UCDP Dataset Download Center

Disaggregated Datasets

UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (GED) Global version 24.1

This dataset is UCDP's most disaggregated dataset, covering individual events of organized violence (phenomena of lethal violence occurring at a given time and place). These events are sufficiently fine-grained to be geo-coded down to the level of individual villages, with temporal durations disaggregated to single, individual days.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Sundberg, Ralph and Erik Melander (2013) Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 50(4).


UCDP Candidate Events Dataset (UCDP Candidate) version 24.0.X

The UCDP Candidate Events Dataset (UCDP Candidate) is based on UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (UCDP GED), but published at a monthly release cycle. It makes available monthly releases of candidate events data with not more than a month’s lag globally. See codebook for similarieties and differences between the two products.

August 2024: Version 24.0.8 (global) available as:



July 2024: Version 24.0.7 (global) available as:



January-June 2024: Version (global) available as:



Please cite:

• Hegre, Håvard, Mihai Croicu, Kristine Eck, and Stina Högbladh (July 2020) Introducing the UCDP Candidate Events Dataset. Research & Politics


Yearly Datasets covering 1946 - 2023

UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset version 24.1

A conflict-year dataset with information on armed conflict where at least one party is the government of a state in the time period 1946-2023.

Available as:


Version history

Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Gleditsch, Nils Petter, Peter Wallensteen, Mikael Eriksson, Margareta Sollenberg, and Håvard Strand (2002) Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 39(5).

Also see PRIO's webpage


UCDP Dyadic Dataset version 24.1

A dyad-year version of the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset. A dyad consists of two opposing actors in an armed conflict where at least one party is the government of a state.

Available as:


Version history

Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Harbom, Lotta, Erik Melander & Peter Wallensteen (2008) Dyadic Dimensions of Armed Conflict, 1946-2007. Journal of Peace Research 45(5).


Yearly Datasets covering 1989 - 2023

UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset version 24.1

An actor-year dataset with information of intentional attacks on civilians by governments and formally organized armed groups.

Available as:


Version History

Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Eck, Kristine & Lisa Hultman (2007) Violence Against Civilians in War. Journal of Peace Research 44(2).


UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset version 24.1

A conflict-year dataset containing information on communal and organized armed conflict where none of the parties is the government of a state.

Available as:


Version history

Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Sundberg, Ralph, Kristine Eck and Joakim Kreutz (2012) Introducing the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 49(2).


UCDP Battle-Related Deaths Dataset version 24.1

This file contains a dyad-year dataset with information on the number of battle-related deaths in the conflicts from 1989-2023 that appear in the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset.

Available at dyadic level as:


Available at conflict level as:


Version history

Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).


Other UCDP Datasets

UCDP Actor Dataset version 24.1

A dataset of all the actors (including their full names and alternate names) as available in UCDP datasets version 24.1. The dataset also includes information on which conflicts and dyads the actors have been involved in, as well as information on the groups' origins and alliances.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).


UCDP Country-Year Dataset on Organized Violence within Country Borders version 24.1

A country-year dataset providing accurate aggregations based on the UCDP GED - the most comprehensive structured event data available on organized violence in the post-1989 world.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Davies, Shawn, Garoun Engström, Therese Pettersson & Magnus Öberg (2024). Organized violence 1989-2023, and the prevalence of organized crime groups. Journal of Peace Research 61(4).

• Sundberg, Ralph and Erik Melander (2013) Introducing the UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 50(4).


UCDP Conflict Issues Dataset version 23.2

A dyad-issue-year and a dyad-year dataset containing conflict issues: I.e. the stated goals of rebel groups in UCDP armed conflicts between 1989-2017. The first dataset lists each issue stated by a group on a early basis, while the other contains dyad-years with dummy variables for each possible issue in each calendar year. This webpage also contains a codebook for the issue narratives (based on the UCDP CID version 2023-1) found in the UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia.

Dyad-year dataset available as:



Dyad-issue-year dataset available as:




Please cite:

• Johan Brosché and Ralph Sundberg, 2023, “What They Are Fighting For: Introducing the UCDP Conflict Issues Dataset”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, DOI: 10.1177/00220027231218633/

• Brosché, Johan, Ralph Sundberg, Peter Wallensteen, Gabrielle Lövquist, Tom Renvall, Sebastian Raattamaa, Andrew Fallon, Louis-Alassane Cassaignard Viaux, Tim Gåsste, Anna Svedin, Tania Estrada, Tobias Gustafsson, Magnus Lundström, Jakob Schabus, Annika Leers, Stefano Cisternino, Theodor Stensö, David Edberg Landström, Theo Valois Souza Ferreira, Robin Sällström, Cecilia Borella, Inge Volleberg, Nanar Hawach, and Noah Celander. 2023, “UCDP CID Codebook version 23.1”, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University


UCDP Peacemakers at Risk (PAR) Dataset version 1.0-2016

This event-dataset tracks violence against peacekeepers deployed to conflict-affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa as part of both UN and non-UN peace operations. The Peacemakers at Risk (PAR) records reported incidences of violence resulting in direct peacekeeping personnel fatalities, injuries and kidnappings. Each recorded event also provides information on the timing, location and actors implicated, as well as on the nationalities of those violence-affected peacekeepers. The dataset also tracks reports of fatal violence perpetrated by peacekeepers, which allows for the study of peacekeepers' use of force. In its current version, the dataset covers the 1989 - 2009 time-period. The dataset is made compatible with other existing UCDP datasets on organized violence.

