Papers by Helena Bergallo
Local abundance results from the interaction between populational and environmental processes. Th... more Local abundance results from the interaction between populational and environmental processes. The abundance of the species in a community is also one of the most basic descriptors of its structure. Despite its importance, information about species abundances is fragmentary, creating a knowledge gap about species abundances known as Prestonian Shortfall. Here we present a comprehensive dataset of small mammal abundance in the Atlantic Forest. Data were extracted from 114 published sources and from unpublished data collected by our research groups spanning from 1943 to 2017. The data set includes 1,902 records of at least 111 species in 155 localities, totaling 42,617 individuals

The lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris, Linnaeus 1758) is one of the surviving members of the Neot... more The lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris, Linnaeus 1758) is one of the surviving members of the Neotropical megafauna. In Brazil, lowland tapirs are considered vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and endangered within the Atlantic Rain Forest biome. We aimed to provide the 1st estimates of density and population size for T. terrestris for Vale Natural Reserve (VNR). We predicted the relationships of 6 covariates to habitat occupancy. Density was estimated by the use of distance-sampling techniques, while occupancy, detectability, and activity patterns were assessed with camera-trap monitoring at 39 sample sites over a 1-year period. Density for T. terrestris was 0.8 ± 0.2 lowland tapirs/km 2 and population size was 200 ± 33 individuals. Occupancy probability was described by 2 covariates (density of palm trees and distance to water resources) and detectability by those same 2 covariates plus 2 more (distance to road and density of poaching). The species showed the 3 highest peaks of activity at 1900, 2300, and 0400 h. We concluded that VNR still harbors a viable population of lowland tapirs. However, anthropic impacts in the reserve such as poaching and road kills could already be directly affecting the lowland tapir population and producing indirect effects for the whole ecosystem. Results presented herein can be a starting point to support future work in the region and to make predictions regarding the ecosystem relationships, management, and conservation of lowland tapirs. A anta brasileira (Tapirus terrestris, Linnaeus 1758) é considerada uma das espécies sobreviventes da megafauna neotropical. No Brasil, a anta é considerada vulnerável de acordo com a lista vermelha de espécies ameaçadas da IUCN e considerada em perigo para o bioma da Mata Atlântica. Nosso objetivo foi fornecer as primeiras estimativas de densidade e tamanho populacional de T. terrestris para a Reserva Natural Vale (RNV). Além disso, nós testamos o efeito de 6 covariadas para modelar ocupação do habitat. Estimamos a densidade e o tamanho populacional com a técnica de amostragem de distância por transecção linear. A detectabilidade, ocupação e período de atividade foram estimados com o uso de armadilhas fotográficas em 39 sítios amostrais por um período de 1 ano. Estimamos uma densidade de 0,8 ± 0,2 antas/km 2 e um tamanho populacional de 200 ± 33 indivíduos. A probabilidade de ocupação foi representada por 2 covariadas (i.e. densidade de palmeiras e distância do recurso hídrico), e a detectabilidade pelas mesmas covariadas anteriores com a adição de outras 2 (i.e. distância da rodovia e densidade de caça). A população presente na RNV apresentou 3 picos de atividade, às 19:00, 23:00, e 04:00 horas. Nós concluímos que a RNV ainda pode apresentar uma população viável de anta. Porém, os impactos antrópicos presentes na reserva (como a caça ilegal e morte por atropelamentos) podem já estar diretamente afetando a população de anta e produzindo um efeito indireto em todo o ecossistema. Os resultados aqui apresentados podem ser o ponto inicial para o desenvolvimento de futuros estudos na região e também para predições sobre medidas de manejo e conservação da anta e de todo o ecossistema.
The head morphology and feeding habits of pairs of characin species (family Characidae) that coex... more The head morphology and feeding habits of pairs of characin species (family Characidae) that coexist in four different coastal rainforest streams were analysed. Coexisting species differed in size, but were very similar in eco-morphological attributes. Gut analyses revealed differences in feeding preferences for each coexisting species, indicating resource partitioning. A pattern of organization in species pairs that was repeated in the four studied streams was noticed. The pattern consisted of one slightly larger species with a feeding preference for items of allochthonous origin and another smaller species with a preference for autochthonous items. The hypothesis that small morphological differences enable the current coexistence of those species pairs was proposed. Furthermore, the results show ecological equivalence among different species in the studied streams.
Papers by Helena Bergallo