Marcos Alan Ferreira
Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira is an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at Federal University of Paraiba - UFPB (João Pessoa, Brazil). Also, he is a Visiting Professor at the Master's in Social Development at University Nur (Bolivia). He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil) and a M.A. in International Relations - Programa Santiago Dantas (UNESP/UNICAMP/PUC-SP, Brazil) (2006). He was Visiting Researcher at the University of Manchester, at Uppsala University and the University of São Paulo (USP). As Visiting Professor, conducted classes and talks at the University of Arts-London and at Universität Vechta. Member of Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC, Switzerland) and Urban Violence Research Network (UVRN, United Kingdom).
His articles have been published in top journals, including the International Studies Perspectives, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Latin American Research Review, Trends in Organized Crime, Journal of Politics in Latin America, Peace & Change, Journal of Political Science Education, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, and International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice.
He is the editor of "Peace and Violence in Brazil" (Palgrave MacMillan), author of "Criminal Non-State Actors in Latin America" (Springer Publisher, forthcoming), and authored two books on terrorism and foreign policy (both in Portuguese). Also, he edited "Peace Studies: concepts and debates" (co-authored with Roberta Maschietto and Paulo Kuhlmann) and "Religion and International Relations", two volumes (co-authored with Anna Carletti and Fábio Nobre, both in Portuguese).
Currently, his research is focused on the impacts of organized crime and state violence on peace in Brazil and South America, conducted with funding by Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Latin American Studies Association, and Ford Foundation.
Supervisors: Shiguenoli Miyamoto, Luis Fernando Ayerbe, and Enrique Amayo Zevallos
Address: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - CCSA - Ambiente 71
Departamento de Relações Internacionais
Cidade Universitária
58051-900 - Joao Pessoa, PB - Brasil
His articles have been published in top journals, including the International Studies Perspectives, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Latin American Research Review, Trends in Organized Crime, Journal of Politics in Latin America, Peace & Change, Journal of Political Science Education, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, and International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice.
He is the editor of "Peace and Violence in Brazil" (Palgrave MacMillan), author of "Criminal Non-State Actors in Latin America" (Springer Publisher, forthcoming), and authored two books on terrorism and foreign policy (both in Portuguese). Also, he edited "Peace Studies: concepts and debates" (co-authored with Roberta Maschietto and Paulo Kuhlmann) and "Religion and International Relations", two volumes (co-authored with Anna Carletti and Fábio Nobre, both in Portuguese).
Currently, his research is focused on the impacts of organized crime and state violence on peace in Brazil and South America, conducted with funding by Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Latin American Studies Association, and Ford Foundation.
Supervisors: Shiguenoli Miyamoto, Luis Fernando Ayerbe, and Enrique Amayo Zevallos
Address: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - CCSA - Ambiente 71
Departamento de Relações Internacionais
Cidade Universitária
58051-900 - Joao Pessoa, PB - Brasil
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Papers by Marcos Alan Ferreira
pelos Batalhões de Área da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram feitas entrevistas
com comandantes de Batalhão e chefes das agências de inteligência, para se ter um panorama de como
é feita a direção e o planejamento de inteligência voltados ao enfrentamento das facções prisionais. A
atividade de Inteligência de Segurança Pública (ISP) é dotada de doutrina própria, na qual se indica que o
processo de produção de conhecimento deve seguir um ciclo composto de três fases. A primeira dessas
fases é a orientação, na qual se definem as diretrizes e o planejamento da atividade. Conclui-se que a
fase de orientação é pautada, essencialmente, por demandas verbais pontuais sem vínculos com políticas
de governo ou institucionais, bem como que não são utilizados planos de inteligência para delimitar o
processo de produção de conhecimento sobre as organizações criminosas de base prisional atuantes nas
áreas dos comandantes e chefes entrevistados.