Available as:


Online Appendix


Please cite:

• Lindberg Bromley, Sara. “Introducing the UCDP Peacemakers at Risk Dataset, Sub-Saharan Africa 1989-2009.” Journal of Peace Research 55, no. 1 (2018): 122–31. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022343317735882.


UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset version 22.1

The Peace Agreement dataset, that covers peace agreements signed between at least two opposing primary warring parties in an armed conflict 1975-2021. This version is compatible with UCDP datasets version 22.1.

Full texts for most peace agreements are available here (or through links in the dataset).

Available as:



Please cite:

• Pettersson, Therese, Stina Högbladh & Magnus Öberg (2019). Organized violence, 1989-2018 and peace agreements. Journal of Peace Research 56(4): 589-603.


UCDP Violent Political Protest Dataset version 20.1

A dyad-year dataset identifying violent political protests, 1989-2019. It presents a new –standalone- category of organized violence, which complements, and is compatible with, UCDP’s three categories of organized violence: one-sided violence, non-state, and state-based conflict.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Svensson, Isak, Susanne Schaftenaar & Marie Allansson (2022). Violent Political Protest: Introducing a New Uppsala Conflict Data Program Data Set on Organized Violence, 1989-2019. Journal of Conflict Resolution. https://doi.org/10.1177/00220027221109791


Cities and Armed Conflict Events (CACE)

The Cities and Armed Conflict Events (CACE) dataset constitutes an extension of the UCDP-GED. CACE provides a systematic coding of whether these armed conflict events took place in cities. To identify which events of armed conflict took place in cities, the data was manually matched to data from the United Nations Statistics Division (see the codebook for more details). The current version is based on UCDP-GED v 18.1.

Available as:


CACE city list:



Please cite:

• Elfversson, Emma & Kristine Höglund (2021) Are armed conflicts becoming more urban? Cities, Volume 119


Deadly Electoral Conflict dataset (DECO)

A global, georeferenced event dataset, based on UCDP data, identifying electoral violence with lethal outcomes from 1989 to 2017.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Fjelde, Hanne and Kristine Höglund (2021) “Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO)” Journal of Conflict Resolution, https://doi.org/10.1177/00220027211021620


The Ethnic One-Sided Violence (EOSV) Dataset

An actor-year dataset with information on the ethnic identity of civilian victims of direct and deliberate killings by state and non-state actors from 1989 to 2013. The dataset is based on the UCDP One-Sided Violence Dataset version 1.4-2014. Target groups are denoted with EPR IDs.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Fjelde, Hanne, Lisa Hultman, Livia Schubiger, Lars-Erik Cederman, Simon Hug, and Margareta Sollenberg (2019) Introducing the Ethnic One-Sided Violence dataset. Conflict Management and Peace Science: https://doi.org/10.1177/0738894219863256


ID translation tables

In version 17.1 of all UCDP datasets, the ID system for conflicts, actors and dyads was changed in order to make them unique across all UCDP core datasets and all UCDP types of violence. This allows easier aggregation and disaggregation of data as well as simplify data management for users, especially when combining multiple UCDP products together.

This means all IDs used in the dataset from version 17.1 and onwards are no longer compatible with those in older versions of UCDP products. Further, this means that external products relying on UCDP IDs for data management tasks will have to be adapted to work with the new ID systems.

A conversion table between the new and old ID systems is available below, if you want to use the current datasets with the old ones.

For State-based (UCDP/PRIO) conflict IDs:



For State-based, Non-State and One-Sided Dyad IDs:



For Actor IDs:



UCDP Conflict Termination Dataset version 3-2021

This dataset provides information on specific start- and end- dates for conflict activity and means of termination for each conflict episode. The data is available as a conflict-level dataset which corresponds with the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset v 21.1, and a dyad-level dataset which corresponds with the UCDP Dyadic Dataset v. 21.1.

Available at conflict level as:



Available at dyadic level as:



Please cite:

• Kreutz, Joakim (2010) How and When Armed Conflicts End: Introducing the UCDP Conflict Termination Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 47(2).


