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State of the art factoring in Q[x] is dominated in theory by a combinatorial reconstruction problem while, excluding some rare polynomials, performance tends to be dominated by Hensel lifting. We present an algorithm which gives a... more
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      Computer ScienceSymbolic Computation
This thesis presents an algorithm for factoring polynomials over the rationals which follows the approach of the van Hoeij algorithm. The key theoretical novelty in our approach is that it is set up in a way that will make it possible to... more
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      MathematicsSymbolic ComputationComputer AlgebraDecision making process
We revisit a divide-and-conquer algorithm, originally described by Brent and Kung for composition of power series, showing that it can be applied practically to composition of polynomials in Z[x] given in the standard monomial basis. We... more
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      Open SourceMaple Computer Algebra SystemComplexity AnalysisPower Series
We present a lattice algorithm specifically designed for some classical applications of lattice reduction. The applications are for lattice bases with a generalized knapsack-type structure, where the target vectors are boundably short.... more
    • by  and +1
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      Computer AlgebraPolynomial FactorizationLatticesPolynomials
We devise an algorithm, L1, with the following specifications: It takes as input an arbitrary basis of a Euclidean lattice L; It computes a basis of L which is reduced for a mild modification of the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász reduction; It... more
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      LatticesLattice Reduction
Given a field extension K/k of degree n we are interested in finding the subfields of K containing k. There can be more than polynomially many subfields. We introduce the notion of generating subfields, a set of up to n subfields whose... more
    • by  and +2
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      Algebraic Number TheoryGalois TheoryComputer Algebra
We present algorithms to compute the Smith Normal Form of matrices over two families of local rings. The algorithms use the black-box model which is suitable for sparse and structured matrices. The algorithms depend on a number of tools,... more
    • by  and +3
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      Linear AlgebraComputer AlgebraMatrices
For a prime p and a matrix A ∈ Z n×n , write A as A = p(A quo p)+ (A rem p) where the remainder and quotient operations are applied element-wise. Write the p-adic expansion of A as A = A[0] + pA[1] + p 2A[2] + · · · where each A[i] ∈ Z... more
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      P Adic AnalysisLinear AlgebraAbstract Algebra
We devise an algorithm, L 1 , with the following specifications: It takes as input an arbitrary basis B = (bi)i ∈ Z d×d of a Euclidean lattice L; It computes a basis of L which is reduced for a mild modification of the... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputational ComplexityAlgorithm