This article analyzes the practice and implications of criminal governance through the effective exercise of a system of parallel justice. It is examined the case of the Brazilian gang Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which since 1993 has evolved its scope moving from a powerful prison gang to a complex organization directed to drug trafficking, also having solid governance capacities in deprived urban areas. To examine PCC's judicial function of governance, our methodology is grounded in data triangulation, combining the analysis of documents from the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo state (Brazil), interviews, and literature review. The research confirms empirically earlier conceptual developments on judicial criminal governance by showing a sophisticated parallel justice system by PCC that is operational in three ways. First, PCC manages a trial and punishment system in spaces under their control. Also the gang conducts mechanisms of dispute resolutions for the civilians under their control. Lastly, judicial governance support debt collection and contract enforcement activities. Furthermore, the article innovates by detailing that PCC's judicial function has different purposes depending on the group's hegemony in a given social space, impacting the conditions of peace or violence in these places.
Em várias nações latino-americanas, a violência social atingiu níveis semelhantes aos da guerra. No entanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada à extensão da violência social e às novas formas (informais) de governança geradas pelos chamados atores não-estatais violentos (VNSAs). Onde os estados falham em prover a proteção física e a segurança social de seus cidadãos algumas áreas são governadas por uma mistura de formas de governança formal (vertical) e informal (horizontal), misturando atores estatais e não estatais. Nesses espaços socialmente delimitados, atores não-estatais produzem e distribuem bens públicos de forma semelhante ao Estado. Neste artigo, propomos explorar como a governança híbrida apareceu na região da América do Sul, considerando as operações de dois VNSAs regionais, o Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no Brasil e as Bandas Criminais (BACRIM) na Colômbia. Mostramos que tais VNSAs são agentes significativos para compreender a governança securitária na região, visto que desafiam noções preconcebidas sobre a autoridade estatal (legitimidade).
Organized Crime; Hybrid Governance; Violent Non-State Actors; Rio de Janeiro
• Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto e distribuído sob os termos da Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
The articles published by Revista Científica General José María Córdova are Open Access under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives.
(ONU, 2015). No presente relatório, apresentamos como a temática pertinente ao 16.4 vem sendo debatida nos últimos anos em dois organismos regionais latino-americanos: União das Nações Sul-Americanas (Unasul) e Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA). Ao final, após comparar ambas organizações, examinamos as possibilidades que tal cooperação abre para a administração pública federal.
Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and the vast majority of victims of lethal violence are under 30 years of age. Given this context, it seems important to understand what the perceptions and experiences of young people are regarding peace, violence, and power. This article does this through a study of the views of 153 high school students in nine public institutions in three municipalities. Engaging with the debates on the “local turn” and on youth in peacebuilding, we show that young people, while embracing some values intrinsic to the influential “liberal peace discourse,” also express views that are critical of important assumptions that shape such discourse. Students also criticized entrenched dynamics of symbolic violence, such as machismo and racism, factors which affect their subjectivities of empowerment and agency. To reduce violence, participants reiterated the need to change values through critical (peace) education.
This article examines how migrants create value through food and hospitality-related enterprises, focusing on the ways in which they exercise their agency in mobilizing various cultural resources and on how their organizational practices intersect with identity work. Drawing on empirical research conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, the work explores how specific dishes, knowledge of foods, recipes, craft skills and migration histories are transformed into valued cultural resources in these realms of enterprise. The article explores three themes: first, how foods become "pliable heritage" through migrants' identity work; second, how migrants' ongoing identity work shapes their activities and experiences in food and hospitality businesses; and third, how migrants' individual identity work is entangled in collective interests and the activities of a wider set of (migrant) stakeholders.
This article aims to understand how key concepts in Peace Studies (PS), particularly its critical approach, can be useful in the analytical understanding of the ills inherent to Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). The article is structured in three parts. First, the differences between PS in its conventional and critical aspects is explored, followed by an analysis of TOC as a broad threat to peace that affects societies, be they in conflict or stable. Prior to the final considerations, the third part re -examines categories and conceptual frameworks of PS in the light of TOC, comparing other works and showing their limitations in understanding organized crime. This structure of reflection allows us to discuss critical analytical possibilities that encompass a consistent explanation of TOC in light of the conception of violence as proposed by Johan Galtung.