UCDP Non-state Conflict Issues and Actors Dataset

A dyad-year dataset containing information on conflict issues and key actor characteristics in non-state conflict. The dataset covers non-state conflicts in Africa, 1989-2011 and is compatible with the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset v. 2.5-2016.

The data builds on and extends the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset by introducing additional information on what the actors in the conflict are fighting over, alongside actor characteristics. The data set distinguishes between two main categories of issues, territory or authority, in addition to a residual category of other issues.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Nina von Uexkull & Therese Pettersson (2018) Issues and Actors in African Nonstate Conflicts: A New Data Set. International Interactions. Full text is available here.


UCDP External Support in Non-state Conflict Dataset

A dyad-year dataset containing information on external support in non-state conflict. The dataset covers non-state conflicts in Africa, 1989-2011 and is compatible with the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset v. 2.5-2016.

The data builds on and extends the UCDP External Support Dataset and the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset by introducing additional information on external support to warring parties in non-state conflicts.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Nina von Uexkull & Therese Pettersson (2018) Issues and Actors in African Nonstate Conflicts: A New Data Set. International Interactions. Full text is available here.


UCDP External Support Dataset (ESD)

A dataset providing information on the existence, type, and provider of external support for all warring parties (actors) coded as active in UCDP data, on an annual basis, between 1975 and 2017. The ESD builds on the UCDP Dyadic Dataset 18.1 derived from the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset 18.1 but goes beyond the dyad-level and offers the warring party-opponent-year (actor-year) as well as the warring-party-supporter-opponent-year (or triad-year) as units of analysis in addition to the dyad-year.

Choosing the right dataset:

When using the ESD, researchers can choose between the following three different units of analysis: the triad-year version (ESD TY), the actor-year version (ESD AY), and the dyad-year version (ESD DY). Further units of analysis, e.g. at the conflict-level or the actor-level, can be created from the triad-year version.

ESD TY: Triad-year The triad-level dataset (ESD TY) is the most disaggregated and extensive version of the data. It contains yearly information on the external supporter and the recipient of support specific to the conflict-dyad the recipient is involved in. It thus contains one observation (row) for each combination of external supporter, recipient, and opponent per year. All aggregated versions of the dataset can be built from this version. This version is appropriate where the focus rests on the individual external supporters and can be used to create aggregate measures of characteristics of the external supporter such as, e.g. combined military capabilities.

ESD AY: Actor-year The actor-year dataset (ESD AY) contains all support a recipient receives in a given dyad-year. If more than one external supporter provides external support, the external support is combined and presented as aggregate measures. It thus contains one observation (row) for each actor per dyad-year. This version is appropriate where the focus rests on the recipients of external support regardless of which external supporters provide the support.

ESD DY: Dyad-year The dyad-level dataset (ESD DY) is the most aggregated version of the three datasets and presents information on external support to the conflict-dyad as a whole at the dyad-year unit of analysis. If more than one external supporter provides external support, the external support is combined and presented as aggregate measures. As such it contains one observation (row) for each dyad per year. This version is appropriate where existing data is in a dyad-year structure or the focus rests on the impact of external support on conflict more generally.

ESD TY: Triad-year:



ESD AY: Actor-year:



ESD DY: Dyad-year:



Please cite:

• Meier, Vanessa, Niklas Karlén, Therése Pettersson & Mihai Croicu (2022). External Support in Armed Conflicts. Introducing the UCDP External Support Dataset (ESD), 1975-2017. Journal of Peace Research. Online First.


UCDP Managing Intrastate Low-intensity Conflict (MILC) dataset

An event-dataset that covers all measures taken by third parties in low-intensity intrastate dyad-years in the time period 1993-2004. The dataset includes information on e.g. the date of each event, name of third party/-ies, total number of third parties, type of measure, the topic of talks etc.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Melander, Erik, Möller, Frida and Öberg, Magnus (2009) Managing Intrastate Low-Intensity Armed Conflict 1993-2004: A New Dataset. International Interactions 35(1).


UCDP Managing Intrastate Conflict (MIC) dataset

A dataset containing all third party interventions in conflict dyads in Africa between 1993 and 2007. The dataset is compatible with the UCDP Dyadic Dataset v.1 2010 for the years 1993-2007. The dataset is highly disaggregated, the object of analysis being the dyad-third-party intervention event-day. For each third party intervention a substantial number of variables are collected. These include the identity and type (state, IGO, NGO etc.) of the interveners, the type and topic of intervention and the receiver of intervention (whether the target was the government, rebel(s) or both sides). Data is collected for all UCDP active years as well as for a three year period of inactivity after each conflict episode.

For a list of Actor IDs listed in the MIC data which are not included in the UCDP Actor Dataset, click here.

Available as:



Please cite:

• Croicu, Mihai, Erik Melander, Marcus Nilsson and Peter Wallensteen, Mediation and Violence: Searching for third party intervention that matters. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April 2013.