Papers by Francisco L. Lisi
Nº.:" Res Publica Litterarum". Documentos de trabajo …, 2006
Plato's Theaetetus, 2008
Im Gegensatz zu der üblichen Interpretation ist der Theaitetos vor allem ein politischer Dialog, ... more Im Gegensatz zu der üblichen Interpretation ist der Theaitetos vor allem ein politischer Dialog, der darauf zielt, den protagoreischen Gesetzpositivismus zu überwinden.
Enthousiasmos. Festschrift Eckart Schütrumpf, 2019
This papers try to show the connection between the Aristotelian concept of Justice and Plato's th... more This papers try to show the connection between the Aristotelian concept of Justice and Plato's thought.
Πηγή/Fons, 2018
Critical review of Ulacco's Book
Πηγή/Fons , 2018
Critical Review of A. Bernabé's translation into Spanish and commentary of the Homeric Hymns
.), Plato's Laws and its historical Significance. Selected papers of the 1st. International Conference on Ancient Thought. Salamanca 24-27 november 1998., 2001
Panorama general de la tradición directa e indirecta del texto del diálogo platónico.
Aristotle and His Commentators. Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia, 2019
On the specificity of the Aristotelian Politics
New Perspectives in Distributive Justice, 2018
This paper argues against the existence of a notion of natural law in Aristotle. Contrary to Plat... more This paper argues against the existence of a notion of natural law in Aristotle. Contrary to Plato, Aristotle limits the scope of justice to what is strictly human and, continuing a trend begun in the Sophistic movement of the fifth century B. C., breaks with its cosmic foundation. One of the most striking features of his writings of practical philosophy is the scant reference they make to the divine realm. When they do refer to it, it is primarily to emphasize the difference and not the connection between the two .the human and the divine spheres.
Emerita, 2018
Rep. VII 517a8-521c1 conecta la alegoría de la caverna con el currículo de los filósofos gobernan... more Rep. VII 517a8-521c1 conecta la alegoría de la caverna con el currículo de los filósofos gobernantes. Aunque en el pasaje se desarrollan puntos claves para la comprensión de la finalidad del diálogo, no ha recibido aún la atención que merece ni de la crítica antigua ni de la moderna. En él, (1) se defiende una concepción de la educación basada en la reminiscencia y en clara oposición a la sofística, (2) se define la posición de la Idea del Bien como el objeto de aprendizaje más importante y (3) se responde definitivamente a la pregunta de por qué los filósofos han de asumir el gobierno de la polis.
The fragment reflects the Aristotelian thought in a way that cannot be used to the reconstruction... more The fragment reflects the Aristotelian thought in a way that cannot be used to the reconstruction of Plato's philosophy of history, which can be found in the dialogues and do not exists any base to consider that Plato has reserved it to his oral lectures.
A través de una interpretación integral del diálogo y su relación con la denominada "doctrina no ... more A través de una interpretación integral del diálogo y su relación con la denominada "doctrina no escrita", el trabajo muestra la relación entre la ontología y la política en el pensamiento del pensador ateniense. Su ideal ético consiste en la preservación de los movimientos ordenados del alma y la preservación de la calma
Contrariamente a la opinión tradicional, el Político y las Leyes muestran una coherente continuid... more Contrariamente a la opinión tradicional, el Político y las Leyes muestran una coherente continuidad en la concepción de Platón acerca de la ley y su importancia en el estado.
The importance of astronomy in Plato's Philosophy is remarked through its position in the curricu... more The importance of astronomy in Plato's Philosophy is remarked through its position in the curriculum of the Republic: with arithmetic, geometry and stereometry
it builds the introductory quadrivium in the education of the guardians.But astronomy has for Plato not only a theoretical interest, its significance lies for him in the practical sphere as well. Plato's astronomical theories are connected with and based on the so called unwritten philosophy. This paper considers Plato's astronomical conception in both the theoretical and the practical aspect.
by analyzing sorne passages of his work, and points out the significance of
astronomy for ethics.
Brocenses' theory on the relationship between word and reality continues the traditional oppositi... more Brocenses' theory on the relationship between word and reality continues the traditional opposition between the conventional and the naturalistic approach. However, his approach shows the influence of Erasmus' view and of Scaliger's criticism of the it.