Keywords: drugs; illicit networks; organized crime; Peace Studies; violence.
pelos Batalhões de Área da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram feitas entrevistas
com comandantes de Batalhão e chefes das agências de inteligência, para se ter um panorama de como
é feita a direção e o planejamento de inteligência voltados ao enfrentamento das facções prisionais. A
atividade de Inteligência de Segurança Pública (ISP) é dotada de doutrina própria, na qual se indica que o
processo de produção de conhecimento deve seguir um ciclo composto de três fases. A primeira dessas
fases é a orientação, na qual se definem as diretrizes e o planejamento da atividade. Conclui-se que a
fase de orientação é pautada, essencialmente, por demandas verbais pontuais sem vínculos com políticas
de governo ou institucionais, bem como que não são utilizados planos de inteligência para delimitar o
processo de produção de conhecimento sobre as organizações criminosas de base prisional atuantes nas
áreas dos comandantes e chefes entrevistados.
This article analyzes the practice and implications of criminal governance through the effective exercise of a system of parallel justice. It is examined the case of the Brazilian gang Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which since 1993 has evolved its scope moving from a powerful prison gang to a complex organization directed to drug trafficking, also having solid governance capacities in deprived urban areas. To examine PCC's judicial function of governance, our methodology is grounded in data triangulation, combining the analysis of documents from the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo state (Brazil), interviews, and literature review. The research confirms empirically earlier conceptual developments on judicial criminal governance by showing a sophisticated parallel justice system by PCC that is operational in three ways. First, PCC manages a trial and punishment system in spaces under their control. Also the gang conducts mechanisms of dispute resolutions for the civilians under their control. Lastly, judicial governance support debt collection and contract enforcement activities. Furthermore, the article innovates by detailing that PCC's judicial function has different purposes depending on the group's hegemony in a given social space, impacting the conditions of peace or violence in these places.
Em várias nações latino-americanas, a violência social atingiu níveis semelhantes aos da guerra. No entanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada à extensão da violência social e às novas formas (informais) de governança geradas pelos chamados atores não-estatais violentos (VNSAs). Onde os estados falham em prover a proteção física e a segurança social de seus cidadãos algumas áreas são governadas por uma mistura de formas de governança formal (vertical) e informal (horizontal), misturando atores estatais e não estatais. Nesses espaços socialmente delimitados, atores não-estatais produzem e distribuem bens públicos de forma semelhante ao Estado. Neste artigo, propomos explorar como a governança híbrida apareceu na região da América do Sul, considerando as operações de dois VNSAs regionais, o Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no Brasil e as Bandas Criminais (BACRIM) na Colômbia. Mostramos que tais VNSAs são agentes significativos para compreender a governança securitária na região, visto que desafiam noções preconcebidas sobre a autoridade estatal (legitimidade).
Organized Crime; Hybrid Governance; Violent Non-State Actors; Rio de Janeiro
• Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto e distribuído sob os termos da Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
The articles published by Revista Científica General José María Córdova are Open Access under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives.
(ONU, 2015). No presente relatório, apresentamos como a temática pertinente ao 16.4 vem sendo debatida nos últimos anos em dois organismos regionais latino-americanos: União das Nações Sul-Americanas (Unasul) e Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA). Ao final, após comparar ambas organizações, examinamos as possibilidades que tal cooperação abre para a administração pública federal.
Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and the vast majority of victims of lethal violence are under 30 years of age. Given this context, it seems important to understand what the perceptions and experiences of young people are regarding peace, violence, and power. This article does this through a study of the views of 153 high school students in nine public institutions in three municipalities. Engaging with the debates on the “local turn” and on youth in peacebuilding, we show that young people, while embracing some values intrinsic to the influential “liberal peace discourse,” also express views that are critical of important assumptions that shape such discourse. Students also criticized entrenched dynamics of symbolic violence, such as machismo and racism, factors which affect their subjectivities of empowerment and agency. To reduce violence, participants reiterated the need to change values through critical (peace) education.
