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      AdolescentNeural NetworkChildSkull
To simplify the diagnostic features used by an artificial neural network compared with logistic regression (LR) in the diagnosis of calvarial metastasis with computed tomography and analyze their accuracy.
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      Computed TomographyAdolescentNeural NetworkLogistic Regression
Objective To determine the association between the self-report of pain and disability and findings on lumbar MR images, and to compare two different health care providers in Spanish patients with low back pain (LBP). Design... more
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      SurgeryNonparametric StatisticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingQuality of life
The study was aimed at determining the association between the self-report of pain and disability by means of Northwick neck pain questionnaire (NPQ) and cervical spine MR imaging findings. A random sample of 251 patients, 132 men and 119... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeck PainStatistical Significance
We have used the leave-one-out (LOO) method and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to validate logistic models with a sample of 167 patients with calvarial lesions. Seven logistic regression models were... more
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      Computed TomographyClinical EpidemiologyLogistic RegressionSpain
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      PancreatitisAdolescentAutoimmune diseasesChronic Disease
To study the possible association between chronic pancreatitis (CP) and liver cirrhosis (LC) of alcoholic etiology, after excluding any other causes. METHODS: One hundred and forty consecutive alcoholic patients were subdivided into three... more
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      SpainLiver CirrhosisWorldSmoking
Background. It has been shown that biochemical laboratory values only are useful parameters in distinguishing gallstone from nongallstone acute pancreatitis. We assessed the diagnostic usefulness of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and... more
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      PancreatitisStatistical SignificanceAcute PancreatitisROC Curve
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    • Education
Los lahares son uno de los peligros volcánicos más relevantes, responsables de pérdidas humanas y materiales en todo el mundo. Los métodos existentes para mapear las zonas de peligro de lahar incluyen herramientas de modelado con... more
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