Books by Nouri Gana
Melancholy Acts: Defeat and Cultural Critique in the Arab World, 2023
The intro lays out the scope and stakes of the melancholy disposition in Arab lit and culture
The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab America... more The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature and Culture
For Tunisian youth, the architects of the Revolution of Freedom and Dignity; for the men and wome... more For Tunisian youth, the architects of the Revolution of Freedom and Dignity; for the men and women, young and old, who stood up against injustices when very few dared to do so; for those who fought, disappeared, or died in the process and for those who were exiled, imprisoned, and tortured, and had to live with the consequences; for those whom we remember and, more so, for those victims of authoritarianism whom we have forgotten and continue to forget; and for those new victims we no longer remember in this pressing transitional period of Tunisia's history: the martyrs, the survivors, and the injured! A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 0 7486 9103 6 (hardback) ISBN 978 0 7486 9104 3 (paperback) ISBN 978 0 7486 9105 0 (webready PDF) ISBN 978 0 7486 9106 7 (epub)
Papers by Nouri Gana
Psychoanalysis & History (EUP Journal), 2018

This article examines the cultural politics of bastardy in the films of Tunisian filmmaker Nouri ... more This article examines the cultural politics of bastardy in the films of Tunisian filmmaker Nouri Bouzid at a time when questions of national and cultural identity have come to the fore in Tunisia in the wake of the Revolution of Freedom and Dignity. Nouri Bouzid is the doyen of Tunisian cinema. Not only was he involved in every major postcolonial film, whether as a screenwriter, a scriptwriter, or even as an actor, but he single-handedly directed more than half a dozen films, each of which enjoyed wide national and international acclaim. His debut film, Man of Ashes, dramatizes the trauma of child molestation and the collapse of filial relations as well as the emergence of a new generation of men who seek to recast filial and familial relations beyond blood ties and familial limitations. This same cinematic pursuit is further developed in his later films with striking consistency and perseverance. At a time when the postrevolutionary public sphere is saturated with heated debates around Tunisian national identity, propelled by fantasies of purity and virile filiation, Bouzid's bastard characters serve, the author argues, not only to warp and reclaim the political playing field for revolutionary purposes but also to remind Tunisians of the disturbing legacy of bastardy (instituted by a long history of colonial rape from the Romans to the French) to which they had been and continue to be heirs, and with which they have to reckon. Studying the rhetoric of bastardy in Bouzid's cinema leaves us in the end with the touching yet unsparing conclusion that for Bouzid there are no Tunisians until they have assumed their bastardy.

For more than three decades after its independence from France in 1956, Tunisia was ruled by Habi... more For more than three decades after its independence from France in 1956, Tunisia was ruled by Habib Bourguiba, a self-professed secular nationalist who sought to hitch the wagon of the young nation to the train of European modernity both socially and economically. While his era was marked by laudable developments in the area of women's rights, his reign was autocratic. He gradually but steadily tightened his grip on power (proclaiming himself president for life in 1975) until he was suddenly deposed by a bloodless coup led by Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in 1987. Sustaining a steadfast Westward gaze yet suffering from an enduring neopatriarchal hangover, Bourguiba's contradictions cannot be overstated, not least because they have never ceased to inform the psychodynamics of manhood in postcolonial Tunisia. Bourguiba's rule over Tunisia (1956–1987) produced a breed of men that might be aptly called Bourguiba's sons. Suspended in a state of mutability that is simultaneously cultivated and frustrated, they have been able neither to come to terms with the challenges of modernity, of which gender equality is part and parcel, nor to relinquish fully the protective shelter of traditional patriarchy, in which male supremacy is the grantor of psychosocial stability. Modern Tunisian cinema is abundantly invested in unravelling the ways in which Tunisian men are stranded in the pull of neopatriarchy, even while attempting timidly or defiantly to break out of its moulds. Recent films by, among others, Moufida Tlatli, Nadia Fares, Férid Boughedir and Nouri Bouzid draw a markedly melancholy portrait of manhood. The challenges of modernity – not to mention those of women's rights, and now of the Gay International and of sexual politics writ large – have cast a grim shadow on traditional dimensions of manhood, masculinity, and sexuality. Melancholy manhood is born when a loss or crisis of old conceptions of manhood has taken place but has not been accompanied with the parallel and adequate psychosocial and hermeneutic readjustment necessary for its resolution. Were Bourguiba's modernity not parachuted on an already entrenched patriarchal apparatus, but rather flown from within its rhythms, generations of Tunisian men and women might have developed the psychic wherewithal whereby to participate in it in ways that would surely redound to their own and others' benefits.
American Imago, 2003
In his pioneering rethinking of received attitudes about autobiography, Paul de Man (1984) lays b... more In his pioneering rethinking of received attitudes about autobiography, Paul de Man (1984) lays bare the tropological structure of referentiality operative in, and constitutive of, every autobiographical discourse. The logic of tropes, while being potentially restorative, is, de ...
Comparative Literature Studies, 2010
Comparative Literature Studies, 2008
... not only multilingual Arab writers (including Diana Abu-Jaber who writes in English, Amin Maa... more ... not only multilingual Arab writers (including Diana Abu-Jaber who writes in English, Amin Maalouf who writes in French, and Radwa Ashour who writes ... At the outset of the novel, Sirene moves to work as a chef at a Lebanese restaurant called Nadia's Café after having worked ...
On Hany Abu-Assad's Film "Al-Jannah Al-Aan"
Summary Reports by Nouri Gana

Arabic Summary Report 23, 2019
التيارات الاجتماعية في شمال إفريقيا هو تحليل متعدد الفروع للظواهر الاجتماعية الناشئة في بلاد المغ... more التيارات الاجتماعية في شمال إفريقيا هو تحليل متعدد الفروع للظواهر الاجتماعية الناشئة في بلاد المغرب اليوم. يقوم المشاركون بتحليل الأصول للسلوك الشمال إفريقي ومعاييره الايديلوجية، ويقدم رؤى إلى عمق السلطة بعد الربيع العربي والاتجاهات الاجتماعية والسياسية السائدة اليوم. يضع الكتاب التطورات الإقليمية ضمن تيارات دولية واسعة، دون تخطي الخصائص المحددة لكل من سياقات الاجتماع التاريخي. وبوجود قواعدها المشتركة التاريخية والثقافية والاجتماعية الاقتصادية، فإن منطقة المغرب العربي تمثل إقليماً متماسكاً للدراسة يسمح بفهم أكبر للتطورات المحلية سواء على صعيد كل دولة على حدة أو من منظور مقارن. يقوم هذا الكتاب بتهذيب الوحدة التاريخية – الجغرافية لبلاد المغرب من خلال تفسير الروابط الاجتماعية، سواء داخل الدولة أو عبر الحدود السياسية والفترات التاريخية. ويصور أن الظواهر غير المؤسسية تعتبر أساسية بنفس القدر للمشروع المستمر للاستقلال لعصر ما بعد الاستعمار، من حيث أهميته للبناء الاجتماعي ونشر سلطة الدولة، ولقياس المواقف المحلية من العدالة الاجتماعية، والتوقعات الاقتصادية، والهوية الثقافية.
Books by Nouri Gana
Papers by Nouri Gana
Summary Reports by Nouri Gana