This article examines how migrants create value through food and hospitality-related enterprises, focusing on the ways in which they exercise their agency in mobilizing various cultural resources and on how their organizational practices intersect with identity work. Drawing on empirical research conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, the work explores how specific dishes, knowledge of foods, recipes, craft skills and migration histories are transformed into valued cultural resources in these realms of enterprise. The article explores three themes: first, how foods become "pliable heritage" through migrants' identity work; second, how migrants' ongoing identity work shapes their activities and experiences in food and hospitality businesses; and third, how migrants' individual identity work is entangled in collective interests and the activities of a wider set of (migrant) stakeholders.
This article aims to understand how key concepts in Peace Studies (PS), particularly its critical approach, can be useful in the analytical understanding of the ills inherent to Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). The article is structured in three parts. First, the differences between PS in its conventional and critical aspects is explored, followed by an analysis of TOC as a broad threat to peace that affects societies, be they in conflict or stable. Prior to the final considerations, the third part re -examines categories and conceptual frameworks of PS in the light of TOC, comparing other works and showing their limitations in understanding organized crime. This structure of reflection allows us to discuss critical analytical possibilities that encompass a consistent explanation of TOC in light of the conception of violence as proposed by Johan Galtung.
Keywords: drugs; illicit networks; organized crime; Peace Studies; violence.
A publicação é resultado de uma das ações do projeto de pesquisa “Defesa Nacional, Fronteiras e Migrações (PROCAD-Defesa)”, financiado pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e pelo Ministério da Defesa. Ele representa um esforço conjunto de pesquisadores e instituições dedicados a investigar questões cruciais para a segurança e a soberania do Brasil, especialmente na
região amazônica.
Organizadores: Tássio Franchi, Marcos Alan Ferreira e Tomaz Espósito Neto.
This edited volume examines how the multiple manifestations of social violence in Brazil impacts the building of a peaceful society. The chapters reflect on the role of state, organized crime and civil society. They provide a unique analysis of how the Brazilian state deals with criminal violence, but also finds challenges to comply with Sustainable Development Goal 16, to interdict police violence, and to provide an efficient gun policy. The book shows the agency of civil society in a violent society, in which NGOs and communities engage in key peace formation action, including advocacy for human rights and promoting arts. The overall aim of this book is to advance the research agenda regarding the intersections between peace, public security, and violence, under the lens of peace studies. In Brazil, the challenges to peace differ markedly from areas in regular conflict.
Os Estudos para a Paz constituem uma área do conhecimento voltada ao estudo do fenômeno da violência e do conflito e à sua redução em distintas esferas. Como uma área consolidada desde finais dos anos 1950, os EPP têm contribuído decisivamente para os debates de políticas públicas internacionais, tanto pela promoção de mediação, reconciliação e transformação de conflitos armados quanto pela promoção do debate sobre o próprio conceito de paz, não mais focado apenas na cessação de violência armada entre beligerantes, mas entendido como um conceito que inclui elementos 'positivos', como acesso à justiça, bem-estar social e equanimidade. A presente obra tem como objetivo atender a uma crescente demanda por literatura em língua portuguesa na área de Estudos para a Paz. Visa facilitar a divulgação do conhecimento sobre a promoção da paz e seus conceitos em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, bem como para pessoas que trabalhem diretamente com atividades que visam a redução da violência e a promoção de valores que reafirmem a paz como princípio fundamental da sociedade. Com a colaboração de acadêmicos do Brasil, Portugal, Moçambique e Estados Unidos, esta obra tem um caráter introdutório, unindo conceitos elementares que compõem o pano de fundo da área a discussões aprofundadas sobre temas centrais desta agenda.
on experiences in two countries in the Global South. It is the result of six
years of experience teaching Dependency Theory (DT) and its connections
with the international development debates in Brazil and Bolivia. I
have taught the course six times since 2017, twice in the master’s program in International Cooperation and Public Management and two others in the bachelor’s program in International Relations at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) in Brazil, my main institution since 2012. I also taught the course twice in the Master’s in Social Development at Universidad Núr (Bolivia), where I teach as a visiting professor.
