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A Roman domination function on a graph G is a function $r:V(G)\to \{0,1,2\}$ satisfying the condition that every vertex $u$ for which $r(u)=0$ is adjacent to at least one vertex $v$ for which $r(v)=2$. The weight of a Roman function is... more
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      Computational GeometryPure MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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    • Mathematical Sciences
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      Pure MathematicsHomotopy Type Theory
Abstract We prove that a power quasi-symmetric (or PQ-symmetric) homeomorphism between two complete metric spaces can be extended to a quasi-isometry between their hyperbolic approximations. This result can be used to prove that two... more
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      Pure MathematicsComplete Metric Space
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      Pure MathematicsLarge Scale
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      Group TheoryPure Mathematics
It is known that PQ-symmetric maps on the boundary characterize the quasi-isometry type of visual hyperbolic spaces, in particular, of geodesically complete \br-trees. We define a map on pairs of PQ-symmetric ultrametric spaces which... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
Given a group acting on a graph quasi-isometric to a tree, we give sufficent conditions for a pseudocharacter to be bushy. We relate this with the conditions studied by M. Bestvina and K. Fujiwara on their work on bounded cohomology and... more
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      Group TheoryPure Mathematics
We prove that if X is a complete geodesic metric space with uniformly generated first homology group and $f: X\to R$ is metrically proper on the connected components and bornologous, then X is quasi-isometric to a tree. Using this and... more
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      Mathematical SciencesFuzzy Metric Space
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
... LA TOPOLOGÍA GEOMÉTRICA MEMORIA PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE DOCTOR PRESENTADA POR Álvaro Martínez Pérez Bajo la dirección del doctor Manuel Alonso Morón Madrid, 2008 • ISBN: 978-84-692-1087-1 © Álvaro Martínez Pérez, 2008 Page 2. ...
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      Mathematical SciencesClassification
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationPure MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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    • Pure Mathematics
Topological indices are useful for predicting the physicochemical behavior of chemical compounds. A main problem in this topic is finding good bounds for the indices, usually when some parameters of the graph are known. The aim of this... more
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    • Symmetry
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      Applied MathematicsDiscrete Applied Mathematics