unbiased moving average (MA) filter for time error online estimating and synchronization in Global Positioning System (GPS)-based timekeeping. We proceed from the slowly changing nature... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingTimekeeping
The paper addresses a new unbiased p-step toward predictive finite impulse response (FIR) filter for a class of discrete-time deterministic state space models, which states are represented on a horizon of N past points with degree... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringStatistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman Filter
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      Optimal ControlStatistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman Filter
In this paper, we find the optimal horizons and sampling intervals, both in the sense of the minimum mean square error (MSE), for a one-parameter family of the discrete-time unbiased finite impulse response (FIR) filters. On a horizon of... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingUnbiased FIR filter
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      Optimal ControlStatistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman Filter
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      Control Systems EngineeringStatistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman Filter
This paper discusses optimal finite impulse response (FIR) filtering of the clock first state known as the time interval error. An exact optimal FIR filter gain is derived assuming arbitrary, zero-mean and jointly independent sources of... more
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      Kalman FilterClocksOptimal FIR filtering
We address an unbiased finite impulse response (FIR) filter for discrete-time state-space models with polynomial representation of the states. The unique -degree polynomial FIR filter gain and the estimate variance are found for a general... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman FilterUnbiased FIR filtering
In this paper, we present an optimal finiteimpulse response (FIR) filter for the linear time-interval error (TIE) model of a local clock and compare its estimates to those obtained by the unbiased FIR filter via the global positioning... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingClocksUnbiased FIR estimator
A thinning algorithm is proposed for real-time unbiased finite impulse response (FIR) estimation of the local clock time interval error (TIE) model (time error, fractional frequency offset, linear frequency drift rate, etc.) employing... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingGPS ApplicationsKalman FilterUnbiased FIR filtering
This paper addresses a statistical analysis of the limiting estimate errors of the time delay (phase difference) between two reflectors of the passive wireless surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor with single differential measurement. The... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingSAW based sensors
The von Mises/Tikhonov probability density function (pdf) is examined to use as an approximation for the differential phase in presence of Gaussian noise in systems with differential phase measurement (DPM). It is shown that this... more
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      Probability TheoryStatistical Signal ProcessingPhase systems
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingKalman FilterUnbiased FIR filtering
A new trend in self-contained (without the use of quantum discriminators) frequency stabilization of an oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) and frequency standard is proposed and discussed. The method developing the trend is called... more
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      CommunicationWireless CommunicationsFrequency Standards and MetrologyQuartz crystal oscillator
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      Frequency Standards and MetrologyKalman FilterClocksUnbiased FIR estimator
This paper discusses approximate statistical estimates of limiting errors associated with single differential phase measurement of a time delay (phase difference) between two reflectors of the passive surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor.... more
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      Statistical Signal ProcessingSAW based sensors