à luz dos estudos a respeito da paz e do conceito de governança
híbrida, a convergência criminal nas terras indígenas brasileiras e os
seus mecanismos para garantir legitimidade paralela/criminal no local,
dentro do período de 2017 a 2023.
Violência, segurança pública, eugenia e direitos humanos
João Pessoa, Editora CCTA
This chapter examines how state violence in Brazil can be understood in a historical continuum. It then discusses the securitization of the impoverished population in contemporary Brazil and focuses on the mano dura strategies of the Brazilian state as a reflection of the historically perverse state, which translates into important recent policies with great impact on the population, such as the Guarantee of Law and Order military operations against crime as well as arms liberalization policies under the Jair Bolsonaro administration. Currently, Brazil ranks as one of the most violent countries in the world and its citizens experience the collateral effects of a society with high levels of criminal violence. Citizens also endure state violence due to mano dura policies, especially. While in 1964–1985 the institutionalized approach was clear and victimized mostly critics of the regime, in the following years Brazil witnessed an increase in armed social violence putting in the clash between gangs and the state.
Taking as a starting point that Brazil cannot be analyzed without a thorough analysis of its sociogeographical surroundings—in this case, the subcontinent of South America—this chapter aims to offer an alternative perspective, based on the concepts of Peace Studies, for understanding the violence and social conflicts in South America. Although this approach is appropriate for understanding the direct and structural violence that permeates South American societies, Peace Studies has rarely been applied to the analysis of the region’s social conflicts. However, traditional approaches to the study of international security are inadequate to understand the current violence in South America. The chapter will first provide the current status of the study of violent conflicts in South America, explaining the conceptual frameworks most commonly used to observe social conflict and violence in the region: state-centered theories, the Copenhagen School, and the human security approach. The relevant concepts of Peace Studies will then be explored as a means to revisit the alarming prevalence of violent deaths, direct, and structural violence seen in poor neighborhoods of South America. The chapter concludes by demonstrating that concepts such as structural violence and positive peace create new opportunities for a multidisciplinary analysis.
FERREIRA, M. A. S. V. "ODS 16 - Promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para o desenvolvimento sustentável, proporcionar o acesso à justiça para todos e construir instituições eficazes, responsáveis e inclusivas em todos os níveis". In: MENEZES, Henrique Z. (Org.). Os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e as relações internacionais. João Pessoa: UFPB, 2019, v. 1, p. 255-268.
Observare, 2017.
To cite: Ferreira, Marcos Alan S. V. (2017) Quality peace: peacebuilding, victory & world order. Peacebuilding, 5(4).
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2016.1231366
Cambridge Review of International Affairs - Online 25 Oct. 2016
Private Militar y Company’, by Hin-Yan Liu.
Construção e avaliação de cenários: evolução da área e as especificidades para a área da administração pública e governança internacional. O debate metodológico e conceitual sobre avaliação de cenários. Bases de dados para avaliação de cenários internacionais. Avaliação de riscos corporativos, ambientais e políticos no ambiente internacional.
Link: https://redepcecs.com/2018/05/02/a-crise-da-unasul-e-seus-impactos-no-seu-historico-de-promotor-da-paz-regional/
criminosas brasileiras, o Primeiro Comando da Capital e a Família do Norte. A metodologia se baseia em uma
análise qualitativa, por meio da revisão bibliográfica de literatura, além de se fundamentar em entrevistas
feitas pelos autores no decorrer de dois anos de investigação científica. Os resultados indicam que as
organizações criminosas brasileiras aqui estudadas se desenvolveram em meio ao vácuo da atuação estatal,
possibilitando seu crescimento e a ameaça à paz não só da região, mas de toda a América Latina.