The paper analysis the relationship of the three gods in the Numenius metaphysics as a forerunner... more The paper analysis the relationship of the three gods in the Numenius metaphysics as a forerunner of Plotinus' theory. Numenius identifies the first god with the Good and let the order two depend on him.
Reconstruction of Ferecides' theology
Λos diferentes passajes aceptan una interpretación concreta de themis como el derecho que cada i... more Λos diferentes passajes aceptan una interpretación concreta de themis como el derecho que cada individuo
ha alcanzado dentro del entramado social en virtud de su posición y su poder. Dicho derecho y el sistema de todos los derechos están garantizados por el poder divino

Contrairement aux interprétations coutumières il y a un dialogue permanent entre la République, l... more Contrairement aux interprétations coutumières il y a un dialogue permanent entre la République, le Politique et les Lois et non une rupture ou un changement substantiel de la pensée politique de Platon. Une analyse minutieuse de Leg. V 739a1-740a2 montre clairement cette cohérence, en particulière la tournure "dieux ou fils des dieux" qu'y apparaît se rattache à l'état ordonné de l'âme et plus spécifiquement à la connaissance philosophique et n'indique pas l'abandonnement des positions de la République. De cette façon sont réfutées les thèses soutenues par A. Laks depuis quelques années sur le rapport entre la République et les Lois.
In spite of the usual interpretations there is a continuous dialogue between the Republic, the Statesman, and the Laws and not a break or a substantial change in Plato's political thought. A detailed analysis of Laws V 739a1-740a2 shows beyond all doubt this strict coherence, especially the expression "gods or children of gods" that appears in this passage is related to the ordered state of the soul and more specifically to the philosophical knowledge and does not point to a revision of the doctrines defended in the Republic, so that the interpretation of the relationship between the Republic and the Laws defended since the beginning of the 90'ties by A. Laks can be considered as definitively refuted.
In the Republic and the Laws, Plato sketches how a just city would be. But what about the possibi... more In the Republic and the Laws, Plato sketches how a just city would be. But what about the possibility of these cities in speech? According to a strong scholar tradition, these two dialogues consider it impossible for these cities to exist in the sensible world. This paper adresses this issue and takes an opposite position. It claims that Callipolis and Magnesia must not be understood as utopian projects but as theoretical models that can be achieved.
Papers by Francisco L. Lisi
it builds the introductory quadrivium in the education of the guardians.But astronomy has for Plato not only a theoretical interest, its significance lies for him in the practical sphere as well. Plato's astronomical theories are connected with and based on the so called unwritten philosophy. This paper considers Plato's astronomical conception in both the theoretical and the practical aspect.
by analyzing sorne passages of his work, and points out the significance of
astronomy for ethics.
ha alcanzado dentro del entramado social en virtud de su posición y su poder. Dicho derecho y el sistema de todos los derechos están garantizados por el poder divino
In spite of the usual interpretations there is a continuous dialogue between the Republic, the Statesman, and the Laws and not a break or a substantial change in Plato's political thought. A detailed analysis of Laws V 739a1-740a2 shows beyond all doubt this strict coherence, especially the expression "gods or children of gods" that appears in this passage is related to the ordered state of the soul and more specifically to the philosophical knowledge and does not point to a revision of the doctrines defended in the Republic, so that the interpretation of the relationship between the Republic and the Laws defended since the beginning of the 90'ties by A. Laks can be considered as definitively refuted.
it builds the introductory quadrivium in the education of the guardians.But astronomy has for Plato not only a theoretical interest, its significance lies for him in the practical sphere as well. Plato's astronomical theories are connected with and based on the so called unwritten philosophy. This paper considers Plato's astronomical conception in both the theoretical and the practical aspect.
by analyzing sorne passages of his work, and points out the significance of
astronomy for ethics.
ha alcanzado dentro del entramado social en virtud de su posición y su poder. Dicho derecho y el sistema de todos los derechos están garantizados por el poder divino
In spite of the usual interpretations there is a continuous dialogue between the Republic, the Statesman, and the Laws and not a break or a substantial change in Plato's political thought. A detailed analysis of Laws V 739a1-740a2 shows beyond all doubt this strict coherence, especially the expression "gods or children of gods" that appears in this passage is related to the ordered state of the soul and more specifically to the philosophical knowledge and does not point to a revision of the doctrines defended in the Republic, so that the interpretation of the relationship between the Republic and the Laws defended since the beginning of the 90'ties by A. Laks can be considered as definitively refuted.