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The nebula Mz 3 has arguably the most complex bipolar morphology, consisting of three nested pairs of bipolar lobes and an equatorial ellipse. Its three pairs of bipolar lobes share the same axis of symmetry, but have very different... more
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    • Astronomical
We present Ha, [N II]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size Ӎ11 × 9 arcsec 2 in [N II]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width... more
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    • Optical Imaging
We present narrow-band optical images, VLA-A 3.6 cm continuum and H92alpha emission line data and high resolution long-slit [N II] spectra of Hu 2-1. The formation of Hu 2-1 appears dominated by anisotropic mass ejection during the late... more
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      Optical ImagingHigh Resolution
Narrow-band Hα and [N ii] images and high-dispersion spatially-resolved echelle spectroscopy of the planetary nebula NGC 6891 are presented. These observations show a great wealth of structures. The bright central nebula is surrounded by... more
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      Kinematics and DynamicsSpatial OrientationShell StructureAGB and Post-AGB
We present high-resolution echelle and long-slit spectra and broad-band (R, I) images of the very young planetary nebula K 3-35. Several emission lines are identified, including the He ii 4686 line and strong [N ii]6548, 6583 and [O... more
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      Radial VelocityHigh ResolutionSpectrum